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Chapter 7 Chapter 6 Old A

victim 张未 17073Words 2018-03-16
What Yang Jingjing said gave us more information about the murderer.I continued to think about her words, but I couldn't seem to find any flaws. The murderer was very likely to be as she said. We continued to observe in the room, simulating the whole process according to the scene analyzed by Yang Jingjing.I approached the door of the bedroom with blood on the floor. The bedroom was at the top of a corridor. I turned left and faced the bedroom door. There was a new answer. The murderer was not outside the door, but waiting for the victim to come in in the bedroom and then The one who swung the stick, because outside the bedroom door, my right hand was against the wall, and there was no room to swing the stick.

Everything is as she said, and it seems that it may not be true to change it to another way.I looked up at Yang Jingjing, who was sorting out the materials with her head down.To be honest, I suddenly admired her at that time. When necessary, theoretical knowledge is still very useful. No matter how experienced a criminal policeman is, he will never be able to push these things out by reasoning on his own. I recalled whether this result was also in line with Feng Tiantian's house, but after thinking about it for a while, I felt something was wrong.Considering the forensic anatomy and the scene environment together, an inconspicuous and simple flaw was revealed.What's more, if this is the truth, Feng Tiantian's house, which has the same layout as this room, should also prove that the murderer attacked her in the bedroom?

Zhou Bingguo was curious to see me making gestures at the door of the bedroom, so he came over and I told him what I thought, and he quickly understood what I meant. "It's easy for He Jiu'an to explain. The murderer came in first and hid in the bedroom, but what about Feng Tiantian? She was killed at two o'clock in the evening. It is reasonable to go out from the bedroom and be attacked. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense. Could it be that the murderer has been hiding in the bedroom?" Don’t move around, wait until she gets up in the middle of the night and come back at night to start? Or take advantage of Feng Tiantian to go to the bathroom, and then hide in the bedroom?” I asked, meaning that I was opposing Yang Jingjing’s reasoning.

"You're right." Zhou Bingguo looked at me. "That's right, I just said there is a problem." Hearing that Zhou Bingguo also supported my opinion, I felt more confident. "No, I didn't mention you, I meant that the forensic doctor was right." "What? Could it be that the murderer is hiding in Feng Tiantian's bedroom, waiting for her to come back at night?" "Didn't Feng Tiantian be attacked at two o'clock in the middle of the night? The murderer sneaked into her house when she was out for a run, and was attacked when she returned to the bedroom after taking a shower. It should have been around 11 o'clock in the evening." .”

"But the autopsy report clearly stated that her death time was after two o'clock?" "Because Feng Tiantian didn't die immediately after being attacked. Two hours later, she was sealed with a sealing tape and suffocated to death." I continued to digest Zhou Bingguo's explanation, which can explain that the murderer didn't climb into the toilet when Feng Tiantian got up at night.But the question is, there was neither rape, insult to the corpse, nor traces of turning over the corpse, so did this psychopath sit and watch the unconscious victim for more than two hours before he did it?I throw this question out.

"He can do many things," Zhou Bingguo continued, "and I believe that what he did in these two hours is more meaningful to him than the killing itself, it is integrated with the strange posture of the corpse. " "Then what is he doing?" Zhou Bingguo hesitated to speak. He walked to the edge of the ink dripping beside the bed, looked at it thoughtfully, and then raised his head, "It's hard to say now, when I find out more The evidence, let’s explain.” Zhou Bingguo kept his secrets as usual, and we couldn't force anything, but we felt uncomfortable as if we were being hanged.Everyone's work is almost done, ready to close the team.I dawdled behind Zhou Bingguo, wanting to ask his guess when no one was around.When I went downstairs, I stood by and watched them get into the car one by one. I stood on the side of the street smoking a cigarette. Zhou Bingguo stood beside me. I was about to ask him, but unexpectedly he spoke first.

"If you have a chance, check Yan Lei from the side." I'm a little uncomfortable, even though the system insider has committed the crime and has been put on the table.But if the object of suspicion becomes Yan Lei, then it must be the worst situation.Haven't we been dancing with wolves?I thought about Yan Lei again, his age and figure were in line with Zhou Bingguo's prediction, he would not doubt his own people for no reason. If all the motives and bizarreness of the crime are put aside, Yan Lei is really the murderer. This must be the biggest black humor I have ever seen in my life. The murderer has been checking himself?How could there be a result.

I was wondering why Zhou Bingguo raised this suspicion all of a sudden. It must have something to do with Yang Jingjing's conclusion.Yan Lei is also left-handed, and we would not have realized it if we hadn't touched our hands during lunch. Now we are sitting in the car, and Zhou Bingguo and Zhou Bingguo have split up. He and Zhang Fanshuang went to the bureau to sort out the materials, while I followed Yan Lei to the printing factory to see if there were any valuable clues.He Jiuan's home is not far from his workplace.According to his identity, it is very likely that he was laid off and re-employed. He was introduced to work here by the labor agency in the street, so it takes only fifteen minutes to ride a bicycle.

A chubby man who claimed to be the director of the factory said to us: "He Jiuan doesn't talk much, and he is a temporary porter paid by the piece, so I really don't know much about him. The closest to him is his The partner is also a temporary worker named Guan Wenming, and he is already on his way here." We sat in the factory director's office and waited for more than 20 minutes when footsteps came from outside the door.Guan Wenming is here.He stood at the door, looked at us submissively, and then said hello, like a middle school student who made a mistake and stepped into the door carefully.Because of our presence, the factory director's enthusiasm seemed a bit artificial: "Come on, old manager, come and sit quickly. The two comrades from the Public Security Bureau want to know something about you."

I looked at Guan Wenming, he seemed to have a problem with his feet, he walked slantly, like a cripple, sat across from us, and the first sentence was: "I'm not in danger, am I?" The poor man thought that the murderer was targeting the printing factory or their temporary workers. "Why do you have such an idea?" Yan Lei asked along the topic, as expected of a criminal policeman, he knew how to follow the other party's thinking and routine to find. "It's nothing." Guan Wenming was a little panicked. "It's nothing else. I just asked, why was Lao He killed all of a sudden? I don't know him very well, it's just because of our colleagues, so We only drink together once in a while."

He dismissed the relationship very quickly and basically didn't answer Yan Lei's question. "Don't be nervous," Yan Lei comforted him, "As far as the results of our investigation are concerned, it has nothing to do with you. Even if the murderer can't catch him, he won't find you. Besides, we are not just for nothing." After listening to Yan Lei's comfort, Guan Wenming seemed to relax a little.He talked with us about He Jiuan's situation.He Jiuan is really a man of few words. He used to be a worker in a machinery factory. After being laid off, he stayed at home for a few years. Because of his honesty and duty, he lost money in several small businesses.His wife is not a local, but is also honest and honest. The neighborhood committee arranged for her to clean up the community.They have a daughter who is in the second grade of junior high school and is average in her studies. She has never heard of any trouble. We chatted for more than two hours, basically talking about He Jiuan's work situation thoroughly.His life is two points and one line, printing factory and home, except for occasional drinking with Guan Wenming, he basically has no other spare time activities.If such a person is targeted by a murderer, he should be able to find out the rules of life soon. It's just that this He Jiu'an must die with peace in his eyes, he may never understand that it was he who gave him a sad name that caused him to come to disaster.After talking, we got up to leave. "Let's sit for a while longer." The factory manager pulled us, refilled our water cups, and poured a cup for Guan Wenming by the way. Guan Wenming picked it up and took a sip, only then did I realize that he is also left-handed.After returning to the Municipal Bureau, the sky was bright and the warm sun was extremely gratifying, but I was still depressed.After noon, there were no clues in the investigation of the printing factory, and most of the criminal police team went out to continue their busy work. I continued to think about how to fulfill Zhou Bingguo's instructions—pay attention to Yan Lei's affairs. The investigation of the insiders of the system is still going on silently, and I am looking for the investigation records.Of course, I don't expect to find evidence immediately, I just hope to have some clues.I stacked the documents in a row, then got up and went to the water dispenser to get water, while drinking water, I looked at the other people in the team from the corner of my eye, they were busy with their own affairs, I put the teacup on the water dispenser, and went out , turn right and go up the stairs. This is the cut wooden staircase, I came to the fourth floor.There is no one in the corridor.The destination I am going to is the third to last one, the file room of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. The door was ajar, I walked by without stopping, the little girl inside was sitting at the desk and writing, I didn't have any chance. I walked to the end of the corridor, and there was no one in the office next to it. After thinking about it for a while, I suddenly had an idea. I walked in like a thief, picked up the phone, checked the phone number in the archives room, dialed it, and it rang twice. "Hurry up to the criminal police team." I said fiercely. "what?" "Hurry up, it's urgent!" I spoke quickly, and before she could recognize my voice, I hung up the phone. I stood up and went out to the file room, thinking, she must come out.There were still three or four meters away from the file room, and she was really fooled. She seemed to be walking anxiously, so I went up to meet her. "I'm here to find the files of the case," I said. She turned to look at me: "Oh, it's Malu." She recognized me, "Now?" "Well, I'm in a hurry. Why, you want to go out?" She looked troubled, hesitating what to do first. "what's up?" "I don't know who called me just now and asked me to go downstairs." "It's okay, you go," I said generously, "I'll wait for you here." She was still hesitating. "It's okay, I'll wait here." She thought for a while and made a decision: "Okay, then you go in and sit for a while, and I'll be right back." There are piles of files on the iron shelf, and numbers are pasted on the horizontal bars. These numbers start with numbers, such as 1997, 1996, etc. I don’t know what standards they file according to.I had to start from the middle and take out one at random. It registered a theft case in 2002. Then I went to the left and took out another one. It was a case in 2003. I guess it was coded by year according to the convention. . The investigation of the criminal police team is just a matter of these few days, and it should be the outermost.I had to go back and look through the latest portfolio one by one.Checked it again, but it didn't.I was a little puzzled, and suddenly realized a simple question, will the files of the criminal police team's self-examination not be kept in the file room?This is a directional error. Maybe they didn't keep anything, it's not a glorious thing after all, or all the transcripts are still in the chief's office?I have no idea.But this possibility is still very large.I went to the doctor in a hurry, and I was a little frustrated, thinking that it might be a waste of time.I walked back to the door, turned around and saw a small iron frame next to the window. There is also a pile of documents on the small iron shelf.The envelope was smaller than the ones on the shelf, so I looked out the door and walked over.Quickly took out one piece, opened it and looked at it.There are two words of internal reference written on it, and I was overjoyed for a while, it took no effort to get it.All the files I was looking for are here.The internal self-examination files must also be inside.I flipped down according to the title on the file, and saw a paper bag titled "Summary of Criminal Police Team Members".I opened it and read a few pages, yes, this is the thing, I took out my phone, and then looked for Yan Lei’s name page by page. The time is almost up. When doing bad things, my heart always beats very fast. The little girl found out the trick of the phone and will be back soon. I am facing the door, looking at the information in my hand while staring at the door. The ears are still erect.Turning to the last page, I didn't find any information about Yan Lei. I was wondering why there was no information about Yan Lei, when suddenly someone took a heavy photo of me behind my back. "What are you doing?" A thick male voice came from behind. I turned around and saw a medium-sized man with a crew cut standing behind him, frowning at me, his face was familiar, but I couldn't name it, it seemed that he belonged to the security brigade.The files are high and densely piled up. When I looked through them just now, I didn't find that there was another person who was looking for information in the depths. "I'm here to find something." A smile appeared on my face, "It's scary, who else should I be!" He was still looking at me, as if waiting for me to speak. "It's not that case. I've been busy until now, and I don't have a clue. Yan Lei asked me to pull out the materials from that year." "That should be on the inside." "Oh, is that so, no wonder I couldn't find it after searching for a long time." While talking, the girl returned to the file room angrily. I just took advantage of this to get away and walked towards the door: "I'm back, help me look up some materials. Hey, why did you come back so soon?" The girl's anger still persisted: "Don't mention it, I don't know if I heard it wrong, or they said it wrong, no one let me go down at all." "Yeah?" I pretended to be surprised, "Maybe I made a mistake, and maybe there is a man who has a crush on you." I laughed as I said this, the joke was so cold, they were both indifferent. "What's the matter?" The middle-aged man was still there, so I had to repeat the lie that Yan Lei asked me to find information. "Oh, wait." The girl didn't delve into it, but muttered in her mouth.She turned and walked in, disappearing behind the tall filing racks.The middle-aged man had no doubts either, he smiled at me and went out. The girl's face was always sideways to me, although it wasn't intentional surveillance, but if I still want to use that internal reference, it would be absurd.I have to think of another way. The girl came out with a yellow kraft paper envelope in her hand, and put it in front of me: "He didn't say anything when he just went down." "Huh?" I didn't understand what it meant. "I bumped into Yan Lei when I just went down, and he gave me a scolding, and didn't say anything about transferring files." "Maybe he's busy!" I reached for the envelope, opened it and turned a few pages.That's right, it's all the information that the police investigated back then, but it's incomplete. "That's all?" I asked. "Of course not. This is just a similar directory. This case was taken very seriously. It was quite a sensation at the time, so I specially asked someone to sort out the documents. Because there are too many materials, I even made an index or something. This one, if you want to know the details, you can see which part you want, and I will go in and get it, but I am not very familiar with it, and I have not come at that time." The girl murmured and explained, and I continued to look at the information in my hand, most of which I already understood, and this is not the point. "How is your investigation going?" The girl asked again, "Everyone is worried, when will the case be solved?" "I don't know, I don't have a clue yet," I told the truth, still lowering my head and pretending to read the information, and then added, "What do you think?" "What do I think?" She looked at me curiously. "For this case." "What can I think, I don't investigate the case." The girl smiled. "I mean, what do you think about the investigation of the criminal police in the bureau?" I didn't go around in circles and went straight to the point. "Is there such a thing?" The girl was quite shocked, the news had not yet reached her. "You don't know?" I asked desperately, which completely whetted her appetite. "I really don't know," she seemed a little worried, "what do you mean, I suspect that someone from the criminal police team did it?" "That's not what I mean. Let me tell you, don't tell others. I don't know if there is a problem with the criminal police team, but the scope must be expanded in the future, and it is within the system." I emphasized my tone. "So, you suspect that your own people did it? No way?" The girl opened her mouth so wide that an egg could be stuffed into it. "Anything is possible." I thought her reaction was a little funny, but it was also normal. When I realized it at first, I was stunned for a while. "Who? That's terrible. Maybe I still commute to get off work with him every day?" "Maybe we even had dinner together." The more I said it, the more mysterious it became, she was almost fooled by me, "Do you have any doubts about the candidate?" "You can't talk nonsense about this." The girl replied calmly, with a low voice. "That's true. They are all colleagues. Even if they don't know each other, they are all wearing police uniforms. This is also uncomfortable. In my opinion, we should set up an anonymous reporting hotline." "It's not appropriate to use this trick. Who knows what will be passed on, who knows what nonsense will be said on the anonymous phone call." I smiled and decided to be more direct: "What do you think of Yan Lei?" "Who?" The girl raised her neck and almost cried out. "Yan Lei." She frowned and stared at me as if to confirm that I was not joking. She was about to speak when she suddenly stopped her gaze behind me. I wanted to die, but I didn't know how long Yan Lei stayed behind and how much I heard.Yan Lei walked in with a blank expression on his face. The girl was a little scared when she saw Yan Lei, and stood up: "The things have already been given to Malu." I was shocked.The muscles on Yan Lei's face trembled slightly, and I was quickly finding words to respond to Yan Lei's question and answer. Unexpectedly, Yan Lei didn't say anything, just said "um", took the kraft letter paper from my hand, opened it and looked at it, with a serious expression.I stood aside and didn't know what to do. After a while, Yan Lei raised his head, as if he had just realized it, and said to me, "Why don't you leave?" I couldn't figure out his way, so I quickly calculated in my mind for a while, and I couldn't think of his motive for doing this, but it was hard to ask, so I had to go out quickly. Back to the criminal police team, the room was deserted.Most of the people were on the street, and Zhou Bingguo was sitting in the corner smoking a cigarette. I walked over and talked about it.Zhou Bingguo looked up at me, as if he expected it: "He already knows that you are checking him?" "I don't know, it hasn't been revealed anyway." "Be careful." He said to me disapprovingly. This tone made me feel that Zhou Bingguo didn't feel pain in his back while sitting and talking, and now I'm confronting Yan Lei head-on, who knows what will happen next.I frowned, Zhou Bingguo obviously felt my unhappiness. After a while, Zhou Bingguo spoke again: "I think it's better to call those little bosses of adult products and give them a hypnosis." Another day passed, and it was the third to last day. Yan Lei called all the businessmen who sold adult products to the bureau, led by Zhou Bingguo, and made a hypnotic memory.There is no certainty about whether it will be successful. Hypnosis has very different requirements for individuals. Some people are effective, while others are indifferent. Zhou Bingguo chose individual hypnosis. Although time-consuming and laborious, the effect is far better than group hypnosis.The five people were arranged one by one into the small room that the city bureau had just furnished. The room used for hypnosis is relatively simple.Zhou Bingguo was sitting on a chair in the small room, and I was lying outside the window of the room to watch the excitement. The first three all ended in failure. Zhou Bingguo sweated profusely and tried many methods, including music, language, and the pendulum often played in movies, but none of them had any effect.There was a rough guy who was still dozing there, and Zhou Bingguo saw through it within two minutes.That rough man probably had never seen hypnosis before, and his novelty-seeking psychology made him want to stay a little longer to see what novel things happened to him, and finally walked out of the door with a look of disdain, and muttered something in a low voice : "What kind of shit, it's not allowed at all." But when it comes to the fourth person, it's different.To tell you the truth, I didn't have much interest to lie down there and look down. What's so interesting about two rough men shutting up in a small room and listening to light music.Just then, a miraculous scene happened. Outside the window, I could still vaguely hear the crashing of the waves hitting the shore. Zhou Bingguo kept muttering something. The man suddenly stood up. At first I thought he had failed again. When I looked carefully, his eyes were still Closed, is this the so-called hypnosis? Zhou Bingguo looked up at him, and said in his mouth: "Do you feel your mouth is very thirsty?" The man didn't speak, but he kept swallowing his saliva, and his Adam's apple kept moving, as if he was really thirsty.Immediately afterwards, I don't know what Zhou Bingguo said. The man closed his eyes and obediently raised his upper arm, up and down. I thought Zhou Bingguo might be testing whether he really entered the hypnotic state. It was later proved that my guess was correct. The man leaned forward forty-five degrees and made a strange posture like MJ dancing a mechanical dance. I was startled and got goosebumps all over my body.Unexpectedly, this thing is really mysterious, and it can also control human physiological functions. This is the only tester among the five men who has entered the state. He is in his forties. His name is Zhao Changshun. Under the guidance of Zhou Bingguo, he sorted out his subconscious memory: In the middle and late 1990s, in J City, a small city in Southwest China, the sky was the same color as in film movies, dim, ambiguous, and not dazzling.In Zhao Changshun's description, this feeling is like describing an old old movie.The tall chimneys are emitting black smoke all the time, and the youngsters below are playing around the chimneys with soot on their faces. In summer, the air is full of desire. The thighs and arms all over the street are mixed with the smell of men's sweat, and the muscles shining brightly in the sun are shaking, which always makes the business of the store rise suddenly. It was Monday or Tuesday at the beginning of the month, and Zhao Changshun ordered goods into the store as usual, family planning supplies and all kinds of fun things, and by 6 o'clock in the afternoon, more than half of them had been sold.That's a good sign, because most of the inventory has been sold out before the peak of sales, which means today is another harvest day. For Zhao Changshun's store, the real golden period is after nine o'clock in the evening.There is a row of small hair salons around his store, and after nine o'clock, it will be filled with men and women of all colors.Anyone with a discerning eye can see what it is doing.It is difficult to open such a store in such an environment if it does not do well. Zhao Changshun ate early and bought half a white chicken and four bottles of beer. There was a ball game in the evening, and he ate chicken while drinking beer. Nothing more than that. At around seven o'clock, a man walked in. Zhou Bingguo hinted that Zhao Changshun's name was Old A.The man code-named Old A was less than thirty years old. He walked in with his head down and said nothing, but circled around the shelves.Zhao Changshun's business has been going on for a long time. Most people went straight to the topic with their heads down when they came in, paid the money to pick up the goods, and then left in a hurry. This man still has this mind to choose slowly. He is probably an old man with some special needs.Zhao Changshun ignored him, drank beer by himself, and got ready to watch the game.The first day was so uneventful that the man took a few glances at the aisle of blow-up dolls before leaving.This is a suffocated man, Zhao Changshun didn't take it seriously, the matter of men and women became normal after talking about it, if there was no demand, who would go to the sex shop? On the second week, at the beginning of the week again, that old A came again at around 7 o'clock in the evening. Since it was the second time, Zhao Changshun still had a good impression of him this time. A medium-sized man with a square face and a short shaved head, touched the shelves for ten minutes, but Zhao Changshun still ignored him.This business seems inappropriate for flickering, and I can't find a good wording. It's a bit nonsensical for the two big men to discuss the inflatable dolls. Instead of that, it's better for him to choose slowly.Old A looked at it for a while, then left without buying anything. This time Zhao Changshun was a little annoyed. Seeing the back of old A coming out of the store, old A was riding an old tricycle. He turned out to be a poor ghost. For some people, going to the hair salon next door to get real is far more affordable than this stuff. So for the third time, Zhao Changshun didn't have a good face to show him. Zhao Changshun coughed on the sidelines. Wherever old A went, he kept standing one meter away and stared at him. Old A left his original position with his front feet. Zhao Changshun went up and rearranged the goods he had moved. In fact, old A didn't mess up the goods, but it was obvious that Zhao Changshun wanted to find a way to drive old A away.This business is not about popularity, not that the more people in the store, the more customers can be attracted.The reality is just the opposite. People often take a detour when they see strangers in the store out of face. Old A felt Zhao Changshun's subtext, gave him a strange look, and finally left resentfully, which shows that Old A still understood clearly.Zhao Changshun walked him all the way to the door and watched him ride the tricycle, which was full of empty drink bottles... The entire hypnosis process took more than two hours. After he was convinced that nothing could be dug up, Zhou Bingguo woke up Zhao Changshun again.The whole process of recollection is meticulous and detailed. Although most of it is not very helpful to the police, the last piece of information still has a great reminder to us. "The tricycle is full of beverage bottles?" Yan Lei asked, "Could it be the water carrier of the beverage company?" "That's not necessarily the case," Zhou Bingguo paused, "It might also be a collection of junk." Another brand new clue.Yan Lei took us to revisit the inspection well where the corpse was found.Time has passed, and after that incident, the inspection well has long been buried.Wu Laoer's coffin was also dug out and changed places.We walked around the neighborhood where the incident happened, and then went straight to our destination, a medium-sized waste collection station. Zhou Bingguo defined the man riding a tricycle full of drink bottles as a junk collector.This conjecture was quickly proven to be reliable, because the buying station had a long history and almost sold out all the sales of waste pickers back then.After coming and going, everyone will become familiar with this land. The place where the corpses were dumped was remote and secretive, and it was also considered a sealed municipal abandoned project. It was almost impossible for unfamiliar people to touch this natural corpse hiding place by chance. important evidence.But what about the early judgment? This case is very strange. From the reporter at the beginning, to the insider of the system later, to the trash picker now, it is simply irrelevant.Not to mention Yan Lei, even I would doubt Zhou Bingguo's judgment. "There must be something related to this?" Zhou Bingguo also realized that he had repeatedly made directional mistakes. What's more, it seemed that every clue could work out. "Then what should I do?" I asked. Of course, I still support him without hesitation. When the matter has reached this point, I can only dig deeper as soon as I have a clue. "Anyway, you have to meet the owner of the waste recycling station first." The boss is over 60 years old, and now he basically doesn't do business anymore. His son takes full control of the business, which can be regarded as inheriting his father's business.When we found the old man, we realized that the scope of the investigation had not been narrowed, but had been expanded.There are already thousands of people collecting trash in the whole city, not to mention going back more than ten years, it is equivalent to finding a needle from the original haystack, and being taken to another sea area to continue fishing. "Have you ever been married? Or did the business go well, and then went on to do something else?" The old man was sitting on a chair in front of the door, tasting tea, and glanced at Zhou Bingguo: "Don't underestimate the rags, except for the dirty ones, it's a pretty job, and anyone who has been doing it for more than five years can find it around him." A woman, what you said is all over the place." The scope given by Zhou Bingguo was too large, and it was impossible to identify the target from such a large group of people. "A junk picker, how could he know about Feng Tiantian and He Jiuan? He doesn't read books or newspapers." Yan Lei also raised questions, and it seemed that his trust in Zhou Bingguo had dropped again. Zhou Bingguo didn't speak, and after a while: "That drop of ink!" "what?" "That drop of ink, that drop of ink on He Jiu'an's bed." I didn't understand what Zhou Bingguo meant. It took me a long time to remember that Zhou Bingguo was hesitant to speak by the bedside of He Jiuan's house.At that time, it seemed that he already had a clue, but he was not sure yet, so he didn't say it.I didn't answer his words, but pricked up my ears, waiting for him to explain. "The death of Feng Tiantian and He Jiu'an proves that the murderer has been watching us silently and will not be suspected. That's why we put the suspect on the reporter, right?" "That's right," Yan Lei nodded, "But haven't the reporters been ruled out now?" Zhou Bingguo went on to say: "I still remember Li Shuran and our psychological analysis of the murderer. We have never understood why he thinks the murderer is self-motivated, right?" no. "We have also analyzed before that it is basically impossible to jump from a trash collector to a reporter or a person inside the system." This is true. "But something is missing. It's one thing to be self-motivated, but it's another thing to be able to realize your ideals." "You mean, he wanted to be a policeman or a reporter, but he never did?" Yan Lei asked tentatively. "This possibility cannot be ruled out." "Is that a reporter or a policeman?" "The answer lies in that drop of ink." Zhou Bingguo said. "Ink?" "That's right, if you recall carefully, what happened when the murderer killed someone?" I came to my senses now: "Ink represents the pen, photos of the dead ten years ago, cameras, he wants to be a reporter!" I almost screamed. "Through forensic identification and on-site investigation, it is proved that both Feng Tiantian and He Jiu'an had survived for two hours before their death. There was neither evidence of abuse nor evidence of insulting the corpse, but a drop of ink was left at the scene. You think he will die What to do?" Zhou Bingguo paused, and added, "Think about the sitting posture of the deceased!" I recalled the situation at the scene, and suddenly goosebumps stood up. In the two recent murders, the murderer may have used a camera and wrote something with a pen. In addition, the way they sat on the chair, could it be that the murderer Is it a mock reporter interview? "That's right, at least I think so." Zhou Bingguo nodded. "Interview?" "And the interview will definitely be published." At this point in the analysis, I suddenly had a feeling of enlightenment, and tried to straighten out the logic of the whole clue.He used to be a scavenger who picked up junk, because he was motivated and wanted to be a reporter, and for some reason, he started to kill women. During the killing process, he took pictures of the victims to commemorate this "history". After many years, he married Having a child, life is normal, and our visit has aroused his anger.Did he use the form of "interview" to make it into a news event to express his anger? As I thought about it, I felt unbelievable. This logic makes sense. If this is the case, then this pervert has a natural opportunity waiting for him—the dragon boat race.On the opening day of the dragon boat race, there will be a lot of voices, and countless eyes will be focused. Does he want to expose this news on the opening day? Everyone at the scene changed their faces after hearing this somewhat bizarre motive. No matter how many possibilities there are, if we are not wrong in our judgment and he really takes action, then the consequences will be unimaginable.Yan Lei stood there in a daze, and after a long time, a sentence popped up: "I suddenly thought of someone." The person Yan Lei mentioned was Peng Feng.He should be in his early 40s this year. This person is a little famous. He is a photographer. His main subjects are social and people's livelihood. His works have won awards in the province.The Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee held a documentary photography competition of public security and police style a few years ago, and invited Peng Feng to participate. Therefore, apart from reporters and internal personnel of the system, he is also one of the people who has a better understanding of the organizational structure of the Municipal Bureau. That's not enough, what's more important is his background. To be honest, Peng Feng's works can only be regarded as top-notch among amateurs, but for a photographer who has become a monk halfway, people pay more attention to his cultural value , rather than artistic value.Before becoming a photographer, Peng Feng had been picking up junk for a living. I don’t need to explain more about this. If you think about it, you will know how many news points there will be. "The young people who pick up waste are not willing to live a mediocre life, so they pick up waste and save money to learn photography skills by themselves." Similar titles must be familiar to everyone.In Yan Lei's memory, in 2003 and 2004, it seemed that this person was the most hyped. Almost all local newspapers published him as a headline, and it seemed that he had to be a "top ten young man". honor. But after 2006, it seems that the news became less and less.After all, art is a labor-intensive industry. A short-lived reputation can be achieved with a little hype. If you want to make it a living, you still need some talent and persistent perseverance. "Anyway, in my impression, I haven't heard of any big names coming out after that, and I haven't heard of any newspaper or magazine accepting him as a photojournalist." Yan Lei added. 我没有做声,脑中兀自将心比心地去分析他会产生的心理,好不容易过上了正常人的生活,有了点儿小名气,正以为事业可以进一步发展的时候,却屡屡遭挫,骤升骤降的命运安排,多少会让他有些心理失衡、仇恨社会。而就在这个时候,当我们再次调查悬案的时候,会不会激起他心中压抑起来的仇恨,要用这种方式为自己制造新闻事件呢? 我没有把自己的想法说出来,既然我想得到,周炳国就一定想得到,在没有得到最终确认之前,还是少分析,多调查,以免再出现差错,让自己下不了台。 闫磊迅速调查了彭峰的档案,这个还是相当容易的,出了废品收购站的大门,刚坐上车,公安局的电话就来了,彭峰的地址被我们找到了,而且还有一个信息令人兴奋,就在大悬案最后一名死者遇害的半年后,彭峰结婚了,又一年,他们生了一个女儿。 李舒然曾经说过,凶手停止屠杀,是因为结婚生子了。可还是原来的问题,他们之间的联系点究竟在哪儿呢?排除了记者,刚把矛头指向系统内部人员,还没查出一点儿眉目来,此时突然就冒出个重大嫌疑人。这其中究竟还隐藏着什么秘密? 我倒是希望问题简单化一点儿,李舒然和大悬案完全没有关系,可一步一步走到今天,想把他们撇清也是不可能的事儿了。不管这其中藏有什么样的阴谋,也不管彭峰是不是真的就是我们要找的那个人,我总觉得有一种奇怪的气场充斥其中。 这也许是我见过的最矛盾的案子,现有的侦查路子并没有错,警察系统内部人员作案的猜想,也绝非空穴来风。我总觉得凶手离我们越近,身边就越危险重重,类似于化疗杀癌细胞,总让我有种玉石俱焚的预感。 我们到达彭峰家的时候,已经晚上七点多钟了,开门的是一个七八岁的小女孩,扎着马尾辫,怯生生地躲在门后看着我们一行穿着警服的人。我一下子就想起了那个遇害的小女孩。她问我们找谁,小女孩轻声轻气地答了一声,然后从屋子里走出来一个四十岁左右的中年妇女。 这就是彭峰的妻子,原来是一家小饭馆里的服务员。农村来的,毫不起眼,但也谈不上难看,年轻的时候应该还是有些姿色的。据她所说,是爱上了彭峰的才气才嫁给他的。这其中掺杂着多少世俗的东西,谁也说不清。 我们来得不巧,彭峰半个月前就已经出去了。作为专职的摄影师,经常会毫无预兆地出去采风,我心里在想,这是不是为他作案提供了良好的掩护呢?她对我们的到来显得很诧异,似乎认为除了摄影上的事儿,警察是万不可能和自己的丈夫搭上边的。 “他说龙舟赛马上就要来了,这次要做个大作品,一举成名的机会来了。”彭峰的妻子补充道。 我们不动声色地听着。 “你丈夫平时都喜欢做些什么?”周炳国问道。 “喜欢做什么,就是摆弄他那点儿器材。”她指了指客厅的角落。彭峰的家不大,一室一厅隔出来的两室户,一间他们夫妻住,另一间留给女儿。像炮筒一样的摄影器材被整齐地码在客厅的一个角落。 我上前看了看、摸了摸,在业余选手当中,这些可算是精良设备了。这玩意儿耗钱,估计再贵的东西,彭峰也配置不起。但光眼前的这些,躲在角落里监视某人,当望远镜使,还是绰绰有余的。 “这房子有些年头了吧?”周炳国突然问道。 “嗯,”彭峰的妻子丝毫没有怀疑,“我嫁过来时这房子就在了,好像是1999年的时候买下的一个二手房。”她抬起头意识到了什么,“老彭是个很勤劳的人,不会干那些犯法的事儿,这房子是他打零工、收破烂一点点积攒起来的。我当初就是看中他身上的这股子劲儿才嫁给他的。”她又补充了句。 我们依然没有透露案子的信息,但心里却在想,房子是1999年买的,和最初凶手有独立住房吻合。 “我想问一个比较隐私的问题,可以吗?”周炳国又说道。 “什么?”彭峰的妻子没有一下子明白周炳国的意思。 周炳国看了眼小女孩,她似乎明白过来点儿什么:“妮妮你先回房间。”小女孩从她妈妈的怀里下来,然后乖巧地走进自己的房间,关上门。 “我想问的是,”周炳国看了看她,“你和你丈夫和谐吗?” “和谐?” “就是性方面的。”周炳国用科学的口吻说道。 “老彭究竟干什么了?”她没有直接回答问题,好奇而又紧张地看着周炳国,“在外面欺负别的女人了?” “没有没有,我们只是有一个案子可能和他有点儿关系,这是例行调查,你别多想,我们跟谁都这样问的。” 彭峰妻子的疑惑依然没有减轻:“怎么说呢,”我看出她说话开始支支吾吾,“老夫老妻了,谈不上什么和谐不和谐的。” “那以前呢,我是说刚结婚那会儿。” “刚结婚那会儿,”她仰着脖子想了想,“也说不上来。”彭峰妻子的眼神飘忽,时不时地落在我们身上,像是在打量,警惕心理溢于言表,是个人都能看出来。这女人是在打哈哈。这也很正常,深更半夜一群警察突然而至,问东问西而无头绪,是个人都会怀疑这其中的动机。 An awkward silence.周炳国等着她说话,这女人似乎很沉得住气,硬生生地就跟我们在安静中干耗着。这可不是个好现象,如果今天从她嘴里什么都没捞着反而打草惊蛇,那还不如在她家门口蹲守抓人呢。 “你现在联系得到老彭吗?” “嗯?老彭?现在联系不到啊,他采风的时候手机经常关机的。”果然,她回答道。 我和周炳国对视了一眼,然后周炳国突然把脸板了下来:“你或许不知道事情的严重性,我实话实说吧,老彭有可能被牵扯进了一起杀人案当中。” “啊?”女人嘴张开吃惊地站了起来,周炳国严肃地看着她。 过了一会儿,她又说道:“我是真不知道他在哪儿,他每次出去都不怎么跟我说的,就说是办事儿,手机也经常关机,不信你们可以打打。” 实际情况和她说的一样,彭峰的手机果真打不通。按照他妻子的说法,彭峰总是以尽量减少干扰为由,过一段时间就会把自己封闭在某个地方学习,或者去了哪个山里采风。只是时不时地会打个电话回来。而且这种习惯,也就是半年前才开始养成的。原本做妻子的应该怀疑才对,丈夫打着工作的借口,消失在外,很有可能是去会情人了。 可问题是近两年彭峰的事业处于低潮期。自从早年火了一把之后,只剩下燃烧之后的灰烬和温度,并随着时间的推移,当初的那点儿余温也早就冷却下来,到了现在,除了名字,几乎没几个人还能想起他的价值来。 现在看来,我们似乎只能等老彭打电话回来,然后锁定位置,基本没其他办法了。闫磊和周炳国商量了一下,马上调来了技术部的人,在老彭家的电话上安了线路,闫磊带着几个侦查员蹲守,只要一通话就能立即知道彭峰现在的方位。 我和周炳国下了楼,坐回了车里,耐心等待。放松下来后,脑袋又开始疼了。我拿出闫磊给的酚咖片吃了一片儿,然后闭上眼坐在后座睡觉。药效还没来,疼痛感却愈演愈烈。周炳国很快就注意到我的不适,安慰我说:“别硬撑,吃不消就先回去休息休息。” “没事。”在这个紧要关头,即使回去,一样也不会放松下来,还不如老老实实地待着。 过了二十分钟,闫磊从楼道里走了出来,拉开车门钻进来,表情严肃。 “怎么了?”周炳国嗅到了其中的气息。 “你有把握吗?”闫磊问道。 “什么把握?” “彭峰就是凶手?”闫磊看着周炳国,显然还是无法完全信任周炳国的判断,他顿了顿继续说道,“刚刚局长打电话过来了,省里市里都给了压力下来,生怕后天前我们破不了案,交代不了。他们的意思是,即使凶手没抓到,也还是要在媒体上说说这事儿。因为现在看,瞒是肯定瞒不住了,与其让大伙惶惶恐恐地猜,以讹传讹,不如将实情发布出去。”闫磊简明扼要地说了情况。 闫磊补充道:“咱们得作好心理准备,万一彭峰不能及时归案,或者凶手另有他人,我们必须得想好怎么对外公布这个事儿。” “找张凡双啊。”我插了一句,这本身就是她的专业。 “我也这样想,要不,要不你们先回去,”闫磊说道,“局长也是这个意思,张凡双不熟悉案情,可能需要你们协助尽快把方案拿出来,不管怎么说,龙舟赛开幕的那天,报纸上必须出现此案的消息。” 我不做声,闫磊说得挺诚恳,貌似合情合理,但我猜不透他的心思,他应该多少知道我们怀疑过他了吧。在这个时间节点,这一出唱的又是什么?周炳国想了想,答应了闫磊,我和他先回去,先把后天需要的媒体材料准备一下。 张凡双在局里等着我们。她估计也没睡几小时,出外勤的时候,她就能趁机休息会儿,现在是凌晨一点半,她没躺几小时就被电话拉了回来。这次信息发布和以往不同,是为了在重大赛事期间,说明案子的进展情况以辟谣。其实确切地说,应该是防止谣言的产生。这么热闹的赛事,不说全中国,起码全省都在盯着看。任何一点儿小事情都有可能被放大,都有可能达到无法控制的局面。 我们设想了两种可能,自然是凶手落网或仍然在逃,又衍生出如果彭峰落网但短时间内不招的情况,缜密思维,小心落笔,起草了几份通信报道,既不张扬,也不低调,如实说明了警察已掌握重大信息云云,希望社会各界冷静处理,无须过分担心。 我帮着张凡双整理媒体名单。公安局宣传科的人拿出来一份档案,上面陈列着和公安局关系密切的各家媒体。我一眼就看出了问题所在。这份媒体清单上的每一家报社、杂志社都被编上了号。 用得来全不费工夫来形容现在的情形是再好不过的了,这些编号都是ST打头!老李临死前塞给我的那块铁牌就是报纸编号! 960320ST1184——ST1184对应J市的《新报》,如果我猜得没错,老李给我的信息就在1996年3月20日的《新报》上。我想了想,觉得把握很大,正准备走过去把这个猜想告诉周炳国,就在这时,桌上的电话响了,彭峰打电话回家了。 东方露出鱼肚白。到了最后一天,抓捕彭峰的工作,有了实质性进展。电话定位彭峰正在郊区的一个山里。大伙都摩拳擦掌,神经有紧有松。紧的是那片区域,地形还是蛮复杂的,想要顺利抓捕嫌疑人存在着一定变数;松的是,到了最后一天,起码到这个时候,还没有收到有人员遇害或者失踪的消息。 专案组组织了精兵强将,调动了武警部队,迅速赶往现场,悬了十几年的案子,好不容易有了确切的嫌疑人,而且就近在咫尺,谁都免不了兴奋。 我原先想跟着一块儿去,但被闫磊婉拒了。他说的依然在理,张凡双的媒体工作还是需要我来协助的,况且我的偏头痛还没有好彻底,所以被安排留守支援,等待消息。 这个决定当然让我有些郁闷,事到如今,疑惑积了一肚子,而唯一的突破口彭峰,照现在的情形看,落网只是个时间问题,我却不能第一时间守在现场,当然会有些失落。但是还好,事情既然远比表面看上去复杂,那么除了彭峰之外,还有很多其他的着手点可以切入。而且这些切入只适合偷偷摸摸地干,人多眼杂反倒容易把事儿办砸。 刑警队都空了,倾巢而出,事到如今显然是放手一搏了。在没有任何其他头绪的情况下,抓捕彭峰成了在龙舟赛开幕前唯一能够破案的机会。我要干的事儿没有告诉张凡双,也没有告诉周炳国,我在电脑上搜索到了J市图书馆所在地,然后找了个借口出门直奔那个地址。 图书馆位于J市的中心位置,新建的,崭新而又宽敞。中间有一个空旷的广场,我算好早上开馆时间去的目的地,所以来看书的人稀稀落落。我爬完阶梯从正门直接入馆,在询问台问到了我想要去的阅读室。 虽说没有图书卡,但我事先也已经查过了,报刊阅览室对公众开放。要从一排排书报架上找到一份距今十几年的报纸,并非一件难事儿,问题是他们会保存多久以前的。960320,如果这个数字确凿的代表时间,那么已经是十几年前的事儿了。 阅览室里全是老年人,分散着坐在各个角落,戴着老花眼镜,拿着放大镜阅读报纸,我站在目录栏的位置,逐一查找《新报》的编号。 《新报》是当地的报纸,所以排序比较优先,翻到第二页就看见了。我“按图索骥”,很快在一个两层的报架子上找到了它。我把所有的报纸都搬到了桌上,按分量看我还是没有把握。《新报》是日报,眼前虽说是厚厚几沓,但按推算,还是上溯不到1996年。果然当我翻开外面的牛皮封套,一张张找过来,很快就发现,最远就到1998年的,也就是说还有两年的空缺。 我四周看看,进门处有一个穿着白色衬衫的工作人员,正低头看着手中的报纸。不知道他们会不会保存更早时期的《新报》呢?我心里想着,但问问总可以,况且我还有一个资本可以顺利得到答案。 我来到那个白衬衫跟前,她听完我的询问,不耐烦的表情刚想堆起在脸上,被我拿出的警官证又硬生生地给憋回去了。 “哦,你好,有什么需要我帮助的吗?”她说道。 我没在意她前后的态度改变,只是笑笑,说明自己的来意。她眉头皱了起来:“有是肯定有的,但我不知道它们下架之后都被放在哪儿了,你可以去咨询台问问。” 我不得不再次回到咨询台,把同样的话又说了一遍。咨询台的小姑娘很客气,打了个电话,没过多久,就下来一个戴眼镜的男人,自我介绍是副馆长。 我随着他来到了图书馆的存书库,按照他的说法,只要进过馆的书报,就会被存档此处。这是一间教室大小的空旷的房间,进去之后充满了霉味和干燥剂的味道。有可能鉴于我是警察的身份,副馆长很热情细致地向我介绍各类报刊书籍。 “哦,你说1996年的《新报》啊!”听完我确切想要的东西之后,他带着我又往里走去。霉味越来越重,还有一些稀奇古怪的味道,我说不上来,在一个堆满纸制品的仓库里,终归会放些防潮防蛀的药品吧。这些玩意儿夹杂在一起,没准儿就是现在的这种气味儿。 在最后一排高大的架子上,副馆长找到了《新报》,他的身子有些胖,所以爬架子就显得很吃力,姿势有些滑稽,撅着屁股伸着胖手,脸胀得通红在努力用手指去够最上面的那沓报纸。 “是那份吗?”我问道。 “在我印象中应该在那儿。” “我来吧,你下来歇会儿,我看你挺费劲的。” “没事儿。”副馆长把那沓报纸拉出了一半,灰尘瞬间就弥漫起来,呛得我开始咳嗽,副馆长像抽筋似的跳了下来,眯着眼睛,泪水直往外冒,眼睛进灰了。 “你先去洗洗吧。”我说道,这事儿正好,我本来就想一个人查资料,现在有足够的理由单独待着了。 “没事儿。”副馆长嘴上还在客气,脚步已经开始往外走了,貌似他的眼睛很难受,一脸灰尘污垢。 “去吧,我在这儿自己能搞定。”我用这句话彻底把他送走了。他在临走前还在客套:“你要的资料就是那份,我马上回来,你先自己找找。” 我拍了拍牛皮纸封套上的灰尘,然后小心翼翼地打开,里面的纸张已经泛黄了,但日子还对,这沓装订起来的报纸,封存了从1995年12月到1996年12月一年的报纸。 我正准备一张一张往下翻,就觉得背后有一股凉气冒了出来。有时候这种感觉很奇妙,我感觉到背后有人。 我回过头去看,被眼前的一幕吓得不轻。是那个长得很像林慕的女孩。她就站在门口,依然穿着白色T恤,夹着淡灰色发夹。背对我,双手交叉放在前方,低着头,就像灵异片里突然出现在走廊尽头的女鬼。 我的鸡皮疙瘩顿时冒了出来,我愣了一下神,随即反应过来,一个箭步冲了过去。只是她比我要快得多,仿佛背后长了眼睛似的,我刚迈步,她就已经转出大门不见了。我加快速度奔出去。 等我跑出大门,已不见了她的踪影。左右两边都有通道,宽绰的走廊上,只有零散的几个老人。我挑了左边奔了出去,在底楼的大堂间环顾。她似乎是要把我领到什么地方去,正当我失望的时候,她又出现在了二楼,侧对着我。我赶紧往楼上跑,她一直在我的视线之内,楼梯转角的地方有一个视觉盲区,我看不见她。也就是四五秒钟的时间,当我跑上二楼,她再一次消失了。 这回就再也找不着了。我满大楼地疾走狂奔,搜遍了所有犄角旮旯,依然没有线索。我沮丧地回到那间储藏库,远远地就看见原来放在地上的那沓报纸有被人翻过的痕迹。我草草地翻着,赶紧去寻找3月20日的那张报纸,原先还好好的报纸,不知道被谁从头到尾撕掉了。在撕掉的部分还夹了张字条,上写:“不要相信任何人!” 电话铃声显得格外刺耳,我拿着手中的字条,还没缓过神儿来,紧接着突兀的噪声,着实又让我吓了一大跳。是周炳国。 周炳国的消息也离糟糕只差一步。警方找到了彭峰在郊外短租的房子,人不在,手机依然打不通,他进山了。连绵不绝的山包,方圆上百公里,短时间内找到他只能靠运气。这就又平添了一个不确定的因素。 周炳国让我下午直接赶到印刷厂去。抓捕进展不确定,意味着所有准备的文稿都有可能被用上。印刷厂特别空出了两台机器。其他的版面都已经准备好了,非常时期非常处理,报社特地留出了一个专栏版面,随时准备插进去。按照市委宣传部的意思,一定要在开幕式之前有个交代。 我到达印刷厂的时候已经是中午时分了。刚刚遇上林慕的事儿,还来不及和周炳国交流,只能憋在心里一个人想。 “不要相信任何人。”自从这句莫名其妙的话出来之后,事情总是百转千折,老李死了,又死了个叫何久安的人,一系列的事件,总是在意料之外,这次又代表着什么呢? 960320。这个信息是老李透露给我的,那个女孩的突然出现,是在引我离开,显然不想我得知真相,这又是为什么?而且要命的是,假林慕早在半年前,就出现在我的面前,也就是说,他们很早以前就已经瞄上我了,更加让人不安的是,他们对我的私生活似乎了如指掌。 彭峰的抓捕工作正在进行,我带着满肚子的疑问,在印刷厂留守。我在厂长办公室待得无聊,一个人在车间里溜达。修机班的边上有个吸烟室,我走进去,和何久安搭班的管文明正坐在里面喝茶。管文明看见我进来,站起身来和我打招呼,眼睛里充满光芒,仿佛我是特地来保护他似的。
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