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Chapter 1 Guide to understand Mr. Qing Zhang's superb skill in formulating questions

revolutionaries 松本清张 3219Words 2018-03-16
Although I want to make a beautiful title, But the title is really too difficult. This is not a casual talk, the title is really hard to decide. It can't be too artificial, it can't be boring, it can't be meaningless, and it can't be too deep.Only after reading the ending can people slap their knees and say "that's how it is", or a title that is "thought-provoking" enough to be admirable.And the title of "revealing" at the beginning is a disappointment. Everyone must have the experience of picking up a certain book after being intrigued by the title!I'm the standard type, when I see a title that makes my eyes go "wow!", I grab the book even if I've never heard of it before.

When I write it myself, if the title is not decided, I can't think of anything.If it happens that the serialization is about to happen, if I make up a title first, I will definitely change it afterwards.Not only that, but sometimes even the work itself will fail and have to be completely revised. The title is the face of the work.It is best to be handsome and outstanding, but no matter how beautiful you are, if you look similar, you will still get bored, and it will be troublesome to confuse with other beauties. You still have to have your own personality.If it is a series of works, it is best to have consistency.In addition, the most ideal situation is a combination of words that people can remember as soon as they hear or look at them, and the pronunciation and words are loud and beautiful, or they can leave a deep impression when they are said.

This is purely ideal.To come up with a headline that fits all the criteria is, at least, beyond my reach. That is impossible…… But in this world, there are writers who can keep creating wonderful titles, and Mr. Qing Zhang is one of them. If you want to give examples, you can't finish it... It should be said that readers can prove themselves as long as they read the titles of the works introduced earlier.If you recall the long masterpieces together, there are countless mouth-watering and wonderful titles.That's right! If I have time, I really want to do another questionnaire-"Which title of Qing Zhang's works do you like best?" This time I will ask the writer.But I think it will definitely be among the best.In terms of content, it is a masterpiece, and in terms of title, it is also a masterpiece.

By the way, it was originally a novel serialized in a newspaper.During the period of serialization, this title will be put on the page of serialized novels in newspapers every day. Don’t you think it’s exciting just to imagine it?I must be eager to see the content as soon as possible.To make another digression, the movie directed by Nomura Yoshitaro (this is of course a masterpiece) opens (not only this scene), and the wandering boy is on the beach, collecting sand to make containers as the name suggests.This is certainly a scene full of respect for the original work, but I dare to say that every time I watch this scene, I think that it doesn’t matter if the boy is not a "vessel", it would be great to build a castle with sand.I even think this is more appropriate.

It should not refer to figurative utensils.People who desire to be filled with ethereal things like happiness and have to live with a heavy fate, how fragile they are, and the word used to symbolize them is "sand vessel".Therefore, there is no need to specially get a vessel made of sand in the movie, right? (Writing here, it suddenly occurred to me that one of the prerequisites for a good title seems to be one more—easy to understand and non-specific.) Alright, since Mr. Qingzhang is such a master at drafting topics, it would be too boring if I set the title of this chapter and then just list all the famous titles in an eloquent manner.What's more, there are too many to list, so I came up with a bold idea.

I have admitted from the beginning that I have read less than half of Mr. Qing Zhang's short works.This time, more than half of the works were read for the first time in order to edit this anthology. So, I selected three favorite titles from these works I read for the first time, and tested what kind of stories I would make up based on these titles.This can be regarded as a kind of "extraordinary play".When I decided to "just use this title", I didn't look at the content first, but thought about "how would I write it if it was me", and then read the work in detail to reveal the answer.

Although doing so is disrespectful to the master, it is still a privilege for book fans, so please forgive me, sir.Readers may wish to think about "if it were me, what kind of story would be written" while reading down.I thought it would be a lot of fun. "Too Much Marriage" Regarding this short story, Mr. Qing Zhang himself said in the postscript: "I want to write a short story like O. Henry's." It turns out that compared with other short stories, the atmosphere of this article is indeed lighter and more popular, and the way of narration is different. Sure enough, it has that kind of taste.

For marriage, pay too much.That's the title. Since I mentioned "paying", of course it means paying money. In order to let the matchmaker say a few more good words for me, I paid too much money, which led to bad results... I can only make such silly associations. The so-called "ask the matchmaker to say good things" means that the matchmaker who is responsible for pulling the red line describes the background of the person concerned, such as appearance and experience, in an exaggerated and exaggerated manner.That's why some people say: "The matchmaker's mouth is talking nonsense. It's best to discount what you hear before believing it."

For example, if there is a woman who looks a bit like Takako Matsu in only one photo, the matchmaker will say: "She looks exactly like the female star Takako Matsu." The matchmaker said, "It's as handsome and cool as Takuya Kimura Handsome young man", at first glance, it is more like the swollen virtue after throwing Kimura Takuya into the bathhouse and soaking in hot water for three days.However, as long as the character is good, these are of course not important. These days, there seem to be fewer and fewer couples who rely on matchmakers to match marriages, and the matchmakers responsible for arranging blind dates no longer direct everything according to the rules as before.Therefore, the term "matchmaker's mouth" is rarely used in its original meaning.Instead, it might come in handy in other situations, such as a business merger or the formation of a dot-com venture.

However, spending a lot of money on the matchmaker and asking the other party to try their best to say good things for him has led to bad results.How do you say that? Suppose there is a young lady in a certain place, she is a little introverted, but kind-hearted, she is a lovely girl. Her father is eagerly expecting her to find a good home, so he entrusts an acquaintance to introduce her, and entrusts her with all his strength. Unexpectedly, because the father was too kind to the matchmaker, and the matchmaker knew the taste, he was worried that if the young lady got married smoothly, he would not have the opportunity to taste this kind of sweetness again in the future.So even if a good marriage came to the door, they deliberately did not match up, and secretly spoke ill of the young lady to the other party.In the eyes of this young lady, it is really incomprehensible why every blind date is rejected by the other party.In the end, the young lady fell into despair and finally fell ill.Her parents were furious when they learned the truth by some chance, and vowed to take revenge on this shameless matchmaker...

boring! Or please read the real article. "Pascal Lives" Pascal. This is a person's name. He is the one who said "man is a thinking reed".He is a French philosopher.This famous saying is recorded in the book Pensee. The philosopher is long dead, but he is still alive.In other words, Pascal's ideas are still alive on earth.That's the title. And indeed it is. The adage "Man is a thinking reed" must have been learned by everyone in school.This warning is still widely used today.However, I didn't understand it after learning it (I didn't understand it then, and I still don't understand it now). Using plants as a metaphor for human beings, why use "reeds" instead of picking something else?Are the reeds in France different from the reeds that grow on banks and wetlands in Japan, and are more human-like?Can even walk? The Japanese should use the metaphor of cherry blossoms, right?It blooms and withers quickly, and after the flowers fall and sprout, there is another beauty.Otherwise, it is also good to choose the straight posture of cedar or zelkova, or the inconspicuous but delicious chestnut. I really don't understand what the French think. I am nagging and writing these not to make up the word count, I really only think of "Pascal" when I see this title.The first thing I thought of a second ago, because I only noticed the word "Ba", "Pasteur Surviving".Therefore, I think of Mr. Mitsuo Yamazaki's "Jenna's Last Words" (By the way, this is based on the arrogance of human delusion to expel, in order to suppress all traditional infectious diseases, and proposes and warns against the possibility of unexpected counterattacks of infectious diseases. pioneer masterpiece). Well, suppose there is a young man somewhere who studies philosophy. He was fascinated by the phrase "man is a thinking reed", and he only cared about the meaning of it every day, neither talking with friends, nor working, and even ignoring his family. The young man who was only desperately examining his own heart was finally lost in his inner world and could not get out. In order to smash the mysterious thought of "man is a thinking reed" that binds him, he was driven by violent impulse... boring!Ah, I'm so worthless. Leave me alone and keep reading.The "Pascal" in the text is not this "Pascal".Since it's a personal name, of course it could be someone else, I didn't think of this, I'm really ignorant. "Landscape of the Columbarium" Excuse me for getting a little personal, but two years ago my grandmother passed away at the age of ninety-two, and if I had been there for three more days she would have been ninety-three.What a pity, grandma. My grandmother lived in a nursing home for several years before she passed away.Thanks to the caring care of all the nurses, it is a very happy life.Other people in the nursing home, whether it was the grandmother's deathbed, or the wake and funeral, were there.With everyone seeing you off, I think grandma should be very happy too. The nursing home is called "Cosmos". When I buried my grandmother, I first came into contact with the various procedures of the funeral. Really, even the trivial details had to be determined one by one.It was also at that time that I realized that the columbarium could also be selected, and I was shocked at the moment. I have entered middle age, so I have attended some funerals, and every time I saw a plain white urn.However, the funeral home that prepared our grandmother's funeral provided us with a catalog of urns of all colors and patterns. For my grandmother, we chose the urn with the cosmos pattern, and I think that would be the best. When I saw the title of Mr. Qing Zhang's short story, I immediately thought of that. So, I wrote this kind of thing. This is not the plot of the novel at all.Sorry!Or please read the text. What kind of "scenery of the columbarium" will readers have when they send off their dear old friends? After reading this short story, I think I can't help but have this idea.
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