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Chapter 2 Chapter two

Liu Fengchuanzhi 骑桶人 15688Words 2018-03-11
Wude is six years old. It's not yet dawn.The sky over Chang'an City is already covered with red clouds, and the new wind is gradually rising, but it has already rolled down the heavy snow all day long.In less than half an hour, the city of Chang'an was decorated like a world of silver and jade.The old man selling charcoal, driving an ox cart with high piles of fine charcoal, came down from Mount Zhongnan and entered the city through Qixia Gate, rolling chaotic jade and broken jade, rattling, and heading straight to Dongshi. up. With such a heavy snowfall, there are many fewer pedestrians on the street than usual, but the brothels and cottages in Pingkang Square are still very lively, with bamboo and bamboo orchestras, and the noise, even the north wind howling, can't stop it.

To the south of Pingkangfang, across a street, is Xuanyangfang.Because the scientific research is approaching, it is very inconvenient for Yang Wugong to live in the almond garden.Ji Hui built a house for him in Xuanyangfang, and Yang Wugong used to study and compose poems in that house on weekdays. It turns out that the imperial examinations in the Tang Dynasty were not just about writing good articles and poems, because the "fuzzy name system" had not yet been adopted at that time. Recommendations are very important.At that time, the trend of "writing papers" was formed. There are two types of "booking papers". It's all about gaining fame or being recommended by powerful officials.

Yang Wugong is an idiot, how could he know that besides the exam, there are so many joints, even if he knows, he is born crazy, but he can't do it. Besides that day, it was snowing heavily early in the morning.But a person came from the Danxing Garden. He was not yet twenty, and his eyes were quite bright. He said respectfully, "I don't know if my sister summoned Zhou Jiu, what's your order?" Ji Hui said: "You take this qin, like this." After all, he handed a huqin to Zhou Jiu. Zhou Jiu took two steps forward, took Huqin, then bowed his head back, hesitatingly said: "Sister, why did you come here, what kind of dirty place is the officialdom, my sister knows best, I am afraid that after Mr. Yang becomes an official, sister But...you can't keep him."

Ji Hui looked at the snowflakes dancing in the wind in the garden, and said softly, "I'll take care of his affairs, so you can go now!" After Zhou Jiu went out, after a while, Ji Hui also ordered the horses to be prepared, and went into the city alone to look for Yang Wugong. When I arrived at Xuanyangfang, the sky was still like rubbing cotton and wadding.Yang Wugong came out to welcome her, untied the swan-feather cloak for Ji Hui, flung the snowflakes off her head, and complained: "It's snowing so heavily, why did you bother to come here!" Ji Hui didn't answer, Yang Wugong said again: "I'll let the servant girl make a cup of hot ginseng tea for you to drink." Ji Hui said: "Yang Lang, if one day you win the exam, will you abandon me?" Yang Wugong was stunned. Dazed, she said: "You women like to think wildly." Ji Hui smiled, but her nose was a little sore, she took a sudden step forward, grabbed Yang Wugong's hand, and said softly: "If you abandon me, I will Eat you!" After finishing speaking, she lightly opened her red lips, bit off a piece of nail on Yang Wugong's index finger, and swallowed it.

Yang Wugong stared blankly at Ji Hui, the swan-feather cloak on his arm slipped to the ground, but he didn't realize it. The shopkeeper Hu of the "Wanhesong" piano shop knew that there must be no business under such heavy snowfall. He didn't put on the stove until three o'clock in the Chenpai, lazily went to the door, stretched his head out to look around, and cursed. I don't know where the little second who served tea to entertain guests went crazy, and I haven't seen him so far. But I saw a person standing at the bottom of the wall, holding a huqin in his arms, with grass signs stuck on the qin.The man was dressed in thin clothes, standing in this snowy day, shrugging his shoulders, his lips were blue from the cold.

Shopkeeper Hu was kind-hearted, let the man into the piano shop, sat down by the fire, and brought him a bowl of hot tea to warm his body. It turned out that the man was a huqin seller, and he claimed to be surnamed Zhou. Because he was ranked ninth, everyone called him Zhou Jiu.Zhou Jiu said: My father used to be the court musician of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty. During Kaihuang’s reign, Princess Yicheng married Turkic Qimin Khan, and Zhou Jiu’s father followed Princess Yicheng to Turkic. After buying a lot of horses, Zhou Jiu's father sneaked back to the Central Plains with the team of horses, but out of the ten children born in Turkic, only Zhou Jiu brought back one.This piano was used by Zhou Jiu's father for decades. It is said that it was given by Princess Yicheng. Piano.

Shopkeeper Hu took the qin over and took a look. He saw a thin bamboo and hard bow. The horsetails on the bow were like iron, and the two strings on the qin were made in Yuhang. The tube was like a drum, and the head was made of ox horn. The horn was as black as ink, and the tentacles were cold. Shopkeeper Hu nodded in praise and said, "It's really a good piano. I wonder how much I want to sell it for?" When Zhou Jiu heard the price from shopkeeper Hu, he blushed and said nonchalantly, "Don't laugh, shopkeeper, this violin... this violin... is not for sale unless it's a thousand coins!" Shopkeeper Hu said in surprise, "How much?" But Jiu's face became more and more red, and said: "Thousands of coins." Shopkeeper Hu laughed "haha", shook his hand and said, "Brother, you are joking, joking!" You must know that thousands of coins are worth millions of dollars, which can be purchased in Chang'an City. Get a mansion.At that time, prices were high, and many officials in the capital could not afford the money to buy a house after working for a lifetime, so they had to rent a house to live in, and the mansion bought for thousands of dollars was more than enough for the prime minister to live in.

Zhou Jiudao: "But I'm not joking. Before he died, my father said that this piano should never be sold unless it is absolutely necessary. If it is to be sold, it must be sold for a thousand mins. If it is less than a penny, it is unfilial!" The shopkeeper saw that Zhou Jiu didn't look like he was joking, so he looked at the piano carefully, tried the sound again, and still shook his head and said: "The piano is a good one, but it can be sold for ten or twenty thousand yuan. It's...difficult, difficult!" On the second day, Zhou Jiu's qin spread throughout Chang'an City, and the "Wanhe Pine" was crowded with idlers watching the excitement, and several national players who played the huqin in the teaching workshop also came to hear the news, and they all spoke with one voice. I like this Qin, but it is unimaginable to sell it for thousands of coins. Besides, even if this Qin is worth thousands of coins, who else can afford it except princes and nobles?

On the third day, as expected, an eunuch came and said that he was ordered to come to see the piano. After seeing it, he left in a sedan chair without saying a word. On the fourth and fifth days, more people came to see, including many famous kabukis in Chang'an City.The gang of spectators stood guard in front of the Qin Si, their eyes staring straight.One must know that these kabukis used to spend ten or eight taels of silver if they wanted to meet each other in the past, but now if they can just glance at them, even though it's just a corner of a skirt, it's probably worth a few hundred dollars.

On the sixth day, a high-roller who was willing to pay actually came.The man was riding a big purple horse, with fair skin, three long beards, brocade clothes and ermine fur, and a companion was behind him.Some well-informed people said that this person looks a bit like the failed candidate Yang Wugong, but Yang Wugong is not as rich as him.The man jumped off his horse, parted the crowd, entered the qin shop, looked at the qin for a while, laughed "haha", and said to his companion behind him: "Go back soon, let them bring the money with the chariot, I will give you the qin I want it!" As soon as this sentence was said, everyone was stunned.The companion made a promise, turned and went out, got on his horse, and went away in a gust of wind.Shopkeeper Hu and Zhou Jiu sat with the man in the guest seat, and they were both a little trembling, as if the man was made of glass crystal, and they couldn't touch it or touch it.Shopkeeper Hu was curious, and asked: "Master, I must have been obsessed with the piano for a long time. I have a question in my heart. I don't know what great benefits this piano has. Is it worth spending thousands of dollars to buy it?" The man clasped his hands and said. "Don't dare. Tomorrow, I'll live in Xuanyangfang with wine. I'll wait for you guys. Then I'll know the benefits of this piano." In less than half an hour, the companion really led four big men to carry a chariot. There are strings of money piled up on the chariot, followed by many watching children.Panting heavily, the four big men carried the money into the piano shop and put it on the case with a "bang", but the pear wood lacquered case made a "creak" sound.

The life companion embraced the huqin, walked out of the qin shop, stood on the steps and said loudly: "Everyone must want to know the benefits of this qin, it is worth a thousand dollars. I will prepare a small banquet at the dwelling in Xuanyangfang, and I will wait for you tomorrow. Not only are you gentlemen honored, but you should also invite famous people to go together, it is really a blessing to meet you!" Everyone was in an uproar when they heard what he said.The man clasped his hands together, led his companions, got on the saddle and rode away. In less than half a day, this incident shocked the city of Chang'an. Everyone from nobles and ministers to the old man selling beard cakes on the street corner knew about it. Many people even discussed getting up early tomorrow to watch the excitement in Xuanyangfang go. It turns out that besides poetry, the people of the Tang Dynasty liked music the most.Later, when I came to Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, an interesting incident happened.One day Xuanzong had a feast in the Qinzheng Building, and there were tens of thousands of people watching all kinds of operas downstairs.Xuanzong didn't like noisy people, but he didn't know how to calm them down.At this time Gao Lishi came over and whispered in his ear: "Why don't you let Yongxin sing a song, it will have a miraculous effect." It turns out that Yongxin is a Yichun wife who can sing very well, and to put it bluntly, he is a kabuki in the palace.Xuanzong ordered Yongxin to come out of the building to sing.As soon as Yongxin appeared on the balcony, he "raised his temples and raised his sleeves, and played a manly voice", and the downstairs was immediately silent, as if there was no one there.This is naturally because Yongxin sings well, but if the people downstairs are all stupid cows and donkeys, no matter how good Yongxin sings, it may be difficult to achieve this miraculous effect. Looking back at Xuanyangfang, it was really crowded that day.In the rich man's mansion, dozens of sumptuous banquets were set up, and the banquets were full of dignitaries, poets and refined scholars.After drinking for three rounds, I saw the man come out holding the huqin and stand in the hall.Everyone just thought that he was going to use the qin to play music, so they stopped their cups and chopsticks and listened attentively.Unexpectedly, he held the qin pole with both hands, shouted loudly, and smashed the qin to the ground with a "bang bang", and the huqin, which cost thousands of dollars to buy, broke into several pieces immediately.Everyone uttered "Alas", followed by those who sighed, those who glared, those who stunned, those who were crazy, and those who were dumbfounded, muttered, cursed, fell to their feet and cried bitterly. Yes, there are so many different forms. But the man ordered the servants to bring out two scrolls of texts, and he said frankly, "Yang Wugong, who has a hundred scrolls of texts, galloped away from the capital city, was full of dust, and was unknown to everyone. This pleasure is the work of a slut, fools don't bother to do it! "After that, he ordered the servants to present the scroll on the case to all the attendees. On the second day, Yang Wugong was already full of voices and splendor. Yang Wugong's sudden wealth has attracted many speculations.Some people said that Yang Wugong had dug up a treasure, others said that Yang Wugong's family was very rich, but he pretended to be poor before, and some people said that Yang Wugong was helped by a vixen, and plausibly said that he had personally seen Yang Wugong and Yiyan. Pretend to be a woman, ride with a bridle, and swim in the countryside. In the seventh year of Wude, when the apricot flower was red again, the shopkeeper Hu of the "Wanhesong" piano shop was half drunk, came out of the restaurant, rode on a donkey, and wanted to go back to the piano shop.When I walked to the wonton shop in Xijiao, Dongshi, I ran into a group of Xinke Jinshi who went to Pingkangfang to drink flower wine.There are about a dozen people, all of them in fresh clothes and horses, with high spirits, and there are dozens of helpers in front of them, the so-called "jinshi corps", shouting and clearing the way for them.Shopkeeper Hu flashed a little slower, but was whipped by a gangster, and shouted: "The groom is here, hurry up and dodge!" One sound.The man was furious, and the whip hit his head and face.Shopkeeper Hu was beaten and fell under the donkey. He covered his head and face with his arms and just yelled "Aww".Suddenly, the rain of whips stopped. Shopkeeper Hu looked through the cracks in his arms, and saw a row of horse legs standing in front of him. The nearest purple horse had four shiny yellow hooves, which were actually gold horseshoes.When Shopkeeper Hu stood up, he saw that the gangster who beat him was looking shy and bent over.Standing in front of those gangsters was a new Jinshi, who was shouting something, suddenly lifted the lower part of his long gown, revealing the gold-threaded soap-green boots on his feet, and kicked those gangsters' chests.The gangster "thumped" backed up and fell on all fours.All Jinshi applauded and laughed.The Jinshi who had kicked his foot on his foot, stepped on his horse, playing with a golden riding whip in his hand, and glanced at shopkeeper Hu, with a vague sneer on the corner of his mouth. Shopkeeper Hu suddenly recognized that the man was Yang Wugong who Fei Qianmin bought Zhou Jiu's huqin last year and then smashed it to pieces in public.The gangster was kicked, but he couldn't get up for a long time.Shopkeeper Hu saw that the Jinshi were walking away, so he moved closer, put another foot on the waist of the helper, and just now got on the back of the donkey, humming a little tune, and walked away.But the crowd watching the excitement around them laughed out loud. After one or two months passed, there were rumors that Yang Wugong, a new Jinshi scholar, was going to marry Qinghe Cui's daughter as his wife.One must know that in the Tang Dynasty the family status was the most important in marriage, and the Cui family of Qinghe was the most noble together with the Wang family of Taiyuan, the Lu family of Fanyang and the Zheng family of Xingyang. Marrying the daughters of these four surnames was actually more honorable than being a son-in-law.When it came time to get married, they really made a big show, the lanterns alone could not be set up for three or four streets.Overwhelmed with shoulders and backs, hustle and bustle, the streets and alleys are full of people who come to see their relatives.All the people in the city said that Yang Wugong was married well, he is a man of talent and good looks, and he will undoubtedly be an honorable husband and wife in the future. On the day of Yang Wugong's wedding reception, Zhou Jiu came to the Danxing Garden early in the morning, but he heard laughter in the garden.He was quite surprised, when he went inside, he saw that it was Ji Hui who was swinging on the swing. Under the swing, the ladies were admiring flowers, tasting tea, playing chess, or cuju, it was very lively. Looking up from below, Zhou Jiu saw Ji Hui wearing a purple blouse, holding on to the silk rope with both hands, constantly exerting force between her waist and legs, as if she always felt that the swing was not swinging high enough.Zhou Jiu shouted: "Sister, don't swing to the sky, it's so cold there!" Ji Hui looked down and shouted: "Zhou Jiu, push me quickly, those beauties below are all made of water, I can't use my strength!" Zhou Jiu moved under the shelf, aimed at the swing board, and pushed hard, and the swing immediately took Ji Hui straight to the blue sky.The silk rope is extremely long, but if it swings up, it may not be more than ten feet high.Ji Hui laughed happily, and shouted: "Push again, push again!" Zhou Jiu then pushed harder, this time swinging even higher.Ji Hui suddenly let go of her hands, let her body get off the swing, and flew straight into the sky.Zhou Jiu and Shuli all exclaimed, only to see Ji Hui turn over and cut back like a purple swallow, hooked her feet on the swing board, twisted her waist, and stood on the swing that was floating down, "Heh Giggle" laughed. A Shuli shouted: "Sister, you are dying!" But Ji Hui didn't hear her answer.The swing gradually came to a rest, and Zhou Jiu went over to help Ji Hui, but saw that her face was already covered with tears. Zhou Jiu whispered: "Sister, why did you come here?" Ji Hui raised her hand to wipe away her tears, looked at Zhou Jiu, and smiled.But Zhou Jiu said: "You smile uglier than crying." Ji Hui finally couldn't help it, she was about to cry when her mouth was pressed down, she held on, turned and ran into the hall. Zhou Jiu looked at her back and sighed softly.A Shu Li next to him said: "Sister Ji is so pitiful!" Zhou Jiu pondered and said, "Actually, why should Yang Wugong be in such a hurry, the Turkic army has invaded Yuanzhou, and His Royal Highness King Qin is preparing to go north!" The corners of Shu Li's mouth trembled. , It seems that after hearing the news, I was extremely frightened.Zhou Jiu said again: "Although there will be no change between this year and next, but my sister wants to stay with Yang Wugong for five years, originally it was an extravagant wish." Xuanyangfang is adjacent to Pingkangfang and Dongshi, and it is the busiest place. Later, Yang Guozhong and Gao Xianzhi once lived here. Yu Xue Shao. Ever since Yang Wugong married Cui Shi, outsiders saw him as complacent, but in fact he was quite anxious.Originally thought that Ji Hui would come out to make trouble when welcoming the bride, but unexpectedly came over without incident.After all, he was worried, and invited a martial arts Taoist named Hou Jingshan from the Zhongnanshan Pavilion to look after his house and guard the courtyard. The Taoist gave birth to a face full of flesh, and tattooed a whole body with flowers.When Yang Wugong went to Mount Zhongnan to invite him, he was bare-chested, playing with a stone lock weighing over a thousand catties in front of the mountain gate.Yang Wugong put back his arrogance, begged in every possible way, and finally invited him down the mountain, treated him with good wine and good meat every day, and only hoped that when Ji Hui really came, he could protect himself. After the first volt, the sky became hotter.After Yang Wugong became a Jinshi, he was awarded the right Buque from the ninth rank.On that day, when he came back from duty, it was already a day in Xishan, so he ordered his maid to set up a table of wine under the flower tree in the courtyard, and invited Hou Jingshan to drink together to cool off the heat.Then Hou Jingshan was not too polite, wearing a singlet, showing two thick flower arms, drinking with Yang Wugong on the one hand, and talking about old things on the other, it was nothing more than how he killed the five tigers in Dongting, exterminated the three demons in Saibei, and how he did it for him. Eliminate harm for the people and act chivalrously.Although Yang Wugong was already tired of hearing it, he had no choice but to endure his impatience and let him speak. When I was half drunk, I suddenly heard shouts from outside the wall: "Fan Dan sent Shi Chongchi early, Gan Luoyan's life expectancy is uneven, Ziya is poor, and Peng Zufu is born at different times. If you want to ask about your future, give me rice first." One stone." Then Hou Jingshan was talking about how he used the trick of "black tiger digging out the heart" and took the life of the third monster of the Huaiyang Eight Monsters, Hai Dagui, but he was interrupted by the shouting, and he couldn't help being a little annoyed.He drank the wine that Yang Wugong had just filled for him in one gulp, and when the shouting was a little farther away, he continued to talk about how he used the move "Hungry Tiger Pounces on Food" to take the life of the fourth of the Huaiyang Eight Monsters, the River Ghost .Unexpectedly, the shouting came back again, thinking that the man walked to the end of the alley and came back again.Hou Jingshan became more and more annoyed, and threw the cup on the ground with a "slap", and wanted to go out to catch the man and beat him.Yang Wugong didn't want to cause trouble, so he hastily pulled Hou Jingshan back, saying: "Why does the Taoist master have the same knowledge as him, drinking and drinking!" Hou Jingshan scolded: "His grandma, where did the murderous thief who was lying on the street come from, but he only cares about the old man's ears Keep making noise!" Yang Wugong ordered the servant girl to change the cup and pour another glass of wine, saying: "The Taoist priest just said that he was fighting with the ghost in the river, so I don't know what will happen next?" Hou Jingshan is most pleased when people ask him about these things, so he goes He drank a full cup again, and said: "I used a trick of 'hungry tiger's pounce on food', and the ghost in the river was not mediocre, but he did a trick of 'water can't flow', but I didn't know that 'hungry tiger's pounce on food' is a unique skill in my school. Sixty-four moves behind the scenes, I used the dragon's foot and the crane's step, and made a move of 'tiger crouching on the dragon', and immediately put him..." Just as I was talking about the refreshing part, I didn't expect that the shouting sounded again: "Fan Danzao The hair stone is Chongchi, Gan Luoyan's life expectancy is uneven, Ziya is poor and Peng Zufu, and the horoscope is born at different times. If you want to ask about the future, first give me a stone." It seems that the person walked back to the entrance of the alley and returned. Hou Jingshan was furious, and slammed the table with a "bang", knocking the cups and plates messy.Yang Wugong said anxiously: "Don't be upset, Taoist priest, this fortune teller is also a bit weird, when I invite him in, I'll find out as soon as I ask." Then he ordered the servant girl to make noise outside, saying, "Fan Danzao, Shi Chongchi, Ziya Invite the fortune-teller who said "poor Peng Zufu".The two waited for a while, but they didn't expect that the servant girl led in was not a fortune teller, but a monk.The monk Hu was also weird, wearing cassock embroidered with gold thread, holding a golden Zen stick, blue eyes, high nose, curly beard, and disdain for Hou Jingshan. Yang Wugong asked the Hu monk to sit down at the foot of Hou Jingshan, and he accompanied him side by side, saying: "I don't know what the master's Dharma name is?" The Hu monk said: "The monk's name is money." He asked again: "The master must have lived in the Tang Dynasty for a long time?" The money monk said: "Yes. The monk is a merchant, and he has no capital to do business, so he has to become a monk." Listening to their questions and answers, Hou Jingshan has long since stopped. Nai suddenly laughed loudly and said: "This bald donkey must be a wild monk who does not abide by the precepts. You see, his name is nothing more than money, but he is walking around carrying a fire stick made of gold. I am afraid that he does not believe in Buddha. It's the God of Wealth, hahaha!" Yang Wugong heard Hou Jingshan laugh, so he had no choice but to accompany him with a dry laugh.The money monk waited for Hou Jingshan to laugh, and said: "This Taoist priest is right. The monk really believes in the God of Wealth, but he also believes in Buddhism." Hearing what he said, Hou Jingshan laughed louder and said, "Believe in the God of Wealth." That’s all for me, but it’s rare for monks to tell fortunes!” Monk Qian said, “Monks don’t count fortunes. Monks just hear someone shouting on the street, so they follow suit, but monks don’t count fortunes!” Hou Jingshan stood up suddenly, and asked with a grim face: "You don't count your fate, but you just make noise in this alley, disturbing the master to drink, why?" The money monk said: "The monk doesn't count his fate, the monk wants to make money!" Hou Jingshan He was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Make money?" Monk Qian said, "That's right, the monk heard that someone here has done something bad, and wanted to invite someone with high martial arts skills to look after the home guard, so he came here to yell, okay?" Find a reason to meet the owner here." Hou Jingshan didn't know until this moment that the monk was targeting him, so he couldn't help being angry from his heart, and the evil turned to his guts.I saw him jumping in, beckoning to the monk and saying: "Come, come, I will fight Sanbaihe with you, and see who is the most powerful in martial arts!" Monk Qian didn't pay any attention to it, and turned to Yang Wugong and said, "If the monk can keep the benefactor's house safe, how much money the benefactor can give the monk?" How about branding another Zen stick for Master?" Monk Qian said: "It doesn't need so much, a hundred taels of gold is enough!" Hou Jingshan was even more annoyed when he saw the two of them talking to themselves and treating themselves as nothing, so he jumped forward suddenly and punched Monk Money in the chest. Monk Qian picked up at his feet, his golden Zen stick, which was leaning against the big tree beside the mat, suddenly fell down and pressed straight towards Hou Jingshan.Hou Jingshan staggered, and hastily stretched out his hand to support the Zen staff, but felt that his hand was quite heavy, and he was afraid it would not weigh seven or eight hundred catties.The monk smiled "hee hee", raised his foot again, and stepped on the Zen stick. How could Hou Jingshan still hold on, and immediately fell to the ground with a "plop", just crying out in pain. Monk Qian raised his feet again, and the Zen stick jumped up with a "huh".He held it in his hand and shouted, "Go away!" Hou Jingshan's face was red, and he hurriedly retreated out of the garden. He took off one of his shoes, but he didn't dare to pick it up, so he just fell out with one bare foot. Yang Wugong laughed "haha" and said joyfully: "Master is so miraculous, it must be the reincarnation of Arhat!" Monk Qian said indifferently: "The monk only has a few catties of brute force, but I don't know what the benefactor has done to offend that girl?" Yang Wugong was startled, and said: "Gu... Miss?" Monk Qian said: "That's right, for the past few months, every night, there has been a girl going in and out of this garden." Yang Wugong was shocked when he heard this. Her hands trembled, and she said hesitantly: "The master is right. I have wronged her. I just hope... I just hope that the master will not really hurt her." Monk Qian said: "The monk must protect the benefactor. It's not difficult, but it's not easy if you really want to hurt her." Yang Wugong said: "That's good! That's good!" He wiped the sweat from his forehead, and hurriedly ordered the servant girl to rearrange the cup and plate, and do it again Come to the banquet to entertain the money monk.But Monk Qian said: "The monk is a vegetarian. The benefactor makes a bowl of vegetarian noodles to eat with the monk. If he has the strength to fight tonight, he will be fine." That night there was no star or moon, in the western sky, a purple lightning flashed from time to time, like sharp swords, stabbing Yang Wugong in a panic. Yang Wugong went to bed early, but how could he fall asleep, he tossed and turned, fell asleep in the middle of the night, and faintly heard the door creaking, he was startled, sat up and looked, but it wasn't Ji Hui who came in , holding the red leaf knife in his hand. Yang Wugong just looked at her, wanted to say something in his heart to defend himself, but he couldn't say it.Ji Hui also looked at Yang Wugong, but didn't speak.Gradually, both of them shed tears, and felt that there was no need to speak at all, each of them knew what was on their minds. Yang Wugong stretched out his hand and wiped away the tears on Ji Hui's cheeks. After thinking for a long time, he just sighed: "Ah Hui, I...I'm sorry for you! But...but..." He shook his head. But Ji Hui slapped his hand away suddenly, and said angrily: "I just want to stay with you for five years, but you...you...you only want to be promoted and become an official!" She said as she said , but cried out, "I helped you win the exam and become an official, but you...you...you went to marry a woman from another family..." Yang Wugong was about to say something, but he saw that money monk barged in, shouting: "Bold demon girl, eat me with a stick!" The Zen stick in his hand "swipe" and smashed the cover of Ji Hui's Tianling down.Yang Wugong was shocked, and shouted: "Master, no!" He jumped up from the bed, stretched out his hands, trying to protect Ji Hui, but fell off the edge of the bed.Looking up, there is no Ji Hui, no money monk, it's just an empty Warehouse.Cui fell asleep on the bed.Hearing the sound of "Ding Ding Dang Dang" from a distance, Yang Wugong jumped up suddenly, ran to the garden to have a look, and saw Ji Hui dancing the red leaf knife, fighting fiercely with the money monk. Yang Wugong hadn't seen her for a long time, now when he saw her for the first time, his heart was beating so hard that it seemed to split into eight petals.He held on to the pillars in the garden, and his eyes were only on Ji Hui. When Ji Hui turned to the left, he also turned to the left. When Ji Hui turned to the right, he also turned to the right. He just thought: "Alas! Alas! I have failed She is not like this, but so what, could it be... can I still marry her? " I don't know when the wind blew up.There is Jingyu Temple in the southwest corner of Xuanyangfang, and the bronze bells on the pagoda in the temple, when the wind blows, they all make "ding ding ding" sounds.At first, there was only one sound, but when the wind got stronger, the sound of "ding ding" became one piece, accompanied by the sound of cracking roof tiles, breaking of branches, and the howling sound of the wind. Wandering between the corners makes the listener feel depressed. Suddenly Monk Qian jumped back and said to Ji Hui, "Female benefactor, you can't beat me!" Ji Hui just ignored her and swung her knife straight up.Monk Qian took a step back, tapped the back of the Red Leaf Knife with the end of his staff, swung the knife away, and said, "Female benefactor, why do you keep pestering me?" Ji Hui stood still, looking at the money monk, seemingly thoughtful.Her bun was a little loose, with a few strands of black hair coming out, blown erratically by the wind, she squeezed her temples, sneered, and suddenly rushed in again, this time instead of attacking the money monk, she waved The knife slashed at Monk Money's Zen staff.It turned out that she had been fighting with Monk Qiang for half a day, seeing him wielding the Zen staff which weighed a thousand catties, it was as light as a grass stick, she knew that she was really invincible, but she didn't want to let Yang Wugong go easily, just now she saw Monk Qiang He tapped the back of his sword with the end of the stick, and suddenly realized a magic trick to win.It turned out that Monk Qian really loved his Zen stick, and when he was fighting with Ji Hui, he didn't want to let the Zen stick touch Ji Hui's blade. This was a difficult and difficult thing, but he was born with supernatural power, and he had already practiced the stick technique very well. It was so easy to achieve perfection, and it took Ji Hui a long time to realize this truth. Seeing Ji Hui coming to sharpen his Zen staff, Monk Qian dodged to avoid the blade and swept across with his staff.This stick was aimed at Ji Hui's slender waist, Ji Hui should have jumped up to avoid it, but she didn't dodge or dodge, instead she slashed at the Zen stick.Originally, the sword was light and the staff was heavy, so it was absolutely unreasonable to fight like this, but Monk Qian said "Hey", abruptly withdrew his staff, and shouted, "Hey, do you ever fight like this?" Ji Hui hummed, but still didn't answer. Now the wind died down.In the eastern sky, a little fish-belly whiteness appeared slightly.That thin streak of whiteness was being suppressed by the heavy dark clouds all over the sky, becoming thinner and fainter, like a vague thought that seemed to be absent. Ji Hui took a step forward, and slashed at the Zen stick again with a "swish".The money monk shouted: "Hey, hey, do you fight like this, you shameless village woman, a begging old beggar, hey, do you know how much I spent on this Zen stick?" Did you fight? If you continue to play like this, I will walk in the rivers and lakes in the future, and when I meet people, I will say that there is a little girl in Chang'an City who was abandoned by her lover, and she guards her at his lover's house every night. If you are cruel, you will know that every day you watch your lover making out with other women, and you secretly wipe your tears..." Monk Qian was talking while frantically protecting his Zen stick.But Ji Hui didn't give up no matter what he said.The money monk jumped away with a "huh", and said to Yang Wugong: "Almsgiver, this woman can't blame you for not wanting it, even I, Money Monk, would feel dizzy seeing her. Forget it, I don't want this hundred taels of gold either. Well, I lost to her, the benefactor can do it for himself!" After finishing speaking, he jumped on the top of the wall, turned around and clapped his hands towards Yang Wugong and Ji Hui, said the Buddha's name, turned somersault down the wall, and was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, there was nothing between Yang Wugong and Ji Hui, their eyes met each other, hesitant to speak. There was a sudden thunderbolt, but it shocked both of them. That's when it started to rain.The raindrops fell on the ground and scattered in all directions, like hyacinth flowers blooming in the garden.Soon the rain became heavy, and the rain curtain fell "squeaky". From time to time, thunder rolled by. Tears and rain were streaming down Ji Hui's face, she walked slowly in front of Yang Wugong, stood on tiptoe, and gently tapped her fragrant lips on Yang Wugong's cheek.But Yang Wugong couldn't bear it anymore, he hugged Ji Hui and kissed her indiscriminately. But this kiss was so dark that the sun and the moon were dark.Even when they were at the Danxing Garden in Liufengchuan before, when they were most in love, they never kissed so madly. But after an unknown amount of time, Yang Wugong slowly raised his head, gently caressed Ji Hui's face, and sighed: "Ah Hui, Ah Hui..." Ji Hui smiled sweetly.Yang Wugong felt something, his mind went blank for a while.A trace of hesitation flashed across Ji Hui's face, she became ruthless, and pulled her hand back.Yang Wugong felt a chill all over his body, and then an unspeakable pain spread all over his body.Ji Hui jumped back, the red leaf knife in her hand was still dripping with blood. Yang Wugong said in shock: "Ah Hui! Ah Hui! What did you do?!" Ji Hui still didn't say a word, she tried not to cry, and retreated step by step, disappearing into the rain.The thunder rolled over from a very far away place, rolled over Yang Wugong's head, and then rolled to a very far away place.It seemed that there was no one else in the world, only the endless rain curtain, silently falling from the sky. Yang Wugong looked at his crotch, there was blood oozing out, when he touched it, he couldn't help "thumping" and kneeling on the ground, laughing wildly.He laughed, laughed, until his voice became hoarse, and he couldn't laugh any more, then he lowered his head and wept bitterly. But the rain was still pouring down endlessly. When Yang Wugong woke up, he was already lying on the bed.The servant girl who was waiting next to her saw Yang Wugong wake up and ran out with joy, she just shouted: "Madam, it's all over! The master has woken up!" When Yang Wugong looked at the bedside, there was still a maid named Mei Xiang standing there, so he struggled to ask, "How long have I been unconscious?" Mei Xiang smiled happily, "Master, you have been unconscious for three days , but it made us anxious! This is good, Madam's eyes are swollen from crying, she looks like a peach." Just as he was talking, he heard someone step into the door.Yang Wugong slightly raised his eyes to see, it was his wife, Cui Shi, with red and swollen eyes and disheveled hair, seeing Yang Wugong woke up, she knelt by the bed, hugged Yang Wugong's leg and cried.Yang Wugong didn't have any relationship with her, but "a husband and wife for a day, a hundred days of kindness", now seeing her crying miserably, his nose is also sore. Yang Wugong waved his hand lightly, signaling the maids to go out.Cui Shi also raised her body, while wiping her tears, she took the bowl of ginseng soup brought by the maid behind her, and fed Yang Wugong bit by bit with a small silver spoon. Yang Wugong waited for the maids to go out, so he called Cui's boudoir name and said: "Qiaoyun, the maids don't know about me, so why don't you know! Now... now... I'm already a I'm useless, how can I miss you again, when I get better, I will issue a divorce letter, so you can go back to your mother's house and find a good one..." Hearing what he said, Mrs. Cui poured out the bowl of ginseng soup Put it on the small table beside the bed, buried her head in Yang Wugong's arms, cried and said: "Qiaoyun was born as a member of the Yang family, and died as a ghost of the Yang family, where is the master going to call Qiaoyun?" Surprised, she thought: "It must be because she has not been married for a long time, and she still thinks about the relationship between husband and wife. In the future, she will know that life is difficult, and it will not be too late to persuade her slowly." After going through this great pain, he has lost his interest in fame and fortune. Although he knew that if Cui Shi was divorced and without such a big backer as the Cui Mansion, his official career would not be so smooth in the future, but he thought that he was already a If you hurt Ji Hui, why bother to hurt Cui's life again? What's more, this matter about yourself will be leaked sooner or later, and then how will you gain a foothold in the court, so this official will not be successful sooner or later, so there is no need to take responsibility Choi's gone. He made up his mind, but he was not in a hurry, he just slowly healed his wounds, thinking that Mrs. Cui would eventually bring up the matter of returning to her natal family, but he didn't expect that nearly half a month later, his injuries were almost fully healed, and Mrs. Cui didn't reveal anything The tone came out, but he served more wholeheartedly. Yang Wugong gradually became grateful, and thought to himself, if he hadn't met Ji Hui first, maybe he would have fallen in love with her! Yang Wugong's mansion is a house with three entrances and three rooms. He himself sleeps in a small two-story building in the innermost entrance. The back of the building is separated from the street by the wall.One night, Yang Wugong slept a lot during the day, he woke up before five o'clock, couldn't sleep anymore, he simply walked to the window to look at the moonlight, suddenly saw a black shadow passing by the wall, and a trail of smoke disappeared.Yang Wugong also said he was a thief, he was about to shout, but suddenly felt something was wrong, so he pressed the button. 原来自从杨无恭受了伤后,崔氏虽是日日尽心服侍,但晚间却不在一床上睡,她自己搬出到外面西厢房里住,杨无恭身边只留一个贴心的丫鬟守着。 次日晚间,杨无恭却不睡,到了二更时分,他起身守在窗台边上,不多时,果见一道黑影翻过墙头进来,熟门熟路,直往西厢房里去了。杨无恭心中暗恼,看那丫鬟已是睡着了,也不理她,自己悄悄下楼来,踅到那西厢房窗前,伸了舌头舔开窗户纸,眯着眼朝里一看,——那晚却没有月光,房里又没点灯,杨无恭只影影绰绰看到两个赤条条的人影儿搂在一块,一个自然是崔氏无疑,另一个却不知是谁。他心中大怒,正要推门进去捉奸,忽听得里面有人道:“美人儿,若是能和你这样一生一世,也不枉了!”却是一个男子声音,杨无恭听着耳熟,一时却想不起是谁。 跟着就听崔氏道:“你要一生一世,却也不难!”便听那男的道:“你说的,我这便去把那呆货砍了!”崔氏啐了一声,道:“我的傻哥哥,你说人家是呆货,你才是呆货呢!”那男的道:“我若和他一样是呆货,你这小淫妇还不把我一脚踹下床去?”崔氏道:“你要一生一世,何须行此大险,若被官府逮住,那可是剥皮挖心的罪!”那男的道:“莫不是索性让他把你休了回家?”崔氏道:“呸,我若回家,我父亲还不一样把我嫁出去,还有你吃的份?”那男的道:“那美人儿,你说如何?”崔氏道:“那呆货倒是好人,知道自己没用了,怕担误我一辈子,一心想让我回娘家,重新寻个好人家再嫁,不如我与他挑明了说……”那男的惊道:“挑明了说?”崔氏道:“说你傻,你还不服。那呆货现今还在朝中做官,只要他还做着官,就离不开咱们崔家。我与他说明白了,他做他的官,我自与你风流快活。只需他继续与我做夫妻,便算是人家知道他是废人,又有谁敢对崔府的女婿放声屁,到那时,只怕人家还说我是三从四德,要替我立贞节牌坊哩!”那男的听她如此说,“吃吃”笑起来,道:“果然妙计,只是你这贞节烈女,如今却不知为何把道爷抱得这么紧?”崔氏道:“还说呢?人家一见你那满身花绣,就爱得不得了,恨不得……” 杨无恭听他们说什么“道爷”、“花绣”,却猛想起来了,那奸夫原来便是终南山楼观台的道士侯静山。他转到门边,想着要把门推开,好闯进去捉奸,却只觉手足都酸软起来,莫说是闯进去,竟是要抬都抬不起了。他心里慌乱,四周看了看,想喊起来,却只是张着嘴喊不起,他想道:“我定是着了魔了,那杂毛定是会妖术!” 却又听得里面侯静山道:“美人儿,你夜里和我快活,白日里去服侍他倒也尽心,竟是哭得眼都肿了。”崔氏道:“我也不知为何,看到他躺在床上,就想哭!”侯静山道:“我可没见你为我掉过一滴泪哩?”崔氏道:“你倒没来由吃这干醋,等你也成了废人,我也把长城哭倒了你看!”侯静山“嘻嘻”笑道:“你舍得让道爷变成废人?” 杨无恭听他们在里面调笑,心里又羞又气,脚却益发软了,他想抬手扶住门框,却忘了手也是抬不起的,竟是身子一斜,直摔了下去,额头“砰”地撞在门框上,眼前便只见无数金星乱舞。 侯静山在里面颤声喝道:“谁?”杨无恭自己却慌了,倒似那有奸情的不是侯静山和崔氏,而是自己。他手忙脚乱爬起来,只听得崔氏道:“还有谁!必是……必是他了!”跟着就听“扑通”一声响,崔氏便骂道:“呸,亏你身上还有百千斤气力,一见到正主儿来了,就吓得往床底钻!”侯静山便发狠道:“美人说的不错,待我出去揍他。” 杨无恭忽然怕起来,脑子里就两个字闪来闪去,“快跑!快跑!”他手脚也不酸软了,拼了命跑出去,拉开门闩,跳到巷子里,“啪啪啪”地往坊门边跑去。却才三更未过,坊门紧闭,杨无恭跑到街角阴影里蹲下,心里却有些莫名其妙的欢喜。他静静蹲到五更二点,街鼓一响,那坊门“呀”地开了,他狼一般窜出去,看也不看,顺着街往南直跑。 他只穿着短衣短裤,靸着一双木屐,瘦胳膊腿,竹竿身子,一晃一晃地,飞也似地跑出了启夏门。他越跑心里就越欢喜,竟是不觉得气喘,只盼着能这样直跑到死。 环绕长安城有八条河流,城东灞水、浐水,城北渭水、泾水,城西沣水、涝水,城南镐水、潏水,因此素来有“八水绕长安”之说。 杨无恭一气跑到城南潏水岸边,突觉得浑身的力气都用尽了似地,面朝下扑倒在地。他也不翻身子,只是把脸从泥里抬起,看见明晃晃的日头下,一条河无声无息地奔流,那河水打着旋,裹挟着草木泥沙,直往西去了。 杨无恭聚起最后一点气力,把身子挪到斜坡边上。那斜坡上长满了草,他一松劲,身子就顺着草皮往下滑去,直滑到河滩上才停住。他仰面躺着。巳时已过,日头热辣辣地照在他脸上,胸上。他已是跑了一身的汗,索性衣也不脱,扑通跳进河里浮着,任河水带着他向下游漂去。到了中午,日头把河水都晒得烫了,他才慢慢游到岸边,找了棵大树,在树荫下躺住。只一会儿身上的衣就干了。知了在他头顶上“滋滋”地唤,几只蠓虫在他眼前飞来飞去,他渐渐迷糊起来,一忽儿好似又回到了流枫川,一忽儿又觉得其实还是在宣阳坊里,一忽儿又想到他中了进士后的风光无限,一忽儿又似乎看见那侯静山正追过来……终于还是睡着了,嘴里犹自咬着一根草茎。 不知睡了多久,他隐隐听到姬蕙在唤他,“杨郎——,杨郎——” 他兀地醒了,看见一轮大大黄黄的月亮悬在自己头顶上,倒吓了一跳。他站起身,却不知要往何处去,只是任性走着。过了一会,肚里“咕咕”响起来,方想起自己已是一日没吃东西了,看见左首一带黑黑的,像是林子,便深一脚浅一脚摸过去,却尚未到林子边上,已被人扑翻在地,反剪了手绑了,只听那人道:“今日却是不行运,等了一天,才等到一只肥羊,也罢了!” 那人把他扛在肩上,向西行去。杨无恭看见那月亮已变得银白,像一大块冰,直要凉到他肺腑里去,就觉得心里欢喜,不由地簌簌流下泪来,孩子似地哭。 那人听杨无恭在他肩上哭,便骂道:“他娘的,这肥羊却怪了,好似知道老爷要宰了他一般,七早八早就嚎起来了。” 杨无恭却哪里听他说什么,只是哭个不停。那人行入林子里去,过了一道石桥,又抹过一丛竹林,闪出几间茅草屋来,那人闯入去,行到一个黑黢黢的所在,“砰”地把杨无恭扔在地上,自己却不知到哪里去了。 不知多久,天亮起来。杨无恭张眼一看,却是在一个岩洞里,地上铺了茅草,边上立着一张血污的长凳,岩壁上还挂着几张皮。杨无恭还只当是什么野物的皮子,细看去时,却见那皮上没什么毛,不像野物的,倒像人的,才知道自己是进了人肉作房里了。 岩洞口立着一排木栅,用板皮扎了个门。从那木栅缝里张出去,看见外面是个酒铺,想就是昨夜看到那几间茅草屋了。 又过了不久,只见一条大汉,穿着件布背心,腰下围一块破布,伸着懒腰,从那酒铺地上爬起来,打了个大大的呵欠,去到灶下,抓了一把牛角尖刀,推开岩洞的板门走进来。 那人颔下几缕赤须,高颧骨,黄黑脸,胸口一丛赤黄胸毛,进来睃了杨无恭一眼,道:“呸,昨夜里扛着恁重,原来只是副骨头架子,没肉的货!” 他过来一脚踏在杨无恭胸口上。杨无恭却也不怕,只管看着那人笑。那人只当杨无恭是吓傻了,也不理,左手“刷”地撕开杨无恭胸口衣服,右手牛角尖刀就要插下来,却突地自语道:“这鸟人身上腌臜,俺不如且去提桶水来,把他洗一洗再杀,也免得客人老说俺李三的包子不干净,肉馅里什么东西都有。” 他果然丢了刀出去,提了桶水进来,把杨无恭抓小鸡也似抓起,挂在岩壁一个大木钉上,剥去杨无恭的衣服,“哗”地把水往杨无恭身上一冲,扔了桶,脚趾头挑起地上尖刀,抓在手里,正待要下刀子,却突然把刀一撇,跑出去抱住喉咙呕起来。 半晌,那人重又进来,“啪”地给杨无恭一大巴掌,骂道:“你这贼乞丐,如何却是个没卵的货,害老爷一身臭汗扛你回来!” 杨无恭却与他争道:“我虽是没卵,身上也有百十斤肉,一样做得包子馅,你如何便打我?” 那人大笑道:“呸,一听就知道是个没尝过人肉的驴货!那人没卵了,肉还吃得么?竟是比乌鸦肉还酸还臭,连狗都不吃,用你做包子,没得砸了我的牌子。” 杨无恭怒道:“你莫胡说,且去寻一只狗来,看它吃不吃我的肉!” 那人却不再说话,只是不断朝地上吐着唾沫,似乎杨无恭竟是比茅坑还臭。须臾,他揪住杨无恭头发,把杨无恭从墙上摘下来,扯出茅屋,直往后山上拖去。 杨无恭被地上的碎石割得一道道的,不禁骂道:“你如何只管拖我!”那人道:“不拖你怎的?难道还要老爷抱你不成,他奶奶的,老爷昨夜扛了你一夜,今日必是恶心吃不下饭,如今便是拖着你还嫌臭哩!” 杨无恭被他气得说不出话来。看看到了山顶上,那人松了杨无恭头发,一脚把杨无恭踢下崖去,犹自叉着手在山顶上叫道:“你这贼乞丐,只有饿急的狼才会吃你那身酸肉哩!” 杨无恭顺着那崖坡直滑下去,到崖底下时,早昏得不省人事。直到天黑了,才醒来,觉得脸上一阵一阵地麻庠,像是有什么东西在舔着自己。他吓得脚下一蹬,向后退了半个身子,看见面前亮着一双绿油油的眼睛,他心里一股凉意升上来,“是狼,是狼!” 他虽然有心要求死,但当真遇到狼时,却不由得心里害怕。他脚下乱蹬,拼命往后退,突地背上一凉,却是靠在了山岩上,再无路可退了。 那狼却不跟上来,只是远远地瞅着他,喉咙里“咕噜咕噜”响着,好似一个破烂的风箱。 杨无恭定睛看去,只见四周还有不少绿眼在荧荧地亮,那眼光阴狠、贪婪,却又疑惧、畏缩。 那只狼终究是贴了过来,一双前爪搭在杨无恭肩上,长长的狼吻凑上来。杨无恭嗅到一股酸腥气。这时他心里却不再害怕了,倒是有些欢喜,——原来毕竟还是有人要吃我的肉的。 突然狼群里一阵骚动,跟着杨无恭眼前那只狼就飞了出去,“砰”地砸在山岩上,眼看是活不成了。 杨无恭心里倒有些失望。看前面立着一个老头子,葛巾布衫,佝偻着背,拄着根龙头拐。狼群退了退,有几只去撕咬刚死去那只狼的尸身去了,余下的却向那人逼过来。 那人仍是佝偻着,只等狼扑过来,就抬手一掌打过去,霎时又杀死了五只狼。剩下的狼许是怕了,低低嚎了几声,倏乎退去。 那人转过身来,把脸凑近杨无恭,牵动嘴角笑了笑。是一个长得颇有些滑稽的老头子,三角眼,蒜头鼻,一部大白须,直长过脐。 “李三不吃你?”那老头问。 杨无恭点了点头。 那老头又笑了笑,道:“我吃!” 老头子扔给杨无恭一件绸缎长衫,让他穿了,引着他在暗夜里行了一个更次,便望见山脚下一片灯火通明。行近一看,原来是好大一座山庄。大门前悬着两个灯笼,上面写着大大的“孔”字,门上匾额,被那灯笼的红光一照,隐隐看出是四个血色大字:“仁爱山庄”。 老头把龙头拐在门上轻叩了两下,有个小童,头发齐眉,出来开了门。老头道:“这位杨先生,性子有些疏狂,且引他到克己堂里去住几日。”小童道声“是”,便引杨无恭往侧边去了。 曲里拐弯,也不知过了几进院落,看见树影里兀然立着一座大房子,两扇朱红大门,上有隶书的“克己”二字,两边对联道:“守己以俟食,正身而待镬。” 杨无恭看了就奇怪,只听说有“守己以俟时,正身而律物”,怎么此处写的却是“守己以俟食,正身而待镬”?必是那老头不曾读过书,被人糊弄了,且等明日见到他提醒提醒,也算是做件好事。 进去是一间大大的厅堂,无桌无椅,只地上丢着几个蒲团,墙上还挂着幅破烂画儿,画的是“颜渊箪食瓢饮”。 那小童磕头别过,掩上门出去了。厅堂内燃着两根大大的牛油蜡烛,倒也不见昏暗,只见到西首角落里,一个烂蒲团上,坐着个人。 杨无恭过去作了个揖,那人急忙起身回礼,把蒲团让给杨无恭坐了,自己另取了一个来,在杨无恭下首坐下。 杨无恭说了自己姓字,又问那人名姓。那人道:“贱姓韦,草字待镬。”杨无恭听他说到“待镬”二字,忽想起克己堂门上那对联来,便问道:“门上那幅对联,想必便是先生所书?” 韦待镬道:“哪里哪里,那对联乃夫子亲笔所书,晚生是写不出来的。”杨无恭问:“这位夫子又是何人呢?”韦待镬道:“便是此间主人,姓孔,讳球,做过隋炀帝的司寇的。” 杨无恭怪道:“晚生愚昧,只听说有'守己以俟时,正身而律物',委实不曾听过'守己以俟食,正身而待镬'的。”那韦待镬微笑道:“不奇怪,晚生初来时,也是颇为不解,后来在这克己堂呆久了,受了夫子教诲,才明白其中道理。原来人初生下时,那身上的肉本是一样的,后来受了世事熏染,就有了许多变化,那听过夫子教诲,晓得恭宽信敏惠的,肉里自然就带了清香,那没听过夫子教诲,一味趋名逐利好色宣淫的,肉里就带了腥臭味,不要说吃,竟是连闻也闻不得的。这对联里说的'守己'、'正身',无非是要我们非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言,非礼勿动,好将身上肉养得肥嫩鲜香,以'俟食'、'待镬'。” 杨无恭听了,才想起那老头引自己来之前,本就说过是要吃他的肉的,那么这“俟食”、“待镬”,自然不是错写的了。这时又听那韦待镬道:“先生大名无恭,好是极好,只是却违了夫子的本意,不如学我,也将名字改一改。”杨无恭问:“不知先生原来何名?”韦待镬道:“我原来叫待价,用的是'待价而沽'的意思,后来拜见了夫子,才知道这'价'字不好,换成了'镬'字。不如先生也把那'无恭'两字换了,以'俟食'为名,岂不是好?” 杨无恭听了,心里就有些欢喜,暗想:“若是换了名字,便有人吃我,确是极好!”便喜道:“先生说的不错,从今往后,我便唤作杨俟食了!” 韦待镬听了大喜,与他相对而笑,又道:“我与先生一见如故,不如结为兄弟,以后一同杀身成仁,做那盘中的佳肴,碟中的美味,不知先生以为如何?”杨俟食微笑道:“晚生也正有此意!”于是二人相对拜了几拜,序了年齿,那韦待镬却比杨俟食大了两岁,于是便“韦兄贤弟”地叫起来。 忽然克己堂的门却开了,只见方才那个小童,端了一碗饭一碟酸菜一盅肉糜来请杨俟食吃。杨俟食与韦待镬谦让了一番,看那小童等得有些不耐烦了,才道了僭越,把饭菜吃了,千恩万谢送小童出去。
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