Home Categories detective reasoning Snow Country

Chapter 38 Chapter Thirty-eight

Snow Country 东野圭吾 4034Words 2018-03-16
Nezu noticed that his shadow on the snow became clearer.Looking up, the thick clouds parted, and the blue sky gradually appeared. "Hey, it's sunny!" Shangshan, who was sitting in the driver's seat, said with a smile. "Yeah." Genzu replied casually.Then his cell phone rang, and he glanced at the caller ID, it was Kurata calling. "Hi, I'm Nezu." "I'm Kurata. Mr. Irie, have they appeared?" "not yet." "...Is that so." "Mr. Kurata, this is still a little strange." "Don't jump to conclusions. No matter who the intimidator is at this stage, there is only one thing we have to do, to facilitate a cash transaction according to the intimidator's instructions. Right?"

"Although I understand what you said..." "Don't think about anything else right now, please!" Genjin sighed, and the exhaled breath turned into white mist and spread in front of him, "Then what about the activity to Beiyue? Cancel it?" "Stop it! It's useless if you don't bring Mr. Irijiang and the others. And the matter of going to Beiyue today has not been approved by the head of Matsumiya. If there is anything, it will be difficult to deal with in the future!" "Understood, then I'll explain it to the Riji couple." "Sorry, please!"

"Also, what instructions does the intimidator have?" Genjin asked in a low voice as he got out of the car. This was something they couldn't let them hear when going up the mountain. Kurata took a deep breath and said, "It is said to be waiting at the central ski resort at 3:00 p.m. The amount and preparations are the same as last time." "Understood. Then I'll go back to the patrol office and get ready." "I'm sorry, you can't. The intimidator asked to transport the same people as last time." Genzu felt out of breath. "What's going on? Why? Is it necessary?"

"I don't know either. The intimidator made such a request on purpose. I have already contacted Fujisaki." Nezu couldn't help but clenched his phone tightly. Up until that moment, he had made up his mind to deliver the cash himself.Why did the intimidator make such a request this time? "Then what am I going to do?" "You don't have to do anything. Remember what happened yesterday? The intimidators are monitoring our actions, and they wrote that if there is anything suspicious, they will retaliate!" "Mr. Kurata, I also said yesterday. There is no way the intimidator will see us——please believe me!"

"Of course I believe you. But the most important thing right now is to get rid of the immediate danger, so the only thing to do is to get the money safely in the hands of the intimidators and do what they want." Genzu couldn't be relieved and remained silent. Kurata immediately reminded him: "Do you understand? I understand your remorse, please bear with me!" Nezu understood Kurata's position very well.When he found the first threatening letter, he advocated closing the ski resort immediately and calling the police.This kind of idea is not approved by the superiors, so they can only follow the requirements of the intimidator.Up to now, it is estimated that he feels that it is his mission to complete this matter as soon as possible, and Kurata's annoyance at the moment should be exactly the same as his own.

"Okay..." Nezu replied weakly. "Then let's contact again." After speaking, Kurata hung up the phone. Nezu sighed again, staring at the phone, he deeply felt his powerlessness. "A call from Mr. Kurata?" Shangshan in the car asked with a disturbed expression on his face. Nezu walked over and explained with Kamiyama and Hiyoshi couple that because Irie and his son were not found, they could not go to Beiyue District. "It's like this... there's no way." Although Hiyoshi Kozo looked regretful, his tone was very calm.He knew that he couldn't go to Beiyue District without entering Jiang and his son.

"However, I'm still worried. Why can't I get in touch?" Hiyoshi Youhui said when getting out of the car. "I don't know. It is estimated that they may have gone to a place with poor signal." "If you find them, can you tell us? Otherwise, we are also very worried." As he said that, Hiyoshi Kozo took out his mobile phone from the pocket of his ski jacket, typed his mobile phone number on the screen of the mobile phone, and showed it to Nezu. "Understood." Nezu wrote down Hiyoshi's cell phone number. After the couple parted ways on the same day, Nezu asked him to go up the mountain to pack up the car, and prepared to go back to the patrol office by himself.There were two intertwined thoughts in his mind: one was Irie Yoshiyuki, where did he and Dashu go?Or is he just the intimidator?The other is a transaction, is it to follow Kurata's request and watch the intimidator take the money?

When passing by the hotel, he heard someone calling himself. It turned out that it was the Minister of General Affairs Miyauchi standing at the staff entrance. Nezu trotted over, "Do you have anything to do?" Miyauchi stroked his chin as if to touch his beard, and looked at Nezu meaningfully. "What you said before, can you do it this time?" "What to do?" Miyauchi made a sumo wrestling action, "Have you forgotten? Didn't you say it yesterday? It is to reveal the intimidator, monitor the trading place, and find clues to the intimidator!" Nezu looked at the Minister of General Affairs with a strong face, "Mr. Miyauchi, have you forgotten what happened yesterday? It is because of our surveillance that the intimidator stopped the transaction."

"However, don't you accept this statement? I heard Kurata-kun say that you believe that you will never be seen by the intimidator." "I can't say absolutely..." "I'm still willing to trust your intuition, it's worth challenging again." "But Mr. Kurata told me just now that he hopes I don't do anything." Miyauchi shook his shoulders and smiled wryly, "That's what Kurata said. You have to know that people have both the truth and the scene about a matter. That guy only pays attention to the scene. What is the responsibility of the ski resort to ensure the safety of the guests? The most important thing. Let me tell you the truth, I don’t want to hand over precious company funds to people of unknown origin. If possible, let the intimidator show his true colors and get all the money back! Do you understand?”

"I see." Nezu turned his head and said, "What if the intimidator picked something wrong again? They said they would never allow it next time..." Gong Nei looked serious and shook his head anxiously, "Didn't you say that! You said it yesterday, they didn't really want to detonate it. If they did, it would do them no good. They already took six thousand Ten thousand. If you have any dissatisfaction with us, just stop the transaction and close it early. Why do you need more money and make demands? If it really explodes, it will attract the police, and there is no point in intimidating. I think They're not going to do something stupid like that, and whether there's a time bomb or not is another matter."

"I think so……" "Is it? So there is no hesitation! If you want to show the intimidator, there is only a cash transaction. Maybe this is the last chance. Are you going to watch from the sidelines and do nothing?" "However, wouldn't it be bad if the deal doesn't go through smoothly? Even if it doesn't explode, if the intimidator doesn't say anything, we still don't know where the time bomb is." With an unhappy expression on his face, Miyauchi took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, picked one up and lit it.There was no ashtray beside him, and Nezu was thinking about what to do when Miyauchi took out a portable ashtray from the inner pocket on the other side of the suit. "We'll talk about it later! I don't think it matters." Nezu was quite shocked by the words he spit out together with the smoke ring. "Are you serious?" "Yes! Of course I'm serious!" Miyauchi blurted out, "But you can't say it out loud, you can figure it out when you think about it! If you want to earn 50 million net profits, how many customers do you need? How much do you have to do to ensure safety? There are a few slopes in the business area that the intimidators say are safe, and it doesn’t matter if the others are closed. Our ski resort is very large. No guest will be angry because there are several slopes that cannot be skied.” In any case, it seems that the palace simply cannot tolerate the easy taking of large sums of cash.Genjin remembered that he complained about his salary yesterday. "However, this is your opinion, right? I don't know what the president and the head of the department will think..." Gong Nei was smoking a cigarette, exhaling smoke rings and tilting his mouth, "Didn't I say it just now? Everyone has truth and scene words. Those people can't talk nonsense based on their own standpoint, so you can only see them follow threats. The demand of those who want to pay. In fact, they are unwilling to pay in their hearts, so people like me are needed.” "That is to say, they all agree with Mr. Miyauchi?" "If this is not the case, they will definitely blame you even more for what happened yesterday." Miyako said with a smile. In this way, Nezu recalled what Kurata said to himself after the transaction failed-"The director and the others are in a bad mood because the transaction failed, but they understand Nezu's actions." "How? Are you going to do it?" "This matter, how do we talk to Mr. Kurata..." "I see, you don't need to tell him. Just leave it to you!" "I don't even know how far I can do it..." "You haven't done anything yet!" The officer stubbed out the cigarette butt and put the ashes in a portable ashtray. "I heard it's three o'clock to the central ski resort, you'd better change clothes." After he finished speaking, he turned and walked into the hotel. Looking at the back of the Minister of General Affairs arched like a cat, Nezu had an incredible idea.If Kurata is a cautious type, then he is another kind of bold.However, if he is willing to support, Nezu will have confidence.Genjin hurried back to the patrol office, saw Tonglin there, beckoned Tonglin outside, and told him what the palace said just now. "Mr. Miyauchi is going to do this again? Didn't all the results yesterday?" Tonglin looked surprised and shook his head. "He is sure that the intimidator will not detonate it, and I think so too. Although Mr. Kurata told us not to do unnecessary things, but hearing Mr. Miyauchi say that is really courageous. Maybe it can be done this time!" Tong Lin didn't answer, but had a downcast expression for some reason. Genjin asked him, "What's wrong?" "Mr. Nezu, I quit." Nezu thought he heard it wrong, "What did you say?" Tonglin looked at Nezu seriously, "I said I'm quitting, and I hope Mr. Nezu will not do it. Just like Mr. Kurata said, don't make a move." "Wait a minute, how did this happen? Didn't you still agree with me yesterday?" "That's why the transaction was suspended ... Today I feel that the transaction must be completed smoothly." "It is to complete the transaction smoothly. I said I will not make trouble, but I just want to find some clues to the intimidator." "Isn't it the same yesterday? It turned out like that..." "Don't you find it strange about yesterday's event? I think yesterday's event was canceled because of the intimidator, and it has nothing to do with our hiding." "You can't say that either. Mr. Nezu, don't do it! Just wait and see in silence this time!" Genjin shook his head, "No! You can't just let the intimidator escape like this!" "But we are not the police. Even if we have clues, we cannot arrest them." "That's not true! Actually, I have some ideas about the intimidator, just to make sure." Tong Lin's eyes widened, "... who?" Nezu looked around and whispered, "Mr. Irie." "No way? Why?" "Have you heard about Mr. Irie's wife? That person has a motive. And today they agreed to take them to Beiyue District, but they didn't show up when the time came. As a result, the intimidator sent a new email at this time, and until There is no news now. I think he may be preparing for where to trade." "Then can't he refuse to go to Beiyue District from the beginning?" "At that time, he definitely wanted to deal with us. However, the time of coming and going was decided by our side. If there was no other way, he agreed first. I guess he thought so!" Tong Lin shook his head seriously, "I don't think so." "Why, besides that person, is there anyone else?" "This... I don't know though," Tong Lin scratched his head, "Anyway—don't provoke the intimidator. Please let it go this time!" "This is not acceptable! You can quit. However, even if I am alone, I will go!" Genjin turned and ran out. "Where are you going?" Tong Lin asked. "Parking lot. I'm going home first, I have to change." "Wait for me, Nezu-san, senior!" Although Tonglin was calling behind him, Nezu didn't stop. When he arrived at the parking lot, he went straight to his car. As soon as he opened the door, he heard someone calling him from a distance. It was a girl's voice.He looked and saw that Chiaki Seri was running over in a brown suit. "Great! I was on my way to the patrol office and almost missed it." "What a surprise! I thought you'd never come again!" "Why? Frightened by the bomb, never come to this ski resort again?" Seri Chiaki's eyes flashed with a competitive look, "Don't think I'm so stupid!" "I didn't say that, what can you do with me?" She raised her face, "Take me there!" "what?" "Aren't you going to monitor there like yesterday? Take me, together!" Nezu looked at her unexpectedly and couldn't help laughing. "What's wrong? Did I say something funny?" "No." Nezu shook his head with a smile, thinking that this matter had become more and more interesting.
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