Home Categories detective reasoning Mutation 13 seconds

Chapter 14 Chapter Fourteen

Mutation 13 seconds 东野圭吾 3598Words 2018-03-16
When Makoto arrived at the Prime Minister's Office in Nagatacho, it was quite dark.It's not that it's late, but the weather is gradually getting worse, and it's not surprising when it rains heavily. On weekdays, the Mobile Squad and the Mansion Guard of the Metropolitan Police Department would stand guard around the mansion and in the courtyard, but there was no one there.Makoto walked into the courtyard from the west entrance. The five-story, square building was solid and undamaged.Makoto remembered that he had heard before that when this mansion was built, it was fully designed for earthquake resistance.A crisis management center is set up in the basement, which can also be used as a disaster response headquarters in the event of a large-scale disaster.

Lights were on inside the building.In other words, there is electricity.Since everyone has considered setting up a disaster response headquarters here, it is impossible to be unable to cope with large-scale power outages.There must be an independent power generation device here, and it is a solar power generation or wind power generation system that does not worry about energy depletion. But Makoto avoided using the elevator, and started to climb the stairs.He had heard that the Prime Minister's office was on the top floor.He guessed that if he went there, there should be some information telling him what the "P-13 phenomenon" was.

But after reaching the second floor, Makoto stopped.He took out an official document from his pocket, which he found on the desk of the Minister of Criminal Affairs, and it said "Appointment for the Establishment of P-13 Phenomena Response Headquarters in the Prime Minister's Residence". He tapped his forehead and walked downstairs. The magnitude of the paranormal this time around made it impossible to base the response headquarters in a general conference room or office.Of course, the management center in the basement will be used. Emergency lights were on in the basement hallway, and the air conditioner appeared to be running.He felt that he hadn't breathed such a smell-free air for a long time.

There was a sticker on one of the doors, which said "no entry for non-relevant personnel".Makoto opened the door. The first thing that catches the eye is the large LCD screen placed on the wall.The power is still on, and a wonderful circle is reflected.Various numbers were also displayed on it, but Makoto had no idea what those numbers represented. In order to make it easier for participants to watch the screen, the conference table is arranged in a ㄇ shape, and there are brochures on the table.Although it is the emergency headquarters, isn't it meaningless that even the attendees themselves disappeared?Sincerely thought to myself.

He moved to a seat where he could look directly at the screen.There is a card indicating the seat on it, which reads: Prime Minister. Makoto never met Prime Minister Otsuki in person, only watched it on TV.Although this person has successfully planted an image of eloquence and active promotion of policies among the people, in Chengzai's view, he is just good at propaganda and knows how to use the current situation to create a hero. There was also a manual on Otsuki's seat, so Makoto picked it up.It seems that the person who made this manual is the main researcher in charge of high-energy astronomy at the Space Science Research Headquarters.

It was filled with difficult words that Makoto could not understand.Black holes, wormholes,——Although Makoto had heard of them, he couldn't explain what they were.Everyone present at this meeting must be like him. But the manual writers seem to have known for a long time that they had to explain to laymen, so they appended very easy-to-understand instructions in the second half.Makoto glanced at that part. The article was indeed easy to understand, but even so, he read it several times.Because the content is too divorced from reality, it is difficult to understand by feeling. The last item in the manual is "Possible Problems Caused by the P-13 Phenomenon".Makoto scanned the item word by word, and his eyes suddenly stopped at one place.Finally, he felt his body temperature rising.

Holding the manual, he bent and squatted down.He just curled up like this, holding his head in his hands.
When they were about to arrive at the stadium, they suddenly heard thunder.Fuyuki and Asuka looked at each other in dismay, and the heavy rain fell on their faces in a second. Fuyuki spat out his tongue and quickened his pace.Slung over his shoulders is a hiking backpack he got from the leisure section of a department store. "It's just a short distance away." "That's why I said hurry up. You're just stuffing your backpack like hell, that's why it's so late."

"It's because of that boring fashion show you played." As soon as Fuyuki said this, Asuka stopped suddenly.She pouted, raised her eyes and stared at Fuyuki. "Sorry, I won't say any more." He apologized quickly. "It's going to get wet, let's go." At this moment, Asuka didn't say a word, and pointed behind Fuyuki.Fuyuki turned his head and found a crumbling private house, the entrance had been completely destroyed. "What happened to that house?" Asuka put the backpack on her back on the spot, and silently approached the room.Fuyuki hastily caught up.

"What do you want to do? It's dangerous." But she refused to stop, and walked directly into the house through the broken porch.She came out a short time later, umbrella in both hands. Here, she said as she handed one of the umbrellas to Fuyuki. "We're so stupid. If it's raining, it's better to have an umbrella. There's no need to buy an umbrella. An umbrella can be found everywhere." "Indeed." Fuyu opened the umbrella, it was a big black umbrella. When I returned to the gymnasium, there was actually light smoke.Fuyu thought that there was a fire, and was shocked at the moment, but the result was not what he thought.Everyone gathered together, and green smoke billowed from the center.

"Ah! You're back!" Taichi spotted Fuyuki and the others first, and shouted at them. "What are you doing?" Taichi chuckled and rubbed the underside of his nose. "I went to inspect a building that had collapsed and it turned out that it was a barbecue shop, and it was a charcoal grill. So I came back with a net and charcoal, stacked bricks and made a barbecue grill here." "Oh? Seems like fun." Asuka's eyes lit up. Shanxi Chunzi and Shiraki Emiko are roasting sliced ​​meat and vegetables on the net. "Come, please eat. You must be tired?" Emiko handed the plate to Fuyuki and Asuka.

"Are the ingredients also stolen from the barbecue shop?" Fuyuki asked Taichi. "Unfortunately, the meat and vegetables in that store were all crushed under the building, making them inedible at all. The baked goods I brought back from other supermarkets." Tai Yi said, his face darkened. "I'm afraid the earthquake did a considerable amount of damage to the food. Now that the power is out, everything in the refrigerators and freezers must have been destroyed." "The situation of the department store's food market is just like what you said. I brought some canned and dry goods and other long-lasting food back." Fuyuki looked down at his backpack. "Is there a place to live?" Cai Caimei asked. "There is a restaurant on the way to Ginza. It seems that the damage is not serious. If you just want to sleep there, I think it's okay." "However, I probably can't take a shower." Asuka interjected from the side. "But I got dry shampoo, and anyone who wants it can tell me." Fuyuki inspected the faces of all the staff, and one person was missing. "Has my brother not come back yet?" He asked Cai Meimei. "Yes, he hasn't come back yet." "yes." Where did my brother go?He tilted his head puzzled. Fuyuki and Asuka also started eating.After walking so much, the food tastes very delicious.Fuyuki realized that he hadn't eaten hot food for a long time. "Hey, is this thing gone?" Toda, who was sitting on a jumping box as a chair, said to Xiaofeng next to him.He held a beer can in his hand. "Also. I think it might be better to drink it a little cooler, so I put it outside." "Then, go and get two cans." Toda said as he squashed the empty cans and put them aside, and began to eat the barbecue meat on the plate again. Xiaofeng looked at Toda hesitantly. "What? Did I get something on my face?" Toda said. "No, it's nothing. I'm going to get a beer." Xiaofeng put down his plate and stood up. Fuyuki and Asuka looked at each other.She frowned disapprovingly, and he pursed his lips too. Dinner was almost over, and Makoto hadn't returned yet.Everyone started to clean up the aftermath. Seeing Shanxi Shigeo carrying things with a limp on one leg, Fuyuki ran over quickly. "You rest. I'll do it." Shanxi shakes hands. "Let me do this little thing myself. Not only am I old, but my leg is also injured, which has caused a lot of trouble for everyone. I will feel guilty if I am not asked to help." "But, it won't be good if you hurt your waist." "I'll be very careful, because I can't cause you any more trouble." Shanxi continued to work with a smile. "Don't go too far!" Asuka's voice suddenly sounded. Fuyuki took a look and found her standing in front of Toda.Toda was still sitting on the jumping box, still holding the beer in his hand. "Everyone is working, you should at least help." "What's your tone? Is this the attitude you should have towards your elders?" Toda stared. "Miss Asuka, forget it." Xiaofeng at the side comforted her. Fuyuki approached the three of them. "what happened?" "This old man won't work at all, so I'm warning him," Asuka replied. Toda stood up. "Who are you talking to?" "It's you. I'm asking you to clean the barbecue net. How can you ask Mr. Xiaofeng to do it. That's so strange." "I see this guy is just idle." "Don't you yourself have nothing to do? You can drink beer anytime you want. Don't you always drink when you go to work? Then you have a really leisurely life." Toda was so angry that his face was crooked. "Why are you so young!" He pushed Asuka's shoulder hard. "It hurts! What are you doing!" Fuyuki stretched out his arms to stop her who was about to pounce on her, and then looked at Toda. "It's not good to be rough on a girl." "That brat insulted me first." "Is that so? I can't hear her insulting you at all. Rather, it's you who insulted people." "What did you say?" "Taking this opportunity, I must declare that there is no distinction between us and everyone is equal. Therefore, no matter what you do, you must be fair. Mr. Xiaofeng may have been your subordinate before, and your status in the company may indeed be very high. , but that class no longer exists. Mr. Xiaofeng is not your subordinate now, and you are not anyone’s superior. Please keep this in mind.” "That kind of thing...of course I know." "No, you don't know, that's why you put the trouble on Mr. Xiaofeng and ordered him to get you beer. Among us, you are the only one who still refuses to accept the reality, and refuses to accept that you have lost your status and reputation reality." Toda's face was flushed, but it didn't seem to be from alcohol. "How? Do you still have any dissatisfaction?" Asuka said. A resigned expression appeared on Toda's face, and he silently picked up the net that was put aside. "Ah! I'll wash it." Xiaofeng said hastily. "Stop talking!" Toda shook off Xiaofeng's hand, and walked towards the exit with the net. Asuka looked at Fuyuki and stuck out her tongue. "It seems to have gone a little too far." "Don't pay attention to him. In the future, the situation may get worse and worse. If he doesn't recognize the status quo earlier, he will only cause us trouble." After finishing speaking, Fuyuki turned to Xiaofeng. "It may be difficult, but I hope that Mr. Xiaomine will not give Mr. Toda special treatment. Now, there is no distinction between high and low status." But Xiaofeng showed a complicated expression. "What's wrong with you? I said you don't care about him anymore. Is there a problem?" So Xiaofeng raised his face and licked his lips. "But perhaps all this will be restored to its original state?" "Restore?" "Although we don't know the reason at all, except for us, everyone else suddenly disappeared, right? Then, there is no guarantee that the opposite situation will not happen. Maybe one day, everything will suddenly recover, which is not impossible. If that's the case, the original relationship will definitely be restored. If the current phenomenon is only temporary, I don't want to destroy the relationship." Probably after hearing what he said, Cai Caimei leaned over. "Do you think the disappeared people will come back?" she asked Xiaofeng. Because——Xiaofeng rubbed his cheeks vigorously while talking. "If I don't think so, I'm afraid I'll go crazy."
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