Home Categories detective reasoning phantom clown

Chapter 15 Section five

phantom clown 东野圭吾 1244Words 2018-03-16
Hearing that he was going to see a physicist, Gasan looked puzzled.Beiyuan thought, "It doesn't make sense! If you want to see him, you should see a psychologist or a psychiatrist." The meeting took place in the small meeting room of the police station, and only Kitahara and Utsumi Kaoru were there. Although I explained to the superiors, it was not a formal meeting after all. "How did you hear the voice?" Tang Chuan began to ask, "I heard that it was a man's deep voice, to what extent can you hear it? Are there times when you can't hear it clearly?"

"Always hear quite clearly," Gassan replied, "so every time I hear it, I can't hear other people's words, no matter how noisy the surrounding area is, I can still hear clearly." "Have you ever used earplugs?" "I've used it, but if it doesn't work, don't use it." "No effect at all?" "yes." "Is the auditory hallucination mainly heard when I was in the company? Can you still hear it now?" "I can't hear it now. I haven't heard it again after I was arrested. This is really saved." When Gasan said, the expression on his face softened a little. It seems that he has suffered a lot for this.

"When you were hallucinating, was there anyone beside you?" "Sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not. I look around every time I hear it before I realize it's an auditory hallucination, but most of the time there's no one." "Have you ever told anyone that you have hallucinations?" Gasan shook his head in pain, "No, I wish I had seen a doctor sooner!" "Have you ever heard of other people having auditory hallucinations?" Hearing Tang Chuan's question, Gasan's expression was very surprised, "Is there?"

But Tang Chuan replied blankly, "I don't know, that's why I asked you, have you heard of it?" "I haven't heard of it." "Then what do you think is the reason for your auditory hallucination?" Gasan thought about it seriously, and after a while of silence, he slowly said, "Is it because I'm weak-willed? It's a fact that I feel pressured to be appointed as the project leader just after I got a little grade. I feel uneasy about being incompetent, thinking that I am a very strong person, but in the end I think too much of myself, and now I just feel ashamed."

"Is it for spiritual reasons?" "Yeah, that's the only way." Gasan lowered his eyes. After the interview, Gasan returned to the detention center, while Beiyuan and the others remained in the small conference room. "What do you think?" Kaoru Utsumi asked Yukawa. The physicist looked at the notepad with a serious face and said, "Kusanagi's statement is not valid." "Mr. Kusanagi's statement?" "He assumed that he used a super-directional loudspeaker—'hypersonic sound system'. Although he had a good idea, he didn't think it was possible to listen to Gasan. If he used ultrasonic sound, the sound would be sound, and he used earplugs. You shouldn't be able to hear it."

"Gasan says earplugs don't work." Tang Chuan nodded, "The possibility is not high in the first place. The 'hypersonic audio system' is still difficult to make into a small device, and it is difficult to avoid being discovered when it is used." "That is to say," Kitahara interrupted, "the auditory hallucinations are actually caused by Gasan's illness, and have nothing to do with physics or science." "Why do you say that? It's just an assumption that doesn't hold true." "Is there any other way?" Yu Chuan did not answer this question clearly, but looked at Kitahara and Utsumi Kaoru meaningfully, "A few things need to be confirmed."

Kaoru Utsumi asked, "What is it?" "Gasan said that he also heard auditory hallucinations during the meeting, so please investigate who attended the meeting, and as much as possible, who was around when Gasan heard the auditory hallucinations. There is one more thing, please investigate and I saw earlier that among the people who work on the same floor, has anyone heard hallucinations recently?" "You mean people who still have auditory hallucinations?" Bei Yuan asked. "If the auditory hallucinations are man-made, it's not surprising that there are still victims. I guess I don't tell others, and I bear it slowly. The problem is how to find such people," Tang Chuan stared at Bei Yuan, " Even if it is a professional criminal policeman, it is quite difficult to find out this, right?"

The physicist was clearly challenging Beiyuan. Although he agreed to make people angry, Beiyuan didn't want him to feel that he would run away. "I'll do my best." Kitahara replied.
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