Home Categories detective reasoning How many cats does a complete crime need

Chapter 11 Section ten

Parking is located at the rear entrance.The two returned to the car immediately, and walked around the Haodesi house for about half a circle to the back door.Just by walking around half a circle, you can tell how big the mansion is. One side of the territory is a mansion and garden, and the other side is farmland.Half of the farmland is used to grow vegetables, and the other half remains unused.A greenhouse was built in one corner of the field, but of course the two had no way of knowing what crops were grown in it. The back door is only half as big as the front door, but it is also more stylish than the front door of ordinary houses, and there are indeed two beckoning cats placed on the back door.These two are relatively small. If there is a beckoning cat at the front entrance that is as tall as an adult, this is a child-sized beckoning cat.Even so, it was still so huge that it could be called abnormal, but the two of them had just seen the strange scene at the main entrance, so it was within the range that they could laugh it off.

Ukai parked the Renault in the parking lot next to the back door, and Toyozo, who had crossed the territory from the front door, came to greet him again. "This mansion and the adjacent farmland belong to Mr. Gotokuji, right?" "Yes, but no one in my family is farming now, so I don't do farming for a living. Even so, I can't just throw it away for everyone to play with, so I recently rented it out to nearby residents or people living in the city as home gardens. Even if it is Many people are willing to rent this kind of farmland.” "The Hotokuji family was originally a farming family? The wealthy people in Kuzuigawa City seem to be mostly related to squid fishing in the past..."

"As you said, there is no need to speculate. My family was also a well-known fishing family in the harbor 40 years ago. At that time, my father was an active fisherman, and I was the young heir. I don't know whether my father was smart or the time was just right, but the economy was very good at that time. .” "The so-called Dream of the Cuttlefish River?" "Yes. For example, large swarms of squid gather in the sea outside Kuzuigawa Port, and it looks like a hill rises, or a house or warehouse can be built as long as there is a good harvest... Now it's really just a dream."

"But then you stopped fishing, didn't you?" "Yes, my father passed away about 30 years ago, and I took this as an opportunity to stop. At that time, I had a vague premonition that this good prosperity could not last forever. In fact, since I stopped being a fisherman, the catch of Kuzuigawa Port It gradually decreased, probably because of overfishing.” "So the timing is just right for you to close the mountain." "Yes, I was very lucky. I wanted to own my own restaurant at first, but later I used the money I earned from fishing to start a restaurant business. My first business was a sushi restaurant."

"Thirty years ago? There was no conveyor belt sushi back then, right?" "At that time, it was an ordinary sushi restaurant called 'Takasushi'." "So, there wasn't an adult Lucky Cat in front of the store?" "It was put on at that time." "Is that so..." Ukai showed a clearly confused expression. "It doesn't look like an 'ordinary sushi restaurant'." "I see, it's true to hear you say that. Hahaha!" Still, this one is surprising.If what was said just now is true, then Colonel Meads did not copy Colonel Seds, but appeared in Cuichuan City long ago.I don't know what kind of mood the citizens looked at this scene 30 years ago. The curious gaze they cast at that time should not be comparable to what it is now.

Toyozo continued to talk, recalling the past. "The effect of the beckoning cat cannot be underestimated. I have no business experience, and I have a sushi restaurant that has opened like a model. I believe that the reason why the business is booming is the blessing brought by the beckoning cat." "So that's why you reused the lucky cat." "Well, that's it. About twelve years ago, I took the lead in joining the conveyor belt sushi industry and started to set up a chain store. Taking this as an opportunity, I changed the name of the current "Feng Sushi" to "Lucai Sushi". Maneki-neko. A few years later, conveyor belt sushi became a trend, right? It’s all thanks to the maneki-neko.”

While listening to the birth of "Sukai Sushi" like this, everyone arrived at the entrance of the mansion. The mansion is a majestic Japanese-style two-story building.The age of the house is definitely not new, and the majestic mansion that has survived years of wind and snow is still standing, which makes people feel the weight of history. Everyone entered the entrance. "Welcome both of you to come here without hesitation." An elegant woman quickly appeared from the depths, sat at the door, and greeted them with elegant salutes.The woman looked to be in her thirties. At first, Ruhei thought it was Toyozo's daughter. Toyozo was a little shy and introduced the woman as if nothing had happened.

"Ah, this is my wife. This is the Mr. Detective mentioned earlier." "I'm Changdai, please give me your advice." After she finished speaking, she bowed her head respectfully again. This lady is so young, Liu Ping was a little surprised.But Liuping is a detective's apprentice, and he knew that he had no position to pursue the private affairs of the client's husband and wife, so he only secretly thought, "This muffled XX old man, an enviable guy!", and responded calmly with a salute. Ukai said, "This mansion is magnificent," and Mrs. Masada smiled embarrassedly.

"No, that's not the case. The children in the neighborhood call this the cat's house. Have you seen the door? It made you laugh. Come on, both of you, please come in." "Changdai, tell Mr. Guimu to prepare tea." "Okay, I'll go right away." After Changdai finished speaking, he saluted elegantly again and left. Ukai and Liuping were led by Toyozo, along the long corridor to the deep room. "The inside is surprisingly ordinary, not a cat house." For some reason, Ukai said this in a dissatisfied tone, as if he expected the house to be full of cats.

"Of course it's an ordinary house." Toyozo puffed out his chest. "So, you haven't collected all the beckoning cats in Japan, have you?" "Yes, the annex is my collection room." "...Then it can't be called an 'ordinary house'." The detective was right, Hotokuji Toyozo is indeed not an ordinary person in some respects, and has a quality that cannot be simply described as a cat lover or a maneki cat collector.Leveling actually feels this. "Speaking of which, where is the most important cat? It's your cat." Ukai's question reminded Toyozo of an important matter that he had forgotten for a while.

"Oh, I only have one cat, Sanhuazi. Of course the two of you are here today for Sanhuazi! Have you found Sanhuazi!" "Of course, don't worry." Ukai reassured the client by saying something, and Liuping next to him became nervous.It seems that the "banana peel crime" is finally going to be implemented. Will this old gentleman really fall for it?
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