Home Categories detective reasoning The Butterfly Murder Case

Chapter 7 Chapter VII Deadly Psychological Diagnosis and Treatment

The Butterfly Murder Case 张未 7881Words 2018-03-16
Xiao Haiqing's doubt is that Liu Na said that she was the one who reported Hong Sheng; while in the detention center, Wang Jian received the information that He Ni was the one who reported.Either one or both must be lying.But as far as the current situation is concerned, Xiao Haiqing is more willing to believe that Liu Na is a liar. In fact, what happened in the past few hours showed that Liu Na and Hong Sheng were all in the same group: First, I received a threatening call from Hong Sheng, using his son as a threat, asking me to steal the ring that was left in the detention center; when I was at a loss, I received a call from Mr. X, Liu Na, like a "magic soldier helping me". .

Liu Na made up a story, and then provided them with the information that "the key never leaves the body", luring Li Ming and herself to enter the detention center with sufficient reasons to look for clues. Undoubtedly, this was a blindfold. When Li Ming and Da Liu focused all their attention on the key, Xiao Haiqing understood that the real key was actually the ring, and at that time, she had enough opportunities to take advantage of it. Thinking about it now, my judgment was not wrong. Hong Sheng seemed to have considered the difficulty in getting the ring, so he actually "helped" himself and sent a helper Liu Na to make it easier to steal the ring. for smooth.Of course, during the whole process, Li Ming unknowingly "helped the evildoers to abuse".

But Xiao Haiqing did not expect that this ring - according to Hong Sheng, is only half of the "secret door", and the other half is in Song Bo's mind. As Liu Na's husband, (and crazy?) he is in the whole What kind of role is it in the Hong Sheng case? and also-- Back to the original question, why did Hong Sheng choose such a weird method of killing; what is the motive?What kind of roles did those victims and the entire wife-swapping club play in the Hong Sheng case? At this time, if Xiao Haiqing still thinks that the current complicated case that even "mobilizes the crowd" is only because of some relationship between men and women, then such an understanding is too superficial.

In many cases, "sex" is actually insignificant. Xiao Haiqing didn't want to believe it either, it was a simple murder of love.According to someone's famous saying: Love kills?Chop it up with a knife and bury it in the back of the house. Why is it so complicated? Get ready to receive an award! If this is a mystery novel, then Xiao Haiqing, needless to say, has become its most loyal reader.Like many people, she is also eager to know the secret behind that key, because that is the key to the whole case. The only difference is that Xiao Haiqing was not sitting on the sofa drinking coffee and enjoying the fun of a mystery novel; instead, he was held at the head of a gun, stunned from the front of the book, and pushed into this confined space of unknown place, where he was Forced as a character in the book - to be precise, one of the victims - to find out the truth.

And of course—and the son's life hanging by a thread! According to my own unconscious theory, only the personal performance in emergencies has clinical significance.In the experiment, Xiao Haiqing will create these "emergencies", but if the audience in the experiment is not ordinary people—such as lunatics, Xiao Haiqing has never tried it. Because no matter what type of psychopath, his consciousness is distorted and suppressed, just like a lion locked in a zoo. After a long time, even throwing a lively pheasant in front of it will not arouse the slightest normal reaction. According to Liu Na, Song Bo has no memory of everything, but when he is in a good mood, he likes to talk about his time in college.As far as the expression of the disease is concerned, this is a typical symptom of episodic amnesia.Such patients lose memory of most things, but remember a certain period of time.

But the problem is far from that simple. Xiao Haiqing noticed that when she approached Song Bo, the muscles on Song Bo's face convulsed, and his body curled up like a fetus in the womb, trembling all over.From a behavioral point of view, this is an instinctive self-defense response when a person feels threatened.Then——suddenly, he burst into hysterical weeping again, as if he had seen a devil! He is afraid of strangers?Xiao Haiqing was a little surprised. And this— Another clinical manifestation of phobia. As far as individual cases are concerned, phobias and episodic amnesia are not rare diseases. Psychiatrists encounter hundreds of such patients every year. Xiao Haiqing was surprised that the two symptoms appeared in one person at the same time.

This is something she has never seen before! What kind of reason made him suffer from two mental illnesses at the same time? There are many causes of the two diseases, Xiao Haiqing thought, but their intersection is only mental stimulation and genetics, that is to say, this severe comprehensive mental illness is likely to be caused by strong mental stimulation or genetics. Xiao Haiqing didn't believe that Song Bo's illness was caused by one of his three aunts and six wives. What kind of stimulus would make him so ill? Xiao Haiqing suddenly had some eyebrows. This is a very simple logic, because of Hong Sheng.

When Hong Sheng slaughtered and dismembered the six victims, was Song Bo a witness? ! Witnessing this brutal killing, Xiao Haiqing believed that it was not enough to cause the current illness. ——Song Bo knew that he could not escape such a fate in the first place! This is the truth. It is possible to cause a person to suffer from two serious mental illnesses at the same time! Xiao Haiqing had a bold guess. In fact, Hong Sheng wanted to kill more than three couples. Just like Liu Na's story said, because her mother-in-law was ill, she was spared. Later, for some reason, she was tricked by Hong Sheng to the scene ?

Why did Hong Sheng not attack Song Bo and his wife in the end? --password? ! This logic seems to hold true. Because before Hong Shengzai had time to obtain the password, Song Bo was already insane, so he was able to survive. Can-- If so, what kind of identity card is Liu Na? Did he betray Song Bo and surrender to Hong Sheng?Or was he coerced just like himself? "I want to know how he got this disease?" Xiao Haiqing said, "I think——he was your witness when you killed those three couples!" It's pointless to go around in circles when confronting smart people. The corners of Hong Sheng's eyes trembled like an electric shock, very faintly, but Xiao Haiqing caught it.Her "directness" achieved results again. If nothing else, the conjecture of "Song Bo at the crime scene" is very likely to be correct!

Hong Sheng raised the gun in his hand, "Doctor! You ask too many questions!" "The theory of traditional Chinese medicine says that illness comes like a mountain, and getting rid of it is like spinning silk. This is very appropriate in the treatment of mental illness! If I don't know the cause of the disease, I can't do it at all. This is science, not witchcraft, not Draw two talismans, recite a few mantras, and the patient will magically say the password—you should know this too!" Hong Sheng thought about it——said: "Yes! He's there!" After receiving Hong Sheng's answer, Xiao Haiqing breathed a sigh of relief.Not because of Sung Bo, but because of Hong Seung's "honesty".It is ashamed to say it, but after several rounds, this is Xiao Haiqing's first victory - if this is considered a victory.

In any case, "honesty" is a good start after all, at least I started a "communication" in the field of psychology with him.This man, like the Maginot Line, might be impenetrable.Finding a suitable breakthrough point, Xiao Haiqing thinks that he will also vent thousands of miles. After all, Hong Sheng is an individual. After going through an experience that ordinary people dare not even imagine, Xiao Haiqing does not believe that he can be completely indifferent. All she has to do is wait patiently and wait for the opportunity. Even though negotiating conditions with a perverted killer who kills the same kind as experiments is a very ignorant thing, Xiao Haiqing still wants to try. "I want to know, no matter what the outcome, what will you do with me and my children?" "You don't have to worry about that," Hong Sheng smiled, "Your performance will largely determine your fate!" "This is not a good answer. You and I both know that this is a treatment that is almost impossible to succeed. Regardless of the final success or failure, I have no value in existence!" Xiao Haiqing adopted the usual approach of directly attacking Huanglong. Let Hong Sheng be caught off guard. Sure enough, Hong Sheng was stunned, "You are very smart," he returned to his coldness, "But you have to know that sometimes being smart is not a good thing! —— Tell me, what do you want?" "Let my son go!" Hong Sheng smiled, "I advise you to give up this idea before I don't get angry, you are insulting my IQ!" Xiao Haiqing stared into Hong Sheng's eyes, "Before I completely lose my bargaining chip, I must fight for something for myself." "Even you said it yourself, there is actually very little you can do!" "But you expect a lot from it!" Xiao Haiqing's interlocking attacks had some effect, but Hong Sheng seemed a little embarrassed. This is a good situation, Xiao Haiqing thought, these few seemingly "unreasonable" arguments are actually a bridge to enter Hong Sheng's inner world! "Although I'm not sure, I think I'll try my best." Xiao Haiqing suddenly changed the topic. This time, she wanted to build a bridge on the piers before Hong Sheng recovered. The purpose, "However - the whole process must listen to me, I want to know everything I should know!" Hong Sheng didn't say anything, and he didn't object. His acquiescence made Xiao Haiqing a little happy—to a certain extent, they reached a consensus and became partners, and he began to "trust" himself! But the next question was much more complicated, because Song Bo was more difficult to deal with than Hong Sheng. In fact, Song Bo's illnesses - episodic amnesia, phobia, water and fire are incompatible, and the treatment methods are completely opposite. Amnesia needs to constantly reproduce the situation for the patient to restore his memory; while the initial treatment of phobia needs to avoid the original situation, so as not to deepen the stimulation and aggravate the condition. Using amnesia therapy to treat phobias is like using water to put out a fire in a frying pan. It cannot be extinguished, and sparks may be splashed to make the fire intensify. But the key point is that to extract the password, Song Bo first needs to restore that part of the memory. This is like entering a primeval forest to search for a treasure, but also to avoid the ambush of tigers, snakes, lions and wolves. If you are not careful, you will lose your tracks and the consequences will be disastrous. "I have a solution, not the best, but I think it is the most likely to succeed," Xiao Haiqing expressed her thoughts, "I must know what happened at the time of the crime?" "You, me, and them," Xiao Haiqing pointed to Zhang Jing and Liu Na, "among the four of us, one must be the victim and be murdered in the same way again!" "In short," Xiao Hai said coldly, "sacrifice one of us to wake up Song Bo's sleeping consciousness!" Stanislav's experiential drama theory, to enter the inner world of the characters, one must believe that one is the character.Everything wins with truth.This is exactly what Xiao Haiqing wants to do, the difference is that everyone in the secret room, not only the actors, but also the audience. Xiao Haiqing didn't know whether this trick was really effective for Song Bo after resetting the scene, but she observed the subtle expressions on everyone's faces at the moment the proposal was made. Hong Sheng concealed it very well as always, Zhang Jing showed a surprised expression, like Liu Na, this is very normal, the key is that Liu Na was surprised, and there was a hint of panic in her eyes - panic! This is what Xiao Haiqing wanted to see, and it was quite useful for identifying Liu Na's identity and the situation in the secret room. Obviously, Liu Na is the easiest opening among the three to break through.Xiao Haiqing's proposal, needless to say, Liu Na also knew that she was the first to bear the brunt of the experiment. Xiao Haiqing wants to win over his companions quietly, so this game cannot be played too easily. "This is a very risky proposal. If it fails, Song Bo's condition will worsen. At that time, it will not be so simple to find his psychological entrance! I must have a brain wave monitor and keep an eye on Song Bo. Bo’s mood swings. Of course—you know this is impossible, so while this proposal is going on, I need another conservative treatment to try to ensure that the condition will not get worse—and this requires Liu Na full assistance." The meaning of this sentence could not be more clear, the "murdered" can only choose from three people.In fact, neither he nor Hong Sheng could be selected, and Zhang Jing was the only one left. Xiao Haiqing's original intention was to observe whether there were gaps in the alliance formed by Hong Sheng and Zhang Jing.But unfortunately, the result was that Hong Sheng refused almost without thinking. Xiao Haiqing was a little strange, but Hong Sheng didn't ask what kind of conservative treatment, only Liu Na could assist in the whole process.Her prepared answer was useless. Hong Sheng thought for a while. "We can just assume the scene, no dead people are needed!" Xiao Haiqing doesn't think that Hong Sheng needs to think for a while before realizing that "simulation" can replace real killing. He is thinking about whether he needs to give up Liu Na at this moment?But the result is also negative. "Of course I know, but if the 'simulation' fails, are you willing to let it go?" Xiao Haiqing continued to be aggressive, and she wanted to make further observations through the third "emergency question". "If you have to choose one as a victim," Hong Sheng looked at Xiao Haiqing and said slowly, "then it's only Song Bo himself!" This made Xiao Haiqing startled. "What could trigger the loss of consciousness better than him experiencing this kind of pain?" Hong Sheng continued, "I can do the same thing and shoot butterfly eggs into his brain, and he has a week of pain. Is not the recovery of his own consciousness the most powerful remedy for him?" "Perhaps when he dies, he still won't be able to recover his consciousness!" Xiao Haiqing reminded Hong Sheng, "Don't forget, our approach is bloodthirsty on the edge of the knife, and the gain may not be worth the loss!" "Then you have to pray, your treatment plan is effective," Hong Sheng smiled darkly, "Don't forget, the fate of your mother and child can be tied with him!" "It's not fair!" Xiao Haiqing said. "I know it's unfair, but this world is inherently unfair!" Hong Sheng patted the gun on his waist. He seemed to have made a decision, took out a tube of light yellow liquid from the bag behind his back, pulled out the syringe, walked up to Song Bo before Xiao Haiqing could stop it, and injected these butterfly eggs into his body cerebral cortex. Xiao Haiqing was forced onto a road from which he could not turn back. For the password, Hong Sheng obviously started, and let go of the last fight.This is not in a laboratory. It can take ten or eight years to observe and treat this rare comprehensive mental illness. Outside the secret room, the police all over the city are gearing up. Xiao Haiqing's "resetting the scene" therapy is like an overdose of medicine, which itself has the element of "extravagant hope for a miracle". Originally, she didn't think that Hong Sheng would really "sacrifice his companion" to carry out this kind of treatment. The purpose of Xiao Haiqing's doing this is more to observe each person's "unconscious performance in emergencies", so as to find their psychological traces. Unexpectedly, Hong Sheng was "better than one", and on his own basis, he doubled the dosage of the medicine, pulling the situation into the adventure of "putting it to death and then reviving". Song Bo began to react, which was expected.In the initial treatment of patients with phobias, they will tremble and be afraid of light when they see the scene that causes the disease, and then turn to mania and hysteria! Xiao Haiqing had to take immediate action. She had no sedatives or any pills to relieve stress. "Liu Na," Xiao Haiqing said, "As Song Bo's closest person, I need you to do something!" "Me?" Liu Na said, "But I don't know anything!" "Easy, in his ear, tell him anything to relax him, a song, a nursery rhyme, a whisper between you, whatever. Quick! There's no time, or - like - tell you Great college time!" So Liu Na began to state—— X is big. The sun is as bright as ever. There is a recruitment advertisement on the school notice board: Below the notice is a description: Hong Sheng stood in front of the recruitment advertisement. The young man who was recommended to come in responded to the envy, admiration, jealousy and so on with his low-key and introverted eyes. He stood in front of the advertisement for a long time. Liu Na saw that there was a girl behind Hong Sheng who had been watching him tenderly... Two weeks later, a box in the school cafe. "Students," Song Bo pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, "let's meet our new partner, Hong Sheng from the Department of Physics. This is another student from the Institute of Science and Technology joining our team after Zhang Jing the day before yesterday! " "Come on, there are only five people in total, what kind of team can they be called!" He Bin put his legs on the chair and said cynically. Zhang Jing and Liu Na were sitting beside him. Hong Sheng was a little embarrassed. "Don't pay attention to him, he's just a crow's mouth!" Liu Na blamed He Bin while warmly greeted Hong Sheng, "Come, sit down!" "I thought there would be many beauties," He Bin looked at Zhang Jing and smiled, "I didn't expect there to be only one!" Zhang Jing's face flushed with shame. "Don't scare me, I'm not familiar with you yet!" Liu Na turned her head to protect Zhang Jing like an aunt in the kindergarten. "I said, can you stop being like the monitor, okay? Could it be that I can eat beautiful women? Didn't you hate me when you saw me?" He Bin said with a smile without getting angry. "He's just like this, he has a playful smile all day long, but his essence is not bad, hehe." Liu Na explained for He Bin. "Aren't you chasing a girl?" Liu Na turned her head and blinked at He Bin again. "Oh—that's it, it's blown, I'm single now." "Why did it blow?" "I asked her to go out to dinner, but she always refused to agree. It's fine if I don't agree, and she is still angry with me. ——I said that if you don't date me again, I will jump into the river. Guess what she said? She actually said, Put on more clothes, the river is windy!" Zhang Jing burst out laughing, then felt something was wrong. Liu Na saw her secretly glance at Hong Sheng. In the physics class, the tutor Wang Huansheng announced the dismissal of the get out of class. "Hey," Zhang Jing and Liu Na stopped Hong Sheng at the door of the class, "I'm going to Xishan to see butterflies this Sunday, you understand?" "Understood. Song Bo told me." Hong Sheng turned his head and answered, holding a stack of books in his hand. "And—" Zhang Jing stopped him. "what?" "Song Bo said don't prepare butterfly pockets, we don't make specimens, we only take photos." Hong Sheng smiled, "I know this too. Like Song Bo, I also believe in the theory of 'all things are equal'. After all, they are all life, and we have no right to deprive them. It is my suggestion not to make specimens." Hong Sheng looked at Zhang Jing . "You...can you lend me your notes to copy? I didn't understand today's class very well." "Okay." Hong Sheng pulled out the notebook from the book, and handed it to Zhang Jing, "Is there anything else?" "..." Zhang Jing struggled for a long time, but in the end she still didn't say anything. "It's all right, thank you!" She pointed out Yang Hongsheng's notes. Seeing the back of Hong Sheng leaving, Zhang Jing felt melancholy.Liu Na knew that there were two tickets to the school dance lying in Zhang Jing's pocket. "Why haven't I seen Zhang Jing all morning?" He Bin met Hong Sheng on the side of the road. "I don't know either." Hong Sheng felt a little nervous, "You...do you have anything to do with her?" "It's okay," He Bin straddled the bicycle, "I have two movie tickets, and I want to invite her to watch a movie. Otherwise, you can give it to her for me during class in the afternoon." He Bin pedaled his bicycle and galloped away, "Thank you, buddy!" His cries were heard in the distance. In the afternoon, in the classroom. "This is the movie ticket that He Bin asked me to bring to you." Hong Sheng pretended to have no intention of handing the ticket to Zhang Jing, while Liu Na stood aside. "Are you sure he gave it to me?" Zhang Jing looked closely into Hong Sheng's eyes. "—Yes." After a moment of silence, Hong Sheng said calmly, "It's his." Zhang Jing didn't speak, turned around and left with the movie ticket. Liu Na saw Hong Sheng exit the classroom door, turned out of the corridor, and stopped in front of the canteen next to the teaching building. "Take a pack of cigarettes!" Hong Sheng sat down at the small table by the woods with a cigarette, opened it, and lit one. He wanted to do something, but he couldn't make up his mind. Hong Sheng returned to the canteen, "Boss, give me another bottle of wine!" on the bus. "These two harvests have been very rewarding." Song Bo and his party were in the crowded carriage, "If we take another treasure today, we will be able to make a picture book, our own picture book!" Song Bo was very excited. A hand reached into the backpack behind Zhang Jing—— "What do you want to do?" Song Bo pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and grabbed the hand. "Boy, don't meddle in your own business!" The thief looked grim. "This nosy matter is really taken care of!" He Bin squeezed over and pushed the thief. Unexpectedly, there were more than one thief. In the crowded carriage, passengers evaded one after another, and the two sides started a close fight. "Driver, don't stop, go directly to the police station!" Hong Sheng also rushed up. "Can you give me a way to survive?" There were only two thieves, and they gradually lost the wind. "Driver, keep driving!" The thief's eyes were fierce, and he stabbed Hong Sheng straight with a dagger. It was too late, and then He Bin stood in front of Hong Sheng. The dagger stabbed his shoulder, and blood flowed all over his body. in the hospital. Zhang Jing choked up, while Liu Na comforted her. "it's all my fault." "Don't be stupid, what does it have to do with you." He Bin wanted to joke after the stitches were finished, but the wound hurt so much that he gasped. "It should be my fault." Hong Sheng held He Bin's hand at the side. "I said, what's the matter with all of you? All of you, I'm not dead, it's just a minor injury, besides—who made us buddies!" Hong Sheng looked at Zhang Jing, then at He Bin, thoughtful. "Yes—we're buddies!" spring is coming. But spring is gone! It looks like around 9 o'clock in the evening, in the physics teaching and research section. Everyone had left, and Zhang Jing sat there alone, waiting for her mentor Wang Huansheng. There is a stack of documents on the table. It was agreed to help the teacher mark the freshman test papers today, but the teacher hasn't come yet. Zhang Jing quietly looked at the book she brought. Her back was to the door, which was open, and it was dark outside. Zhang Jing had an indescribable feeling that someone was staring at her from behind! Zhang Jing couldn't tell, but when she turned around, there was only darkness there. When the door creaked, Zhang Jing's heart tightened. "Who?" She stood up vigilantly, and walked slowly towards the darkness outside the door. "Mr. Wang, is that you?—Mr. Wang?" Zhang Jing is getting closer and closer to the darkness, getting closer... "Stop talking!" At the critical part, Hong Sheng suddenly interrupted Liu Na loudly, "Stop talking!" Xiao Haiqing was taken aback by his scolding, she saw a trace of sadness in Hong Sheng's eyes. Actually sad? ! Zhang Jing stood aside, two bean-sized teardrops slid down her face. Liu Na was crying at this moment, "Why did you do this? Why did you do this? We were not best friends before?!" Xiao Haiqing was surprised that apart from sadness, there was a trace of tenderness in Hong Sheng's eyes. What surprised her even more was that after hearing the last statement, Song Bo actually reacted? ! He stopped his frenzy and became quiet, his mouth moving slightly. He is talking! Xiao Haiqing moved his face closer, but couldn't hear clearly. Song Bo moved his hand slightly on the chair. "Pen! Give him a pen! There's still paper!" Everyone gathered around Song Bo, and Xiao Haiqing rubbed his numb right hand after it was untied. Song Bo picked up the pen tremblingly, and wrote a sentence on the paper: "The bigger the banana, the bigger the peel." What? what is this? Liu Na didn't understand, and neither did Zhang Jing. But Xiao Haiqing understands! Hong Sheng also understood! If you guessed right, this is a psychological hint. A banana peel corresponds to only one banana, just like a key corresponds to only one lock. What Song Bo wrote down was the password in his subconscious? ! succeeded? It worked! She looked at Song Bo suspiciously, she seemed to understand, but also didn't seem to understand. This is incredible! The clever Xiao Haiqing certainly knows how to decipher the meaning of this psychological suggestion: This password is not a string of numbers, or, or probably a string of letters— The English spelling of banana: Banana? The password in Song Bo's subconscious mind has been cracked! Xiao Haiqing fell into great fear. She looked up at Hong Sheng, who was staring at herself and Liu Na horribly. "You know too much!" "This is just his nonsense. This sentence doesn't mean anything. It's just a mystery at best. You still need me—" Xiao Haiqing knew that once Hong Sheng also deciphered the meaning of this psychological suggestion, he would be completely useless up. "No, doctor, you are a smart person. You should know that with the tacit understanding between Song Bo and I for decades, I can guess the answer more accurately than you-this sentence is enough. You know too much. There are too many!" Hong Sheng pushed Xiao Haiqing and Liu Na into a corner step by step, "The process will be very fast and will not be very painful." Xiao Haiqing fell into despair! Hong Sheng turned his hand to touch the gun pinned to his trouser waist, but his face showed a surprised expression, and a chill ran up his spine. ——He heard Zhang Jing's scream, and turned around, it was too late. Xiao Haiqing saw that the situation had turned around. In an instant, in an instant, Xiao Haiqing suddenly understood everything, and understood why Liu Na chose to remain silent earlier! Not because of Zhang Jing, but——Song Bo? ! Song Bo, who was untied, grabbed the gun. He pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said: "Give me a reason not to kill you!" Song Bo "woke up"! Or—as Xiao Haiqing suspected, he wasn't crazy at all?
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