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Chapter 30 fourth quarter

phantom clown 东野圭吾 2331Words 2018-03-16
Atsuko Kamihara looked at the tropical fish in the fish tank and pondered. Tropical fish are really pitiful—although they are born with beautiful colors like jewels, they are kept in such a small place. But think about what the fish think. It means, looking at the expressions of those people staring at their swimming posture, I guess I am in a good mood.An actor is like this, even on a stage with a limited space, he has to look at the audience all the time in his heart, not only to be watched by them, but also to let them watch. Atsuko is in the bar she frequents, drinking alone in front of the bar, and the fish tank with swimming tropical fish is behind the bartenders.

It has been twenty-four hours since the incident happened, and I don't know how far the police investigation has progressed. I guess I already know the relationship between Mr. Komai and myself, and I should be investigating many people behind the scenes, but No one told Atsuko. "I respect you very much! You will still be an important colleague to me in the future, but I have no love for you anymore, that's all." The words Komai Ryosuke said half a year ago echoed in his ears. Atsuko held a cocktail glass and suddenly smiled, wanting to ask him in that world—"That's all", is this true?What you lost was important, you should understand by now, right?

Atsuko stared at his hand, the feeling of stabbing his chest with a knife... Behind her came the sound of the door opening, and someone said "Welcome". "Here we come!" Atsuko's intuition told her. At this time, her intuition didn't know why it was always so accurate. She soon realized that there was someone beside her, and a low but familiar voice said, "Good evening." Dunzi looked up at the other party with a smile on his face, "Oh, I didn't expect you to be so fast!" "Really? I still don't want you to wait." Yu Chuanxue looked at his watch, sitting next to Atsuko, wearing a shiny gray suit.

"Me too, didn't I disturb your work?" "As I said on the phone, it's not a job, but an entertainment in the name of a meeting. It's just a waste of time to receive officials who spend taxpayers' money on food and drink." The bar waiter came over, and Yu Chuan asked for a glass. "It sounds like a lot of pressure, but if you listen to me, it may be a waste of time." "I don't think so, that's why I came here. What you said should have something to do with the 'green fox'?" Atsuko replied with a serious face, "Yes!"

The news about Ryosuke Komai's murder was published in today's morning paper, and it was also reported on TV news and talk shows. It is impossible for Yu Chuan to fail to notice that anyway, he is also a member of the "Blue Fox" fan club. Of course Membership is not voluntary, and there is no need to pay membership fees. A few years ago, this troupe made a play with a physicist as the main character. Atsuko was in charge of the script. At that time, Atsuko discussed with Yamamoto in the office to talk to a real physicist. Yamamoto asked her to meet with Teito University Physics Yu Chuan, an associate professor of the subject, seems to have a mutual friend.

To be honest, this play was not very good, but Tang Chuan who watched the play was very happy and asked to come to the play frequently in the future, so the troupe gave him special member treatment, and Tang Chuan would watch the play several times a year. Sometimes I also go to the background to see. Atsuko took a sip of his wine and said, "The troupe has suspended its activities, and today we called everyone to convey this notice." Holding the wine glass, Tang Chuan sighed, "It can't be helped." "I don't understand at all, and I don't know who did such a cruel thing..."

"What did the police say?" Atsuko shook his head, "It's the same today. A lot of policemen came to the rehearsal venue and the office, but they didn't tell us anything, they just asked us questions." "This is what they do." Tang Chuan had a "knowledgeable" expression on his face. "You said that you have a close friend in the Metropolitan Police Department, right? And it's from the First Search Division." "It's a bit too much to say that they are best friends. They are the kind of friends who can't get rid of them even if they want to."

"Do you keep in touch with this friend often?" Tang Chuan was about to drink, so he couldn't help but stop, "Why do you ask this?" Atsuko frowned slightly, "As I said just now, the police didn't tell us anything, so there was an atmosphere of uneasiness in the troupe. I kind of want to know the progress of the police's investigation." "In short, I hope that I can contact the police I know and find out some information about the investigation of the case, right?" "I made unreasonable demands." "That's right, it's too much," Tang Chuan said coldly, "No matter how well we know each other, it's impossible to tell the secrets of the progress of the case, and the other party is a policeman, can't we trust it?"

"But you don't just know each other, do you? You have also helped them investigate the case many times. This time they should also tell you the secret of the investigation." "The investigation is based on the situation of the police. They don't need me this time, so I'm just an outsider." "Oh okay!" "And you may not know that although they all call the Metropolitan Police Department's Search Section 1, there are many teams. If someone else is responsible for the case, you really don't know anything. Do you know which team is responsible for this case?"

"I don't know, I don't know at all..." "Yes." Tang Chuan nodded coldly. "But I know the names of the police officers in charge of the investigation, and they have left their contact information. There are men and young policewomen." "Female?" Tang Chuan frowned. "I thought there really was a female police officer," Atsuko took out his phone, opened the note function and looked at it, "It's called Utsumi, and the main questioner is a male policeman named Kusanagi." Tang Chuan's expression remained unchanged, he just drank his wine slowly and shook his head gently, "Sorry, I have never heard of these two people, they are not people I know."

"That's it..." Dunzi sighed, originally he didn't have much hope, it seems that everything is not going as expected. "Sorry, I can't help you." "No, I made an unreasonable request." Atsuko drank the wine in one gulp. Tang Chuan added ice cubes to the glass with his hand, "You said there is an atmosphere of unrest in the group? What exactly is the atmosphere of uneasiness among the members?" Seeing that Atsuko hesitated and didn't know how to answer, Tang Chuan smiled with embarrassment, "Sorry, I crossed the line, take back my question." "No," Atsuko shook his head, and at the same time, he was quickly calculating in his mind, if he talked about that, it would probably have an effect on the physicist, "To be honest, I heard that they suspected insiders of committing the crime. " "An insider? Is the murderer a member of the troupe?" Atsuko nodded, "The knife stuck in Mr. Komai's chest is a prop for this performance, and only insiders can take it out." "Is that so?" Tang Chuan frowned even tighter. "And," Atsuko tried to take a step forward, "I guess the person the police suspect the most is me." Yu Chuan, who was wearing glasses, widened his eyes in surprise, "You?" "I found the body. Isn't there a saying that a person who reports a case is a suspect?" "But that's just..." "Of course it's not just because of this. I dated Mr. Komai before, but we broke up because he fell in love with someone else, so I also had a motive for killing, and I was abandoned in order to get back." Not knowing what to answer, Yu Chuan closed his mouth tightly as if thinking. Atsuko smiled, "So the atmosphere in the troupe is uneasy, to be precise, it's around me." "I can see why you want to know the progress of the police investigation." "Sorry, I won't bring up this topic again." "It doesn't matter," Tang Chuan raised a hand, "If you have a chance to meet my friend, try to ask politely, maybe you will learn something, but you don't have to expect too much." "Okay, please don't make it difficult." With that, Atsuko asked the waiter to pay the bill.
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