Home Categories detective reasoning How many cats does a complete crime need

Chapter 16 fourth quarter

The murder case ten years ago seems to have not been solved, which is obvious from Mikio's words and the attitude of the Sunagawa Police Department.But from Shiki's standpoint, the most important thing now is to concentrate on solving the case in front of him. After the two waited for the end of the investigation by the forensic team, they were finally able to enter the murder scene. As expected, the greenhouse was extremely hot, and Shiki thought of the tropical climate in the equatorial region.The plants that can be grown in this scorching hell are probably bananas, pineapples, mangoes, papayas, and coconuts... But of course, no such tropical fruits are planted in the greenhouse of the Haode Temple's house, and all that can be seen is brown land.The greenhouse is currently not growing crops.

Hotokuji Temple's body was buried near the entrance of the greenhouse.To be precise, it is about one meter to the left of the entrance. The Sunagawa Police Department crouched next to the corpse. "Tokuzo Hotokuji. The chain restaurant "Beckoning Sushi" is popular all over the world. The representative of Kuzuigawa City is also known as an extreme cat lover. It is true that he passed away under the protection of the beckoning cat. Satire." Shiki stood behind the Sunagawa police station and observed the corpse. The body was first found lying on its stomach, but now it is lying on its back with its face exposed.

The clothes he wears are very ordinary, not like entrepreneurs.Short-sleeved sweatshirt and khaki trousers, no belt, feet without socks and men's sandals.Apart from wearing a seemingly expensive watch on his left hand, he has no precious metal ornaments on his body. Wearing casual clothes and putting on sandals for a little outing, and just passing away - the clothes of the victims are completely convincing. "Did the mountaineering knife stab the abdomen..." the Sunagawa Police Department said softly, seeking the opinion of the forensic doctor beside him. "Doctor, can this be the cause of death?"

"Well, as you can see." The senior forensic doctor whose hairline receded significantly responded by wiping the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.The handkerchief he was holding was very small, and his forehead was too wide, making one want to suggest that he wear a towel instead. "The cause of death was massive blood loss from a knife wound in the abdomen. If not fatal immediately, he died shortly after the assassination." "Bleeding profusely, then the murderer may also have blood on his body." "Well, it should be possible. Judging from the wound, after stabbing the abdomen with a knife, the murderer should dig out a considerable amount of blood."

Even so, the murderer may have taken precautions against getting blood on himself.What's more, it has been one night since the crime happened, and it is unlikely that the murderer was wandering around in blood-stained clothes. "Any other injuries?" "No." "Is there any sign that the body has been moved?" "nor." "Then, it can be concluded that this is the place where the murder was committed?" "Yes, I think it can be determined that way." "What is the estimated time of death?" "Well, let's make it from eleven o'clock in the evening to one o'clock in the morning."

The ambiguous opinion of the forensic doctor made the Shachuan Police Department show dissatisfaction. "The time frame is two hours? Uh~ doctor, can't you narrow it down a bit? Can you at least narrow it down to about one hour?" "impossible." "Doctor, do me a favor with this part, a little less, I'll appreciate it." "Do you want to bargain over the estimated time of death?" The helpless forensic doctor asserted angrily. "It is speculated that the time of death was between eleven o'clock last night and one o'clock in the morning. One round cannot be missed...Correction, one minute. Besides, it is midsummer, and corpses are prone to deterioration in this season, not to mention it is in a greenhouse. In this special environment, It is difficult to correctly estimate the time that passed after the death of the victim. In any case, it can only be roughly estimated, and there is nothing to do if there is a range of two hours. Mr. Criminal Police does not want to handle the case according to the wrong estimated time of death, so that the real culprit cannot be caught in the end, right? "

After the forensic doctor finished speaking, he twisted the sweat-stained handkerchief vigorously, and the handkerchief kept dripping water, staining the ground with water stains.
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