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How many cats does a complete crime need

How many cats does a complete crime need


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 146667

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Chapter 1 Prologue

Exactly ten years ago, at the end of summer, when the scorching heat that was thought to last forever finally showed its weakness, and the wind that blew across the Kuzui River in the morning and evening finally made people feel the breath of autumn, this case happened. It was an ordinary Monday morning, and a 110 call was made to inform the police of the incident.Hotokuji Toyozo, who runs a sushi restaurant, found a strangely dead male body in the greenhouse of his house.Cases that could be called cases rarely occurred in this small city, so the faces of the policemen changed drastically, and the police cars that were patrolling all over the city flocked to the House of Haodesi.

The strength of the Gaolin Police Department, known as the top of the Wuzuichuan Police Department, was astonishingly desperate at the time of the incident.He arrived at the scene in a police car at a breaking speed, and the uniformed inspector greeted him with the most standard salute of standing at attention. He didn't even look at it, and went straight to the greenhouse where the crime occurred. The greenhouse is a fish plate shape about 20 meters long, and it is located in a corner of the field owned by Haode Temple.When I walked in, I saw that there were no crops planted inside, but it was a matter of course in this season.The greenhouse is full of fierce heat, and a person with normal consciousness cannot stay in this environment for five minutes.A middle-aged man lay down near the center of such a greenhouse. Of course, he was not a person with normal consciousness, and he was dead.

It is murder. After the inquest, it was speculated that the cause of death was that the thick blade stabbed the abdomen and caused excessive blood loss. He did not die immediately, but he should not have lived long after the assassination.There was no trace of the corpse being moved, and there was no abruptness in the blood splashed in the greenhouse, so the murder location must have been in the central area of ​​the greenhouse.It is estimated that the time of death was between 8:00 and 11:00 last night. During this period, the murderer took the victim to the center of the greenhouse, stabbed the abdomen with a blade, and then escaped with a murderous knife.

The police formally handled the case based on the above clues, and of course the Gaolin Police Department was in charge. From the driver's license on the deceased, it was confirmed that the victim was 48-year-old Yoichiro Yajima, a doctor who practiced himself not far from the Gotokuji home.The only son of the deceased and his wife Yumiko was named Tatsuya, but Tatsuya lived in Tokyo and was studying medicine at a famous university. In other words, Yoichiro and Yumiko depended on each other. The police immediately summoned his wife Yumiko from Yajima Hospital.The Gaolin police department was surprised when they saw her, because Gongzi came here in a wheelchair and seemed to be handicapped.

She just entered the greenhouse in a wheelchair and confirmed her husband's body. "I didn't see him last night. I always felt that something was wrong, but I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen..." Yumi changed her expression in disbelief, and broke down crying in the next moment, ignoring the eyes of others.Because she was in this state, it took a while for the Gaolin Police Department to learn the details of last night from her. Gao Lin's police department handed over the record to the middle-level criminal police below, while he himself focused on listening to Yuuko's statement.

"Yesterday was Sunday, and the clinic was closed. My husband has no special leisure hobbies other than work, and he mostly stays at home, but he left home suddenly at three o'clock yesterday afternoon. He looks like he went for a walk, at most he just went to play. Steelball, nothing particularly unnatural. Of course I thought he'd be back around dinnertime, so I didn't mind too much. But after my husband went out, he didn't come back after dinner time, even at eight o'clock or even nine o'clock.I began to worry that something might have happened to him, or that he suddenly felt uncomfortable and couldn't move. Various worries came to my mind one after another.But with my physical condition, I can't freely go to possible places to search.Just at this time, about half past nine in the evening, Mr. Hotokuji came to visit the house. "

"Who are you talking about Mr. Gotokuji?" "The head of the Gotokuji family, Gotokuji Toyozo-san." "By the way, what is your relationship with the Gotokuji family?" "Yajima Hospital has served as the attending doctor of the Gotokuji family for generations, and we have a close relationship both public and private." "I see. So what is the purpose of Toyozo-san's visit that night?" "Mr. Toyozo said that he had an appointment with my husband at 9:30 in the evening. I became more and more worried when I heard this, because it was impossible for my husband to break the appointment with Mr. Toyozo. I mentioned to Mr. Toyozo that my husband hadn't When we got home, Toyozo-san smiled and replied "It's nothing, don't worry", but he could see that I was worried, and then said "If you are so worried, let's go to the place where he will go and look for him", of course I am happy to accept his kindness proposal."

"Where did you two go to find someone?" "Although I wanted to find it, I couldn't find it too far. It was just that Mr. Toyozo helped me push the wheelchair, and on the way from my hospital to Mr. Gotokuji's mansion, I simply asked about the shops or hotels my husband might go to. Even so, It's still much more comfortable than waiting at home, and I feel assisted." "You still haven't found your husband in the end?" "Yes, Mr. Toyozo and I arrived at Gotokuji's house later without asking any clues. Madam Masadai happened to be at home, and I also asked her about my husband's whereabouts, but she also had no idea."

"Haven't thought about calling the police?" "No. I'm naturally easy to worry about, but from a worldly point of view, it's not worth making a fuss about my husband returning home late." "Well, what happened next?" "Mr. Toyozo said, in any case, wait until dawn. If he doesn't come back, he should be handed over to the police. I decided to do the same. I said goodbye to the Gotokuji family and went home. But Mr. Toyozo and Mrs. Masada were very worried about me. The two ended up sending me home together again. The two of them seemed worried that I would be alone, so they stayed with me for a while, until almost midnight. Then they returned home, and I spent the night alone without sleep."

"So that's it, and then you received news of your husband's death today." "Yes." Yumi nodded and bit her lip. "However, I am very sorry about one thing..." "What's up?" "Toyozo-san pushed my wheelchair. On the way to the Gotokuji mansion, we took the road next to the Gotokuji family's farmland. If you go left from that road, you will reach the main entrance, and if you turn right, you will reach the back door. Going through the front door or the back door, in fact, crossing the farmland is a shortcut to the mansion.” "I see. I understand. Uh! Then, madam, did you enter that field last night?"

"Yes, Mr. Toyozo and I walked across the farmland and passed by the greenhouse. No, we didn't just pass by. We saw the inside of the greenhouse. The entrance and exit of the greenhouse are on the side of the road, so we took a little look inside the greenhouse." "Really? What time was it?" "I remember it was around ten o'clock in the evening." "How's the situation in the greenhouse?" "It was just an ordinary greenhouse at the time, and there was nothing wrong with it. It was empty and dark inside. Toyozo-san roughly illuminated the interior with a penlight, but I didn't see anyone. I also went to the mansion after making sure that no one was there. But... thinking of my husband later. I was so sad to be murdered by someone in that greenhouse.” Yajima Yuko's interrogation ended.Next, the interrogation of Gotokuji Toyozo and Changdai couple verified the veracity of Yajima Yuko's testimony.Different from Yuko Yajima's sigh, Gaolin Police Department is very excited about the unexpected progress. If Gongzi's testimony is true, the greenhouse murder must have happened after ten o'clock in the evening.If the autopsy results are correct, the crime will end at eleven o'clock in the evening at the latest, and it is almost certain that this hour is the actual time of the crime. "Again, I just need to find out the people who appeared at the scene during this time... fufufu..." The Gaolin police department let out a fearless laugh and ordered the middle-level criminal police below. "Then start looking for witnesses. The time of the attack was from 10:00 to 11:00 pm, and the greenhouse faces the road. There must be people passing by during this time. We will definitely find witnesses!" Without further ado, the Gaolin police department dispatched together with his subordinates that night to inquire about clues centered around the estimated time of the murder.The subjects of the interviews were of course pedestrians passing by the road next to the crime scene. The Gaolin Police Department asked the same questions every time they saw pedestrians. "Excuse me, did you pass by here at this time last night?" About 30% of the people answered "yes", most of them were returning home from work, there were also old people with dogs, or strange young people who went out for a walk late at night.As long as the Gaolin police department heard the other party answer "yes", they would point to the greenhouse in front of them and ask. "So, did you see any suspicious persons near this greenhouse?" Their response, however, was less than ideal. "I didn't pay attention to the greenhouse, so I don't know." They answered the same way. "But there shouldn't be anything suspicious." And he said this sentence as if to supplement and shook his head vaguely. Several of them knew Dr. Yoichiro Yajima, but no one had seen him last night after all. When the hour hand reached midnight and the day changed, suddenly there were no more pedestrians on the road.It has been more than an hour since the lower limit of the estimated murder time, and it seems that there is no progress in continuing to inquire.When the Gaolin Police Department began to think so, a man who seemed to be a white-collar worker passed by. He seemed to be drunk and his face was as red as fire.The Gaolin Police Department decided to treat him as the last person to be interrogated tonight, and held up the police handbook to stop him. "Excuse me, did you pass by here at this time last night?" "Well, it happened." "So, were you in this greenhouse, or did you see any suspicious people nearby?" The moment the man heard this question, he obviously panicked, like a child caught playing a prank, his gaze hesitated, and his tone became blunt. "What, what's the matter, Mr. Detective, what's the matter in the greenhouse?" "Now I'm the one asking." "I didn't do anything bad." "No one said you did anything bad." "Then, of course...then, I take my leave." "Wait a minute." The Gaolin Police Department stopped the white-collar workers who were trying to escape. "What did you do yesterday? Tell the truth if you do anything. If it's a small matter, I can let it go." "Piss, piss! Mister detective can't help but find a place to urinate when he returns home after drinking!" The man in the suit shook off the hand of the police department and admitted with a sulking attitude that he had violated the law a little.Of course, Gao Lin's police department used to urinate everywhere, which is not a problem in itself, but the police department found that his actions contained very important elements. "Where did you pee...is it a greenhouse?" "Yeah, it's better than being on the side of the road." "Inside the greenhouse or outside?" "Of course it's inside. The entrance is on the side of the road. I peed next to it when I went in." "What time was it? Be more accurate if you can." "Nothing is wrong, it just happened to be this time. I ate the same food and drank the same wine at the same stall in front of the station yesterday and today and came back, so it must be right." Gao Lin Police Department looked at his watch after listening to him, and the time was almost 0:15 in the morning.In other words, about one or two hours after the murderer committed the crime in the greenhouse last night, the white-collar worker actually entered the greenhouse and urinated near the corpse.Doesn't this person realize that his behavior deserves God's condemnation?It can only be said that he was very careless. "I want to ask a little question." The police department made an opening statement carefully and then asked. "When you peed in the greenhouse, what was it like inside? Too dark to see?" "Yeah, it's very dark in there. Because it's so dark, I had to pee with a lighter as a light." "What? You lit the fire with a lighter in the greenhouse? So you saw what it looked like in the greenhouse?" "Yeah, of course I can see it, but there's nothing weird in it, I just left after peeing. What's wrong?" "You still ask me what's wrong... Is there anything in it? Impossible, there must be something. It's near the center of the greenhouse. How should I put it, there should be something conspicuous from a distance..." "In the middle of the greenhouse? No, there's nothing there. Hey, Mr. Detective, do you have to have something? That greenhouse is already empty, right?" Yes, he was right.The greenhouse was not used during this period, so it was empty inside.But yesterday was not the case. The murderer used the greenhouse as the scene of the murder. Since it was past midnight, the murder must have ended, so of course there was a corpse lying there—Yoichiro Yajima’s body. The Gaolin police department couldn't accept this response, and finally couldn't help explaining it, telling the man "there should be a dead body there", but the man laughed it off with the smell of alcohol. "Mr. Criminal Police, don't talk nonsense. Whether it's a corpse or a doll, if there is something on that flat and vast ground, I can't miss it. Right? I really can only rely on the light source of the lighter, but don't look at me like this, My night vision is pretty good." In this way, the Gaolin police department was forced to re-speculate the case after getting new facts. According to Yajima Yuko's testimony, there was no body at the scene of the crime at ten o'clock in the evening, and Toyozo's testimony also became supporting evidence, and this part cannot be questioned.Based on these testimonies and the time of death speculated by the forensic doctor, the Gaolin Police Department determined that the actual time of the murder was between 10:00 and 11:00 pm, but this part seemed to have to be corrected.If the murderer committed a crime in the greenhouse at this hour, the white-collar worker would definitely find the dead body and call the police at midnight, but there was no dead body at that time.The Gaolin police department had to feel that there was a mystery hidden in this aspect. "Has the body been moved?" Perhaps the murderer assassinated Yoichiro Yajima elsewhere, and then moved the body to the greenhouse.In this way, the murder time is not limited to this hour, and can even be set at the original presumed death time, which is the range from 8:00 to 11:00 in the evening.If the murderer moved the body into the greenhouse after 0:15 in the morning, it would fully explain why the white-collar worker did not find the body. No, it should be said that it can only be explained in this way. But to adopt this inference, a significant obstacle has to be overcome. "Is it really possible to move a corpse so easily..." The Gaolin police department is a criminal police officer, and he knows that it is very difficult to move the corpse in reality.Not only is it physically strenuous labor, the problem lies in another place, that is, the more the corpse is moved, the easier it is to leave traces, and modern forensic science will not miss these traces.In fact, the forensic doctor who came to the scene for an autopsy concluded that "there was no trace of moving" when he saw Yoichiro Yajima's body.As long as this judgment is not overturned, the "corpse moving theory" of the Gaolin Police Department has no place to stand. The Gaolin Police Department immediately went to consult the staff of the Forensic Section and the forensic doctor, explaining to them his "body removal theory" and asking them to judge whether there is such a possibility. But the answer he got was "no".Using the jargon of their field of expertise, the experts proved that the victim hadn't been moved at all since the assassination.The Gaolin police department knew nothing about the phenomenon of corpses, so they had to respect their opinions, so they had to withdraw their inferences. As a result, only unsolved mysteries remain. Gao Lin's police department was frowning because his opinion was overthrown. The middle-level criminal police under him said to him: "Police, that should be the case, right? When the white-collar man entered the greenhouse, the body was there. It can only be like this." "But he said there was no body at the time." "Isn't this kind of testimony unreliable? The scene was very dark, the light source was only the fire of a lighter, and the person involved was drunk and wanted to urinate, and his attention was completely focused on the lower body. His observation ability could not function normally in this situation." "Well, maybe so." The Gao Lin police department felt that he was gradually echoing the statement of the middle-level criminal policeman. "Indeed, as long as the testimony of that white-collar worker is ignored, the case will be much clearer." "That's it. If you are dragged away by that kind of testimony, the case that can be solved will become an unsolved case. The time of the murder was between 10 and 11 in the evening. The place was in the greenhouse, the body had not been moved, white-collar workers The family’s testimony lacks credibility, so we ignore it. Police department, isn’t that good?” "Well, yes, indeed, as you said, this is the most appropriate conclusion." At some point, Gao Lin's police department fully agreed with the conclusions made by the middle-level criminal police. "Okay, let's handle the case in the direction you said. Thinking about it carefully, I accidentally over-trusted the incomprehensible testimony of that white-collar worker. It was dangerous and dangerous, and I almost buried the truth on the other side of the darkness. Haha, such a Come on, some people say that it is inevitable for me to read too many mystery novels.” "Hahaha, police department, cheer up." "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I'm fine. Detective Sunagawa, thank you for your moderate advice." In this way, the Gaolin Police Department completely abandoned the possibility of this mystery-style trick, and then gradually searched for the murderer with realistic steps in handling the case. The case is completely unsolved.
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