Home Categories detective reasoning Detective Di Renjie 1·Mist in Bingzhou
Detective Di Renjie 1·Mist in Bingzhou

Detective Di Renjie 1·Mist in Bingzhou


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 191439

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Chapter 1 Chapter 01

Foothills of Taihang Mountains. It was an extremely dark night without any moonlight.The mist of late autumn rises, and puts a vague and suffocating coat on the dark world. The dark and deep void is in front of the eyes, the stagnant and bitter breath is in the nose, and the faint and suspicious echoes are in the ears. Even the most daring dare not take a step.However, there happened to be such a dim light of fire, swaying from far to near, accompanied by chaotic footsteps and fierce panting, moving forward in a panic, left and right, up and down, the rules of moving forward So dazzled, so struggling.

"Plop!" Fell down.The person next to him was too small and was brought down to the ground.The immature voice shouted anxiously: "Brother! Brother! What's wrong with you? Get up, get up!" Heavy panting, every breath is so painful and difficult. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" the man hoarsely yelled, but couldn't make a discernible syllable. "Brother, come, I'll help you. Get up quickly! Let's go together!" The person beside him was obviously still a child, holding a torch in his small hand, and the light of the fire reflected a sweaty little face.The outline of the facial features is not clear, but the eyes are as bright as stars.

"Ah, ah..." Still sobbing in extreme pain, he tried his best to push away the child's hand, asking the child to leave himself, this hopeless body, to escape, to earn a life! "No!" The child was already crying, but his tone was still firm. "I won't leave you, brother, we are together! I will never leave you alone." "Ah, woo..." The teeth were chattering, and the breathing became more and more rapid. Suddenly, an unbearable moan came out of the throat, and a pair of hands with exposed veins began to tremble and tear at the collar, and the veins on the whole face burst out. , there was nothing but despair in the blood-red eyes.He lay convulsively on the mountain road, the light of a small torch shone on his body, the blue linen clothes wrapped a body that was almost inhuman, and the trembling became more and more intense.Finally, he uttered a heart-piercing howl, tearing his chest with his hands, rolling non-stop on the mountain road, his legs trembling and kicking, his whole body suddenly arched and prostrate, rolled the whites of his eyes and opened his mouth in suffocation. It was very loud, but it could no longer make a sound.

The child blushed and knelt beside his elder brother, with crystal tears streaming down his nose one by one.Suddenly, as if he had made up his mind, he reached into his bosom and took out something, and handed it to his brother's mouth: "Brother, brother. Good brother, eat it, eat it, it won't feel bad..." Accompanied by whimpering, the man stuffed the thing that the child handed over into his mouth, and then there was a long silence, the torch flickered twice and went out, leaving only the breathing of the two of them, rising and falling in the darkness.After a while, even the sound of breathing was no longer heard, and the mountain road returned to silence.Those two people seemed to have melted into the thick black mist and disappeared. Even the scene just now seemed to be just a nightmare. As dawn approached, they were about to retreat into the depths of consciousness.

A large number of chaotic footsteps, as well as the sound of horseshoes, the sound of equipment colliding, mixed with human voices, heralded the arrival of a large group of people.The twilight of dawn pierced through the thick night fog, revealing two closely cuddling silhouettes, as if they had just woken up from a dream, this large and small ghostly figure jumped up and rolled into the dense forest beside the mountain road. A large group of people armed with knives appeared on the mountain road, and the torches were blazing, illuminating the day.The leader wore a soap towel around his head, and covered his face with a black cloth, revealing a pair of bright eyes, full of murderous intent.

"They can't run far, search carefully, they must be found!" "yes!" The team dispersed and rushed into the surrounding dense forest with a murderous look.Can those two escape this round of manhunt?Suddenly, a thunderbolt pierced the dark sky, and heavy rain poured down. The mountain road was immediately washed with mud, rocks rolled, and branches snapped off. The rain was too heavy, and it might cause landslides. "Boss, it's raining too much. If we continue to search, I'm afraid the brothers will be in danger!" A big bearded man yelled at the leader while rubbing the rainwater all over his face.

The leader's eyes were cloudy and cloudy, and the cold air burst out, and he finally made up his mind and shouted: "Get out!" He gritted his teeth and added: "If you let you run, you will die if you run out!" The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the sky that had just lit up turned into pitch black again, only the sound of the rain resounding through the sky and the earth. Luoyang, Shangyang Palace, Imperial Garden. Inside Guanfeng Pavilion, it is already a mess.Wearing a crimson brocade robe, Wu Zetian was leaning on the couch, the warm autumn sun softly spreading over her body and face. This empress, who is more than seventy years old, has spring eyes and delicate lips. Pretty, she actually glowed with a beautiful complexion like a young woman.She stared intently at the man across from her, her eyes were full of love, such abundant and passionate love, the love like buds in early spring, the love that usually only blooms on young girls who are just in love, is actually here now The twilight old woman released a frightening power like a glimpse of a glimpse.However, when this power is generated from the body of an empress who ruled the world, what kind of aura of overturning all living beings will be wrapped in it?At this moment, she doesn't care about all of this, she only has the pure and beautiful face like a water lotus in her eyes, and the flawless body that spreads out between her palms every night.Yes, she ranks in the Nine Tripods, extremely noble, pioneering the world, below Yanhuang, only her, the only one, as a woman, she has reached the pinnacle above all others.However, as a woman, she still has the most secret longing and the hottest desire, and on this aging body, she burns to the point that even she can't control it by virtue of power.This is also very good, it doesn't matter, her belief is still firm, her mind is still strong, who else in the world can enjoy all this in her old age?

"Your Majesty, it's your turn." The man said, throwing a charming look at him. "En." Wu Zetian lazily replied, smiling slightly, but did not move. "Your Majesty, if you don't make a move, you will lose this game." The man said again, with a coquettish tone in his tone. "Well, then I will lose." "Oh, Your Majesty, Liu Lang is about to invite a reward." "Okay, what do you want, I'll see if I can give it to you." "Liulang, Liulang wants to..." "Well, what?" Wu Zetian closed her eyes slightly, and opened her eyes in doubt before waiting for an answer.But he saw Zhang Changzong sitting upright with a long handsome face, as cold as ice, but his hands were convulsively tearing the ribbon on the robe.

"Your Majesty, my minister Di Renjie respectfully invites Shengan." Wu Zetian suddenly raised his head, and Di Renjie was kneeling and kowtowing. "Oh, it's the old man of the country, take a seat." Wu Zetian waved his hand, but he forgot about calling the old man Di.This hateful water lotus flower, with its hateful pretty face, was dangling in front of her, distracting all business matters. Di Renjie thanked him, and sat down steadily, without even raising his eyelids to Zhang Changzong. "It's been ten months since Di Qing returned to Shendu after finishing the Hangou case. Today is the first time you and I have met." Wu Zetian greeted Di Renjie and glanced at Zhang Changzong. So nervous.

"I have heard that His Majesty's holy body is not in good condition for the past few days, and the old minister is very worried. Finally, I can see the sky today, and I am as healthy as usual. I am very relieved." Di Renjie spoke with sincerity in his voice, and Wu Zetian couldn't help being moved. "Hmph." Zhang Changzong breathed out his nostrils, and said in a coquettish voice, "Your Majesty, can you still play our game of chess?" "Isn't it over? You won." Wu Zetian was a little impatient. "But Your Majesty hasn't offered a reward yet." Zhang Changzong refused to give up.

Di Renjie spoke unhurriedly, "Your Majesty has something to do, and the old minister will leave." "Wait, I still have something to ask the old man. How about this, the old man will accompany me to the garden." Wu Zetian got up, slowly walked out of the Guanfeng Pavilion, and when he passed by Zhang Changzong, he whispered: "You go." Di Renjie stood aside, trying his best to suppress the roiling disgust in his chest.Everything about Zhang Changzong, his voice, his face, and his posture, made Di Renjie feel sour in his stomach and feel sick.The empress had just conferred the title of General Zhang Changzong Yunhui, and it was rumored that it was all due to her love for this flawless body.Di Renjie narrowed his eyes slightly, and seemed to see the hideous scars of different shades on another almost equally young body.Just recently, new scars were added to this body, and the pain is still tormenting people, but the empress probably left the memorial of this case before she finished reading it. "Huaiying?" Wu Zetian noticed that Di Renjie's expression was a little strange. "Yes, Your Majesty." Di Renjie stepped up to follow, and the two walked up the corridor of the imperial garden one after the other.The wrestlers and the ladies followed from afar.Zhang Changzong took a few steps outside, then stopped again, turned his head to look in the direction of Wu Zetian and Di Renjie, and stomped his feet viciously. Wu Zetian walked forward sullenly, followed by Di Renjie without saying a word.Suddenly, Wu Zetian stopped in her tracks and sighed: "Huaiying, it's autumn again in a blink of an eye. Look at this garden. Two months ago, it was full of flowers and colorful flowers. Today, the leaves are withered. Time is like a sharp knife." "Your Majesty, what I see is the alternation of the old and the new, and the fruit is abundant. Even if the fallen leaves wither, they will return to the earth and enrich the future generations. The so-called right place." "Oh? Your point of view is quite new. If everyone thinks like you, there won't be so many sad works." "Your Majesty, my humble minister's views are not new. My humble minister's views are just inherited from the teachings of ancient sages. Zi Zaichuan said: "The dead are like husbands! Day and night." This is why I understand: everything in the world is endless, It has its own place of origin and its own destination. That’s why I don’t want to make unnecessary exclamations, but I’m willing to calmly comply with the ever-changing natural law.” "Well said." Wu Zetian snorted softly, staring at Di Renjie, "I understand what you mean. The law of nature is changing and reciprocating. You mean that I should also go to the step of reciprocating and reciprocating!" "Your Majesty! The whole world is His Majesty's subjects, and his successors are His Majesty's blood. Your Majesty's glory and majesty are inherited from Emperor Taizong, and are entrusted to the common people. The majesty of the world must be passed down through generations. .” "Supreme glory, supreme glory. Huaiying, tell me, can't the supreme glory be exchanged for a youthful youth? Can the supreme glory be no match for a person who is born, old, sick and dead?" "Birth, old age, sickness and death are the number of days, and the supreme glory is human power. It is unwise for me to fight against the number of days with human power." "Di Renjie! How dare you say that!" "I have a clear conscience." Wu Zetian nodded, "Okay, let's not talk about these things today. I came to you today because of your business." "my business?" "Yes. Huaiying, in the past few years, you have submitted several times to ask to return to your hometown, but I have not agreed to you. It is really because of the complicated state affairs that I cannot do without you as a minister." "Wrongly loved by His Majesty. The old minister is very frightened." Wu Zetian waved his hand, "Since the holy calendar, I have seen the world be peaceful, the borders are peaceful, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. I am also very comforted. So I think of you, Huaiying, who have worked hard for the state affairs for many years. , I have little pleasure in resting in my old age, and I really feel uneasy. Therefore, I have only recently made up my mind to allow you to return to your hometown after your official career, and set off today." Di Renjie was taken aback for a moment, but immediately calmed down and bowed deeply to the ground: "I am so frightened by His Majesty's favor. Your Majesty really shouldn't worry about this minister. Returning to my hometown is my wish for many years. His Majesty bestowed the grace of heaven, Xu Weichen made this wish, and I was so grateful. Your Majesty, long live long live." Wu Zetian supported Di Renjie with both hands: "The old man is too humble. I really don't want to let the old man go. It's just that no matter how reluctant I am, I dare not go against the old man's wish all the time. I hope the old man can do it for himself. treasure." Di Renjie replied with a trembling voice, "I understand." "Okay, so I won't stay with the old man anymore. The old man only needs to hand over the affairs of the cabinet, and then he can leave on an auspicious day. At that time, I won't send him off, so as not to be sad." "Yes, I will bid farewell to Your Majesty. Your Majesty, you also cherish it!" Wu Zetian nodded. Di Renjie took two steps back and was about to turn around when he suddenly remembered something and stepped forward again and said, "Your Majesty, I don't need the guards after I retire. I will send the guards back to the Weifu." "En." Wu Zetian nodded, seeing that Di Renjie was still hesitating, he asked, "Huaiying, what else do you need?" "I have another merciless request." "Oh? Say it." Di Renjie hesitated for a moment, and said: "Your Majesty, I would like to ask your Majesty's quasi-subject to bring Li Yuanfang, the head of the guard, back home together." Wu Zetian looked at Di Renjie meaningfully: "Although Li Yuanfang is the head of the guard of the old man, he is also the general of Qianniuwei. The old man does not need a guard to accompany him. Li Yuanfang should stay in the court and continue to serve the country. Effectiveness. I don’t know why the old man wants him to return home with you, why?” "Weichen understands. It's just that Yuan Fang has been with me for more than ten years, and the affection is as deep as that of a father and son. I really can't bear to be separated from him." "But Li Yuanfang is not qualified to be an official. If you want to accompany you back to your hometown, do you want him to resign?" "It seems that there is no other better way." "Oh? Shouldn't you also ask Li Yuanfang what he means?" "No need. I know that well." Wu Zetian shook his head and said, "Huaiying, I'm afraid I can't agree to your request. Li Yuanfang is an important minister, and I still want to use him. I won't allow him to resign, and I won't allow him to return home with you." Di Renjie felt his temples throbbing non-stop, no, he told himself to calm down, gather his mind, and said again: "Your Majesty. Di Huaiying is a courtier of Da Zhou, and Li Yuanfang is a general of Da Zhou. The life and relationship between the two of us Death belongs to His Majesty, and it belongs to the people of Da Zhou. For His Majesty and Da Zhou, we will die with all our hearts. However, the old minister made this request today because Yuan Fang was seriously injured in the Hangou case and has not recovered yet. This The next time I return to my hometown, the veteran wants to take this opportunity to take him to recuperate, and there is a famous doctor in Bingzhou that I have known for many years, who can treat him. The veteran can guarantee that once Yuanfang recovers, the veteran will immediately order him to return to the capital of God to serve His Majesty." "Huaiying, aren't you yourself a national champion of the Great Zhou Dynasty? Why do you need another famous doctor to treat Li Yuanfang's injuries?" "Your Majesty is wise, you should know that a doctor can't cure a close relative." Wu Zetian was taken aback for a moment: "Oh? Huaiying, you..." She pondered for a while, and finally nodded and said: "It is said that you regard Li Yuanfang as your own. Today, it seems that you really love Li Yuanfang. If I don't promise you again, I will It seems that I am being unreasonable. Well, let Li Yuanfang go back home with you. However, I have a condition. After three months, Li Yuanfang must return to Beijing to resume her post. During these three months, temporarily retain her inspector Qianniuwei The position of the general, but all actual duties will be removed, the salary will be stopped, and the official credential will be handed over to the Weifu. After returning to Beijing in March, he will be expelled." "On behalf of Yuan Fang, I thank Your Majesty Long En." "Huaiying, the new year will be in two more months, and it coincides with your birthday. Go back to your hometown and celebrate it. I will have a generous gift when the time comes. Alright, you go." Di Renjie knelt down on the ground and kowtowed with tears in his eyes: "Your Majesty, I am so grateful, but I can't repay you. The old minister has gone. Your Majesty, you must cherish it, cherish it." Wu Zetian left slowly, Di Renjie was still kneeling there for a long time, a few strands of white hair protruded from under the brim of his hat, trembling in the autumn wind, he lowered his head, a dead leaf fluttered just right on him in front of.Only then did Di Renjie stand up staggeringly. He felt a sense of desolation and emptiness that he had never felt before. A burst of distinct and ominous breath made him dizzy for a moment.For the first time, he was not sure whether his words and deeds today were right or wrong.Everything happened so suddenly that he didn't have time to think carefully, and he made a judgment almost entirely by instinct, and made a bet, but he didn't even know what kind of chess game it would be, and who was on the opposite side of the chessboard. "Go back, it's time to go back." When Di Renjie stepped out of the Tianjin Bridge slowly, the sky was getting dark.Di Chunying came forward, helped him into the carriage, ordered to go, and pouted: "Master, can I not wear this robe next time? You see, I have been waiting for you for a day , making people look at it like a monster for a whole day." "What?" Di Renjie was taken aback for a moment, seeing clearly the priceless feather satin brocade robe on Di Chun's body, and suddenly burst out laughing: "Okay, you don't need to wear it, and you don't need to wear it again in the future. Di Chun, when you go back, you can wear it." Burn it." "Yes! Master!" Di Chun agreed resoundingly, very happy.Since the last time the master won three rounds of Shuanglu in a row and won the Jicui fur from Zhang Changzong, he had Di Chun wear this robe every time he entered the palace, which really bored him.Finally, the master is in a good mood today, so he won't have to suffer this crime in the future. "Master, I will burn it when I go back. This robe has a strange sweet and sour smell, and it will be clean after burning!" Luoyang, Difu. It's late at night, and the second watch has already struck.Di Renjie's study room was brightly lit, but it was quiet without a single sound.Di Renjie immersed himself in flipping through the official document in front of him, pausing to think from time to time.A cup of fragrant tea was handed to him. Di Renjie reached out and took a sip, without looking up, he just smiled and said, "Yuan Fang, I haven't seen you since I came back today. Where did you get out now?" Li Yuanfang said: "My lord, the imperial decree has come in the afternoon. After receiving the decree, I went to the Wei Mansion to deliver it. Zhang Huan and the others forced me to drink the farewell wine, and they just left." "Oh? So fast. What does the edict say?" Li Yuanfang looked at Di Renjie suspiciously, and said: "The imperial decree says that His Majesty has approved your lord to return to his hometown immediately. He also ordered the humble officer to send back the guards and military leaders immediately, and return the official credentials to the guard mansion to accompany you to return to your hometown. My lord, You know all of this, right? Today the emperor called you into the palace for this matter?" "Well. The emperor indeed called me into the palace for this. So, now I would like to ask, what do you think of this matter?" "Me? My lord and the emperor discussed things, what can I think? My lord, you are old and shouldn't work too hard. This time the emperor has granted you permission to serve, so you can go home happily." .” "Of course I do, what about you?" Di Renjie stood up and started walking around the room with his hands behind his back. Li Yuanfang lowered his head, followed Di Renjie's steps with his eyes, and said softly, "I will go wherever my lord goes." Di Renjie turned around and looked into Li Yuanfang's eyes: "Nonsense! You are the court's General Qianniuwei, but not my personal guard of Di Renjie. Your duty lies with the court, Dazhou, not with me, Di Renjie!" Li Yuanfang said: "My lord, I have handed over the official credentials of a great general today. At this moment, Yuan Fang is no longer a great general of the Great Zhou court. Yuan Fang has followed your lord for so many years, and she can see it very clearly. The so-called power and position, What you give and what you take is originally a sentence from the court. It is the duty of a soldier to serve the country, and it is also Yuan Fang's wish, but it is not for the purpose of being a general. In Yuan Fang's view, protecting and assisting adults is Serving the country is not just about being your personal guard. Therefore, if your lord needs Yuan Fang for a day, Yuan Fang will serve you for a day. One day, your lord will no longer need Yuan Fang... Yuan Fang will ask the imperial court to guard the border One day, one day he will die in battle to defend his family and country, and the shroud of horse leather is Yuan Fang's ideal destination." Di Renjie's heart trembled. Li Yuanfang was a little dull on weekdays, and he rarely confessed his feelings like this. What happened to him today?Looking at him, his face was calm, as if nothing had happened and nothing had been said.Di Renjie became ruthless, and this is what he said. The situation forced him to force him again today, and he said: "Yuan Fang, what you said is also reasonable. It's just that today, as you and me, no matter what you do All decisions must be carefully considered. I have asked to return to my hometown for so many years, and the Holy Majesty has always refused. Why did I suddenly allow it today? Have you ever thought about the reason behind this? Also, the Holy Majesty has also granted me permission in the past Serving in Wuping as an idle official, and specially entrusting you with the post of inspector general to accompany me. But this time, His Majesty does not allow you to accompany me at all. After several pleadings, she finally agreed to let you accompany me After returning home for three months, you have to be removed from all practical duties. Why is that?" Li Yuanfang was stunned. Di Renjie glanced at him, and didn't intend to ask him to answer, so he continued: "It's been more than a month since we returned to Beijing after handling the shipwreck case in Hangou. It doesn't fit her personality. Her majesty's shrewdness and meticulousness are rare in the world today. She has always personally intervened in every detail of national affairs such as salt and iron water transportation. However, in recent days, your majesty has been negligent in government affairs. Asking about the world, she is a completely different person." "The humble official heard that His Majesty has been in poor health recently, so he cannot interfere with the government." "Hmph, the dragon is in poor health! Today I saw the emperor, and she is in good spirits." "My lord, what exactly do you want to say?" "Yuanfang, don't worry, come and sit down." Di Renjie kindly pulled Li Yuanfang to sit beside him, and suddenly changed the subject: "Did Zhang Huan drag you to drink today?" "yes." "Then did you suffer?" "How come?! Just a few of them together are not my opponent. They can't beat me in fighting, and they can't beat me in drinking." "Hehe, not bad, not bad. Uh, why can't I smell alcohol?" "My lord! I came to you after I changed my clothes as soon as I came back. How can I let the smell of alcohol pollute your study?" "Our General Li is really fine." Li Yuanfang smiled at Di Renjie, and said, "My lord, stop teasing me. If you go around in circles like this, my head will hurt." Di Renjie said: "Oh, your body hasn't recovered yet, you shouldn't be drinking, how are you doing now?" "I'm fine, my lord, you'd better talk about business." Di Renjie took a long breath, and said seriously: "Yuan Fang, you and I both understand that the emperor's indifference to government affairs is not because of her physical illness, but because she is becoming more and more addicted to male sex and can't extricate herself. Since this year, She successively conferred the rank of Minister of the Zhang brothers and the rank of general, and built and controlled the Crane Mansion, attracting men all over the world. And what she did was nothing more than a nostalgia for the fear of aging and the majesty of Shenglong. Do you know? Yuan Fang Ah, as an old man of her age, sometimes I can understand her. But as a courtier, I can't agree with her behavior, because she is not an ordinary old woman, she is the current emperor! She All of her actions will have a profound impact on the court, and even the entire Zhou Dynasty. She really shouldn't indulge her desires like this. Now, Er Zhang worships the general and seals the Qing, bullying others and pretending to be a tiger, and has committed many shameful acts that are shameful. What's even more hateful is that they added another force to the already tangled conflict between Li Tang and Wu Zhou, making the situation even more complicated and chaotic. In addition, some people who wanted to take advantage of the fisherman came in droves , vainly trying to gain their own interests from this troubled water. The situation in Dazhou today is more dangerous than ever before." "My lord, those two photos are just facial expressions. Could it be that they will have a negative impact on the recovery of Li Tang?" "Yuan Fang, so what about face heads? There are many examples in history that people who were born face heads eventually seized power. Moreover, just because they are face heads, they have no talent, no virtue, and no foundation. The emperor's favor, and the current emperor is an old man, so they are more anxious and urgent to gain power. They know very well in their hearts that if they don't consolidate their position while the emperor is still alive , then once the emperor is on the verge of death, what awaits them is a fate more terrifying and miserable than death! Yuan Fang, there are all indications that in the past few months, these two cards have linked up everywhere, recruited troops, and stepped up their activities. There is a huge plan in the making. And what happened to you and me today should be part of that change." "My lord, are you saying: These two cards prompted the emperor to allow you to return home?!" "There is no definite evidence to say so. But one thing is certain, that is, the emperor finally made up his mind to let me serve, which must be closely related to the recent ebb and flow of these forces in the court. In the past few years, the emperor It's not that she has no doubts or concerns about me, but she still trusts me fundamentally. That's why she has not allowed me to retire for so many years, and even when I resigned from office, she still allowed you to accompany me. Because In her heart, she still believes that I can relieve her worries, and you are my most powerful arm, so she has always favored you over the years. The current emperor is a very suspicious person, the most taboo It's the fact that the ministers are connected with cronies. Therefore, I have always been very cautious in my actions, and I have never made close contacts with other important officials in the court. But Yuanfang, tell me, you, a third-rank general of Qianniu Weizheng, a real important official of the court, have been working for so many years If you stay by my side all the time, do you count as my cronies?" "My lord!" Li Yuanfang stood up anxiously, but Di Renjie pretended not to see him, and continued to say, "Over the years, how many people have hated and jealous of you and me, but it is because of the emperor's trust and protection. , no one can do anything to us. That's why the two of us have had a fate that lasted for more than ten years. But today, the emperor expressed his intention to transfer you away from me for the first time, which only shows that today The emperor fears me more than she trusts me! Not only does she want me to leave Luoyang, the core of this vortex, she also wants me to lose your arm, and she wants you to face this treacherous political struggle alone! Therefore, I am more I can't promise the emperor to leave you alone in Luoyang!" On Li Yuanfang's face, the stern and resolute expression at this time replaced the confused expression just now. He bowed slightly to Di Renjie, and said softly: "My lord, it's all Yuanfang's fault. It's Yuanfang who has troubled you." Di Renjie waved his hand. Li Yuanfang was silent for a while, and then said: "My lord, I'm just a martial artist with a lowly position. Although I'm an officer, I'm a general of Qianniuwei, but I never command the soldiers in the government, and I don't have any real power. In the eyes of others, the humble post may not be a big threat. The humble post has already made up its mind after receiving the imperial decree today. When I return to the capital in three months, I will ask His Majesty to send me to serve outside the Great Wall. Whether it is Mobei or Shuoxi, I will go to those places that are the most miserable and least people want to go. I think that if you do this, Your Majesty should no longer be afraid of me, and I can fulfill my wish for many years." Di Renjie sternly said: "You think too simply! Yuan Fang, you have offended many people in the court by following me in the past ten years. To these people, you and I are thorns in their eyes, and I want to get rid of them long ago. Then, hurry up. In the past, they didn’t dare to do anything because of you and me, but because of the emperor. Today’s incident is a clear signal to them that the emperor no longer trusts us. Then, I’m afraid you will be put to death if we make a number of charges. It couldn't be easier. That's how I was imprisoned back then. And if I hadn't pleaded guilty first, and then resorted to the emperor's grievances, I'm afraid I would have died in the court. But Yuan Fang, from what I know about you, I'm afraid you are absolutely unwilling to compromise, and even disdain to appeal for self-protection... Am I right?" Li Yuanfang didn't answer, but just watched Di Renjie quietly. Di Renjie pondered for a while, and then said: "Yuan Fang, for me personally, being an official is a blessing or a curse. But for Li Tang, I can't easily abandon my duties. After all, the emperor gave us three months this time Three months is enough for us to wait and see what happens, get a clear understanding of the situation, and make clever arrangements. When you return to Luoyang after three months, I want you to be a sharp sword inserted into the center of this political vortex and protect Li Tang for me. The artifact, continue to restore Li Tang's great cause!" Li Yuanfang said: "My lord, may I ask a question?" "you say." "I have to stay in Luoyang after three months, right?" Di Renjie stood in front of the window, staring at the deep black night sky, and said slowly: "Yuan Fang, I understand what you mean. I have a premonition that many things will happen in these three months, and everything is possible. However, the final result still depends on what we think, or what you plan to do.” He turned around and faced Li Yuanfang: “Yuanfang, I’m afraid this time, I’m going to Let you choose." Li Yuanfang moved his lips, but did not make a sound. After a while, he said, "My lord, Yuanfang will follow your orders. Don't worry." Di Renjie nodded, let out a long sigh, patted Li Yuanfang's arm lightly, turned around and walked back to the window slowly, feeling that his whole body and mind were enveloped by deep exhaustion.He exhausted his eloquence tonight just to get this sentence.As a politician, he never believed in promises.There is no unreserved trust, no sustenance of life and death, this is the price he has to pay, and he can afford it.However, today, at this critical juncture, he urgently needs such a promise.It seems that only in this way can he feel at ease.But why, at this moment, what he felt was not peace of mind, but sadness... The candlelight cast strange shadows on the window paper, and Di Renjie could feel the concerned and kind eyes behind him without turning his head. He softened his heart after hardening himself all night, and turned around to look carefully at Li Yuanfang's face. His eyes were warm. Bright as before, but the shadows under the eyes are very deep. Di Renjie laughed dryly and said, "Look, I let you stay up with me all night again. Yuan Fang, does your head still hurt?" Li Yuanfang pressed his forehead: "I'm fine. My lord, when do you plan to leave? Is there anything I need to prepare?" "Go home, there is nothing special to prepare. From tomorrow onwards, I have to hand over some affairs of the cabinet. I have asked Di Chun to pack up the luggage and lead the carriage. You and I will go lightly and lightly. Three days later You can go." "Yes." Li Yuanfang agreed, suddenly remembered something, hesitated a little, and asked: "My lord, you said that the emperor originally refused to allow me to return home with you, how did you persuade her?" Di Renjie looked at Li Yuanfang with a smile on his face: "Well, don't say it, don't say it." Li Yuanfang bowed his hands to Di Renjie helplessly, and said, "My lord, it seems that I asked another stupid question." Di Renjie patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, it's going to be dawn soon, why don't you go to rest soon? If you have anything to say, let's talk when you wake up." Luoyang, Shangyang Palace, sleeping hall. On the resplendent dragon bed, lies an old phoenix.Her hair was covered with silver threads, and she was gently caressed by a pair of bright hands.Suddenly, those hands stopped, and shouted in surprise: "Your Majesty, you have grown new black hair again." "Really? Liulang, have you looked carefully?" Wu Zetian replied with slightly closed eyes, but there was also a hint of surprise in his tone. "Of course you have read it carefully. If you don't believe me, Your Majesty, you can see for yourself." Zhang Changzong gently held up the silver wire and brought it to the front of the bronze mirror.Wu Zetian tilted his head slightly, and he could see the image reflected in the mirror behind him from the bronze mirror in front of him.In her bedroom, surrounded by the dragon bed, dozens of bronze mirrors of different sizes and shapes are placed up and down. Behind each bronze mirror, a red candle is held high, interspersed among the overlapping sarong curtains. .As long as someone walks in it, every movement and expression will be reflected in the mirror from all angles, with a slightly drunken red light. I don't know if the Queen can see it more clearly or more blurredly? At this moment, she seemed to see clearly, her face was beaming, she gently stroked Zhang Changzong's hand, and sighed: "Liu Lang, you are my Prince Ji Jin." The cloud energy sucks the sun's essence', I have you, can I really live forever and become a fairy?" "Your Majesty is a god in the sky." Zhang Changzong smiled obsequiously, his eyes blurred. "Listen, this little mouth is really sweet. Let me ask you, how is the matter you talked about going?" "Your Majesty, please wait patiently. You know, this matter will take some effort." "Well, I'm patient, and I'm afraid you won't try your best, little brat." "Your Majesty said that Liu Lang, Liu Lang is dead without a place to bury him." Wu Zetian twisted his face: "Dead? I really don't want you to die." Zhang Changzong pouted, and said with an aggrieved face: "I know that Your Majesty loves me, and I dare not die. But there are some people who wish I could die!" Wu Zetian's face was sullen: "Who?" "Who else? Your Majesty knows." “哦,你是指他。”武则天放缓了语调,“朕不是已经让他致仕了吗?今后你就眼不见为净吧。” “可他心里憋着恨呢。陛下,他恨六郎!” “哼,恐怕你还招不到他的恨吧。” 张昌宗有些急迫地说:“他不恨我,为什么要在府里把那件袍子烧掉?” 武则天疑道:“袍子?什么袍子?”略一思索,她恍然大悟,不禁冷笑一声:“就是那件集翠裘啊。烧了?有意思?”忽然一挑眉毛:“你怎么知道的?” 张昌宗一愣:“有,有人告诉我的。” “有人告诉你?狄国老府里的事情也有人告诉你?哼,你的眼线不少啊。” 张昌宗的额头上开始冒汗了,他不敢再吭气。 武则天紧皱眉头,不知道在想什么。片刻,她才抬眼看了看噤若寒蝉,半跪在身边的张昌宗,柔声道:“狄仁杰这几日就该离开洛阳了,以后关于他的事情就再也不要提了。你先下去吧。” “是。”张昌宗弓身退下。 “来人。”武则天一招手,一名绛衣女官来到她面前,口称陛下。 “取地图来。” “是。”须臾,两名女官一左一右跪在皇帝的面前,展开一张地图。 武则天举起右手,在图上缓缓画着圈,食指最后停在了一个地点上——并州,她喃喃自语着:“并州,并州,怀英啊,这一回,朕也拿不准了啊。”她的脸上渐渐凝起了厚厚一层冰霜。 洛阳,相王府。 相王李旦与狄仁杰坐在王府的书房内,李旦对狄仁杰说:“阁老这次归乡十分突然啊。本王此前怎么一无所知?” 狄仁杰躬身道:“圣上昨日突然准我致仕,坦白说老臣也觉得有些意外。但此乃圣上降下的天恩,老臣惟有感激。” 李旦道:“阁老打算几时动身?” “三日后便行。” “这么快?”李旦略一沉吟,轻轻叹了口气:“阁老这一走,朝堂中便缺了一根擎天玉柱,朝中空虚啊。” 狄仁杰摇摇头:“哎,王爷千万不要这么说。大周朝有的是辅国良臣,我狄仁杰除了一颗忠心,也并没有什么特别。” “但最可贵的就是这一颗忠心啊!”李旦感慨地点头,停了停又道:“阁老啊,你既然要回并州,本王倒是有些事情要托付与你。不知道阁老是否还愿拨冗相助?” “王爷请讲,狄仁杰定将竭尽全力。” 李旦皱了皱眉,思索着说:“阁老肯定知道,并州牧过去几年一直是由魏王担任。他一手把持着北都的军政,早将并州造成为武氏的天下。可一年前,由于阁老的多方周旋,终于说动圣上重迎庐陵王,将太子之位再授李显皇兄,魏王多年的野心落空,郁郁而亡,这并州牧的位置便空了出来。圣上便授予了本王并州牧衔。” “是啊,此乃李唐之幸啊。” “嗯。”李旦仍然紧缩眉头:“本王就任之后,自然是想尽快接管并州卫戍,掌控住这个重镇。因并州折冲都尉刘源是魏王的亲信,我便找了个名头将他罢了官,派去了本王在右卫最信任的将军王贵纵接任折冲都尉之职。哪知道,王将军上任仅一个月便得了暴病,被送回到洛阳医治,只过了短短两天便亡故了。” 狄仁杰十分诧异:“哦?还有这样的事情?老臣怎么没有听说?” “阁老当时在江洲,所以对此事并不了解。而本王其实对王将军的死非常怀疑,曾经动过念头请阁老来帮助查察,但当本王向圣上请求让阁老帮忙的时候,却被圣上严词拒绝了。” “圣上拒绝了?” “是的。圣上说御医已经验看过王将军的病况,确是恶疾致命,因此让我不要疑神疑鬼。还说而今李武两家只有和睦才对朝廷有利,对社稷有利,不允我在这上面再生事端。阁老知道圣上的意志一向是不容任何人违背的,于是我便不敢再追究,还按照圣上的意思,没有再派自己的心腹去接管并州军务,而是将并州卫府的原左果毅都尉郑畅提拔成新的折冲都尉。这个郑畅本来就是魏王的人,现在又和梁王府来往密切,对我只是虚加周旋,故而我这个并州牧实际上到现在都不能触及到实际的并州防务。” 狄仁杰默默地点点了头,神色很凝重。 李旦接着说:“阁老,并州的行政长官长史陈松涛,想必阁老还算熟悉吧。” “陈松涛是老夫的姻亲。” 李旦微微一笑:“这个陈松涛也是叫人捉摸不透的一个人物啊。魏王任并州牧时他便深得信任,现在对我倒也十分恭敬。对并州卫府的人事变动,他似乎也毫不在意,一幅我自岿然不动的镇定,他自己行事十分小心谨慎,完全找不到破绽,可又对并州的事务一手遮天,水泼不入,实在不容人小觑。” 狄仁杰欠身道:“王爷的这番话,老臣已经听明白了。老臣想,王爷是想让我借这次返乡之际,冷眼观察并州官府的状况以及并州军政要员的忠诚。” 李旦道:“阁老啊,并州对于本朝的重要性仅次于东西二都,过去一直是武承嗣的势力范围。现在本王真的很希望能够好好整顿一下并州的军政,却遇到了前述的阻力,本王正在一筹莫展之际,此次阁老返乡对本王来说真是一个大大的好消息。请阁老一定要帮本王这个忙,当然,阁老既然已经致仕,本王也不忍让阁老太过操劳,阁老只需将所观察到的情况通报给本王即可。”他犹豫了一下,又道:“当然,陈松涛大人是阁老的姻亲,如果阁老觉得有所不便,此刻就可对本王严明,本王决不会强阁老所难。” 狄仁杰微笑道:“老臣的心思王爷是最清楚的。王爷放心,老臣定会竭尽全力的。” 并州,郊外,恨英山庄。 秋日的天空比其他季节更要显得高远空阔。太行山重重叠叠的山峰在云雾缭绕中若隐若现。从恨英山庄高大的牌楼看过去,这远远的群山起伏仿佛是一幅泼墨山水,描绘的俨然便是所谓的人间仙境了。 只是这座由汉白玉高高砌起的牌楼显出些许古怪来,两端挑起的飞檐上各竖着一个火红的琉璃圆球,阳光直射时那琉璃球中间仿佛有火轮转动,犹似一双充血的眼睛。牌坊周身刻满吐信的蛇形,每四条蛇一组围着一个黑白相间的琉璃八卦图。整座牌楼没有庄严的气象,倒十分诡异多姿。右边立柱自上而下镌刻着:“非人非鬼非仙”,左边相对则是:“不生不死不灭”,坊眼上是四个龙飞凤舞的大字“恨英山庄”。 如此一座牌楼本来已经够热闹奇特,而今又披满了雪白的素花灵帏,在风中摇摆不定,那通体的气派简直可以让人瞠目结舌了。 狄春站在牌楼之下伸着脑袋看了老半天,还是拿不定主意是进还是退。他身后停着五六辆马车,也已眼巴巴的等了许久,那几匹马都开始不耐烦了,一个接一个地鸣响鼻尥蹶子。 一个车夫走上前来,问道:“大管家,您这到底是打算走还是打算留啊?天色不早了,再耽搁下去,今天可就来不及进城了。” “哦,再稍待片刻,我去送了名帖就走。”狄春挠挠头,下定了决心。他稍理了理衣服,几步跃上台阶,来到裹满白色麻布的大门前,握住兽头紫铜门栓,敲了三下。 “吱呀”一声,大门未开,从旁边的一扇小门里钻出个脑袋,问道:“什么人?” 狄春上前一拱手,道:“在下狄春,我家老爷让我来给贵庄主人范老先生送名帖。” “你家老爷是谁啊?” “哦,我家老爷是并州人士狄怀英,与贵庄主范老先生是旧交。” “狄怀英?没听说过。”那人一身白麻布丧服,上下打量着狄春,又看看不远处停的那个小车队,问道:“你是从外地来的吧?” “是,刚从神都洛阳过来,今天就要进太原城。因我家老爷常年在外,这次返乡,意欲与老友相聚,故而让我路过贵庄时提前送名帖过来。我家老爷比我晚出发,大概三日以后才能到并州。” “这就难怪。”那人一抱拳,道:“你来晚了,我家庄主人已于三日之前故去了。” “啊?!那……?”狄春踌躇着。 “这样吧,我替你把名帖呈给我家夫人吧。” "Thank you." “请在此稍候。”门关上了。 狄春退后几步,站到门前的那颗大柏树下。举头望望,这大柏树足有五人合围般粗,不知有多大年纪了。 突然一阵嘈杂声起,面前的大道上,从并州方向来了一对人马。吵吵闹闹的,这队人马旁若无人地直冲到庄门前,领头的是个清俊挺拔的年轻人,一身军官打扮,站在门前,大喝一声:“肃静!”众人噤声,他这才上前打门。 “咣当!”这次不是开的小门,而是那扇包裹着白布的大门。狄春好生纳罕地边张望,边想着果然是官人气势大,一叫就叫开大门,自己平时跟着老爷摆开宰相仪仗,走到哪里不也是前呼后拥,见者无不恭敬非常,不像今天……正胡思乱想着,却不见有人从门里出来。 却见那个年轻人闪到一边,队伍中另有一个官员模样的人来到门前,朗声道:“并州法曹奉大都督府长史之命,求见范夫人。” “法曹大人。”一个悠悠的女声从门内传出,狄春在旁听的心头一颤,这个声音低低的,柔柔的,有种说不出的醇厚婉转,不如寻常年轻女子的清脆,却别样的勾人心魄。 一个身影从门内缓缓移出,白麻布的丧服从头到脚,一袭白纱遮住脸面,看不清容貌,她停在法曹面前,慢慢问道:“妾身新寡,亡夫尚未出七,此刻法曹大人前来蔽庄,却不知是何见教?” 法曹略显尴尬,退后半步,抱拳道:“夫人见谅,因前日有人到大都督府衙门告状,说范老先生是被人谋杀。故而长史大人特命本官带仵作前来,请夫人允我们验看范老先生的尸身。” “哦?有人说我的丈夫是被人谋杀的?” "Exactly." “不知道法曹大人能否告诉妾身,是何人出此妄言?” “这……请夫人明鉴:告状之人乃是贵庄园丁范贵。” “范贵?”那女人发出一声阴惨惨的冷笑,“我道是谁?原来是他。” 隔着白纱,她的一双眼睛牢牢地盯在法曹的脸上:“妾身有一事不明,还望法曹大人赐教。” 法曹又一抱拳,脸上露出越来越为难的表情,他感觉到今天任务的难度了:“夫人请说。” “不知法曹大人是否已经讯问过范贵?” “已审问清楚。” “那么说法曹大人应该知道这范贵因为私藏山庄的名贵花种被发现,五日前就让我给遣出山庄了。” “范贵的确供称他于五日前离开山庄,回家安顿了老母后,昨日才到大都督府递的状纸。” “哦?那么法曹大人是否知道,我家老爷是三日前亡故的。既然范贵五日前就离开了蔽庄,他又怎么会知道老爷是被人谋杀的?难道他能未卜先知不成?” “这……”法曹一时语塞。 此时,那个一直沉默不语站在一边的年轻将领不慌不忙地开口道:“请夫人莫要急躁。范老先生三日前亡故,并未有人亲眼所见,都是夫人的一面之词。试想范老先生亡故在五日前甚至更早,夫人三日前才对外报称,也不是不可能的。” 女人刷地撩开面纱,众人只觉得眼前艳光四射,赶紧低下头,脸上都不自觉地微微泛红。 “这位大人是?” “末将并州卫府果毅都尉沈槐,奉并州长史命协理本案。” “原来是沈将军。妾身听刚才沈将军的话倒仿佛是做实了老爷被杀的事,而且还暗指妾身有嫌疑?” “夫人误会了。按大唐律法,有人报官谋杀,官府必须要查实严办。还望夫人谅解,允我们进庄勘查。” “且慢,妾身还有一问。” “夫人但讲无妨。” “不知那范贵有否详陈所谓的谋杀经过?有否指出杀人者是谁?” “这……”沈槐犹豫了一下,道:“夫人,那范贵只说看到范老先生喉咙被利器割开丧生,至于杀人经过他也未曾亲眼目睹。” “既然如此,想必他也拿不出什么真凭实据。” “夫人,尸身就是真凭实据。如果范老先生的死没有问题,夫人何不就让仵作去验看一回,事实真相则可不言自明。” “哼,随便一个什么人告个谋杀之罪,就要开棺验尸,惊扰逝者,这难道就是大唐律法?” 沈槐的语气变得强硬起来:“夫人!诬告谋杀是要拱告反作的,想必不会有人随便以身试法。按律,其实今天我是可以将夫人拘押到官的。然长史大人念及夫人新丧,且范老先生是并州名流,为恨英山庄及家主人名声所顾,才让我上门验尸,请夫人莫再阻拦。” “沈将军,并非妾身执意阻拦,妾身只怕沈将军和法曹大人就是验看了,也看不出个究竟,却反而误了我家老爷的大事!” "What's the meaning?" “沈将军可知羽化飞仙之说?” “羽化,……飞仙?”沈槐不可思议地抬眼看着这张艳若桃李又冷若冰霜的脸。 女人面无表情,不紧不慢地说:“沈将军容禀,我家老爷常年潜心修道,前日得一世外真人点拨,已渐入化境。大约半月前他对妾身说已修炼完成,择日便可羽化升仙。果然在三日前,于山庄凉亭内坐别尘世。此前他曾特别嘱咐,将肉身安置于山庄内的蓝田神汤泉水之中,以神泉水一刻不停地冲洗尘埃,如此满百日之后便可飞升仙境。百日之内,肉身绝不可离开神泉,否则立腐,老爷不仅不得升仙,反而会魂飞魄散。故而妾身还请沈将军回去禀告长史大人内情后再做斟酌。” "This……" “如果沈将军一定要验看,那就请在泉边隔水而看,不知道是否可行?” 沈槐沉吟了一下,道:“既然有此内情,我就回去先禀告了长史大人后再做区处。只是夫人的说法颇有些邪佞之色,料想长史大人未必会接受。” “邪佞?!沈将军此话差矣。想我家老爷当年蒙天帝钦赐这座牌楼,并封为蓝田真人,难道均是因为邪佞?” “本将言语不周,多有得罪,望夫人见谅。告辞了。”沈槐无心恋战,转身就走。他带来的一帮人默不作声地跟了上去。 这边大柏树下,狄春看戏看的腿都站酸了,一见事情了结,赶忙也要走。身后却被人吆喝一声:“咳,你过来。” 狄春扭头,原来是刚才招呼自己的那个庄丁。只见那人将一份素笺递了过来,道:“我家夫人说了,既然狄老爷是故交,本庄诚待旧客来访。这是夫人的名帖,请转交狄老爷。” “多谢。”狄春将素笺小心藏入怀中,只觉一股淡淡檀香从怀里散出来,沁人肺腑。 通体雪白的身影闪入庄门,门随后关上。 “大伙儿,走喽。”他吆喝一声,跳上领头的马车,带着车队跟在那队官差后面,也踏上了去并州的大道。 前头队中,沈槐闷头骑着马,那法曹问道:“沈将军,我们这么无功而返,长史大人怪罪下来怎么办啊?”沈槐冷笑一声:“长史大人并没有真的要验尸,怎么会怪罪?” "what?" “休的多言,本将自有计较。”说着,沈槐突然站住,回头望向“恨英山庄”的牌楼,嘴里嘟囔了一句:“不伦不类。”催马转身向并州疾驰而去。
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