Home Categories detective reasoning double voice

Chapter 14 Chapter Fourteen

double voice 松本清张 4226Words 2018-03-16
When Kawashima heard this, the detective asked him what happened to Tian on the morning of June 23 when Kayoko was killed, and he was shocked.I was not unprepared for this problem before, but because the detectives never mentioned it, I felt at ease. "Is that..." Kawashima hid his embarrassment. "Because there are some things to give to Mr. Tiansuo, so I invite him to come here once." When answering, try not to mention money. "What is it?" The older detective asked questions without hesitation. Kawashima wanted to ask, is there any need to answer such a question; however, when he remembered that the other party was an agent, although he was wearing a cheap suit, there was state power towering behind him.Therefore, the words "this question has nothing to do with it" cannot be exported.

"Nothing, I owe a sum of money to Mr. Tian Suo, please come and collect it." "Oh, so how much is it about?" "Not much, but seven thousand yuan." Kawashima pretended to be extremely relaxed, and replied loudly.There is no mention of gambling debts lost at poker.If you say it, you will fall into unexpected difficulties.Playing mahjong, and playing every night, is hardly a pastime.The winning and losing of the fight is also great.The poker friends are not colleagues in the yamen, but underground professional poker players.If the police inform their superiors that they play mahjong with such a group of people, it is hard to predict what kind of reprimand they will receive.Colleagues and subordinates also despise.Thinking of these, the body curled up unconsciously.

"However, you often play mahjong with Tasho, Tsurumaki, and Kondo at Hamaoka's house. Do you owe the money owed to Tasho at the poker table?" asked the young detective with a smile.Judging by that expression, this detective must also like to play mahjong. "Gambling, there will always be winners and losers. However, the money owed to the farm is not owed like that." Kawashima was serious and defended. "However, according to Tsurumaki, you did owe Tiansuo money at the mahjong table." Still smiling slightly, the young detective said to him. Kawashima felt his heels step on the cotton and sank down.It was Tsurumaki who said it again; this man looks like a gentleman, but he only chooses words that are not good for others, which is really annoying.At the same time, Kawashima felt that a corner of the fortification had collapsed.

"Of course, there are some. We don't play too much. I am a civil servant with a small salary, so I don't gamble too much. Moreover, the money owed to Mr. Tiansuo must be clear." Kawashima dared to speak out.I paid off the debt of the Tiansuo, and I didn't talk nonsense.At that time, Tian Suo had solemnly stated that all previous accounts would be cancelled.Therefore, judging from the results, this means that the debt has been paid off.Even if the detective goes to Tiansuo to testify, Tiansuo will definitely say that Mr. Kawashima doesn't owe me any money.This is because the cancellation of the previous account is of great help to Tian Suo's escape.

"No, anyone can play mahjong, so you don't have to worry about it." The older detective, who never spoke, comforted Kawashima. "That's right! Playing mahjong must be officially banned, so that mahjong halls can be completely banned." The young detective shares the same opinion as his predecessor. Kawashima was relieved, and he didn't seem to ask the question of playing cards too deeply. "Mr. Detective, I went to Hamaoka's house to play mahjong. Please keep it a secret. If you let your superiors know, your face will be ugly." Kawashima please.

"We understand this. We will never disclose to others what we know in our duties. Moreover, the matter of playing mahjong has nothing to do with the current case." said the older detective. "Thank you. . . . Then please don't tell my wife either." "I know, I know." The older agent nodded. "There is no need to tell your wife about such things. If it really causes some family disputes, we will feel sorry for you." In the end, the two detectives determined that Kawashima did not meet Tasho for the second time on the afternoon of June 23, when Kayoko was killed.

"You were going to work and we interrupted you." After the agent bowed to him, he took his leave. It was only then that Kawashima was able to come to the desk and sit down. Fortunately, he was only ten minutes late. While working, the conversation with the agent kept replaying in my mind.Are there any flaws in my own answer, and are there any hidden meanings in the agent's question?He is constantly reviewing the content, just like listening to a recording and making corrections. Kawashima finally remembered something worrying.Did Tsurumaki and Kondo explain to the detectives that their gambling debts were also forced to be cancelled?If you mention a sentence to the detective, then you must be suspected.There is absolutely no reason to cancel gambling debts without reason!

Moreover, it was Tiansuo, who was being noticed by the police, who first proposed the cancellation of the gambling debt, and he forced Tsurumaki and Kondo to cancel it as well, which made people even more suspicious. Why do you keep worrying so much?Kawashima sighed unconsciously.I'm in a bad mood, but in fact, I haven't done a single bad thing! The work in the morning was hastily dealt with in a heavy heart. When I was smoking and taking a nap, a glimmer of hope suddenly appeared.Tiansuo talked with him at Hamaoka's house.However, at dusk, Kayoko's murdered body was discovered, and the police conducted inquiries based on the list of sparrow guests they had obtained.Judging from this, Tiansuo has not had time to get in touch with Tsurumaki and Kondo to force them to cancel their gambling debts.It seemed that Tian Suo would not call the two of them right away to raise this matter.It’s okay to talk about it the next day, and it’s okay to delay it for another day.Tiansuo didn't need to fight for some time.

Thinking of this, Kawashima's mood relaxed a lot.That's right, the two detectives didn't mention the cancellation of gambling debts just now.Tsurumaki only talked about that.Kawashima felt more at ease. Kawashima made up his mind not to mention anything about seeing Tasho at Hamaoka's house around one o'clock that afternoon.Although the police thought that Tiansuo was a bit secretive, they couldn't do anything casually because there was no physical evidence. However, when it comes to physical evidence, Kawashima once again thought of the issue of "fingerprints".

It was luckier than anything else that my fingerprints were not left on those two paper doors.When Tansho later left Hamaoka's house, he probably wiped his fingerprints off, so his own fingerprints were also wiped off.This is really thanks to Tian Suo. Whether Tian Neng can keep evading the search to the end is still unknown.Tiansuo also has the possibility of being arrested.However, under such circumstances, Tasho would probably not have said that he had met Kawashima in Hamaoka, and in order to prevent publicity, he canceled his gambling debt.As long as he doesn't say anything about this matter, he will definitely keep it a secret.Tian Suo is very heroic.What has been agreed will not overturn the foreword.Don't drag people who have nothing to do with you into the whirlpool.

Even if it was discovered that Tiansuo killed Kayoko, Tiansuo must have insisted that he killed Kayoko by mistake.Manslaughter carries a much lighter sentence than premeditated murder.If you say that you not only cancel the gambling debt, but also give 30,000 won in cash, you will be judged as premeditated murder and your sentence will be increased.Kawashima believes that Tiansuo will not say such unfavorable things for the sake of safety.Kawashima prayed that this was the case.This not only involves the issue of execution, but may also involve the issue of giving false testimony.If that's the case, it's going to be bad. On the second and third days, Kawashima kept paying attention to the social news in the newspaper.Only a short report was published, saying that it was the Okubo murder case, but no clue was found, and the search was quite difficult. Kawashima was relieved.I keep hoping that Tian Suo can escape the crisis.In fact, it is your own crisis. However, at noon break the next day, the two detectives came to the Yamen to look for him again. When Kawashima saw the tired faces of the agents, he felt quite happy.This kind of complexion shows that the statement published in the newspaper that the search is quite difficult is quite correct.If Tiansuo had already been arrested, the agent would look radiant. "Mr. Kawashima, it's very troublesome!" This time, it was the older detective who led Chuan Dao to the door and spoke. "Did you not meet Tasho when you arrived at Hamaoka's house around one o'clock in the afternoon on the 23rd?" "How many times have I said this. I haven't encountered it." Kawashima answered while carefully guessing the other party's attitude. "Really? Have you met Tiansuo before, but insisted that you didn't?" The older agent applied the pressure.Kawashima was a little shaken, but he thought that if he showed timidity at this time, everything would be ruined. "I have nothing to hide. As I said before, I rang the bell at the gate, but no one answered, so I went back to work in the yamen." Kawashima knew that no one had seen the small road between the neighboring apartments at that time, so he was relieved. "Actually, it's like this. After investigating for a long time, the actions on that day are still unclear... Can this matter be said like this? As long as you tell me that at that time, at that place, you saw Tiansuo, everything will be fine." solve it." The agent seemed to be begging. As soon as Kawashima heard what the detective said, he knew that the police had no other strong evidence, so they could not detain the farm.That being the case, I should stick to it even more.This is not for Tian Suo, but for himself. "If you haven't met, you can't say you have met." For Kawashima, it is rare for him to speak so strongly. "Really? That's what Tian said. He came here to see you at eleven o'clock that day, and he didn't arrive at the Shigu construction site until after one o'clock. During this time, where was he? If there is clear evidence , then there is no problem, but until now, no evidence has been produced, which not only inconveniences Tian Suo himself, but also adds trouble to us. Therefore, I have to come to you again and again to bother you." Kawashima thought to himself, don't be deceived by the agent's careful wording.Don't fall into the opponent's trap.As long as he remains silent, Tiansuo will not be arrested. As a result, Kawashima still repeatedly replied that he had no knowledge; the agent went back quietly without knowing the point. Kawashima thought to himself, finally prevaricating, it seems that nothing happened.Tiansuo seems to be able to withstand it.I also have to withstand it. At dusk that day, Kawashima was about to go home and was clearing things on his desk when the receptionist at the gate called and said that a person surnamed Murakami wanted to see him.I couldn't guess who it was, so I answered it on the phone; the answer was that it was the person from XX newspaper. Reluctantly, when he walked to the door, there was a long-haired man standing there with great vigor.Even the expression on his face was a bit arrogant. "Is that Mr. Kawashima?" "yes!" "I'm here to inquire about the incident where the Hamaoka woman was strangled to death..." It's that thing again!Kawashima, who was about to go home, walked out of the gate indifferently.A reporter with a notebook followed closely. "According to the police, you went to Hamaoka's house at one o'clock in the afternoon on the day of the accident." "Been there." After Kawashima finished speaking, he thought, why do journalists have the right to ask questions?An agent is always an agent!These guys tell the news reporters everything, assholes! "At that time, did Mr. Kawashima meet a person surnamed Tian Suo there?" the reporter asked. "I didn't meet you!" Kawashima replied coldly.There are often journalists coming and going in the yamen.Probably because of his bad attitude, Kawashima has long been unhappy.This young reporter was even more arrogant. "However, the police are very careful about Tansho; and they think that when you went to Hamaoka's house that day, you must have met Tansho." "Is there such a goddamn thing? ... I have made it clear to the detectives that I have never encountered it." Kawashima said angrily. Mr. Journalist stared blankly at Chuan Dao for a while, and then showed displeasure on his face.Kawashima's uncooperative attitude seemed to make the other party angry. "Really? Well, go ahead!" The reporter only said these few words, and with anger on his shoulders, he strode away in front of him. Kawashima felt a little regretful.It would be better if the answer was kinder.The young reporter walking in front straightened his back, as if to say that this kind of petty bureaucrat is still putting on airs!Kawashima has always been quite unhappy with the journalists who wandered around in the yamen, so he took his anger out on that person; in hindsight, it was really not thoughtful.However, now I don't have the courage to catch up with the young reporter and chat with him casually.In any case, I had nothing to do with that case.Even if the reporter gets angry, he can't write a whole bunch of truths about unfounded things. Back not far from the civil servants' dormitory, I saw two men looking around and asking a child.The child suddenly saw Kawashima, and immediately pointed him with his finger.The two men hurried to Chuan Dao's side. "It's Mr. Kawashima!" "yes!" Looks like a journalist again. "We were sent from here." The business card I handed over was titled Weekly Magazine.Even journalists are displeased to a certain extent by Kawashima, and he is even more displeased with journalists of weekly magazines.Not only hate, but even despise. The question from the weekly magazine reporter was the same as that asked by the news reporter just now, did you see Tansho at Hamaoka's house at one o'clock that afternoon? Kawashima just replied, "I don't know." The guy from the weekly magazine said repeatedly in surprise, no, that doesn't make sense.That man didn't even shave his beard clean, his face was dirty, and his willful attitude made Kawashima even more upset. "If you say you don't know, you just don't know. How many times have you said it. Go away." He said so.Although he is cowardly, he still has the pride of an official. The people from the weekly magazine had the same complexion as the reporter just now. "Hmph, the little bureaucrat is so arrogant." When the two walked away, such a voice came. Although Kawashima is afraid of agents, he is not afraid of journalists and weekly magazine reporters. He returned home full of anger.
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