Home Categories detective reasoning Ten Deadly Sins 5

Chapter 36 Volume 8 Murder Video

Ten Deadly Sins 5 蜘蛛 3016Words 2018-03-16
Bai Jingyu hurried into the office of the special case team and directed the staff to bring in a voiceprint recorder and a document detector. The LCD monitor on the wall was also replaced with a higher-resolution video device. These are criminal investigation experiments. equipment in the room. Professor Liang and Bao Zhan were playing chess and drinking tea. They raised their heads and looked blankly at the busy staff. Su Mei said, "Wow, boss, are you moving?" Hualong said, "What other big case happened?" Bai Jingyu said: "The strange thing about this case is that we didn't know where it happened or who the deceased was, but we witnessed the whole murder process...someone recorded the murder process as a video and posted it on the Internet."

The killing video began to play on the big screen, and the footage showed a dark and messy small room. The lights in the room were not turned on, only the TV was emitting a pale light. It was 7 o'clock in the evening, and CCTV's "News Network" was playing on the TV.There is an old wooden coffee table in front of the TV, which is gray and has peeled paint.The coffee table was supposed to be placed parallel to the TV, but in the picture it was placed perpendicular to the TV, with one end of the coffee table facing the TV, which looked strange in a small room.What's even more strange is that there is a wooden chair on the coffee table, and a woman in a white fur collar down jacket is sitting on the chair, in the middle of the picture.To be precise, she was tied to a chair, her hands were tied to the armrests of the chair, her legs were also tied to the legs of the chair, her eyes were covered with a black cloth, and because of the backlight, she could not be seen clearly even facing the camera s face.

The woman is sitting still, like an exhibit, she is tied to a chair, and there is a coffee table under the chair. On the other end of the coffee table are several dishes, all packed in plastic bags, spread out on the table, a small bottle of Erguotou is already empty, and there are several Tsingtao beer bottles beside it, and one hand can be seen holding the Disposable chopsticks, obviously, the photographer cleverly avoided the lens.From the picture, it looks like it was taken by a mobile phone, and the lens has never moved, indicating that the photographer may have placed the mobile phone somewhere, maybe above the sofa behind the coffee table. This person is eating and drinking, watching in front of the TV A tied woman.

The woman in the down jacket twisted her body, trying to get rid of the rope on her body, but the struggle was in vain because the rope was tied tightly. The woman gave up struggling and began to beg continuously. Her words were mixed with the voice from the TV: "Good evening, audience friends, welcome to the "News Network" program... Did my family offend you, do you want money or what do you want to do, please let me go, I promise not to report the crime... Today, the program The main content of the book is... I don't have any enmity with you, how did I offend you, you said, I don't know you at all, you want money, right? Adhere to the people-centered creative orientation... Please, how did I offend you, let me go, what are you trying to do, help, help!"

The woman shouted loudly, at this moment, a strong man in a leather jacket rushed up, picked up a rag, jumped onto the tea table, and stuffed it into the woman's mouth.The woman tried to bite his hand, but could only make a muffled sound.The man was weird, wearing a helmet with his back to the camera. When he turned sideways, he could see that the windshield of the helmet half covered his face, making it difficult to distinguish his face. The man touched the woman's head, and the woman trembled in fright. It seemed that she had been beaten before. Her shoulders shook and she cried.

The man jumped off the coffee table and sat back to his original position. His hands can be seen in the camera, holding up the wine glass, taking a sip, and picking up a peanut with chopsticks.He seemed to be enjoying the process, admiring the terrified woman in front of him. "News Network" was still playing, and the woman was tied to a chair on the coffee table, sobbing and sobbing.After a while, the man drank the last glass of wine, turned down the volume with the remote control, got up and closed the window and drew the curtains tightly. There was a dead silence in the room. The woman realized something, raised her head in horror, and was at a loss.

The man stood on the coffee table with a flat rope in his hand.The TV has no sound, the picture is flickering, and the light on the screen creates a unique weird atmosphere.The man picked up another chair, put it on the coffee table, stepped on it, tiptoed, and passed the rope through a hook on the roof. This kind of hook is very common in old-fashioned houses and is mostly used to install chandeliers or ceiling fans. The man put on the rope, pulled it a few times, and moved the empty chair down. The man stood behind the woman, facing the camera, and slowly wrapped the end of the rope around the woman's neck. The woman struggled violently, clenched her hands into fists, shook her head desperately, and let out a dull cry from her nose when she was on the verge of death.The man ignored the woman, calmly tightened her neck, and tied a knot behind her head.He lifted the rope up, tested the tightness, seemed dissatisfied, and adjusted the noose again.

Then, he jumped down, clapped his hands, and moved the coffee table carefully but with great effort, making a screeching sound as it rubbed against the ground.The woman on the chair had her mouth blocked and her eyes were covered with black cloth strips. She could only whine. She seemed desperate and gave up struggling.The coffee table was removed bit by bit, and every sound caused her body to tremble.One leg of the chair hangs in the air, then the second, and the third... The man jerks, the chair hangs in the air, and the rope strangles the woman's neck.Because of too much force, a wine bottle on the coffee table fell down.

Finally, he pulled the tea table back to its original position, and the woman sitting on the chair was hanged in the air. The death process was not as unacceptable as imagined. The woman seemed to be very peaceful. The neck bone broke immediately when she fell suddenly, her organs were blocked and she stopped breathing. She didn't struggle or shake her body. The chair suspended in the air swayed slightly, and finally stood still. After 3 minutes, just when everyone thought the picture was frozen, the man appeared again, holding a piece of paper in his hand, which read: Police, you it is good.

The video stopped here, and the playback ended, with a total length of 7 minutes and 51 seconds. The special case team was shocked. This man in a leather jacket hanged a woman in a down jacket in a strange way. He didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, leaving only four words.He not only recorded the entire killing process, but also provoked the police at the end. Bai Jingyu said solemnly, "Our special case team has never encountered such a challenge when it was established. The reason why I use the word challenge is to tell everyone not to underestimate the enemy. This person does not seem to be simple. You should solve the case as soon as possible." .”

Bao Zhan said: "This person is too courageous. He recorded a murder video and posted it on the Internet. In the cases we have solved in the past, most of the murderers covered up their crimes after committing crimes and disappeared. This person is different and different. He did the opposite. .” Professor Liang lit his pipe, took a puff, and said slowly, "I like such an opponent." Su Mei said: "I noticed that the woman said she didn't know him at all. If it was a stranger, it would be too scary. Where did he catch this woman? Is it on the street? What is the motive for committing the crime?" Hualong said: "Random killings, revenge on the society, we have encountered such a perverted killer before. I don't think this person is very courageous. He also wears a helmet to cover his face. If he really has the guts, he will show his face." what!" Bao Zhan said: "The case is very difficult. We don't even know where the crime happened. There is no body and no physical evidence. Finding this person is like finding a needle in a haystack. It is really challenging." Su Mei said: "What kind of criminal psychology does the murderer have to provoke the police?" In criminal investigation, you will meet all kinds of criminal murderers. Some murderers are bold and reckless, and will deliberately leave evidence after committing crimes. Their criminal psychology is often contradictory. And eager for the police to find him, similar to a game of hide-and-seek mentality. Excerpting from a few real cases, let's learn about this extremely rare murderer. There was a massacre in Jilin. The murderer killed four members of Chen's family, dipped his finger in the blood of the deceased and wrote "My name is Xiaoshan" on the wall.After being arrested, he confessed that he killed people because of economic disputes. Writing on the wall is a heroic feat, just like Wu Song in the movie wrote "Killer, Wu Song also hits the tiger" on the wall after killing someone. A security guard in Wuhan wrote a provocative letter to the police after killing and dismembering his body. This person once traveled around the country with a homemade pistol.In Kunming, Guangzhou, and Haikou, he killed innocent people who had no grievances. He would send greeting cards and letters to the police station where the victims were located during festivals. In the letters, he would describe the process of killing in detail, and even asked the police for a reward of 6,000 yuan. Kim plans to betray his associates.He continued to challenge the police with murder until he was captured five years later. A woman who scavenged waste was raped and killed under the overpass of Jiefang Road in a certain urban area in Anhui. The first person who called the police turned out to be the murderer.Since then, for two years, the murderer kept calling the police.From calling the police to yelling "I am the murderer", "I killed people", "Come and catch me".This person was extremely cunning, and he called at different places every time. The police mobilized a large number of police forces to investigate in nine counties and cities, and finally arrested this crazy and provocative murderer. Professor Liang said: "The murderer had a premeditated plan. He first put an empty chair on the coffee table, then tied the victim to the chair, tied the victim's neck with a rope, and took away the coffee table below, completing the whole murder. This process is actually a simple hanging, which generally refers to the execution of the death penalty.” Bai Jingyu asked, "What do you mean?" "The murderer thinks he represents justice," said Professor Liang.
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