Home Categories detective reasoning double voice

Chapter 24 Chapter nine

double voice 松本清张 9070Words 2018-03-16
Who is the other man?We do not know.Perhaps a frequent visitor to the "Qinghe" bar.Maybe it's someone who hasn't been to that bar at all.However, whether it has been there or not, because the sound has been filtered and amplified, it is completely different from the original sound and cannot be distinguished.In terms of a woman's voice, even if she guessed it was Machiko, it still sounded like her voice and didn't sound like her. However, assuming that the female voice of the first couple was Machiko, no matter what happened to her at that time, she would not have any relationship with the four people present.At least, the man's voice would not be the four people present, but someone else.That night, until dawn, they stayed in the villa to record, without leaving a step.All four have 100 percent alibi.For that night alone, all four were innocent.

"That would be incredible!" Yuan Ze sighed and said. "What's incredible?" My wife raised my eyebrows and asked nervously. "Why, we sat there and listened to the calls of wild birds, but Machiko ran to that place and passed in front of the sound collector. This kind of accidental thing seems to be deliberately arranged by God." Hara Ze replied with his usual tone. "If it's Machiko, Harasawa is right. This world is too narrow, and things like this are indeed rare!" Koshimi said. "Unbelievable! Unbelievable!" Shinto blinked his eyes and muttered to himself.

"It's not a bad thing to say." Yue Shui said. "Bad thing? What's the matter?" Yuan Ze asked. "I mean, if the conversation had nothing to do with the crime, Machiko just came to Karuizawa with another man, stayed in some hotel, and then went out for a walk with the man, and was walking to our meeting. In front of the speaker. Machiko thought she was hiding from people, so she chose a place that was very quiet at night, who knows what people can do!" "This is the so-called recovery of Skynet!" Yuan Ze said in his usual tone. "Hey, if it's Tianwang Huihui, doesn't it mean that Machiko has been killed?" My wife suddenly called out.

"That night, Machiko disappeared from this world, of course anything can happen." Shinto said from the side with a complicated expression. "Could it be that he was killed at this time?" Yue Shui asked him.He first explained that the voice of the first conversation was probably Machiko's voice, and then pointed out: "Look, the man asked for a split a long time ago, and then he chose Karuizawa specifically. In the hotel, there were too many people around, and it was inconvenient to talk. Even if the talk continued, Machiko would not immediately agree. So he chose I bought a special place, if Machiko doesn't agree..."

The following words were not spoken. This is not pure imagination, the reality is that Machiko has disappeared; the fantasy has become real, and Yuan Ze dare not talk about it. If Machiko didn't agree to break up, maybe the man would kill her on the spot; it was because of murderous intentions that he took her into the woods in such a dark night.Therefore, Machiko's body is likely to be buried under the soil of that forest - speaking of this, anyone will have this kind of imagination. Judging from this, the man clearly had half the murderous intent to bring Machiko from Tokyo to Karuizawa.

"Is there such a man in Machiko who doesn't want to let go?" Yue Shui seemed to be talking to himself.The other three people, no matter how you say it, don't seem like men that Machiko would not let go of anyway. Moreover, they probably had a flirting relationship with her.This is certainly the case with my wife and Shinto, probably only Harasawa has a deeper friendship, but none of these three people seem to be able to drive Machiko crazy. Machiko's character is well known.She is the same with other men, money comes first.She is desperately saving money.How the body is is not considered.If it is said that Machiko is really the woman who accidentally entered the recording range, Koshimizu is surprised.

"Since that woman is so affectionate, the other party must be a very powerful guy." Shindo also said the same. "In short, since you can't tell whether it's Machiko, you should report the case to the police." Yue Shui said it.The appearance of the other three people seemed to have expected this, but Yue Shui didn't say anything, and they were unwilling to speak. "Yes, if you don't hear the recording, it's a different matter. However, although it doesn't necessarily sound like Machiko, it's better to report to the police, and you won't have any troubles after that. But..." Shinto said.

"That's good. Give the tape to the police and explain everything. We can't judge whether it is Machiko, so we ask the police to study it. From now on, whether Machiko appears or not has nothing to do with us." The four discussed it and decided to implement it. The police department received reports from four individuals, studied the tapes, and expressed willingness to search aggressively. The police immediately contacted the Nagano Prefectural Police Department and searched the places mentioned by the four people. On a summer afternoon in August, under the larch forest about 300 meters east of the "Villa Fujimura", the buried and decomposed body of Machiko was dug up.

When Koshimizu and the other four submitted the tapes to Shitaya Police Station in view of Machiko's disappearance, in fact, the local police station did not show much interest in them. The voice of the woman's conversation recorded on the tape was not affirmatively judged to be the missing Machiko.The original recording has very little sound; the sound amplified by the filter is not much like a real person's voice.Even judging from the content of the conversation, the woman wasn't necessarily in a dangerous situation under threat. However, the Shitaya Police Department still accepted it and slowly started contacting the Nagano Prefectural Police Department.The Nagano Prefectural Police Department contacted the Karuizawa Police Sub-bureau in charge of the scene.Because it was inconvenient for the Karuizawa Police Station to completely ignore it, it launched a search in the woods and grasslands to the east of the "Villa Fujimura" proposed by Koshimizu and others.

Among the weeds, traces of excavation and burial were found.The local police then excavated the place.Before digging to a depth of one meter, the feet of the female corpse were found. That was on August 2nd.The corpse was wearing a red flower one-piece dress.Due to the dryness of the land, it has been more than 40 days since his death, and the clothes are still roughly in their original state.In comparison, the corpse was not too decomposed.There was a deep rope mark on the neck, which was clearly strangled. Summer grass grows nearby.It has been more than forty days since the incident happened, and it is difficult to judge whether there are traces of dead grass to prove whether there was a fight.From the look of the weeds, it is also difficult to tell if someone has walked by.This place is far away from the path, even if it is a walk, few people come here.

Immediately bring Yaeko, the proprietress of the "Qinghe" bar in Tokyo, to Karuizawa and ask her to identify the corpse.Afterwards, Koshimizu, Tsuga, and Shindo were also called to Karuizawa by the Nagano Police Station via the Shitaya Police Station.They go by train.Only Yuan Ze couldn't go because of something. At this time, the body had been moved to Nagano City and handed over to the hospital for autopsy.Yaeko covered her nose and mouth with a handkerchief, looked at the face of the deceased, and immediately said, yes, it was Machiko who worked in her bar. According to the autopsy results, the cause of death was asphyxiation by strangulation.The murder weapon was probably a soft cloth belt.For example, tie, Japanese hand towel, etc.The epithelium of the throat shows no signs of abrasion or peeling.In addition, there is no trace of the deceased fighting with the murderer.Also, there were no cuts or scrapes all over his body.Therefore, the murderer may have attacked by surprise when the deceased was paralyzed.It seems that instead of suddenly wrapping the cloth belt around the neck of the deceased and strangling her to death, first strangled her half to death with the arm around the neck of the deceased, and then completely strangled her to death with the cloth belt. The food in the stomach is already rotten and cannot be analyzed in detail, but the degree of digestion is about four or five hours after eating.I ate an ordinary Japanese meal, but I couldn't correctly judge what the non-staple food was. Both the one-piece dress and the bottom shirt were stained by the dirt and grass at the scene.The bottom shirt is neat and there is no trace of violence.However, it has been a long time, and it has begun to rot, so it is difficult to prove it anatomically.Also, there are no shoes on the feet, probably they didn't take them off by themselves, and they probably flew away when they fell. Unrelated to the autopsy: her shoes and handbag were buried in the soil a meter away from where the body was found.When I dug it out, apart from simple cosmetics, there were more than 23,000 yuan in cash in the handbag.The original amount of this sum is unknown, but it can be seen that this case is by no means a robbery. The anatomy doctor deduced that the corpse had been dead for forty to fifty days, probably because the doctor knew that she had been missing since June 19th, and had a preconceived notion.No, what's more important is that Machiko's voice was recorded in my wife's tape, which happened on the night of June 19th. This incident may have affected the anatomy doctor's judgment.If there was only the fact that Machiko had been missing since June 19th, then the anatomy doctor's inference of the time of death might have to be more flexible and the date more relaxed.Anatomists know that the longer the time of death, the less likely it is to be wrong. By the time my wife, Koshimizu, and Shinto reported to the Karuizawa police station, the body had already been examined and sent to Nagano Hospital for an autopsy. "You guys have worked really hard." The deputy chief and detective chief of the Karuizawa police station came out to thank them. "Thanks to your help, this case can be exposed." The detective director also saluted them, and then explained to them that the sub-bureau had set up a special case team, with the director personally serving as the team leader, and the chief of the first section of criminal investigation in Nagano Prefecture as the search team leader. "Besides, it's very rare for a crime to be revealed by the recording of a wild bird. Until now, there has been no such case. Thank you for your help." The branch chief said with a blushing face. "It was completely accidental. The voice of the conversation was recorded at first, and the voice was amplified out of curiosity. Who knows, it coincided with the disappearance of Machiko at the 'Qinghe' bar. But, what is the voice in the tape? It's not Machiko. I can't tell yet." Yue Shui said.Yue Shui was the first to suggest that the tape be handed over to the police.Therefore, at this time, he also spoke on behalf of the other three. Tsuga and Shindo looked a little depressed.Yue Shui thought to himself, these two people, as well as Harasawa who stayed in Tokyo and did not come, are all having an affair with Machiko, if they want to search Machiko's background and relationship, they will definitely be found, so they feel a little bit fear.Thinking of this, Yue Shui felt that they were quite pitiful. My wife and I are the initiator of the recording, so we cannot escape this time.Jin Teng was careful, so he had no choice but to follow. Only Yuan Ze escaped with excuses. ——This is Yue Shui's private thought. The chief detective of the Karuizawa Police Station told them that the search team leader from Nagano Prefecture had arrived at the scene and they could go and have a look now, so he drove them there by car. Entering Karuizawa in August, there are more people.The streets of Nakakaruizawa are filled with the colors of Tokyo.The car drove to Guijianchou and began to climb the mountain. On the way, turn right at the "Shanfeng Tea Room".But it's only been forty or fifty days since I didn't come, and the surrounding flowers and trees have changed a lot.In the dazzling sunlight, the dark green was illuminated to appear white. The four got off the car by the side of the road, led by the detective director, and walked towards the larch forest through the lush weeds.Inside, there were four or five people standing there. One of them had a few words with the chief detective.That is the head of the first search section sent by the Nagano Police Department, this time as the search leader.The last name of this police officer is the last. At the end of the police officer also thanked the three witnesses from Tokyo. "I want to ask now, where is the place where you set up the sound collector?" asked the police officer at the end. Wife, Koshimi, and Shinto looked around and found the tree.The tree is about 100 meters away from the scene where the police are now exhuming the body. Everyone walked under the tree together. "The sound collector is facing this direction, put it up." My wife and I pointed to the branches and gestured for the angle of the sound collector.He said that the person who climbed the tree to install the sound collector was Harasawa who was not present today; besides the three people standing under the tree, there was also Karoku Fukuchi, the president of the taxi company, pointing out . "The recorder is in the villa." My wife and I explained that the wires pulled from the sound collector on the tree lead to the villa, and the "Vine Village Villa" is also 100 meters away from the tree.Standing here, you can see the courtyard of the villa in the gap of the larch pine forest. "That's right. Just now, Mr. Fudi from the taxi company came here and explained to me what happened that day. It's exactly the same as what you said." Police officer Weimo said while wiping his sweat. "Has Mr. Fudi been here?" Yue Shui asked. "I asked him to come yesterday, and I asked him to come again today. He was very helpful in the search. He heard that you were coming, and said to come again later. Maybe he will come later." "Mr. Fudi must have been shocked when he heard about this!" Yue Shui asked. "It's really surprising. No one would have thought that the live recording of wild bird calls turned into a recording of a murder scene." "However, it has not been determined whether that voice is the voice of the deceased Machiko, right?" Tsuga asked. "Of course it hasn't been judged, but it can be said that the possibility is very high." "Have you heard that tape too?" "After you lent it to the Xiagu Police Station, they loaned it to us again. Everyone has heard it. The original tape, the tape after filtering and amplifying... the sound quality of the amplified sound is completely different; however, listening to the content of the conversation, it seems It was the man who disliked the woman, but the woman was unwilling to break up anyway, so that caused the other party to kill. Especially the woman's last call, it seemed that the man had made a rough move. " It seems that at the end of the day, the section chief has determined that the voice is Machiko. "But there is another couple talking in the tape..." My wife said. "Ah! That? That doesn't matter, it's someone else. We also played the tape to Mr. Fukuchi, the president of the taxi company. According to Mr. Fukuchi, the location of the first conversation was analyzed from the perspective of the microphone. , in the center in front of the sound collector. However, the position of the person is far away from the sound collector, so the content of the conversation cannot be heard clearly. The hearing range of the sound collector, in terms of human voice, is about 100 meters The limit is 150 meters. Therefore, the position is right, the distance is wrong, and the sound is blurred, " "What about the second conversation?" Yue Shui asked. "According to President Fukuji's explanation, it is roughly to the left of the radio center of the condenser. The distance is still 100 meters to 150 meters away; the voice of the conversation flashes away, that is because of the second conversation It was talking while walking, and the person who spoke went out of the range of hearing in a blink of an eye, so there was no sound. We feel that the person who talked for the first time is completely different from the person who talked for the second time.” That's about it.Since Machiko was killed there, the woman who spoke for the second time must not be Machiko.The three of them, Yue Shui, had already noticed that the voice in the tape was completely different. "So, have you started searching now?" Yue Shui asked. "Actually, there are still many things that are not clear." The police officer from the Nagano Prefectural Police Station said with a bitter face. "First of all, we need to ask how the deceased came here. Both Karuizawa Station and Zhongqing Station said that the days have been isolated for a long time, and it is impossible to judge whether such a woman got off the train. We also investigated the hotel, and the deceased did not stay in the hotel. We I also checked with the hot springs near Karuizawa, and both Kamiyamada Hot Spring and Ika Hot Spring said they had not seen this person. Later, I considered Minakami, Kusatsu, Shiwan and other hot springs, but they have not responded yet,” the police officer said. "Will you live in a villa?" My wife asked suddenly. "Of course, we also investigated the villa. On June 19th, there were not many people who lived in the villa, probably less than half of the current number. However, investigating the villa cannot be like investigating a hotel. If the secret is hidden in the villa It's hard to say." Speaking of this, the detective director's face was covered with shadows. "We recorded on June 19th. Has anyone seen the deceased here the day before? When she was killed, she was wearing a red flower dress. Does anyone have any impression of this dress? " This time it was Shindo who asked the search leader. "We have also asked everywhere. So far, no witnesses have come forward to say that they have seen her. Therefore, the deceased probably came here with the murderer on June 19th." The search leader replied. "As mentioned just now," Koshimi said, "the deceased did not stay at the hotel in Karuizawa, nor at the villa. He came here by train or car from Tokyo that day. Therefore, there was no need to go to other places. I went to the hot spring hotel to investigate, but it was a waste of time. Because Machiko worked at the 'Qinghe' bar until the night of the 18th!" "You can think of it this way, but we must conduct a full search wherever we can take care of it." The search leader expressed his dissatisfaction with Yue Shui's casual speech. At this time, the sound of a car sounded behind him. Looking back, Karoku Fukuchi from the taxi company, wearing a water-colored short-sleeved shirt, got out of the car. "Oh, something big happened." Karoku Fukuchi walked up to my wife and said. "It's totally unimaginable....Ah, last time we came, I'll take care of you." My wife said.Then, Shindo and Koshimizu also saluted Fukuji Karoku; the police officers next to him also greeted Fukuji Karoku. "Everyone has worked hard." Karoku Fukuchi, the president of the taxi company, greeted the police officers. "The tapes of the Wild Bird Club have an unexpected use!" Fukuji Karoku also said humorously.This time the murder was discovered because he advocated the recording of wild birds, so he couldn't help bragging to the police. "Captain, how did you decide in the end?" Karoku Fukuchi asked the search leader. "It can't be that fast! This is a very difficult case. It's too long to be killed." The police officer replied to Fukuchi Yoshiroku who had already been there once. "So, no matter what, we must first investigate the relationship of the deceased." After hearing this, my wife, I, and Jinto were stunned. Later, they became even more uneasy. Yue Shui patted Fukuji Karoku on the shoulder a few times, and then took him seven or eight steps outside. "Mr. President, I asked you about something secretly, but please don't mention it to others." After Yue Shui finished speaking, Fukuchi Yoshiroku looked at Yue Shui and said: "Okay, what's the matter?" When he said that, he had an unbelievable expression on his face. "I'm asking about this: on the evening of June 19th, when we came to record, Yuan Ze went back to the mansion from that villa. At that time, it was you returning by car, and he squeezed into you The reason for going back was that he forgot the haiku "Sui Shi Ji" and wanted to go back to get it; but when he returned to the villa, it had been almost an hour. After Hara Ze went back with you, did he get it right away?" Sui Shi Ji', how about leaving your residence immediately? According to him, after he left your residence, he met a guest from Tokyo and was caught by him. He had no choice but to have a few drinks together. ..." "That's right, after Mr. Yuan Ze came home with me, he took out the 'Sui Shi Ji' from his own luggage. I remember, he left immediately; yes, yes, at that time, he had not given Know where there was a phone call." "Telephone?" Yue Shui looked at Jialiu. "Where is that calling, do you know?" "I don't know; but if you ask the woman at the switchboard or the man foreman, you can find out." "Then, I must ask you to check. However, please don't tell Yuan Ze and the other two friends, and absolutely keep it a secret. No, I don't have any special views on Yuan Ze, I just want to say something about this case, do a little investigative work." Yue Shui seemed to be explaining. At this time, a red sports car appeared on the road, and in a blink of an eye, it stopped in front of the villa.Stepping down from the driver's seat was Fukuji Yoshiroku's son, Kaichiro, who was well-dressed and wearing a striped shirt.He took big strides and walked towards this side. Kaichiro, the son of Fukuji Yoshiroku, strode up to the police officer in a well-crafted horizontal-striped shirt. Without even looking at his father, he asked the local police officer whom he often met: "How about it, did you find any new investigation clues later?" Speaking without any worries. The police officer replied with a bitter face: "No, there is no clue yet." After hearing this, Kaichiro walked over to his wife, me and the others. "long time no see." He nodded slightly and greeted them with a broad smile. "The last time we came, I will take care of you." "This time, it's for this case, right?" Kaichiro completely ignored the surrounding atmosphere, and said indifferently.Then, he turned his eyes to the faces of Shinto and Koshimizu one by one. "Yes, I hope I can help you," said my wife. "I heard about your recording. It's very interesting. If this murder case is solved in this way, it will be like a novel." Fudi Jialiu who was next to him couldn't help frowning when he heard this, but his son ignored the many. "It was accidental. Because the voice of the conversation was recorded, it was given to the police for reference. It was a coincidence." My wife and I have no choice but to answer like this. "In ancient times, there was a saying that some cases were more bizarre than novels. ... Hey, the murderer and the deceased, are you walking in that direction?" After Kaichiro finished speaking, he pointed to the trees in front of him.My wife and I paid attention to the police officer's reaction and remained silent. "I heard that during the recording, there were two conversations between men and women, with a 40-minute pause in between....In this case, maybe the murderer didn't kill the deceased at that time, but did it after the second conversation. Therefore, the scene of the murder was not necessarily under that tree, and it was not known after walking a considerable distance." The police officers frowned after hearing Kaichiro's loud conversation.However, Yue Shui thought, what Kaichiro said is not impossible.If the first conversation and the second conversation were the same man and woman, the murder scene would not be here.That is to say, the sound gathering range of the sound gatherer has been left. However, the corpse was excavated within the range of sound gathering.Then, the murderer must have killed someone somewhere else, carried the body to the current place, and buried it.Kaichiro's nonsense words cast a new question on Yue Shui instead. "Hey, Mr. Harasawa didn't show up today?" Kaichiro suddenly found out and asked his wife and me. "Haruzawa happened to have something to do today, so he stayed in Tokyo and didn't come." "That's a pity. Mr. Yuan Ze is young and promising, and I like to associate with him very much!" Kaichiro praised himself, but found out later that the people around him didn't respond much. "Then, I excuse myself." I don't know who I said this sentence to, but after I finished speaking, I turned around and wanted to leave. "Mr. Fudi, wait a moment." Yue Shui chased after Kaichiro. "I want to go to your house once. If your car goes in that direction, I'll take a ride." "To my house?" "Yes! I have something to ask the female telephone operator and the foreman at the house." "Get in, then, please. I'm going somewhere else; but not too much detour." "thanks." Yue Shui sat in the assistant seat of the red sports car.Kaichiro persuaded him to sit in the back seat; however, Koshimi still had something to ask Kaichiro. Kaichiro put on his sunglasses and manipulated the steering wheel with skill.The sun was overhead, and the cool wind on the plateau was blowing on Yueshui's cheeks.The white smoke from Mt.Turn into the main road, and when you get to Guijianchou, the cars line up in one line. "Mr. Yue Shui, what do you want to ask our female telephone operator and foreman?" Kaichiro asked him while driving. "I told you, don't mention it to others." Yue Shui said to him with a serious face. "That's for sure." Kaichiro nodded. "That day, after arriving at the 'Fuji Village Villa', Yuan Ze took your father's car and returned to the house. He said that he forgot the 'Sui Shi Ji' at your house and went back to pick it up, but once he went there, it took about an hour before he returned. Go to the villa. I asked your father, and he said that Yuan Ze once called a certain place in the house, and if he asked the female telephone operator and the foreman, he might be able to find out, so I'm going to find them now. " "That won't find out. It's been so many days that the person in charge of the phone can't remember it." "Does the phone at home have a direct line?" "All calls from customers have to go through the telephone operator... Oh, did Mr. Yuan Ze call?" Kaichiro suddenly became interested in this matter. "There is nothing special about Yuan Ze's phone call. I just want to investigate and use it as a reference. It has nothing to do with this murder." Yue Shui Shen was afraid that the other party might misunderstand, so he hastily added a sentence. Kaichiro's car slowed down slightly.This is obviously to have a few more words with Yue Shui.If you use the speed just now, you will arrive at his house in no time. "The person who was killed was a bar girl from a bar in Asakusa where you often go to drink?" When Kaichiro asked, he was very interested. "That's right! The signboard of the bar is 'Qinghe', and it's the barme Machiko there." "is it beautiful?" "It's not pretty, but in that bar, it's pretty good at greeting customers." "According to the police, in good shape." Kaichiro smiled. "Maybe it's bodybuilding!" "Since it's someone I've seen and met very often, from the recorded voice, I should be able to tell if it's her voice." "I can't hear it at all. When you answer a friend's call, it will feel different from the original voice. Moreover, the recorded voice is very small." "No wonder, that's what happened." "The broadcasting company amplified the sound, and it sounded like a speech, completely degraded." "The voice of the second conversation must also be that girl!" "Can't tell." "What about the man's voice? Is there anyone among your friends with a voice similar to it?" "It's the same as a woman's voice, you can't hear it." "Can't you hear the voice of the man who talked for the second time?" "It's absolutely impossible to guess who it is." "Is this the case?" Kaichiro pushed the sunglasses with his hand. "According to the police, the recorded conversation is about a breakup between a man and a woman, isn't it?" he asked. "Sounds like a parting thing. But there were owls and thrushes in there disturbing the sound of the conversation." "As a result, the birdsong you wanted to hear became an obstacle instead." "It is true. If we can record more conversations, we may already know who the murderer is. It's a pity." Kaichiro didn't reply.At this time, it happened that the car was about to make a big turn. "This kind of thing is common. A guest has a love relationship with a bar girl. This cannot be taken seriously." Kaichiro spoke again. "Yeah! If you have a relationship with a drinking girl, you don't know what kind of disaster you will be involved in. You also often go to Tokyo. Is the place where you drink is the bar in the back street of Ginza?" Koshimi asked Kaichiro. "Yes, I spend a lot of time around there." "Have you ever been to Asakusa? Do you often go to Asakusa?" "I don't go often, but sometimes I go to have fun." "So, which bar is it?" Yue Shui became interested. "I'm going to Fanzi Street." "There are a lot of bars in that area. The 'Qinghe' bar is on Qiancao Street, which is far away. Moreover, it is the only one on that street. Therefore, the place is very quiet, suitable for us elderly people. " "Ah, is it?" Kaichiro casually said something, but remembered something. "Although you are all near the murder scene, all four of you can prove that you were not with the deceased at that time. During the police investigation, everyone is absolutely safe." After hearing what he said, Yue Shui felt in his heart that he should not judge people by their appearance.Originally thought that he was a playboy, big and big, talking nonsense, but he didn't expect him to say such words. He was right.In fact, all four can attest that they were not there when the murder occurred.The four of them stayed in the "Fuji Village Villa" from around seven o'clock in the evening until dawn.As long as everyone is not considered to be an accomplice in collusion, there will be no suspicion of murder.Perhaps Kaichiro wished everyone purely based on this point.Yue Shui thinks that he said this sentence probably not because he already knew that Machiko was related to several other people, so he was deliberately sarcastic. "Yes, from this point of view, it is absolutely safe." Yue Shui replied, but his tone was not very agreeable. "That night, I heard that you were in the villa, recording the calls of wild birds, and combining sentences. My father said it." Kaichiro said again. "Yeah, because it's too boring. We don't have much interest in wild birds yet." "Can you let me appreciate the couplets of the haiku?" "That's not good, our haiku is not popular, it's not easy for people to look at it, so as not to make you laugh." Yue Shui was talking, but he thought in his heart, yes, he should take out the couplet from that time and have a look again.I don't know why I should look at it.Still, there's always this intuition.This feeling, sometimes with the benefit of hindsight, is quite true.
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