Home Categories detective reasoning Ten Deadly Sins 5

Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Wardrobe Maze

Ten Deadly Sins 5 蜘蛛 3331Words 2018-03-16
In the room of the deceased, the police removed the wardrobe, lifted a floor tile, and found a hole. Is this mysterious burrow dug by man or by nature? Are there any monsters living in the lair below? Everyone looked at each other, at a loss, Hua Long said: "Get out of the way." When encountering danger, Hualong was always the first one to rush forward. He asked for a flashlight and shone into the cave. The cave was narrow and not too deep, and some pits were dug on the cave wall for easy climbing.Using both hands and feet, Hualong went down into the cave and found another horizontal tunnel at the bottom.Hua Totoro walked forward with its waist bent. The tunnel was cold and damp, exuding a rotten breath.Hualong thought to himself, if the murderer dug this tunnel, the amount of work would be too big.There was a sound from behind, it turned out that Bao Zhan and Su Mei were worried about Hualong's safety, so they also came down from the cave.Not long after the three of them walked, there was a rusty iron fence in front of them, which had already been destroyed by someone. After passing through the fence, they reached the end of the tunnel.At the end, there is a downward iron ladder, embedded in the soil layer, which is also full of rust.Going down the ladder, I finally reached the bottom, and the surroundings were pitch black. Hualong looked around with a flashlight, and the three of them were stunned!

Su Mei said, "What kind of place is this?" Bao Zhan said: "It looks like the inside of a cemetery, and it's a bit like a subway tunnel, or a mine." Hualong said: "No, you won't believe me when I tell you. If I'm not wrong, this is... an underground airport." There is a post on Tianya Community Entertainment Gossip Forum, titled "Are there people around 818 who are very low-key, but really awesome?" " Lu Qiqi has a classmate named Xiao Wenzi, who wrote about Lu Qiqi's father in this post. Father Lu used to work in an architectural design institute. He rode a broken bicycle all day long. He was low-key, dressed very plainly, and wore glasses. He was a typical image of a middle-aged intellectual.One year, when the developer wanted to demolish their house, a group of excavator drivers came first. Father Lu swore to defend his home and stopped the excavator, refusing to give up an inch of land.The developer called in a group of people driving police cars, intending to take coercive measures to detain Papa Lu.

A policeman persuaded: "Old man, your old house is an illegal building and should have been demolished long ago." Father Deer was confident and said: "How much power do you have, do you know what is under this house?" The policeman said, "What?" Papa Lu said, "It's a state secret." The policeman said, "What state secret?" Father Lu said: "Your police rank is too low, and you are not qualified to know. Article 52 of the National Defense Law stipulates: 'Citizens and organizations should abide by the confidentiality regulations and must not disclose state secrets related to national defense.'"

The developer thought Papa Lu was playing tricks, and when he was about to demolish it, Papa Lu called a group of people driving military vehicles, and the heavily armed soldiers surrounded the police and the developer.Everyone was shocked that such a polite bridge engineer actually had a military background. Father Lu has a secret identity, and he also serves as a technical consultant for the city's civil air defense engineering headquarters. China's civil air defense projects are military facilities with great strategic and combat readiness significance. Because it is a time of peace and prosperity, and the war is far away, the civil air defense projects under the city's ground are not known.Once the war comes, civil air defense projects must be able to effectively resist various attacks including nuclear weapons and urban secondary disasters.The civil air defense project in Spring City began to be built during the War of Resistance Against Japan. In the 1970s, Mao Zedong instructed to "dig deep holes and accumulate food widely". Every city in China actively prepared for war and dug many air-raid shelters and tunnels, thus forming a large area of ​​underground Construction, at that time the length of the axis of the excavated holes in the country exceeded the Great Wall, and the earth and stone excavated exceeded the total amount of earth and stone of the Great Wall!

The hole under the wardrobe of Lu Qiqi's house is a hidden communication hole of the city's civil air defense project. Hualong, Bao Zhan, and Su Mei are standing in a huge underground tunnel. Rather, they were standing on the runway of an underground airport. The underground airport is a part of the civil air defense project, mainly used to hide the aircraft during the war and preserve the air force's counterattack capability. Hualong had served as a soldier, so he had some knowledge of civil air defense projects and underground military installations.After hearing Hualong's explanation, Bao Zhan and Su Mei couldn't believe that there was an underground airport under the closet of the deceased Lu Qiqi's house.The three of them checked with flashlights for a while. Due to the long period of disrepair, the underground airport has collapsed and accumulated water in many places. There are several tunnels connected to it, and the tunnels are connected to the tunnels, like a maze.

The three of Hualong returned to the ground and explained the situation to Professor Liang. Captain Gao called the elite soldiers to hold a meeting at the Public Security Bureau. Captain Gao took out a map and hung it on the wall of the conference room. It was the plan of the Chuncheng civil air defense project, but it was drawn in 1990.In recent years, with the urban planning and expansion, civil air defense engineering combat readiness and commercial integration, under the premise of not destroying the overall structure, make full use of the underground space, part of the civil air defense engineering has been transformed into shopping malls, parking lots, warehouses, hotels, etc.

Professor Liang said: "Who can enter the civil air defense area under the wardrobe of the deceased Lu Qiqi's house?" A staff member of the Civil Defense Office said: "That area is not developed for commercial use, and it is usually closed. We will assist the police to search the entrance and exit carefully." Bao Zhan said: "Who can enter and exit the civil air defense project? This is very important." Professor Liang said: "The civil air defense project under the deceased's closet existed long ago, but it was not known to the public. Not only did the murderer know this, but he also knew that Lu Qiqi's house had hidden gold bars. The murderer must have some kind of relationship with the deceased's family. "

Bao Zhan said, "Who can explain how the hole under the closet was dug?" Captain Gao said: "After consulting professionals, they believe that the burrow of the deceased Lu Qiqi's house was dug from the bottom up. Because it was a hidden communication hole before, the murderer didn't take much effort." Su Mei said: "It's unbelievable. The murderer dug a tunnel to the deceased's house, and then killed people and robbed property." Hualong said: "It takes so much effort to dig a tunnel, just pretend to be a courier and trick the door open."

Bao Zhan said: "If it is seeking money, then the murder may not have been intentional, and the murderer may have just wanted to steal at first." Captain Gao said: "Burglary can easily escalate into robbery, and robbery can easily lead to homicide. There are too many such cases." Professor Liang said: "Let's analyze the process of committing the crime." Captain Gao said: "There is a doubtful point in this case. The wardrobe is very heavy, and it takes several people to lift it. The nails at the bottom of the wardrobe are also intact and there is no sign of prying them open. How did the murderer enter the deceased's house? From the hole in the ground If it gets out, the top is a wardrobe, and the murderer still can't get in."

Bao Zhan said: "It's very simple, anyone can do it." Captain Gao said, "How can we enter the house without destroying the closet?" Bao Zhan said: "The murderer removed the floor tiles from below, used some kind of tool to pry open the wooden board at the bottom of the closet, entered the closet to hide, and waited for the opportunity to commit crimes. I guess the murderer did this more than once. When the mother deer returned home, the deer Qiqi is already dead. If the anti-theft chain at home is hung, mother deer will not be able to enter the house even if she has the key. This shows that the murderer killed someone and robbed the property, and finally walked out of the door swaggeringly. Before leaving, in order to cover the scene, the murderer covered the hole and re-nailed the wooden strips at the bottom of the closet with nails, which is why we saw that the closet was not damaged but the murderer was able to enter the home."

Su Mei said: "I agree with Xiaobao's opinion. After the murder, the murderer nailed the wooden boards at the bottom of the closet, put the body in the closet, and hung the dead man's neck with a data cable." Hualong said: "Some murderers cover the deceased with a quilt or cover their face with mud after killing. In fact, this is a manifestation of fear of crime." Professor Liang emphasized that there is no secret to solving crimes. The police should not think about what they have done, but think about what they can do.Subsequently, Professor Liang arranged tasks at the meeting. Captain Gao is in charge of investigating the family background and interpersonal relationship of the deceased, to see if he committed the crime for an acquaintance, and to determine the direction of detection. Su Mei and the forensic doctor went to the funeral home together to check the autopsy report again, making sure it was accurate.No fingerprints of the murderer were left at the scene, but the murder weapon used by the murderer can be preliminarily judged through the autopsy. The focus of Bao Zhan's work is to investigate the silver buildings of the major gold stores in Spring City. After the murderer grabs the gold bars, he will inevitably sell the stolen goods. Hualong teamed up with professionals to conduct a detailed survey of the civil air defense project below Lu Qiqi's house. They had to survey and draw the latest map, inspect every tunnel and branch line, and find the entrance and exit for the murderer to enter the civil air defense project. On the ground, there was a lot of traffic and noise, but the underground civil air defense project was deserted, dark and silent. Hualong, two policemen and staff from the Civil Air Defense Office launched a search. They walked in the damp and cold tunnel with flashlights. The height of the tunnel is high enough to hide the plane, but due to disrepair, some places have collapsed, and some branch lines can only The cat walks forward.This underground world is full of garbage, bacteria, and small animals, but it extends in all directions. The uncontrollable factors of the internal environment, coupled with ecological pollution, make people uneasy and heighten their anxiety. A section of the tunnel was blocked due to collapse, and Hualong and others made a detour, and the ground subsidence occurred in front of it due to perennial water accumulation, forming a deep pit.When everyone went down to the pit, they smelled a cold fishy smell, and vaguely saw a pile of white stones. When they got closer, the pile of "stones" suddenly moved.Everyone looked at it with flashlights, and couldn't help being horrified. This huge monster is a white boa constrictor!It is five or six meters long, and it crawls there, holding its head up and spitting out its core. When everyone saw the big snake, they were terrified. One person ran back, but the big snake bit his leg fiercely. Hualong stood in front and signaled everyone not to act rashly. He threw a stone to scare away the big snake.The snake attacked again, biting Hualong's arm. The movement was so fast that Hualong had no time to dodge. In desperation, he stretched the flashlight forward, and it happened to get stuck in the snake's mouth. The snake head fired several shots. The big white snake didn't move. Everyone noticed that its belly was so thick and big that it couldn't crawl at all. A policeman said: "Scary, what a boa constrictor, must have swallowed some large animal, it ate a sheep?" A staff member from the Civil Defense Office said, "There are only rats and cockroaches in the ground. Where did these large animals come from?" Hualong said: "Could it be possible that this snake swallowed a person?" Hualong cut the snake open from the abdomen with a knife, and with the pale light of the flashlight, he saw a person's body protruding from the snake's abdomen. Most of the person's head and upper body had been dissolved by the python's stomach juice.
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