Home Categories detective reasoning woman selling horses

Chapter 15 Chapter VII

woman selling horses 松本清张 2807Words 2018-03-16
So far, although the word murder has never appeared, Makita Jiro has clearly pointed out in his words that Eda Masatoshi was the murderer of Iwase Hideo. Although the content of the conversation involved such a serious situation, Makita Jiro's tone was not at all violent.The two still cast their eyes on the scenery in front of them in the same way. "But, there is one more thing I don't understand." Makita Jiro said again, "It's the motive. Why did you have to put Hideo to death? I believe this is a secret between you and Hideo. I'm thinking that it might have something to do with this incident." What is relevant is the fact that Xiuxiong went to the mountain hot springs in Ishikawa County in June this year. Although Xiuxiong did not tell others, it seems that he did not go alone. It seems that he has a companion. Masako also thinks this is too strange But it wasn't you who went with you. I checked, and you went to work every day in June as usual."

Jiang Tian's fingers trembled.And the upper body also leaned forward at this moment. "I don't know if his trip to the hot springs in the mountains is related to you. Brother Jiang Tian, ​​can you tell me the motive? I beg you so, but you won't tell me, will you?" Makita Jiro looked at Eda.Eda also looked at Makita.The eyes of the two sides met together like fire at this time.But Jiang Tian opened his eyes sideways first. But this does not necessarily mean that Eda Masatoshi has suffered a crushing defeat.Although he was knocked down, there was still a gap that he could take advantage of.That's because the other party still has one important matter that they don't know about.

Jiang Tian raised his face slightly and said: "You seem to like to check this and that, you should check it yourself." "Yes. I will." "What happens after we find out?" Jiang Tian is going to fight back. "As long as the motive is found out, everything will be revealed." Makita used a strong tone for the first time. "I mean the facts of your crime will be revealed." "And then? What do you want to do to me?" Jiang Tian's question stumped Makita, who was unable to respond for a long time.Probably did not expect such a fierce counterattack.He stared at Jiang Tian dumbfoundedly, and then showed obvious hatred.

"I will pursue crimes and will not give mercy." Makita became visibly excited, and said: "As for what method to use, I can't say yet. Maybe the police, maybe write an article and publish it, I don't know yet. But... As I said, I will never stop. At least I have to give your society It will cause a fatal blow to your personality or life. I will do what I say, please keep it in your heart.” "Understood." Jiang Tian responded first.Then he looked at the watch and said: "It's two o'clock. I have to take the night express tonight. My vacation is over today. I have to go to work on time tomorrow."

After Jiang Tian said this, he changed the subject and talked about unrelated matters. "It takes four hours to go from here to Ximata Chuhe through the cold house. Then it takes another two hours to get to the Kashima Tribe. The last bus bound for Omachi will not be able to catch up. In this way, only in the The Kashima Tribe spent the night, and it will be tomorrow afternoon when we return to Tokyo. This is really difficult, because I can’t take a vacation tomorrow. Brother Makita, let’s go down this block of Kitamata Honya. It only takes 40 minutes to reach Nishimata Dekai. The hour is shortened to forty minutes, and there will be no problem with the last train. Didn’t you say that you will go down here in early spring? I hope you will go down with me.”

Eda Masatoshi said, pointing to the steep Baixue Valley, and added: "I understand everything you said. Everything is as you said."
From the slightly wider top of the south gun, about 50 meters in the direction of the north gun, a small saddle is formed, and the huge wall of Kitamata Honya starts from there.You can see the white bottom a thousand meters below. Looking down, the feet seem to go numb for a while, and the body seems to be attracted to roll down. However, as long as you don't look down and look straight ahead, you can see that the ends of the small ridges protruding from the left and right converge together, and beyond that is the Azumi Plain, and farther away is the meandering cloud. Block-like mountains, from which the white smoke of Asama Volcano rises slowly and almost still.

At this moment, both Makita Jiro and Eda Masatoshi turned their backs to the scenery, lying on the steep cliff of ice and snow, falling little by little.Eda was playing forward at the bottom, and Makita Jiro followed at a distance of about three meters.This steep ravine is almost vertical. Looking up, Eda can see the blue sky with white clouds moving slowly from between Makita Jiro's spread feet. Jiang Tian inserted his ice stick into the snow, dug a footfield in the ice and snow with his ice boots, and used this footfield to get down step by step.The snow is still new, so it is not hard enough.Makita Jiro from above also descended in the same way.As expected of an expert, the technology is very sophisticated.

Makita Jiro did not refuse this snow wall descent.Jiang Tian had already calculated this point.Mountaineering is a physical activity.It is impossible for a guy like Makita Jiro to refuse Eda's challenge.He grasped the opponent's psychology.Makita Jiro took a deep breath, and hung his foot on the steep ice and snow cliff. Occasionally looking up at his step-by-step descending appearance, Jiang Tian smiled.He has another plan.Makita Jiro said that he once climbed this cliff in early spring.After winter, spring snow freezes from below, hard as concrete.And new snow is soft.Jiro Makita must have felt strange.

Masatoshi Eda had climbed the wall many times in summer, and he knew where there were cracks like the palm of his hand.The crevice is about ten meters deep, and if someone falls into it, it is impossible to climb out.In summer, the end of Xuexi River becomes a waterfall, and at this moment the gap is covered with snow. When Makita climbed in early spring, he mostly passed through this crack. After a winter, the snow was embedded in the crack like a nail, and he felt nothing when walking through it.But the situation with Xinxue is different.The top is soft, and the bottom is hollow.People step on it, and it sinks in an instant.

Masatoshi Eda carefully inserted the handle of the ice stick into the snow, testing it while going down.It should be around here, and it will come soon. While thinking of this, the inserted ice stick pierced in without any resistance until it reached the tip of the stick in his hand.Yes, it was the pothole.Jiang Tian moved to the side, stopped, changed his grip to the ice stick, and began to scrape the snow about ten meters above. "Brother Makita, let me tell you the motive you want to know." In order to worry about being noticed by the other party, he suddenly yelled.Jiro Makita, who was lying on top, stopped.

"Listen up, please. The motive is... I'll have to bear the shame to tell you." His hands continued to scrape snow with his ice stick. "It was Iwase and my wife who had an unusual negotiation. They stayed at the mountain hot springs together in June. My wife made some excuses and went out for five days. I didn't realize it afterwards. In early July, I ran to Go to the hot springs in the mountains and find out the hotel where they stayed, I have real evidence." Makita Jiro was stunned, and stopped as if stuck in place. Masatoshi Eda said loudly: "Iwase thought I was still in the dark. I hinted it to him in the sleeper car. I didn't say it directly, I just hinted it a little bit. It would hit him harder. Iwase couldn't sleep, Here's the reason. Do you understand? That's all there is to motive." what.Makita groaned secretly.Was it because Masatoshi Eda told him the truth?Or was it because at this moment, the snow on which his feet stepped loosened and fell down?No one knows this anymore.It was only because the snow that Jiang Tian had pushed aside formed a small fault, and the snow on top couldn't withstand the heavy pressure and began to fall. It became a small avalanche, carrying the struggling body of Makita Jiro, and slid down in front of Eda.Then, a puff of snow smoke rose, Makita Jiro turned into a black mass, and disappeared like magic.After the snow and smoke stopped, Jiang Tian could only imagine Makita Jiro lying at the bottom of the crack. After Masatoshi Eda was alone, he turned around.There the slope eased a little, and he began his descent again.Makita Jiro was killed, and he had to go down the mountain to report the crime as soon as possible.However, his corpse may not appear until late spring and early summer next year. At this moment, Eda Masato discovered that the small avalanche was still going on.The moment he felt the danger was imminent, the wind pressure of the avalanche rushed to his back, causing him to fall down hard.His body was pulled into the avalanche belt and rolled over for a while, so he surfaced out of the snow.At this moment, he saw the ridge line between the south gun and the north gun.He glides his hands like swimming to keep from getting caught in the snow again.Fortunately, the Kitamata ravine was not too wide, and the avalanche was small, covering only his waist.And it stopped at the gentle slope of Nishimata exit. Eda Masatoshi climbed out of the avalanche and let out a deep breath.The shoulder and waist were hit, but luckily it wasn't serious.Alas, it's all right at last, he thought.Suddenly, Iwase's older sister's face appeared in his eyes.At this moment, a touch of anxiety surged up, but he managed to pretend that nothing happened, and began to descend the mountain safely and happily. (End of the book)
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