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Chapter 11 third chapter

woman selling horses 松本清张 3699Words 2018-03-16
Eda Masatoshi got off the train at Shinjuku Station. The house is behind Kouenji Temple.It's just that he didn't have the mood to continue the ride, the car door opened, and he was pushed down to the platform by the crowd getting off the car. On the stairs leading to the underground passage and the exit, following the slow flow of people, and leaving the ticket gate, people seemed to be liberated, and hurriedly dispersed.The sight of lights in front of the station swayed under the dark wind. When Jiang Tian came here, he suddenly felt that he had lost his way forward.Only then did he realize that there was no purpose at all.However, it seems that there is a new job in my mind.It's just that you can't grasp the reality of this work.

He glanced at his watch.eight thirty.He looked at the movie billboard that was up there.He acts like a bachelor.Yes, at this moment he was indeed a bachelor.Even when I got home, my wife wasn't there.She went back to her parents' house in Kanazawa a week ago. He chose a foreign film and walked to the cinema.Pedestrians jostled each other on the road.All kinds of conversations passed by my ears.He felt like gusts of wind passing by, which had nothing to do with him. As he walked around, the face of his natal wife appeared in his mind.It was an old huge house with a low roof and thick beams crawling there darkly.There is a fireplace in the living room, and an iron kettle is hung above it.His wife knelt on the red cushion by the hearth, as if facing a photograph clearly reflected in front of his eyes.

He came to the movie theater and bought tickets, and at this moment, he remembered the face of Iwase Hideo's older sister who had parted with him an hour ago.He brought the face into the shadowy seat where the lights of the screen flickered. Dressed in a western dress, the face standing on the edge of the low ladder, and the movement of knives and forks on the dining table are deeply imprinted on the meninges and cannot be wiped off.The voice of thanking him remained in his ears as it was. Jiang Tian thought while watching the movie: He should be thanked.He thought he had done his best to show consideration for Iwase Hideo.It was like this when Iwase came to the house, and it was the same when he led him up the mountain.

Although on the one hand, it is also due to the fact that there is Urahashi Wuyi, who is a beginner in the team, but from Shinjuku to Matsumoto, they were given sleeper berths.That was a luxury mountaineering trip. From Nishimata Dego to Takachihodaira, the monotonous and arduous three-hour forest belt uphill road, I don't know how many times I stopped and rested.Almost too cautious, never let them force it. However, the leader of the team should be blamed for going the wrong way in the rain and fog the next day.However, unfortunately there was so much fog and unreal terrain.The broken rock road, dwarf pines, alpine plants in the rock gaps, the slightly raised round Niushou Mountain, and the shrub belt after crossing, all are exactly the same as the trail leading from Nanqiang Mountain to Lenghut through Buyin.If the weather is good and the view is wide, of course you can't go wrong.Thick fog like a white wall sealed everything around.

On the screen, the characters and scenery are constantly changing, but I don't know what is being played.And the foreign language that flew into the ear is just a noise. That is force majeure, Jiang Tian continued to think.Masako Iwase said the same thing and promised.No matter who listens to it, they will agree.Even after crossing Niu Shou Mountain, he realized that he had gone the wrong way, and the measures he took after that were impeccable.Also because Iwase Hideo was too tired, he took his backpack over so that he didn't have to carry any more weight. Finally, when Iwase couldn't move an inch, Urahashi Goichi was by his side, telling them not to move, and then he rushed to Leng Hut alone for help.

Surrounded by fog in the darkness, with only a flashlight, it took more than three hours to finally reach the cold hut.If you don't do it well, you can't even save your own life.If it weren't for the state of urgency, no one would dare to do such a risky behavior again. Unfortunately, it was already eight o'clock when we arrived at the hut. Although it happened that there were people from the M Mountaineering Club there, it was not possible to arrive at the scene three hours away at night.When he told his companions about the crisis and begged them desperately, the leader of the University Mountaineering Club patted him on the shoulder to comfort him.Later, they also mentioned to him his worried, almost explosive look.

The cold and fatigue took Hideo Iwase's life that night, and it was a natural act that surpassed human power.Just like countless mountain disasters, it was the violent nature that took Hideo Iwase's life.No rescue hand was within reach. These are facts that can be argued to anyone, and anyone who knows the mountains can also agree with them.Many friends of veteran climbers expressed sympathy for him. When Eda thought of this, his thoughts suddenly came across the broad shoulders and calm tone of Jiro Makita who was sitting next to sister Iwase. The film is not interesting at all.Jiang Tian had no choice but to get up and go outside.

There are a lot fewer pedestrians on the road, but there are more drunken stumbling.Jiang Tian walked into the back street and walked through several narrow alleys. Laughter came from one family after another of the low houses with red lanterns like sour berries hanging from the eaves.On the damp road, there are people who play guitar and play music. Jiang Tian picked a restaurant with fewer drinkers and went in.The inside is so narrow that the nose almost touches the wall.He ordered some food and wine.At first glance, in the corner of the room, the chef is cooking like a family. The sweet smell of roasted bird came from inside.The man sitting next to him was chewing meat skewered on bamboo sticks.

Seeing this situation, Eda remembered the figure of Jiro Makita who was eating chicken legs. No, I joined the mountaineering club when I was in high school.It's pre-war.At that time, I was fascinated by mountains, and I wanted to climb mountains, so my father forced me to go to Matsumoto High School. Grabbing the chicken leg with two fingers and chewing on it, the words he said quietly revived in his ears. Has Jiro Makita ever climbed Gundake Kashima? Jiang Tian picked up the wine glass and thought. Maybe.For the Mountain Club of Matsumoto High School, the Northern Alps are probably like a garden.Jiro Makita, who was a young student, must have teamed up to climb Gundake Kashima.Undoubtedly, the vertical walk from Nanqiang Mountain to Wulong Mountain must also be passed.

Just go, it doesn't matter.Eda gulped down the yellow liquid tilted in the cup as soon as he raised his head, talking to himself. As long as he is familiar with the terrain there, he will definitely approve of his actions as the team leader.Nothing to fault.Since Makita Jiro knows mountains, it should be so. Jiang Tian ordered the second glass of wine calmly. "Good night." The guitarist came in and was watching the drinkers one by one. "Let's play some tune." Jiang Tian turned his face away. "Which type is more suitable?" The musician lowered his waist and pretended to smile.

"Have a good time. Yes, military song." The guitar blared and so did the song. Jiang Tian beat the time to the song, and the drinkers and girls followed suit. As he sang, Jiang Tian became anxious.Unexplained shaking seized his heart.Makita Jiro's docile appearance stuck in his throat like a fishbone, which made him unforgettable. How could I lose to him, Jiang Tian suddenly shouted in his heart.What will not lose to Jiro Makita?He understood immediately and was taken aback.Oh, I'm drunk, he thought. He staggered slightly out of the hotel.Pedestrians still come and go.Out on Main Street, raised his hand to an empty taxi.The car stopped in front of him. "Koenji." He gave an order and leaned on the back.Exhale hot.He stretched out his hand and rolled down the window, and the cold wind blew in. It must be cold on the top of the Northern Alps in early December, he thought.The cliff where Hideo Iwase fell was probably also covered by snow.As for the shrub belt, I am afraid it is also half buried in the snow. Eda thought of the white face of Masako Iwase who was side by side with Jiro Makita.Has the same characteristics as his younger brother. He opened the locked doorway.The other key is kept by the neighbor Obasan.The lights were turned on, and the dining table was covered with a white cloth.It is prepared by the housekeeper who only helps with cooking and housekeeping during the day. A letter lay on one side of the table.Pick it up and have a look, it was written by my brother-in-law from Kanazawa.No wife's name. He opened it to take a look.The beginning and the end of my brother-in-law's letter are very trivial, so I only read the middle part.To put it simply, the wife will still live in her mother's house for a while, please forgive me.At the end of the letter, there was not a single word from my wife. Masatoshi Eda goes to work at the bank in Marunouchi every day.The leaves of the road trees have fallen, and the lights of the passing vehicles are starting to make people feel cold.November is already halfway through. Jiang Tian asked the assistant manager for a day off on Saturday, December 6th.The reason for asking for leave was that the bereaved family of my colleague Hideo Iwase, who died in Gundake Kashima, wanted to go to the scene of the accident to mourn, and was asked to guide them there. The assistant manager went to discuss with the manager, so Jiang Tian was passed on. "No wonder. You take them." The manager was not shy about giving him an understanding smile.Still very touched.And said: "The bank can't help, but I'm willing to do my best. This is your round-trip fare." As the manager said, he took out 2,000 yuan from his pocket, and Jiang Tian accepted it with a blushing face after being courteous. The wife still hasn't come back.Eda took out his winter coat from the box on the closet and put it on.The smell of stinky pills lingered with him all day.This is also the taste of the wife. On Sunday, he took care of the ice poles and climbing ropes, and prepared the cold protection equipment, and spent the day.These things were scattered throughout the house, and the mountain air seemed to come.Ice sticks and skates were carefully wiped down with oiled cloths.It's quite a pleasure to do this kind of thing. He also looked at the map over and over again.Put those dense contour lines into your mind one by one.This is to avoid losing the place when leading the way, and the place where Hideo Iwase was killed. Even if there is snow there, he must arrive correctly. At this time, Eda Masatoshi's eyes were blank, he was the one who was fascinated by the mountains. One day, he received a call from the switchboard team, saying that a woman surnamed Iwase called him. "Is it Mr. Jiang Tian?" It's the voice of Masako Iwase. "I am." "I'm Iwase's older sister. I really bothered you that day." The tone is slow and full of circumflex.Jiang Tian saw that white face in front of his eyes. "Where?" "That day...," a little embarrassed, "please, two days on the 6th and 7th of next month. I don't know if it's convenient for you?" Eda suddenly felt that Makita Jiro wanted Masako to say it. "Okay. I've already asked for leave." Eda thought in his heart that this was the answer to Jiro Makita. "Ah, I'm so sorry." Masako Iwase uttered an unexpected loud voice, expressing her heartfelt joy. "Thank you, Mr. Jiang Tian. My younger brother will be very happy to see his relatives come. Thank you so much. I will come to thank you in person some other day." "No, no, don't be so polite. In fact, I am also obliged to pay homage to the accident site." "thank you." After two or three polite sentences, the two parties hung up the phone at the same time.Eda put the microphone down, and then lit a cigarette as if relieved from a heavy burden. Three days later, there happened to be an accident in the bank where the account numbers did not match. All the staff in the branch stayed to check again, and they were not able to get off work until nearly seven o'clock. Jiang Tian walked out of the general gate with everyone.Needless to say, it was already dark outside.This neighborhood is different from the hustle and bustle of Yaesukou, and the surrounding area is quiet.There are huge buildings like cliffs, and there are very few lighted windows. At this time, a black shadow flashed out from a dark place, and suddenly stood in front of Jiang Tian. "Mr. Jiang Tian." Jiang Tian was taken aback by the quiet voice. "I'm Jiro Makita. I met you at the M Hall a few days ago." Makita Jiro was dressed in black, with his hands in his coat pockets.And said: "That day, it was really presumptuous." Jiang Tian couldn't answer for a moment.This person is actually waiting here, and waiting for such a long time. "I heard that the day to go up the mountain has been confirmed. My cousin has already told me. I think we still need to exchange ideas. So I took the liberty of looking here again. Can you find a place to drink tea?" Makita Jiro's tone was still so gentle and calm, and after speaking, he started to walk slowly as if guiding.
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