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Chapter 34 Section VIII

The funeral, which was going smoothly, was interrupted due to the sudden discovery of the body and the arrival of the police.The coffin, which was nailed and about to be sent to the crematorium, also stopped on the way to the hearse, and made an emergency turn to return to the altar again. The people who gathered at the Cuidichuan Funeral Parlor to attend the funeral also stayed in accordance with the police's request, and there was no difference between the relatives who were going to accompany the funeral.Of course other people who didn't know what was going on expressed their dissatisfaction, but after learning of the homicide, this wave of voices also weakened.

Tomura Ryuhei, who was honored as the first witness, was invited into a specially prepared small room to receive praise and hospitality... The truth is of course not the case.In fact, the three of them, led by Liuping, Ukai and Azumi, were locked in a small room and monitored by uniformed police officers. The state of house arrest lasted for about 30 minutes. Liuping used this time to lobby Ukai and Akemi about the process of discovering Keiichi Iwamura's body and the situation at the scene. "It's really Koiwa, isn't it someone else who looks a lot like him?" "It's definitely true. I can't mistake that pointy face."

"Who is that Iwamura? A friend of Ukai-san?" Ukai briefly explained the person "Iwamura who knows everything", and also mentioned that Liuhe was in this venue today, and the incident of looking for toilets caused by Iwamura. "In this case, Iwamura-san may have flushed into the toilet after chatting with Ukai-san and you were killed." "There is a possibility." "But even if there's no one inside, killing people at a funeral is dangerous, right? It's likely to fail." "Well, maybe the murderer has a hidden secret that every second counts."

"What's more incomprehensible is the miso soup on the corpse. Of course it's the murderer's work, right?" "Anyway, that should be the case." "In other words, in order to kill Iwamura-san, the murderer brought miso soup from home? How strange." "No, there's no need to bring it from home, it's fast." "Fasting? Ah, the fasting you are talking about is the shabby meal given to the participants after the funeral, right?" "You actually said shabby meals, you..." Ukai corrected Zhu Mei's arbitrary explanation that she was not afraid of God's punishment. "At least it should be described as a simple meal, right?"

"Anyway, Ugai-san means that the murderer used the miso soup that came with the meal, didn't he bring it from home?" "That's the way it is. Anyone in this venue will have the opportunity to receive a bowl of miso soup." "In other words, what we should think about is not 'who did it', but 'why did it'." "Well, that's right. Why did the murderer pour miso soup on the corpse? Well, it's difficult, is it some kind of artistic conception?" "What is the relationship between Mr. Iwamura who was killed and the Gotokuji family? Since he made a special trip to attend the funeral, there must have been some kind of friendship during his lifetime, right?"

"Can it be confirmed that the person who killed Mr. Iwamura was the one who killed Mr. Toyozo?" When the three of them had doubts, the door of the small room opened, and the criminal police summoned the three of them.
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