Home Categories detective reasoning after the death penalty

Chapter 2 Chapter 1 The Shadow After Farewell

after the death penalty 余以键 8178Words 2018-03-16
No. 9 Boulevard Street is the dormitory area of ​​the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government. People commonly call it the Municipal Party Committee Compound.A week ago, when Xiaoxue dragged her luggage and bowed her head back to the home where she had been separated for three years, the court personnel accompanying her told her to stay at home, because she might be notified at any time to meet her father.At six o'clock the next morning, the phone rang at home.Half an hour later, the court car took her to the prison.At 7:15, she met her father through the tempered glass.From then on, Xiaoxue fell into a nightmare.This nightmare haunted her for five days and five nights. When she woke up on the bed at home, she didn't know where she was.

Aunt Wei, the nanny at home, told her: "You seem to have lost your soul these days. You are like a wooden man when you are awake, and you have to feed you porridge and milk, but you are panting continuously after falling asleep. Still screaming in shock..." Xiaoxue said: "Really? I don't know, I don't know anything." The scenes that Xiaoxue can remember are clouded over.Dad in prison uniform stood over the glass, clean-shaven.She called out "Daddy" and would have fallen to the ground if the two female bailiffs hadn't supported her.She said, "Dad, I brought you a suit and a pair of leather shoes..."

Dad was already crying like rain on the other side of the glass.The five minutes of life and death came in a blink of an eye, and the last voice that rang in her ear was: "Xiaoxue, Dad is sorry for you. You have to live a good life and be a useful person to society. From now on, you have to visit your mother often. After prison, you will take care of her in the old age..." After this, Xiaoxue has no memory.She fell and fell in the bottomless abyss, one side of the abyss was glass, and she said, "Daddy, may I touch your face? Just like when I was a child." Dad put his face close to the glass, and she touched the glass with her hand. touched.She felt the palm of her hand was cold at first, and then it was hot and painful, and she saw blood flow from the palm of her hand.The father's voice said: "This child is three years old and still wrestling at home. If he was a kid, he would have already run all over the yard." Why don't you feel sad?"

Next, she continued to fall in the abyss, and was later supported by some clouds and mist, which supported her to float softly.Time and space are blurred, and suddenly, a doctor in a white coat and a large mask appears beside her bed.The doctor touched her forehead with his hand, then asked her to open her mouth again, pressed her tongue with a tongue depressor and said, "Ah, ah." The doctor's face was unclear, but he was tall and big, with a thick voice.He said: "You talk to me, I'll see if your consciousness is still clear." He said softly, and the horse raised its hooves.She said, the horse raised its hooves.He said it was a success.She said it was a success.He said, ten thousand horses are galloping.She said, ten thousand horses are galloping.Suddenly, the doctor raised his voice and asked: "Where is the horse?" She repeated in a thin voice: "Where is the horse?" The doctor said anxiously: "I don't want you to repeat this sentence, you Answer me, where is the horse?" With her eyes slightly closed, she didn't respond to the doctor's words, and she still murmured: "I don't want you to repeat this sentence..." She seemed to see the doctor's dejected look.Soon, the doctor disappeared like water vapor.

When Xiaoxue woke up completely, she saw the nanny sitting in front of her bed, so she asked, "Aunt Wei, how long have I been in a daze?" Aunt Wei said, "It's been five days. It's really scary, lethargic and talking nonsense. Help me When you sit up, your eyes are also in a daze. You don’t move when you put the milk straw into your mouth, but you have to keep telling you suck, suck, and you will finish it slowly.” Xiaoxue got up and walked slowly into the living room.There is a small palm-sized photo frame on the chest of drawers, inside is a photo of Dad before his death, and a plate of fruit is placed in front of the photo.

"Father..." Xiaoxue burst into tears, tilted her body, and fell down on the sofa. Aunt Wei said with red eyes: "Don't worry, your father has already been buried. Your uncle arrived the day after your father's death. He went to the funeral home to collect the ashes, and he has taken them back to his hometown for burial. The uncle said that it is best not to set up an ashes at home. The mourning hall, I went to buy some fruit and put it in front of his previous photos, isn't this considered a mourning hall?" "Aunt Wei..." Xiaoxue called out, her shoulders twitching from crying.

Aunt Wei said, "Don't cry, I've made chicken soup for you, drink some to nourish your body later." Xiaoxue said tearfully: "Thank you for taking care of me and inviting a doctor to see me." "Doctor?" Aunt Wei said in surprise, "I haven't invited a doctor to my house these days. I know you'll be fine after a few days of sleep. Inappropriate." Never been to the doctor at home?Xiaoxue was confused, was the scene where the doctor was talking to me an illusion?She went back to her bedroom and looked at her bed and the chair in front of it.Suddenly, she picked up a small object on the bedside table. It was a tongue depressor used by doctors for patients.Aunt Wei followed in, looked at the tongue depressor and said, "I've never had such a thing at home, where did it come from?"

There was an "ah" in Xiaoxue's throat, as if the doctor was pressing her tongue with a tongue depressor.And that string about the horse, "Where's the horse? I don't want you repeating me..." It was a horrible nightmare from which the tongue depressor ran onto her nightstand. Aunt Wei said: "Whatever it is, don't stand here in a daze, go to the back garden to get some fresh air, and you will feel better." Behind the living room is a small garden.Since her parents were arrested two years ago, Aunt Wei has no intention of planting flowers here.The reason why she stayed here and didn't go back to her hometown was because Xiaoxue's mother said to her when she was taken away from home: "If you want to stay here, someone will take care of this home." Aunt Wei nodded in agreement.She stayed and waited for the family's unpredictable finale.

Xiaoxue came to the back garden, looking at the dilapidated scene overgrown with weeds, her nose couldn't help but feel a little sore.Suddenly, she saw a large cluster of yellow chrysanthemums leaning against the fence, and asked Aunt Wei, "Where did you get the chrysanthemums?" Aunt Wei said that her uncle brought them back when he went to collect the ashes.Aunt Wei thought that the sacrifice in the funeral home should not be brought home, so she put it in the back garden. Xiaoxue felt hot in her heart, and asked, "Who sent the chrysanthemums?" Aunt Wei said: "I don't know, the flowers were put together with the ashes, and your uncle brought them back together. Oh, there is still writing on the ribbon, go and see what it says."

Xiaoxue walked over to pick up the bouquet of chrysanthemums, and unfolded the curved ribbon to look at it. The four characters "Xiaoxue's mourning" made her burst into tears. Aunt Wei, who was illiterate, asked from the side, "What's written on it?" Xiaoxue didn't answer.Aunt Wei saw that there was a little smile on her wet face again, she shook her head inexplicably, said "this child", then turned and went into the room. In the evening, Xiaoxue drank some chicken soup and corn porridge, and she felt much better.Aunt Wei came out of the kitchen, glanced at the chrysanthemums in the vase, and said, "Xiaoxue, why did you put that thing in the living room? Things brought back from the funeral home cannot be brought into the house casually. They are just put in the back garden." Here, I still feel chilly when I go out to take out the trash at night."

Xiaoxue said: "What are you afraid of? You are superstitious. If you are really afraid, I will put the flower in my bedroom." Aunt Wei turned pale with shock, and kept saying that it was no good, no way.But Xiaoxue ignored it, got up and moved the big vase away.Hearing the sound of Xiaoxue closing the bedroom door, Aunt Wei gasped. At night, Aunt Wei didn't fall asleep, and compulsively listened to Xiaoxue's movements.It was very quiet at first, then there was a low cry, and then there was no sound at all.Aunt Wei was about to go to bed when she suddenly heard a "bang" from the direction of Xiaoxue's bedroom, as if something had fallen on the floor.Aunt Wei got up quickly, and walked lightly to Xiaoxue's bedroom door, but there was no sound from inside again.She was hesitating whether to knock on the door and ask, when suddenly there was a sound of "ah-ah--" in the room, which was the kind of sound made by a doctor pressing a patient's tongue with a tongue depressor.It seemed that Xiaoxue had another nightmare. Aunt Wei looked sideways at the wall clock in the living room, it was exactly 2:15 in the morning. On the night when Xiaoxue dreamed of being examined by a doctor, Pi Gui was working in the cosmetic surgery room of the funeral home.Pi Gui is an honest man, he has decided to wait for Xiaoxue at the gate of the municipal party committee tomorrow, but he can't let go of work, so he works overtime at night.In this way, the bald director has nothing to say. Pi Gui has been dreaming of Xiaoxue these days.Even though it was a dream, I woke up excited.He saw Xiaoxue when she was in middle school, wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt and a floral dress underneath.He talked to her in his dream, and even smelled the fragrance from her body and long hair.It's a pity that the bouquet of flowers could not be given to Xiaoxue in person.However, he must see her, look at her, and talk to her, so that his life is worthwhile. At eight o'clock the next morning, Pi Gui was already standing outside the gate of No. 9 Boulevard Street.He didn't dare to get too close to the gate, because in that case, the security guard in charge of the gate would come to question him.He stood under a tree across the street, his eyes fixed on the people coming in and out of the gate.It was the time to go to work, only a few cars came out of the yard, and then no cars came out again, as if there were not many people living in it.Then, all the children who came out of it were school children, as well as a nanny carrying a vegetable basket.Pi Gui felt that the municipal committee compound was not mysterious, except that the house and greenery were better, it was no different from the dormitory area of ​​other units.Of course, there are also differences, that is, there are more security guards here, which looks like a whole class. There is a boy who sells ice cream by the steps on the right side of the gate. He is guarding the ice cream box and staring at the people who come out of the compound, hoping that someone will come to buy his ice cream.Pi Gui felt that this ice cream seller was not smart at all. First of all, although it was summer, who would want to eat ice cream early in the morning?In addition, this is a secluded small street. Some people will come out of the municipal party committee compound during working hours, but after this time, there are few people on the whole street. If you want to sell ice cream, go two hundred meters to the east It's a bustling street, and the intersection there is a good place to sell ice cream. While Pi Gui murmured in his heart about the stupidity of the person opposite, he did not relax his attention on the gate.There were very few people going in and out, but it was good, if Xiaoxue came out at this time, Pi Gui would be able to tell the difference at a glance.At ten o'clock in the morning, a mail truck stopped at the gate of the compound. A security guard took a large package of mail from the car, and then the mail van drove away, making the gate of the compound even more empty. Pi Gui's legs were already stiff from standing, so he crossed the street and chatted with the ice cream boy. Pi Gui asked, "Why do you sell ice cream here?" The young man raised his head and stared at him: "Can you control it?" Pi Gui quickly said, "I don't mean to interfere with you, I just think there are few people here so it's not easy to sell things." The young man said: "There are many people on the street, but if you go there, you will be chased away by the urban management." This is true.Pi Gui sighed and asked again: "How old are you? You must be a middle school student." The young man said: "I'm seventeen years old, my family is poor, and I can't study anymore, so go out and earn some money for the family." Pi Gui's heart moved, and he remembered his previous experience, so he took out the money and bought an ice cream.Just as he turned around to leave, the young man said, "You've been standing opposite the whole morning, are you waiting for someone?" The ice cream went across the street. There were almost no people entering or exiting at the gate of the compound, but Pigui continued to wait, he had a lot of confidence.The boy selling ice cream was as patient as he was, and he would take out his mobile phone from time to time and whisper it in his ear, as if he was very busy. Before noon, Pi Gui was so hungry that he panicked.It takes two bus transfers to get here from the funeral parlor. Pi Gui set off early in the morning and didn't even bother to eat breakfast. In addition to working overtime last night, he suddenly felt exhausted.Fortunately, there is a small noodle shop on this street, Pi Gui went in and sat down at the table by the window, from here he could still see the gate of the courtyard diagonally opposite. It was not lunch time yet, and Pi Gui was the only diner in the store.The proprietress said: "You have to wait for the noodles, the water hasn't boiled yet." Pi Gui said: "It's okay, I'm not in a hurry." The proprietress came over with a pot and poured him a cup of tea, and then said: "Well, what's the smell here? Are you a fish seller?" Fish seller! The smell is due to poor hygiene in your place.” The proprietress went into the kitchen after two "oh oh".Pi Gui felt suspicious, do I smell?Not too possible.Today I came to see Xiaoxue. After he came out of the cosmetology room at 5 o'clock in the morning, he went to the shower room to take a shower, and changed into a clean shirt and trousers. He just didn't spray perfume on himself.But isn't it too feminine for a man to use that thing?In any case, there was no smell on him, only the garbage from the kitchen misleading the landlady's sense of smell. Pi Gui calmed down and turned to watch the TV in the store.On the TV screen, the hostess of "City Report" is broadcasting the news.The host is Yanna, and Pi Gui liked to watch her shows when he was in middle school.At that time, she was a beautiful girl in her early twenties, and now she is a plump woman.At this moment, she was broadcasting a news, interspersed with live pictures, saying that there was a car accident yesterday. On the highway not far from the city, two cars rear-ended, three people were seriously injured, and one died on the spot. Pi Gui sighed, knowing that the mangled dead man was about to lie down in his plastic surgery room again.For this, he is not upset, who told him to choose a job that can never be finished. At this time, the noodles he asked for had already been served, and he picked up his chopsticks and ate them with big mouthfuls.Two girls arrived at the next table, whispering to each other as they waited for their meal.One girl said: "I heard that Xiaoxue is sick, I'm so pitiful." The other said: "Fortunately, her nanny is still here, and there are still people taking care of her." Pi Gui was startled, turned his head and asked, "Do you know Zou Xiaoxue?" "We're neighbours," said one girl. Pi Gui asked, "Is she seriously ill?" The girl said: "Maybe you won't be able to get out of bed for two or three days. Who are you? How do you know Xiaoxue?" Pi Gui hesitated a few times, seeing the two girls looking directly at him, he had no choice but to say, "She and I are middle school classmates." The girl asked, "Are you here waiting to see her?" Pi Gui panicked, and said repeatedly: "No...no, I'm just passing by." After eating the noodles, Pi Gui didn't stay on the street after he walked out of the shop.Since Xiaoxue couldn't go out, he didn't have to wait any longer.Besides, the two girls looked at him strangely, as if examining him, which made him feel uncomfortable. Back at the funeral parlor, he was about to sleep in the dormitory, when the bald director opened the door and said, "Pedan, you seem to have lost your soul these days, where have you been?" Pi Gui said, "Go to the city to buy something, can't you?" The bald director didn't argue with him, but said: "Your work is heavy these days. There was a car accident victim who was badly hit. The family members are waiting to see the remains. You have to do something for him quickly." Pi Gui let out a "hmm" and said, "I'm sleepy, let's do it after a good night's sleep." The bald director backed out.Here, for any difficult plastic surgery, Pi Gui must be required, and if he wants to sleep for a while, he has to let him. At four o'clock in the afternoon, Pi Gui saw the dead man on the mortuary table in the plastic surgery room. He was a man in his thirties. One leg was broken, his face was very miserable, and one ear was about to fall off. It would take a long time. suture. The family has sent a set of mourning clothes, which are neatly folded on the chair.Picking up the scissors, Pi Gui first cut off the clothes on the body of the deceased.The deceased was wearing a pair of jeans, and there were several zippered trouser pockets on the upper and lower legs, which made people feel how tough he was during his lifetime.When Pi Gui was cutting off the pair of jeans, a piece of paper suddenly fell out of one of his trouser pockets. When he unfolded it, it read, "Quickly contact the little fat boy in the Municipal Mental Hospital and come up with a plan to get Zou Xiaoxue admitted to the hospital." Pi Gui was shocked, what does this mean?Is Xiaoxue crazy?Even if this is the case, admission to the hospital is enough, why do we have to "come up with a plan"? Looking at the bloody corpse, Pi Gui's heart felt tense.Who is he?From the sign hanging on his chest, we only know that his name is Wu Qini, male, 31 years old, the cause of death was a car accident, and the freezer number here is No. 39.Other than that, there is no information about the deceased. Pi Gui thought that many relatives of the deceased would come to the farewell ceremony in a few days, so he had to try to find out the identity of the deceased, and then discover the truth of this note. However, after a few days, is there still time?What will happen to Xiaoxue in these few days?Pi Gui was so anxious that he punched the mortuary table with his fist, which made the corpse move, as if it was about to open its mouth to reveal some secret. There is a small hill a few dozen miles away from the city, which is not too high, and there is a temple in it, called Linghui Temple.There is a triple Buddhist hall in the temple, and there are more than 20 side rooms on the side, which were originally prepared for the temporary residence of lay people who came to pilgrimage. Later, some tourists found this place, and these rooms were used to provide accommodation for tourists. At dusk, monk Miaoxuan was cleaning the open space outside the gate of the monastery, when suddenly a woman climbed up the steps, approached and asked him, "Master, where is the registration?" The monk glanced at the woman, her face was pretty, but her eyebrows There were melancholy clouds, and I thought that I came here to pray for the Buddha and make a wish, so I said, "The almsman will stay with me overnight." Monk Miaoxuan also registers the accommodation here.He glanced at the ID card handed over by the woman, put the registration book on the window sill, wrote down the words "Zou Xiaoxue, female, born in November 1986", and said, "I will take you to the wing room." The wing rooms have to pass through long and winding corridors, and when people walk here, the raised wooden floors are trampled.The air smelled of rotting leaves in the mountains and incense from the temple. It was Aunt Wei's suggestion that Xiaoxue came here.She said: "You keep screaming at night, I'm afraid you are haunted by evil spirits. Go to Linghui Temple for a few days, and the Bodhisattva will bless you." Aunt Wei is a lay Buddhist. vegetarian.Xiaoxue was hesitant about Aunt Wei's proposal at first, but at this moment her uncle called and said that Xiaoxue should stay in China for a few more days, because the family was applying for medical parole for her mother.Originally, the prison term was only five years, and her mother was suffering from many diseases, so there was still hope for her to be released on medical parole. As a result, Xiaoxue decided to live in the mountains for a few days to get some fresh air.She went out in the afternoon and walked in the courtyard with her head buried, but she still felt someone pointing behind her.She felt a tightness in her chest. After walking out of the gate, she bought an ice cream from a street vendor, then took a taxi and went straight to the long-distance station. Walking in the deep corridor, Xiaoxue asked the monk, "How many guests live here?" The monk said, "Today is not the weekend, and the weather is cloudy. Apart from you, there are no other guests." Xiaoxue suddenly felt a chill on her back: "Then this wing, will I live alone tonight?" The monk said: "There are also a few lay mothers-in-law who have lived here for a long time." Xiaoxue entered the room feeling very damp.I tried the shower in the bathroom, but the nozzle was also broken, and the water was always not smooth.To make matters worse, the room was so small that there was almost no room to move around except for a bed and nightstand.She came out of the house and leaned against the door, staring blankly at the long and narrow patio.There are rooms around the patio, and the light from the evening sky makes the moss on the patio floor faintly green. Soon, she found that the room next door was large and empty. Looking in through the wooden lattice window with no curtains, it was a living room with a stylish sofa and coffee table.There are two doors on the side of the living room, presumably they are the bedroom and the bathroom.Xiaoxue decided to talk to the monk to see if she could move to the next room. The corridor on the other side of the Buddhist hall was lit with dim lights.Monk Miaoxuan said to Xiaoxue: "No way, the room you mentioned has been reserved for many years." Xiaoxue said: "It has been reserved for many years? But there is no one living there now." The monk said: "Yes, then The room has not been occupied for more than two years. But someone gave me money to book it for a long time, and we can’t use it.” Xiaoxue said angrily: “Who is so overbearing?” The monk opened the registration book and pointed to a page to give she looks.It said "Li Xiang, male, born in April 1965", and in the remarks column it said "Room 16, long-term reservation". Xiaoxue was taken aback, her heart was pounding, she turned around and left without saying anything. Back in the room, Xiaoxue closed the door and sat by the bed in a daze.Li Xiang was her father's driver before he was alive. Why did he book this room for many years? At this moment, Xiaoxue heard the monk leading the guests here again.She went out to look, and there was a man and a woman who came, the girl was about the same age as her, and the man was about thirty years old.The monk gave them two rooms on the opposite side of the courtyard.When Xiaoxue heard them talking, the girl called the man "brother", it seems that they are two siblings. With new guests coming, the popularity of the place has increased, and Xiaoxue feels more at ease in her heart. After a while, the girl came to Xiaoxue's door and imitated the tone of a monk and said, "Almsgiver, there is a vegetarian meal in the Buddhist hall, would you like to eat with us?" This girl is so funny.Xiaoxue felt relieved and said, "Okay, let's go." Although the vegetarian meal is light, it is healthy and environmentally friendly, white rice with radish, cabbage, pumpkin, etc.Xiaoxue ate the most satisfying meal since returning home.The three benefactors also got to know each other.The pair of brothers and sisters, the younger sister is called Hu Liu, and the older brother is called Hu Gang.Hu Gang stayed on to teach at an American university after obtaining a doctorate, and has become an American citizen.After returning to China this time, he had a lot of entertainment and was a little tired, so his sister brought him here for two days to relax.Both parents of the siblings have passed away, so the brother-sister bond is very strong. After the meal, Hu Liu suggested to go outside for a walk, and the three of them left the monastery.Outside the gate of the courtyard is a small open space on the cliff, with a long corridor built on the side.The three stopped and walked, and finally sat down in the corridor.It was already dark, and the dark clouds that had been covering the whole day had dissipated, and there were stars jumping out constantly in the sky, very bright. For many days, this was the first time that Xiaoxue interacted and talked with people without any worries.Ever since she got off the plane after returning home and the people from the court picked her up at the airport, she has been in extreme tension and anxiety.The only time I went out after returning home was to say goodbye to my father before his execution, and the police car that picked her up was also the court.Next, she fell into the abyss and nightmare, and dared not go out even when she was awake.She was afraid to see anyone, let alone imagine how to talk to others.But at this moment, she was relieved.Her identity is an ordinary girl who comes here for leisure from the city, a benefactor and a tourist.Amitabha, being an ordinary person is really a happy and peaceful thing. The stars are getting brighter and brighter, the bushes under the cliff are shimmering green, and there are occasional calls of night birds.Hu Liu said: "There seems to be only the three of us in this world." Her brother said: "To be precise, there are not even the three of us. We and this cliff, the wind between the trees, and the stars are all in the same way." Living beings seem to exist, but they don't actually exist." Hu Liu said, "Brother, you're talking nonsense again, I don't understand." Hu Gang has a tall stature, resolute features, and a very masculine appearance. I didn't expect that he still has such a distant spirit in his heart. After all, he is a person who studies learning.Xiaoxue said to Hu Liu: "Your brother is right. The Buddhist cosmology is the word "empty", and "empty" is the real form of existence of "existence". Therefore, "empty" and "existence", existence and non-existence are the same. one thing. " Hu Liu blinked her eyes and became even more confused.Hu Gang asked: "Xiaoxue, what do you study?" Xiaoxue hesitated for a moment, considering whether she could say that she was a third-year student in the philosophy department of a certain German university, but Hu Gang was waiting for her answer, and said in a panic: "I major in engineering, but I just like to read idle books. It’s all about philosophy.” It was late at night when she returned to the room, and Xiaoxue didn't realize that there was a smile on the corner of her mouth.Talking about the world and the universe has been her interest since she was a child, and in the current situation, having a suitable chat partner to talk about these things made her feel much more relaxed physically and mentally. Xiaoxue was confused about existence for the first time when she was six years old.That night, she found that her parents were talking together, looking a little mysterious, so she pretended to be playing with toys in the corner of the room, but she listened to their conversation.My mother said, "I'd better go to the hospital. As the bureau chief, you will be punished for having a son." My father said, "I've already figured out a solution. I'll find someone to issue a certificate in the hospital saying that Xiaoxue has a heart attack. There is a possibility of death at any time. In this case, there will be another one, and the policy allows it.” Xiaoxue was terrified when she heard this.She ran outside the room and cried when she saw the stars in the sky.She didn't understand how she suddenly became a person who "will die at any time".The stars also cried that night, and she saw it through her tears.Next, her likely future brother suffered a miscarriage, and doctors said the mother couldn't have another child.She will live on as the only daughter of her parents.Before going abroad, her father asked her to study economics in the United States, but she chose to study philosophy in Germany.Dad was angry and scolded her for being worthless, but she was happy.She suddenly discovered that she had long liked to do things that were contrary to her father's opinion.Later, she realized that her behavior was related to what happened when she was six years old.She felt a little sorry for her father, especially when she saw her father in tears, she also wanted to say "I'm sorry", but she fainted before she could say the words. Tonight, Xiaoxue was sleeping in the wing room of the monastery, and her father had already left, so she couldn't help but shed tears.She just fell asleep like this, the tears on her cheeks slowly trickling down to her neck, as silently as this dark night. After an unknown amount of time, a strange noise woke her up from her sleep.The sound came from the next room.She sat up, feeling tense in her heart.The next room was reserved by the driver of my father's life for many years. How could there be someone suddenly in the middle of the night? Not hallucinations.Amidst the sound of night rain, there was another "dong dong" sound from the next door, which was obviously the sound of someone walking on the floor. Xiaoxue's body trembled a little, she lay down and covered her head with the quilt.
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