Home Categories detective reasoning How many cats does a complete crime need

Chapter 33 Section VII

After an hour of ceremony, the soul of Hotokuji Toyozo passed away smoothly, and then came to wait for the funeral.But before that, it is quite a sentimental ceremony to put the deceased's favorite items in the coffin and then seal the coffin.So, what kind of items will the people of Haode Temple put in Fengzang's coffin?Liuhe was curious to see the actions of the bereaved family from a distance, but this scene was even more wonderful than imagined. "……Cat?" No matter how much the deceased liked cats, it is impossible to get permission to seal a real cat in the coffin.After a closer look, the cat is a puppet, which should be very common.But then, when someone was about to put a piggy-sized beckoning cat into the coffin, a man from the funeral service immediately came to check it.

"You can't put incombustible objects, please put inflammable objects." "So bonito pieces can be put?" someone said. "Chai..." The man from the funeral home blinked. "Well, that's combustible, you can put it away." "So gold coins are not good? I think they should be non-flammable." "Gold..." The man from the funeral home opened his eyes wide. "Well, gold coins won't get in the way, so it's fine." "And what about cat grass?" "Cat... Forget it!" The man finally seemed too lazy to say it. "Put whatever you want, put it as much as you can, and recycle the leftovers after burning."

"Then, there really must be a lucky cat." Someone said again. "After all, this is the patron saint of an old friend." Just like that, Toyozo's beloved lucky cats and cat-related little things were all placed next to his body. Liuping was speechless after all.This was far from the sentimental scene he was expecting. "I always feel that the coffin has become like a toy box." Ukai, who witnessed this scene next to him, said this softly, which made people feel that he was telling the truth.Then, like a toy box, the coffin is covered and nailed, and then it's just a matter of waiting for the funeral.The venue of the ceremony is moved from the funeral home to the crematorium, and of course ordinary attendees will not accompany them to the crematorium.

"Then, it's time for us to go back. Ah: Really, I don't know what I'm here for today, what a strange funeral." Azumi's voice came from behind, and Ryuhei turned around. "Then I'll go get my bag. I put it in the coin locker on the second floor." "That's right, but you don't need to change your clothes, come back in this outfit." Looks like the Hawaiian shirts are getting poor reviews.Ryuhei really wants to change clothes immediately, but now that he has witnessed the "Ukai Tragedy", he cannot easily disobey Azumi's order.No way, go back to the Ukai office and change clothes.Liuping walked to the second floor with such thoughts, and took back the bag of clothes from the locker, but the moment he picked up the bag and felt the weight, he realized his negligence.

"Oops, my sandals..." When he was changing in the toilet cubicle, he had replaced his sandals with leather shoes.No problem getting here, but he doesn't remember putting the sandals back in his bag.Open the bag and check, there are no sandals inside, so there is only one answer.If no one steals it, the sandals stay in that compartment. Liuping immediately went to the toilet.He clearly remembered which compartment it was, it must be the innermost one. Liuping came to the front of the compartment.The door was unfortunately closed, and the doors to the other compartments were all open.In other words, the other compartments are empty, but only this compartment is occupied.Liuping had to wait for a while.Since waiting was boring, he knocked on the door casually.

"Boom! Is anyone there~" However, no one responded.Wait a minute, is there no one there?With doubts in his mind, after confirming that there was no one around, he quietly lowered his posture and looked down.There is a ten-centimeter gap under the door, and the feet of the person who is going to the toilet can be seen.In fact, Liuping did see a pair of feet wearing leather shoes, and there must be someone inside.But then again... "Boom! Excuse me~ are you still okay~?" Still no response.No, not so much as no response, more like no response at all.Liuping somehow felt looked down upon, not to mention his irritable personality, when he reached this point, he became unrestrained in his actions.Liuping knocked on the door again with stronger force, and after confirming that there was no response, he pressed his hand on the door and uttered taboo abuse.

"Smelly guy! 〇〇 has been too long! It must not be a good thing!" Liuping's push actually opened the door.What caught his eyes was a man sitting powerlessly on the toilet seat.The male is wearing a mourning suit and appears to be someone attending a funeral. "Ah... yes, I'm sorry..." When Yuhei apologized, he saw the man's shirt dyed red. Liuping gasped. The man was stabbed in the stomach and died. At the same time, Liuping smelled a strange smell.It doesn't smell like a toilet or a murder scene. Liuhei made up his mind, put his face close to the man's abdomen to smell, and at the same time noticed that there were brown stains around the wound that was dyed red.Brown, this color tells the truth about the taste.

"Miso soup!" For some unknown reason, miso soup was spilled around the corpse's wound. Then, Liuhe looked at the man's face again.He had an impression of this pointy face. It's Keiichi Iwamura, who knows everything.
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