Home Categories detective reasoning How many cats does a complete crime need

Chapter 64 Section ten

The hands of the clock have reached nine o'clock in the evening. Dr. Yajima returned to the hospital after caring about Maki's physical condition. Kenzaki Kyoshiro returned to the warehouse where thousands of lucky cats were waiting.The living room, which had been bustling so far, became deserted as if the banquet was over.After Changdai left with Sanhuamao, only two criminal policemen, detectives and two others remained here. The Sunagawa Police Department decided that the time was almost up, and left the seat vigorously and got up. "Then, let's go too. Hey, Shiki."

"Okay, Police Department, that's it." The Sunagawa Police Department gently raised its right hand to say goodbye to Ukai and the others. "Then everyone, we excuse you, are you still not going back?" "I still have another job, which is to receive remuneration from the client. Do you want to wait and celebrate with a toast? I am happy to treat you." "I'm willing to refuse. Your mission to find Sanhuamao may be over, but our investigation of the murder of the Lucky Cat is not over. We don't know Shinichi's motive for committing the crime, which is a very important part, so we will start investigating tomorrow. He is conducting an interrogation. I hope he will confess honestly, but the result is still unknown. Really, I am too busy to bear it, and you don't want to destroy the peace of the city and trouble the police. Then we will leave. Hey, Shiki, let's go Bar."

"Yes, Police Department." The two straightened their backs and strode out of the living room full of majesty. But the majesty ends here.When no one was watching in the corridor, Police Department Sunagawa pressed his waist and chin, and spoke the truth in pain. "Ah~ I can't stand it, I'm tired enough today!" "Police Department, you have been standing and talking tonight, of course you will be exhausted. It was almost a one-man show of the Sunagawa Police Department just now." "Well, it's also the first time I've spoken so many words. My mouth almost cramped on the way to unravel the mystery."

Mouth cramp?The mouth of the police department was cramped and unable to speak in front of the relevant personnel. This is really an unheard of embarrassing state, but I still want to see it.With this thoughtless thought, Shiki left with the police department. The two walked out of the porch and walked slowly on the gravel path leading to the parking lot.The Sunagawa Police Department lit a cigarette while walking, and exhaled comfortably into the sky where the moon was high. "Speaking of which, I'm sorry for asking when your mouth was about to cramp, is it convenient for me to ask?"

"What's up?" "I would like to ask as a reference, why did the police department find out about the mechanism in that greenhouse? I don't think you just got an idea out of nowhere." "Well, of course it's not an intuition or an idea. It's based on considerable evidence. The first evidence is the discovery of the skeleton of a semi-conical greenhouse deep in the farmhouse." "Yes, I know that." "Another basis is the toothbrush." "toothbrush?" "The Sanhuazi in the photo has a toothbrush in her mouth, right?"

"Ah, you mean that photo?" "When we compared Elsa with a photo with one hand, the Sanhuazi in the photo was very similar to Elsa in front of me, but after letting Elsa hold a toothbrush, the difference in body size between the two was clear at a glance. Elsa's face There are only about two-thirds of Sanhuazi. At this moment, I suddenly thought, what benchmark do we use to measure the size? There is no comparison without a benchmark. When we compared Elsa in front of us with Sanhuazi in the photo, we used What benchmark? The answer is the toothbrush. The toothbrush is a commodity we are familiar with, so we can correctly compare the gap between the two.”

"That's right, that's right." "Then I suddenly thought of the testimony of Gotokuji Maki. She witnessed the scene of her father's assassination, and at the same time found a cat that looked like Sanhuazi at the exit of the greenhouse." "um, yes." "A cat that looks like a three-flowered cat. In other words, Maki saw a three-colored cat that was 1.5 times larger than a normal cat. The three-colored cat was not in front of her, but near the exit of her vision, so what benchmark did she use? Judging that this three-colored cat is big?" "The measuring stick for comparison...so that's it, it's the adult lucky cat, right?"

"Yes. There is a beckoning cat at the exit that looks like an adult. She must have used this as a basis to judge that the three-colored cat is big. However, is this cat really a big three-colored cat--three-colored cat? The missing Sanhuazi suddenly appeared at the scene when Fengzang was killed. This kind of thing sounds mysterious. The Sanhuamao who appeared at the scene of the crime, if it was Elsa who haunted the Hotokuji house, it would sound more like the real one. Yes. Maki may have seen Elsa, but she thought it was a cat that resembled Mikako. Is it really possible? It is possible. It is possible if the measuring stick she used as a reference is wrong.”

"That is to say, the beckoning cat that she thinks is taller than an adult is actually not taller than an adult?" "Right. If the beckoning cat she sees is only two-thirds the height of an adult, and Elsa, who is only two-thirds the size of a Sanhuazi, appears next to her..." "That's right, in this way, Elsa is like a three-faced girl in her eyes." "That must be the case. Then, in this mansion, is there a beckoning cat that has been reduced to two-thirds the size of an adult tall beckoning cat? Yes. It is the beckoning cat at the back door."

The police department pointed the front end of the lit cigarette to the rear door. "It's the kind of beckoning cat that is taller than a child, isn't it?" "That's right. So, why does Maki decide that the height of a child's beckoning cat is the height of an adult? What is Maki's measuring stick at this time? It's the exit and top of the greenhouse. In other words, the entire greenhouse is her measuring stick. That being the case, unless everything goes wrong, this illusion won't happen. Is it possible? Thinking of this, I finally realized the purpose of those semi-circular aluminum pipes in the farmhouse, ahem!"

"Hey, police department, what's wrong with you, you were choked by the smoke?" "...Ouin Ouyin, let's move to Ouyin as well." What he said seems to be "my mouth is cramped, and the puzzle is over." "Police Department~ It's rare for you to show superb reasoning, and I always feel that it's so anticlimactic." Having said that, it turns out that the mouth really cramps.Shiki held back his smile, and the Sunagawa Police Department stuffed the cigarettes into the portable ashtray in displeasure. Later, the two left Hotokuji's house under Shiki's car.When passing through the back door, the symmetrical lucky cats watched them go.Afterwards, Zhimu looked in the mirror at the two lucky cats, and this idea came up again. No matter what Mr. Toyozo's beliefs are, what kind of blessings the lucky cat brings, this hobby is still difficult to understand.
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