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Chapter 30 wedge

Black Robe No. 4 is the most silent among all the black robes, and also the shortest.Listen to the voice, it's still a woman. On No. 4, there was a different smell from other black robes. It was so cold that any warm creature would not dare to approach it at will. Tonight's story begins in front of a bonfire. It has to be said that it is wise for number four to move the venue of the story from the inside of the tent to the outside of the tent. It is most suitable to listen to such a guy tell a story and have a bunch of hot and bright flames to balance it out. In addition, number four is not at all verbose, does not say a word of nonsense, does not make any foreshadowing, looks at the jumping fire, and speaks slowly——

"You love me, it has nothing to do with me." The indifferent voice gradually melted into the endless darkness, and the unique fragrance of Green Veterina quietly settled in the room. Outside the window, a bell echoed in the silent and cold night sky, loud and clear. A deep sigh floated out between the bells, and the smile and sadness inside were equally divided. At this moment, the old and new years alternate between the happiness of the majority and the loneliness of the few...
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