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Chapter 19 Chapter 18 The Price of Revenge

letter to future killer 张未 8725Words 2018-03-16
A group of children appeared in the dream, they ran innocently on the green grass.On the flushed little face, there are watery eyes.The girls' pigtails were upturned, and the pink headbands were bouncing on their heads, like two butterflies flying.I have been exposed to the sun and rain all day long, but my face is fair and clean, and my eyebrows and eyes are clear and bright.When he smiles, his mouth is like a peaceful crescent moon, and when he speaks, his voice is like a yellow warbler.The boys all have chubby faces, and their eyelids are flickering, not to mention how cute they are. The eyeballs are like two black gemstones, as if just turning around, a ghost idea will come.Whether it's the bulging cheeks, the thin lips, or the slightly raised nose, they all make people feel funny and cute.

In the dream, she couldn't help laughing. Fifteen years ago, Yao Ruoxia was also one of these children. She was innocent and innocent. Although it was bitter, she was happy every day. Came to this city with her father, bid farewell to the backcountry, the colorful city is like a warm comfort, and rescued her from the pain of losing her mother.As Father said, we gotta live our lives! Things developed as they expected. In a small rented room of less than ten square meters, the father and daughter settled down.During the day, Yao Ruoxia was in a drafty classroom with a group of children who were dressed in rags similar to her own, while her father was working on the construction site.At night, the happiest thing is to hold my father's hand and go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.Maybe it's just some rotten vegetables piled up in a pile that no one cares about, but they can be washed and poured with vinegar and sesame oil, making Yao Ruoxia feel that it is the most delicious food in the world.

This is Yao Ruoxia's happiest day, the winter wind is so cold, but as long as she sits beside her father, his tall figure will be the warmest bed, protecting her from the wind and rain. Life is not easy, men need to talk, maybe Yao Ruoxia is not the most suitable person, but she is the only person in this world who can sincerely share her father's feelings.Her father told her about the things on the construction site, some happy and some unhappy.Sometimes very excited, sometimes a little helpless.My father said that it was a rainy day, and he stuck to his post sweating all over his head. A small car came, and a few potbellied leaders got out of the car. My father naively thought that he would be greeted.Those people got out of the car and took two steps, looked at their father from a distance, then looked up at the rain, got back in again, and the car ran away in a hurry.As if father was worth less than their expensive suits soaked in rain.

"My heart was very cold at that time!" said the father, and then sighed, "You won't understand!" He stroked Yao Ruoxia's hair with his big hand.Yao Ruoxia was still young at that time, but she understood what her father meant, really understood. From then on, she knew that she was no longer a child. She was no longer a little girl who caught tadpoles in the fields and went crazy day and night. Yao Ruoxia knew that she couldn't waste a little time, yes, she had to study hard, get into middle school, university, find a good job, and let her father live a good life.

On the way to and from school, she also put a white plastic bag in the compartment of her schoolbag.Half of it is for books, and the other half is for picking up waste products. Discarded plastic bottles, lengths of wires, old newspapers, and iron cans are all her search objects.She knows what to sell for money. Father must not know that he still has such great ability!When Yao Ruoxia handed over the money from picking up junk and selling it to her father, her father's surprised expression was the greatest encouragement to Yao Ruoxia. The household belongings increased little by little, including tables, chairs, electric shaking fans, and even a 14-inch black and white TV.They are like groundhogs, taking care of their home bit by bit.

Yao Ruoxia remembered that it was a Sunday morning, and it was still winter. Fifteen years ago, the winter was warmer than it is now. Yao Ruoxia was sitting in the sun at the door of her house doing homework, a shadow blocked her textbooks. Yao Ruoxia still has lingering fears when recalling this scene, it is like the beginning of a nightmare, deeply burned in her heart. "Where's your father?" Yao Ruoxia heard this voice that changed her life for the first time. My father said that he was from his hometown, "I hugged you when you were born, called Uncle Liu!" "Hello, Uncle Liu!"

But Yao Ruoxia didn't like this uncle named Liu Yibang.His eyes were very strange, like a wild beast coveting a little lamb, Yao Ruoxia didn't know if this description was appropriate, but she did feel it.A girl in her early ten years old, she said she was not too big, she said she was not too young, but she could already smell danger. Liu Yibang came frequently.My father had no friends in this city, and he was alone among the crowd of greedy people.Yao Ruoxia didn't realize until she was an adult that this kind of loneliness is the most difficult feeling in the world.There is a lot of hustle and bustle around you, but you are outside of it.

It was this kind of emptiness and longing for friendship that made his father treat Liu Yibang as warmly as his own relatives, for fear of offending him and cutting off his only sustenance in this city.Rather than saying that what Liu Yibang brought to his father is friendship, it is better to say that it is his father's nostalgia for his hometown.Liu Yibang has become a symbol, a photo, and an identity certificate that can prove that his father also has a source. Anyone who is in a foreign land will have this feeling.Yao Ruoxia thought, if his father just ignored Liu Yibang back then, it would be great!

He is obviously much "mature" than his father.He came earlier than his father, knew the rules of the city better, and was more able to enter and exit his role with ease, switching identities at any time to achieve his goals.Liu Yibang realized earlier and deeper than his father that this kind of nostalgia for nostalgia can sometimes become a "productive force". At that time, they were still very poor, and there was not much left from their father's monthly income after deducting food, rent, and tuition fees.But it is by no means to exchange your life for money. "Don't you become a guinea pig?" When Liu Yibang mentioned that there was a hospital where he could earn some extra money, his father replied half-jokingly.It can be seen that my father is unwilling to do this kind of business.

"Think about it, what do you do if you don't have any money to live in the city? What if you encounter a minor illness or disaster? Why don't you make more money while you are young, and let your daughter live in this house with you for the rest of your life? You have to think about her!" Liu Yibang said too much, even if he tried the medicine twice, he could only earn a little money and could not change his fate.But it does make sense when you think about it carefully. For the poor, isn’t the accumulated savings of these two-thirds the basis for happiness?Father embarked on the road of no return.

Yao Ruoxia is so regretful, if she had picked up more trash and saved herself, maybe her father would not have gone! At first, life did improve. My father seemed to see hope. A sweet life was ahead. Why couldn't he see danger at all? Dad worked harder and made more frequent visits to the hospital.Whenever Liu Yibang sent money, his father's smile was brighter than ever.But the father and daughter didn't know that Liu Yibang was working as a drug maker, using his father's body to make money. The damned Liu Yibang not only exploited his father, but also——
Once the summer vacation came, Yao Ruoxia stayed at home and couldn't go anywhere.That afternoon, she was lying on the bed in a daze and took a nap. She seemed to be having a nightmare. In the dream, she was strangled by a wild beast and pressed her body, and she was almost out of breath. She woke up with a start, and saw Liu Yibang sitting beside her reeking of alcohol, half of her shirt had been taken off. "What are you doing?" Yao Ruoxia sat up instinctively. "It's too hot, Uncle will help you cool off!" Liu Yibang said with a playful smile.Yao Ruoxia jumped off the bed and fled outside the house.She couldn't believe what was happening before her eyes. She wanted to tell her father, but when she saw him, she didn't know how to speak.They still drank together and called each other brothers.Taking advantage of his father's inattention, Liu Yibang always shot threatening glances, Yao Ruoxia trembled all over. She could only avoid Liu Yibang and not give him an opportunity.Just get through this period!She always thinks so. It would be great if I told my father at that time, Yao Ruoxia regretted it! Sadly, my father sacrificed his health for money, and it didn't take long before he suffered health's revenge.Yao Ruoxia didn't know if this was a small probability event, but it still happened, and it happened to her.The side effects of the drug hit my father mercilessly.First, his left hand was paralyzed and he couldn't hold things. A month later, it was transferred to his right arm. Accompanied by nausea and unable to eat, his body gradually lost weight. The work on the construction site is still going on, but he is no longer as lively as before. The foreman's face is getting uglier every day, because his father can't always complete his tasks.Father is always submissive and struggling in the reproach. Those potbellied leaders came again, this time with a smile on their faces, and their father stretched out his greasy hand cautiously. None of those leaders shook his father's extended hand, and they all covered their noses like disgusted with a plate of rotten dropped meals. "Go to the hospital and have a look!" The father was still comforted, "Leader let me see!" But from people's whispers, my father learned the truth.Because of his sallow complexion, people on the construction site suspected that he had hepatitis, and they were so concerned about sending him to the hospital for an examination for fear of infection. My father was like a lame dog, with no use value, and was abandoned in the wilderness without anyone caring. The conclusion of the hospital is very arbitrary, this is a normal side effect, and it will be fine after a while.He lay on the bed, believing in the hospital's diagnosis, believing that it would not be long before he would be able to stand up vigorously again, work hard, and live hard. Yao Ruoxia also hoped so, but the situation was getting worse and worse. Her father began to feel dizzy, and it became more and more difficult to get out of bed. Whenever he did physical exercise, his whole body ached like needles.Liu Yibang came several times and brought a thousand dollars from the hospital. They talked for a long time in the room. Yao Ruoxia couldn't hear clearly, but he could only hear Liu Yibang enlightening his father at the end. Could it be that the arm can bend the thigh?" This sentence was like a scar deeply burned on her body, which made her bear it for fifteen years. Yao Ruoxia's tears soaked the pillow towel.She woke up, sorry!
Li Conan made several phone calls, but nothing happened in the hospital, and the search for Xing Yuemin still made no progress.Today's harvest is not small, but the arrest work is still at a standstill, none of the ones that should be caught have been caught, and none of the ones that should be found have been found.It is useless to straighten out the logic of this. The most important job of the police is to catch criminals, and it can be said that they are helpless now. At this time, Li Cong'an had left the transportation company and walked onto the main road.He felt that there was something wrong with the brakes. The Poussin assigned to him by the bureau was older than his years as a policeman.The air conditioner is not hot enough, and the noise in the stereo is louder than the music. Sometimes, to understand what the host of the traffic station is saying, you have to listen carefully. Cao Youcun declined Li Cong'an's kindness of "sending him for a while", saying that he wanted to take a walk by himself.Li Con'an didn't force it. If Cao Youcun had always been Bai Sumei's crush, he wouldn't be a member of Xing Yuemin's "murder list", and there was no need to "pay attention to safety". Conversing with Cao Youcun is like reading a novel, the kind of novel that can cleanse the soul, including Bai Sumei. The image of Bai Sumei I know from the side is now even bigger.She is a "chicken", but Ball of Suet is also a "chicken", which does not affect their touching Li Cong'an in the slightest. He didn't want to investigate the next thing, but he had to. There is no doubt that anyone who has slept with Bai Sumei may be on Xing Yuemin's "murder list" list! He stepped on the brake pedal, as if a small stone had been crushed in the middle, and the unnatural feeling still existed.He was thinking about these things.It was late at night and there were few pedestrians on the street, but he still didn't dare to drive too fast. "This broken car!" Li Conan couldn't help cursing.Perhaps to vent out these mixed feelings. Where should I go?This is a problem.Li Cong'an felt empty for a while.In the cold winter, late at night, it is difficult to find someone to come out for a drink or two.He looked at his watch and dialed Yao Ruoxia's number. A gentle voice came from the other end of the phone, she was still asleep, "Come to my place!" Yao Ruoxia said to Li Cong'an.Li Conan turned to another street on the way to visit his father. Yao Ruoxia wore a milky white pajamas and opened the door for Li Conan.On the table was a steaming bowl of noodles with a poached egg and char siew. "How do you know I'm hungry?" Li Conan walked in and kissed Yao Ruoxia's forehead. "Hurry up and eat, it's just right, I was still thinking, if you arrive later, the noodles will be all mushy!" Li Cong'an was sitting at the table eating noodles.When the sweetness of char siew touched the tip of his tongue, hunger followed. "Slow down!" Yao Ruoxia said sitting opposite Li Cong'an. Within a few minutes, Li Cong'an cleaned up the noodles, lit a cigarette, watched Yao Ruoxia bring the bowl to the kitchen, and stood there quietly washing the bowl.She was wearing cotton pajamas, her hair was tied back, and her slender body was very seductive. "Smoking less!" Yao Ruoxia finished washing the dishes and sat back opposite Li Cong'an, "Smoking easily paralyzes the nerves, and the stomach doesn't even know it's hungry." Li Con'an took a sip and pinched it off, "Come on, baby, come to me!" He patted his thigh and said rare words of love. Yao Ruoxia sat up and met Li Conan's lips. After lingering for a while, she sat in Li Cong'an's arms and asked softly, "Are your parents feeling better?" These words hit Li Cong'an's heart, he pulled his hand out from under Yao Ruoxia's head, lit another cigarette, and lay down on the bed to smoke. The smoke fainted under the dim light in the bedroom, Yao Ruoxia said: "I'm sorry!" The tone was filled with guilt, like a child who did something wrong. "It has nothing to do with you." Li Conan listened. In his eyes, Yao Ruoxia was not very good at saying such things. Maybe it was because of her father's affairs that really made her feel uncomfortable. "It has nothing to do with you," Li Cong'an turned around and kissed Yao Ruoxia, and then emphasized, "This was premeditated, even if you didn't arrange for them to go to the resort, it would have happened sooner or later." Li Cong'an didn't go into details, He was afraid of scaring Yao Ruoxia.But he still felt Yao Ruoxia's body twitch slightly. It's a little strange, I don't know why, but he will unknowingly analyze some of Yao Ruoxia's small movements. After seeing the photos of Zou Ping when he was a child, he feels that Yao Ruoxia and Zou Ping have many similarities, they look alike, and they are about the same age. They are also orphans. "Oh, are you out of danger now?" "almost." "I'll go see them tomorrow." "Well, if you have time, you can go and have a look, go to sleep, don't think about it!" He said to Yao Ruoxia, and also warned himself. Yao Ruoxia obediently lay down beside Li Cong'an and fell asleep.Li Cong'an breathed out, he didn't move, and waited quietly for a while, after making sure that Yao Ruoxia had fallen asleep, he lit another cigarette. Yao Ruoxia is a good girl, Li Conan thought.They met at a mutual friend's wedding.The man was Li Cong'an's friend, and his father was a rich man, so the wedding was extraordinarily grand. There were more than a hundred tables of wine, and there were lion and dragon dances to add to the fun.During the wedding, Yao Ruoxia sat at the table next to him.Li Con'an felt the eyes of Yao Ruoxia, who was still a stranger at that time, and knew the meaning of it. If there is nothing to do next, maybe they will pass by each other like so many strange men and women in this city who have mutual affection, and they will be separated from each other from now on.After the wedding was over, he went to the parking lot to pick up his car. When he turned a corner, it was still this broken car. The brakes were not pressed to the end, and he almost hit Yao Ruoxia who was standing on the side of the road waiting for a taxi. The two got to know each other like this, it wasn't romantic, nor was it too clichéd.Calculating with his fingers, Li Cong'an has known Yao Ruoxia for almost a year. If it hadn't been for what happened now, he should really be talking about marriage. What is fate?Maybe this is called fate.If it wasn't for that wedding, maybe he wouldn't be able to see Yao Ruoxia.Li Cong'an's heart suddenly quickened, and he suddenly thought, his friends and his wife are both from the countryside in the suburbs. At that time, Yao Ruoxia just came to this city, how could he know them? Didn't it mean that the woman's grandma had a hearing aid at her place, so she was invited!Li Cong'an remembered this again.Why would you think about this inexplicably?Li Conan was a little annoyed with himself, don't think too much, he ordered himself, turned to look at Yao Ruoxia, she was sleeping peacefully.Li Conan pinched off the cigarette in his hand and got into the quilt. But I still can't sleep, as soon as I close my eyes, all the figures appear, my father is still lying in the hospital, what happened back then?The shadows of Bai Sumei, Wan Jipeng, and Cao Youcun appeared in his mind one by one.Li Con'an tried his best to get himself to sleep, and he had to get up early tomorrow, another busy day, if this continued, let alone solve the case, his health would collapse. Yao Ruoxia turned her body slightly, Li Conan didn't dare to move anymore, he was afraid of waking her up.Yao Ruoxia moved again, and she called out to Li Cong'an softly.So she didn't sleep either?Li Cong'an wanted to respond, but in the end he chose to pretend to be asleep. He closed his eyes, and even he himself couldn't figure out why. Yao Ruoxia sat up gently, Li Conan wanted to know what she was going to do.Yao Ruoxia sat there for a while, turned her head to look at Li Cong'an's face, and finally did nothing, got under the quilt again, and just kissed Li Cong'an's face before going to sleep. Li Cong'an heard her sigh.Early the next morning, Li Cong'an was woken up by his mobile phone. He came from the hospital. Could it be that another accident happened? Fortunately, this premonition did not come true. The doctor said that a certain dose of sleeping pills was found in the father's blood report. "I discovered it last night. I thought you were probably asleep, so I called you this morning. It wasn't injected. There is no sleeping pill in the injection. It was either injected or mixed with food." Doctor explaining his findings. "What do you mean?" Li Cong'an frowned and asked. "The hospital never prescribed sleeping pills for your father anyway. I asked the people in the security department, and they didn't know about it, so someone must have entered the ward. I don't know what method was used. In short, your father was raped." Sleeping pills!"
Yao Ruoxia could feel that Li Cong'an had begun to doubt herself.Maybe it's not the initiative to suspect it yet, but this clue at the moment will lead Li Cong'an to him like a guidepost.Once the last layer of veil is pierced, Li Cong'an will suddenly see the light, and he will know that this series of seemingly complicated serial events is actually not complicated at all. As soon as Li Cong'an left, Yao Ruoxia sat up.She stayed up last night, keeping her eyes closed by Li Cong'an's side.Listening to his breathing, feeling the rise and fall of his chest, smelling the smoke he exhaled, I don't know why I felt a particularly sad feeling last night. Having sex with the son of the enemy is to put them in a situation where there is no redemption?Let the enemy's son fall in love with him beyond measure, in order to give him a painful blow at the end? But this taste is like poking your hand into a frying pan to get something.Yao Ruoxia got out of bed, the heat in the room was dissipating little by little, the temperature last night was vulnerable to the cold winter, she sat blankly by the bed, tormented by the entanglement in her heart. You should be happy, but why can't you be happy?Yao Ruoxia stood up, went to the bathroom to wash up, drank a glass of milk, put on her coat and went out. It was a cold and windy morning full of mist.Pedestrians on the street wrapped themselves tightly, as if they were afraid of being peeped into their privacy.In fact, who has the time to pry into other people's secrets? Yao Ruoxia walked all the way, she walked along the lake and under the tree.A thin layer of ice had formed on the lake, and in the distance, two children were beating the ice with small stones.A crisp sound of breaking ice, like string music in a boring city, accompanied by the innocent laughter of the children, happily flew into Yao Ruoxia's ears. "Talking with children can purify your soul." Yao Ruoxia couldn't remember who said this sentence, and now, she was about to cry. There was a bench with backrest on the side of the road, Yao Ruoxia sat down sniffling, she recalled the past bit by bit, when the matter reached the last moment, she encouraged herself to persevere.How much courage is needed to complete the task at hand! Li Cong'an's family is now a ghost, and this kind of life and death torture is just like what I experienced back then.She wanted them to taste fear too.Not only that, but the climax will be staged soon, she wants to let Li Cong'an know that she is the murderer, and she wants to kill his father in front of him! It's not just Li Cong'an's father that Yao Ruoxia wants to take revenge on, she also wants to make his descendants fall into eternal pain! "Could it be possible that the arms can still pass the thighs!" Yao Ruoxia wanted to use her own strength to fight against all kinds of injustices that happened to her. It was several years later that she really understood the meaning of this sentence. "This world is inherently unfair." This is such a common sentence.But how many teenagers who think they can see through the world of mortals understand the shame and blood and tears behind these words? ! Father tried to resist more than once. "I can't work anymore, how can I live on a thousand yuan? My daughter is only ten years old!" These last words of her father's life were firmly engraved in Yao Ruoxia's mind, like needles piercing her heart. The hospital still said casual words, which is a normal reaction.Is this also a normal reaction?Even people who don't understand medicine can tell that my father's illness is getting worse day by day! When they went again, they didn't expect that there was a policeman surnamed Li in front of them, "Trust the organization!" He said while touching his Adam's apple. What is this so-called "organization"?It was like a high wall in front of them, cold and endless, and the only answer was that everything was normal. They circled the wall but could not find the entrance, like orphans seeking help in the wilderness.Yao Ruoxia couldn't tell where they were peeping at the poor father and daughter from the beginning to the end, but they must be peeping at them, what are the people inside thinking?What are they going to do? Could it be that such an easy sentence can drive their poor father and daughter to a dead end? Later Liu Yibang brought some more money, this time a little more, five thousand yuan. The father still said the same thing: "What's the use of giving me more money? I can't work anymore. How can I support my daughter?" "Why don't I help you take care of your daughter and lighten the burden!" Liu Yibang said hypocritically. Yao Ruoxia shuddered all over, she understood what this meant, Liu Yibang's grabbing eyes shot towards him again with malicious intent, this time Yao Ruoxia didn't dodge, but stared back viciously. Even if you die, you must die with your father!Father is no more stubborn than Yao Ruoxia.But just sit and eat, with only this little money left, even if Yao Ruoxia picks up trash day and night, it can't support the livelihood of the two of them. The turning point was the emergence of Deng Wei.He is like a lamp in the dark, suddenly appearing in the dark night. When this new drug from Taimin Pharmaceutical Factory first came to the hospital for clinical trials, the interns in the hospital were the ones who tested the drug in the first phase. Deng Wei, who had just been assigned to the pharmacy department at that time, was one of them.He felt unwell, and after pharmacological analysis, he found that the ingredients of the medicine exceeded the standard. As for what exceeded the standard, Yao Ruoxia could not remember clearly.It was an unfamiliar term, and she only knew that Deng Wei's conclusion was that excessive use would damage the nervous system and lead to irreversible organ damage. "It's the hospital's fault that caused you to be like this. The hospital has an unshirkable responsibility and can apply for compensation." What Deng Wei did at that time was just like what Yao Ruoxia did in the hearing aid company when he grew up. who provided the last ray of light. The only difference is that the results I got fifteen years ago are vastly different from what I have now. When they received the identification report from the identification center and determined that the overuse of this drug was the culprit that caused their father's symptoms, they really thought they were saved.Their good mood is no less than a new addition to their dilapidated house.And this result is like a blockbuster that exploded in the hospital.Sure enough, the big leaders behind the "organization" appeared in front of them one after another, and there was an endless stream of comfort and greetings. They really thought they were saved. "We're saved! I've said it all, it's still under the Communist Party!" my father said excitedly.They even went to the vegetable market to buy food and wine to celebrate their little victory. But the good mood only lasted for three days. Three days later, when those people appeared in front of them with the appraisal report that had been altered beyond recognition, they realized that they had been cheated.These three days are just a tactic for them to delay the attack in order to build a higher and colder wall! The negotiation process was like a brawny man against a malnourished weak boy. They sat at the negotiating table and continued to blatantly alter what they thought was inappropriate, with the policeman surnamed Li sitting beside him. "Trust the organization," he said again, "don't blackmail the hospital, I've seen you guys a lot!" It's hard for Yao Ruoxia to imagine that everything that happened in front of her is true. Didn't the teacher say cheating, and those children who lie, aren't they good children?But why those kind-hearted uncles and aunts can use such despicable means to deceive and deal with their weak father and daughter?They were like boats in a storm, and there was nothing they could do but sit there and pray for fate.It turns out that black and white can be reversed, and right and wrong can be ignored. This is originally just a corruption of personal morality, but if the other party holds public power in his hand, it will be like a pair of murderous axes, slashing at the helpless creatures. Is there no one who can help us?Yao Ruoxia felt very angry, and she also felt that her father was also very angry. That night, my father sneaked into the hospital. He knew where the financial department of the hospital was, and he wanted to win a future for himself in this way.The finance department was on the fourth floor, and when she learned that her father was accidentally pushed down by Deng Wei from the fourth floor and died, it was already three days later. "Remember, your father is not a thief, and I am not a murderer!" In the only meeting afterwards, the police surnamed Li tortured Deng Wei, Deng Wei said to Yao Ruoxia. Yao Ruoxia didn't know what happened that night from the beginning to the end, and she couldn't believe that what happened before her eyes was real.But she knew that Deng Wei was the only good person, his eyes were so clear, like the moon in the night sky, illuminating the dark night. She entered an orphanage, and a middle-aged couple adopted her a month later. They took a boat and car to another city far away. The middle-aged couple regarded Yao Ruoxia as their own, and they were the ones who came up with the current name.They live like a real family of three.Yao Ruoxia's adoptive father is a cadre of the local Civil Affairs Bureau. "I don't want to leave any traces of the past!" Yao Ruoxia's reason naturally catered to her stepfather and stepmother.They helped her change everything, changed her birth certificate, changed her household registration, changed her accent, changed her hairstyle, and even after she became an adult, Yao Ruoxia changed her appearance. But all of this was in vain, because no matter what Yao Ruoxia became now, Zou Ping hadn't changed back then.The emotion of hatred has been deeply buried in my heart, waiting to burst out one day! As early as fifteen years ago, the seeds of hatred had been deeply planted. Fifteen years ago, Zou Ping understood a truth. The world is actually a jungle, and the jungle is like this, where the weak prey on the strong!If you don't want to become a prey, you must become strong, and ruthless! Since then, she has had her life's purpose and has no choice but to fight for it.Hot tears fell on Yao Ruoxia's face, cold and dry.She returned to grimness.She stood up and walked on the long road.The hospital is just ahead, as is my goal and end point. There is one last question that confuses Yao Ruoxia, "Do I love Li Cong'an?"
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