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Chapter 21 Chapter 21: The Dragon Roars Nine Heavens

Game Age 6 Galaxy Contest 方白羽 10420Words 2018-03-11
In the underground control center of the Titanium star base, Professor Snow nervously watched the images on the big screen, anxiously waiting for the installation of the last giant antimatter engine.There are only three days left before Tang Ye's deadline, and the planned sixteen giant antimatter engines have not yet been fully installed. On the metal surface of Titanium, Torovsky and the three orc leaders were commanding thousands of well-trained orcs to install the last giant engine, and saw a giant trailer pulling a huge crystal clear ice crystal Towed out from the manufacturing workshop, slowly approaching the installation site along the rails.That ice crystal gleamed in the sun, and it was a beautiful, if not unprecedented, gigantic work of art.

A huge deep pit has been dug in the ground, the size is exactly the same as the giant ice crystal.Eight giant cranes worked together to slowly lower the huge ice crystal into the engine installation hole, and the technicians below immediately got busy installing the final control system for the engine and fixing it underground at the same time.There are a total of sixteen such giant engines, and the closest distance is more than 100 kilometers, forming a huge engine array, and the output power of each engine is precisely controlled by the computer to achieve acceleration, steering, rotation, etc. Function, this is an unprecedented vast project, and only a few million orcs with hard work and excellent physical fitness can complete it in such a short period of time.

Of course such a huge project cannot be concealed from the Qinglong Fleet surveillance spacecraft in space, but Professor Snow has stated to General Tanaka Takeshi in advance that they will build a huge collider array to complete the "absolute darkness" experiment, so the titanium Takeshi Tanaka didn't have any doubts about the huge project on the planet.After all, "absolute darkness" is an unprecedented experiment, and no one knows the specific details and steps of this experiment except the responsible scientist. When the last engine was installed in place, the expressions of Tolowski and others did not feel relaxed.They still need to be tested, which is the most critical and dangerous step in the entire project. If the actual situation deviates slightly from the computer simulation results, perhaps the entire Titanium planet will be reduced to ashes.

"Control center, the installation and debugging of No. 16 has been completed, and the ignition test can be carried out." Torovsky calmly reported to the underground control center.When I was young, Professor Snow's voice came from the intercom: "No. 1 and No. 16 will enter the countdown to ignition at the same time, the power will be controlled at 10%, and the time will be 30 seconds. Ten, nine, eight, seven..." With the sound of Professor Snow counting down the seconds, Tolowski's heart rose to his throat. When Professor Snow counted to "zero", Titanium suddenly shook, as if there had been an earth-shattering earthquake. Everyone only felt that the sky and the earth were spinning, and their feet were trembling. The huge anti-matter engine actually caused Titanium to change the direction and speed of its rotation. In this way, the Ti star will not change its position, but only change its rotation speed and orientation.

Thirty seconds later, the engine shuts down, and the results are quite heartening.After the same test was carried out on sixteen engines, Professor Snow announced to Adam and others who were anxiously waiting for the results: "The test has been a complete success. If all sixteen engines are fully activated, it is absolutely possible to make Titanium fly faster than the speed of light. The planet has turned into a flying fortress, and the 'Flying Fortress' project has been a complete success!" Adam and the others cheered and were happy for the result, but they also immediately reported the result to Chi Aofeng who was tens of thousands of light-years away.Upon receiving this news, Chi Aofeng immediately announced that the rescue plan has entered the final stage of implementation.Six hours later, the Titanium Star Base ignited and escaped first, while he led a well-prepared assault team to sneak into Xuanyuan Mountain Villa, rescued Ni Tianxing, and then joined the "Fierce Dragon II" to break through the interception at an astonishing speed. The location meets the Tau star base.

However, Chi Aofeng had a little disagreement with Professor Snow about the new stopover place of Titanium. Chi Aofeng wanted Titanium to go to the pirate star field, relying on his familiarity with the terrain there and the strange and changeable Feynman black hole. With the gravitational tide, the Azure Dragon Fleet would definitely not dare to chase after it. Chi Aofeng's consideration was reasonable, but when Professor Snow wrote down a cosmic coordinate, Adam, Tolowsky, Joseph and others all voted for this new location without hesitation, and the result of the vote rejected it. Pirate Starfield, Tau will go to that new location that most people agree with.

"Okay, I agree!" Chi Aofeng gave up his insistence and complied with everyone's decision, "We will act at the same time in six hours, and check the watches now." After the communication, Chi Aofeng immediately called a meeting of all team members to arrange the details of the "rescue plan".At this time, he suddenly received a call from Long Xiaolan. It turned out that Long Xiaolan had secretly rushed back to Planet Pangu and was rushing to join him to rescue Ni Tianxing.After she knew that her brother was imprisoned for going against the sky, she knew that she would not be able to convince her father, so she decided to join Chi Aofeng's action without hesitation.

Chi Aofeng was hesitating for a while, but Long Xiaolan's words immediately made him make up his mind.She said: "I am familiar with the terrain and defense system of Xuanyuan Villa, and I also know the passwords for most of the checkpoints. With my help, you will save a lot of trouble." Chi Aofeng couldn't refuse such a temptation, so he had to agree with Long Xiaolan to join.An hour later, Long Xiaolan came to join Chi Aofeng. She left Kang Weili outside to meet him secretly. She didn't want her husband to be involved too deeply. Although a father can forgive his children's mistakes, he may not forgive an outsider.

"Great!" Seeing the detailed map of Xuanyuan Villa brought by Long Xiaolan, Chi Aofeng rubbed his hands excitedly, "With this thing, we can find out exactly where Brother Tian is being held, and we can also deal with it." Hidden guards and sentries." Hu Kun came over and asked in surprise, "Is it Xuanyuan Villa? Master Tang's leisure villa?" "What, are you afraid?" Chi Aofeng asked coldly.Hu Kun repeatedly asked to participate in his actions, and because of his help, Chi Aofeng had to agree, but he didn't reveal the details to him until now.

"Brother is not afraid, how can I be afraid?" Hu Kunqiang said with a smile. Chi Aofeng took out a small package from his arms and opened it carefully.It was a mask made of several nanomaterials, and he handed a mask to Hu Kun: "This is our new product, a realistic nano-mask. You wear this when you are in action, and no one will recognize you as a member of the Tiger Gang." Second master. After you finish it, you can destroy it, and you can continue to be your second master." He nodded to Red Bull and Dark Horse, "Notify everyone to come and gather, it's time to tell them the truth."

When a few mercenaries arrived one after another, Chi Aofeng distributed the masks to them and explained the detailed action plan to them.Less than an hour after the plan was set up, Hu Kun took the opportunity of going to the bathroom to quietly report Chi Aofeng's rescue plan to Master Tang. "The rescue plan?" After hearing the report, Master Tang couldn't help but snort, "It seems that they finally can't wait." Jiang Shangren hesitated: "Should we strike ahead and wipe them all out?" Master Tang thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No, I want to see their last resort. Notify Xuanyuan Villa to withdraw the masters who killed the hall and replace them with ordinary guards." Jiang Shangren was very puzzled: "Master Tang wants to..." Master Tang said lightly: "Let the masters of Killing Hall lie in ambush around the villa. After Chi Aofeng and the others enter, surround the villa and wipe them all out!" After a short pause, he continued, "Immediately order Tian Zhongyi to let the fleet approach Titanium, all warships are ready for battle, closely monitor the movement of Titanium, and report to me immediately if any abnormalities are found, and can open fire if necessary, so that the scientists on Titanium can feel the real pressure." Lord Tang's order was quickly conveyed to Tanaka Yi in the airspace of Titanium Star. Following his order, the huge fleet began to slowly approach the near-ground airspace of Titanium Star. All artillery positions were opened, and the fleet entered a battle state. The dense battleships in the sky covered the sky like dark clouds, giving everyone on Tau a pressure like the end of the world.In the Titanium underground command center, Professor Snow looked at the battleships in the sky through the big screen, and couldn't help feeling worried.The sudden change of the Azure Dragon Fleet indicated that Chi Aofeng's plan might have been leaked, but now the arrow was on the string and had to be launched. He looked at the time anxiously, there were only ten minutes left before the appointed time, and he asked Adam one last time: "Has everyone retreated underground?" Adam nodded: "Everyone has retreated below the surface, and all exits leading to the ground have been closed. Even if we are attacked, we can hold on for a while, but the buildings on the ground cannot be kept." Professor Snow nodded in relief, feeling his heart beating stronger and stronger with each passing second.When the appointed time finally arrived, he decisively ordered: "Light it up!" Sixteen huge antimatter engines suddenly let out an earth-shaking roar, like a roar from a god.The huge engine array exploded with powerful thrust, causing Tau Star to break free from the shackles of the star's gravitational force, and slowly fly into the vast and boundless space.On the battleship group surrounding Tau Star, countless people watched this scene through telescopes, through the portholes of the battleship, and through the shipboard cameras, watching an asteroid gradually deviate from its fixed orbit that has been running for billions of years, like a man-made planet. Slowly flying into space like an aircraft. "Stop it! Stop it!" Tian Zhongyi was the first to recover, and hurriedly ordered to the fleet.It's a pity that in front of the huge star body, even a mega-ton super aircraft carrier is as small as a fly.Not only was the fleet unable to stop the progress of Tau Star, but it was also affected by its huge gravitational force. Several large battleships that had no time to evade were captured by its huge gravitational field, quickly fell towards it, and finally hit its solid titanium metal surface , turned into a pile of wreckage. Seeing that the speed of Titanium Star was getting faster and faster, and the acceleration obviously exceeded that of ordinary warships, Tanaka Yi had no time to report to Lord Tang, and hurriedly ordered: "Fire! Fire!" Thousands of warships unleashed their cannons, blasting the surface of Star Tau into a red fireball, but seeing that the fireball was flying faster and faster, gradually approaching the speed of light, and finally turned into a bright ball of light, it finally broke through. light barrier!All the artillery fire can no longer catch up with its speed! The command center inside Titanium finally broke out into deafening cheers. Once the light barrier is broken, all light-speed weapons will no longer pose a threat to them, and super-light-speed weapons currently only exist in human fantasy.Although human beings can now manufacture rockets that fly faster than the speed of light, they are still unable to direct them to track and aim at the target. Therefore, once the aircraft enters the state of flying faster than the speed of light, the only threats it can pose are obstacles on its route. Although Star Tau was attacked by artillery fire, its thick armor protected its residents.Since the internal space has been isolated into closed spaces, the high-speed flight of the Titanium star has completely lost the atmosphere, and has not affected its internal living environment. Professor Snow excitedly said to Adam: "Quickly inform Chi Aofeng that the 'Flying Fortress' project is a complete success, it's up to him!" At the same time that Titanium Star was ignited, Chi Aofeng also sneaked into Xuanyuan Villa under the leadership of Long Xiaolan.With Long Xiaolan as the best guide, everyone passed through the checkpoints smoothly. A few guards and secret sentries were easily dealt with by the mercenaries, and everyone quickly approached a wing room in the center of the villa, which was the place where the house arrest was against. Where is the sky. Chi Aofeng and Red Bull knocked down the last two sentries and rushed into the wing.Chi Aofeng whispered to the back room: "Brother Tian, ​​how are you?" "I said I won't leave, why are you still here to save me?" A rebellious question came from the room. Chi Aofeng hurriedly said: "Brother Tian, ​​don't worry, the Titanium base is safe, and I can't explain clearly in a few words. In short, Professor Snow and the others escaped from the siege of the Azure Dragon Fleet, and they are now safely out of danger. That's why we dared to take the risk to rescue you "He rushed into the room, only to find that Ni Tianxing was very weak, and he hadn't recovered since the last time he was injured. "Brother Tian, ​​you have suffered!" Chi Aofeng helped Ni Tianxing to leave, when suddenly the sky was bright, and the rumble of the aircraft came from all around, and a tweeter shouted above his head: "The people below listen! , you are surrounded, put down your weapons and surrender immediately." "Oops! It's been tricked!" Chi Aofeng scolded, and hurriedly signaled everyone to hide. Everyone hid their bodies one after another, and Red Bull scolded angrily: "We have been betrayed, no wonder it is so easy to come in, it turns out that they have already set up a net to wait!" When everyone heard this, they couldn't help turning their eyes to Long Xiaolan.Long Xiaolan said angrily: "What are you looking at me for? Do you think I betrayed everyone?" "Whether it's you or not, as long as we hold you hostage, we can get away." Red Bull said, grabbed Long Xiaolan, and put the gun on her temple.Long Xiaolan was so wronged that tears welled up in her eyes, but she couldn't get rid of Red Bull's arm. "I'm sorry, Ms. Long, we have no other choice." Red Bull smiled apologetically, and was about to call out, when a voice yelled sternly: "Let her go!" Seeing that Red Bull was acting against the sky, he couldn't help but said anxiously: "Boss, she is our only bargaining chip to escape, and we must not let go of her no matter what!" Although Ni Tianxing's body has not yet recovered, his dignified expression remains the same. He said coldly to Red Bull, "I would rather be captured or die in a heroic battle than take innocent people as hostages. This is the biggest difference between me and Tang Long." "She's not innocent!" Red Bull said anxiously, "She's the spy who led us into a trap!" "She is definitely not a spy!" Ni Tianxing said calmly, "A spy will definitely not fall into your hands." Ni Tianxing's words reminded Chi Aofeng, he looked left and right, only to find that Hu Kun, who was with the crowd, had disappeared at some point, he couldn't help cursing: "It's Hu Kun, the bastard, he betrayed us!" At this time, a loudspeaker shouted from above everyone's heads: "Listen, people inside, put down your weapons and surrender within 30 seconds, or you will be shot!" Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Surrounded by many flying armored vehicles, the possibility of rushing out was almost zero.Not knowing what to do, Ni Tianxing sighed: "Put down your weapons and surrender, don't die for me in vain." Then he turned to Red Bull, "Let go of Miss Long, we are not Tang Long." The staring gaze made Red Bull feel ashamed, and couldn't help letting go of Long Xiaolan.Unexpectedly, Long Xiaolan grabbed his gun and put it on her head, and shouted to everyone: "Hurry up and lead me to open the way, everyone rush out." He couldn't help saying that he pulled up the Red Bull and left. When the two came outside the door, Seeing that the searchlights of the flying armored vehicle were all aimed at the two of them, Long Xiaolan shouted into the lights, "I am Long Xiaolan, I am in their hands, don't shoot!" "Really Miss?" Jiang Shangren's son Jiang Yu was in charge of directing the scene. He was a friend who watched Long Xiaolan grow up, and he was very familiar with her appearance.Although it was very strange for Long Xiaolan to appear here, he immediately shouted at his subordinates, "Put down the gun quickly, Miss Long is in their hands!" "Prepare a few cars for us, let us leave as soon as possible!" Long Xiaolan shouted.It's a pity that she forgot that she was a hostage in a hurry, and she actually advocated for them from the perspective of the kidnappers.Jiang Yu became suspicious, and everyone saw something strange, but no one followed suit.But Miss Long is the CEO's daughter, so no one dared to open fire easily. The two sides were in a stalemate, when Ni Tianxing came to the door and signaled to Red Bull: "Let go of Miss Long, we are not gangsters." Regardless of Long Xiaolan's obstruction, Red Bull forcibly let her go.Ni Tianxing apologized to Long Xiaolan: "Thank you for your kindness, but I have been upright all my life, how can I use such means to escape from the predicament? If I do this, is it still Ni Tianxing?" After finishing speaking, he turned to the light The direction of the shot, "We have no hostages, you can do it now." Jiang Yu saw this scene in the command car, and secretly admired it in his heart.He yelled through the intercom: "Put down your weapons and come out of the house slowly, I guarantee the safety of all of you." Everyone was hesitating when they suddenly saw several individual missiles with long flames coming from not far away, hitting several flying armored vehicles in mid-air, and saw the armored vehicles exploded in response, falling from the sky with fireworks. It came down and hit the ground heavily, making a series of explosions.The besiegers, who were in the grip of victory, suddenly lost their minds and turned to the direction of the missiles. Several flying chariots spit out red tongues of flames, rushed out of the ambush, and launched a fierce attack on the besiegers. Almost at the same time, a deafening roar came from the backyard of Xuanyuan Villa, and a monster with a body length of more than fifteen meters galloped out of the backyard at an astonishingly fast speed.Along the way, it used the horns on its head to open the way, and all obstacles were knocked away by it, and it almost seemed to rush to the front of everyone in a flash.Ni Tianxing was surprised and delighted when he saw it, and exclaimed: "Abe!" Yabei was locked in a large iron cage in the backyard every night, and was guarded by special personnel.After all, it was a huge beast, so the guards didn't dare to be careless. They not only built the strongest iron cage, but also set up a strict alarm system outside the iron cage. It stands to reason that it could not escape the human beings who set it up for it. Under the strong cage. Ni Tianxing was wondering when he suddenly saw a woman in tights riding on the dragon's back. Her graceful figure was vaguely familiar, and she suddenly stretched out her hand to him: "Come up quickly! Come out with me!" It's Su Lingwei!Ni Tianxing could hardly believe his eyes, and at the same time understood how Yabei could escape the cage.Su Lingwei is the only person who can make Yabei obey besides the sky-defying behavior. She naturally becomes Yabei's main guard, and naturally has the opportunity to release Yabei from the cage. But Ni Tianxing couldn't figure it out, as the phantom of the secret agent of the Azure Dragon Society, why did Su Lingwei want to save herself?He was still hesitating, but when he met Su Lingwei's clear, confident and calm eyes, he suddenly seemed to see her heart, and immediately realized that she could be trusted.Without hesitation, Ni Tianxing grabbed her outstretched hand and flipped onto the dragon's back, turned back and shouted to Chi Aofeng: "I'll draw the pursuers away, you take everyone away quickly, and leave Pangu Star immediately!" After speaking, Nitian Xing grasped the dragon fin on Yabei's back, and patted Yabei's neck: "Yabei, go!" Yabei let out a long whistle, lowered his head and ran forward.It knocked out a big hole in the solid fence, and several armored vehicles blocking the road were knocked away by it and flew more than a hundred meters away. It was like a long snake with amazing speed, twisting its strange steps, and rushed out of Xuanyuan in the blink of an eye. the villa. "Hurry up!" Jiang Yu hurriedly left Chi Aofeng and the others behind, and drove after Yabei.Everyone knew that the main goal was to go against the sky, and he couldn't escape no matter what, so they all chased after Yabei, and no one cared about Chi Aofeng and others. Chi Aofeng originally wanted to chase Ni Tianxing, but Yabei's speed was too fast, and when he rushed out of Xuanyuan Villa, not only Yabei and Ni Tianxing, but also the pursuers disappeared, only the sound of the sound from the distance could be heard. The roar of the motor came from everywhere, and it was already more than ten kilometers away in a blink of an eye. This accident was not within Chi Aofeng's plan, he was stunned for a moment, and hurried to the flying car hidden outside the villa.Several people got into the car separately, and immediately chased in the direction where the pursuers disappeared.It's a pity that those chasing soldiers are advanced armed flying vehicles, which are not a little bit faster than their civilian flying vehicles.Seeing that it was too late to catch up, Chi Aofeng suddenly turned the rudder all the way to the right, and saw the flying car make a beautiful drift in the air, turn its head, and then fly in the opposite direction. Long Xiaolan, who wished to hurry up, was stunned and asked, "Why didn't you chase after me?" "I have a faster guy!" Chi Aofeng said, taking out the walkie-talkie and calling, "Xiaolong No. 2 is ready to take off, and I will be there immediately!" A few minutes later, Chi Aofeng and others arrived at the jungle where "Fierce Dragon II" was hiding. Seeing that the two pilots were ready to take off, Chi Aofeng called out to several mercenaries in the car: "Your task is completed, so you don't need to follow me. I will transfer the remaining money to your account." The two flying cars turned around and left. Chi Aofeng jumped out of the car without waiting for his flying car to stop, and quickly boarded "Fierce Dragon II" with Red Bull, Black Horse, and Long Xiaolan. After more than ten seconds, " "Fierce Dragon II" quickly lifted off, chasing after Yabei in the direction where Yabei disappeared. Ni Tianxing and Su Lingwei rode Yabei out of Xuanyuan Villa, broke through three blocking nets of the Blue Dragon Society in a row, and fled forward in a panic.It's a pity that although Yabei's speed is fast, it is still not as fast as the armored vehicles flying in the sky. Dozens of flying armored vehicles are chasing up and firing at Yabei continuously.Yabei couldn't help screaming in pain, after all, it was still underage, and its body was not yet strong enough to resist weapon attacks. Ni Tianxing grabbed the two dragon horns, pointed the direction for Abe, and instructed it to flee into the city and use the cover of skyscrapers to avoid the attack from the air.Su Lingwei, who was behind Ni Tianxing, fired back at the pursuers with a Gauss machine gun, preventing them from chasing too close. The two sides chased and fled, circling in Chang'an City, which is full of skyscrapers, almost turning the whole city into a mess.Although Yabei has cleverly learned to use buildings to cover his body, he still cannot escape the pursuit of flying cars.Seeing more and more chasing soldiers, even faster and more powerful fighters joined the pursuit. Ni Tianxing was at a loss when he suddenly saw a space ship appearing in the sky above him, its speed instantly dropped from high speed to keeping pace with him, and the clear words "Fierce Dragon II" on the hull made Ni Tianxing feel a little nervous Hi, I immediately knew that this was another high-speed ship from the Tau star base. It is a pity that "Fierce Dragon II" is a ship designed for interstellar navigation, and cannot fly at ultra-low altitude like a flying car.It tried to approach Yabei several times, but almost hit the buildings and trees on the ground.Although Abe kept pace with it, he was still unable to board the spaceship. The pursuers surrounded it from all directions. It seemed that the Azure Dragon Society had mobilized the flying armored vehicles of the entire city, and used the armored vehicles to form steel barriers in front of them.They blocked the streets one after another, compressing the space for Yabei's activities to become smaller and smaller, and gradually formed an encirclement trend, and slowly approached Yabei. Yabei was like a trapped animal in a trap, desperately looking for an exit to escape, but every street had a steel wall composed of armored vehicles and heavy trucks, trapping Yabei in the center like an iron barrel. Ni Tianxing patted the top of Yabei's head with soothing gestures, calming down the manic Xiao Xiaolong a little bit, he encouraged Yabei softly: "Listen, Yabei, you are a dragon, one soars through the sky, The mighty dragon. Your blood is the blood of the dragon. Use your heart and your instincts to fly like your ancestors! You can fly!" Yabei seems to have understood the encouragement of Defying the Sky, and its golden eyes gradually glowed with firmness and pride.It slowly retreated to a corner, lowered its body slowly, stared closely at the moving obstacle made of steel that was gradually approaching ahead, and slowly paved the ground with its dragon claws until the concrete floor was dug out. A shallow pit for starting. Suddenly, Yabei let out a long howl that could be heard throughout Chang'an City, followed by his curved body and shot out like a spring, and rushed straight towards the steel barrier approaching him.At the moment when he was about to hit an obstacle, he suddenly jumped with all his strength, and his body suddenly rose into the air, crossing the obstacle like an arrow, and shooting into the air. Ni Tianxing only felt his body sink, followed by another lightness, and he flew up into the air with Xiaolong.Su Lingwei behind him screamed in fright, and involuntarily hugged Ni Tianxing's waist tightly.The two were pleasantly surprised by Yabei, when they suddenly realized that their body began to fall. Yabei was like a powerful arrow shot into the air. After the strength disappeared, he couldn't help falling down. It panicked and kicked its claws, but it couldn't stop it. The trend of falling. Ni Tianxing remembered Xiaolong's flying posture, and hurriedly reminded Yabei: "Abe, use your body instead of claws, use your body to fly, you can definitely do it!" Just when Yabei was about to fall to the ground and was about to fall heavily on the ground, it suddenly swung its tail, and its long tail hit the ground heavily. Under the huge reaction force, its body rose into the air again.At this moment, Yabei seemed to have discovered the magical function of his tail, and hurriedly swung the long tail. Finally, its body twisted awkwardly in the air, and at the same time it flew up unsteadily. Excited cheers came from the spectators on the ground. They finally saw the legendary dragon, and the people couldn't help cheering. They were all happy for the dragon who had just learned to fly.Even those soldiers who were originally in charge of chasing it forgot their tasks and responsibilities. They all looked up at the soaring dragon and cheered excitedly with the crowd. "Well done, Yabei, you are the most amazing dragon!" Ni Tianxing embraced Yabei's body excitedly, and couldn't help crying with joy. Yabei let out a long and excited roar in the air, and became more and more proficient in flying with his long tail in the air, just like an eel swimming in the water.It hovers proudly in the air, as if showing off its flying skills to people.Countless journalists flocked to the scene, all pointing their cameras at the Xiaolong flying in the sky.At this moment, people forget all the work in their hands, and only the awe and worship of nature remain in their hearts. In the most mysterious manor in Chang'an City, Master Tang also saw this miraculous scene through the TV screen.He, who has always been moody and angry, suddenly threw himself in front of the screen, staring at the dragon flying in the sky.He once heard reports from his subordinates that Ni Tianxing had a strange pet with him, which looked like a dragon.He thought it was just a product of genetic modification technology, but he didn't expect it to be a dragon! Master Tang picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted to Jiang Yu, who was in charge of chasing Ni Tianxing: "Catch that dragon for me, if you can't catch a living one, it's fine if it's dead!" After receiving the order, Jiang Yu didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly ordered his men to chase Yabei.In fact, he didn't forget his duty just now, but Ni Tianxing had saved his life, if possible, he really hoped that Ni Tianxing could escape, so he didn't really devote himself to his duty. Seeing the flying car chasing him again, Yabei slammed his long tail in the air, knocking the two flying cars flying dozens of meters away.Just now it was chased by the flying car and suffered a lot. Now it seems to realize that it is more flexible in the air than on the ground, so it actively rushed towards the flying car that was chasing it. Before the flying car could react, it Has waved the dragon horns, swung the long tail, and knocked down more than a dozen flying cars to the ground in embarrassment. Seeing the flying cars dodging one after another, Yabei looked up to the sky and roared proudly, as if he was happy to avenge the pursuit he had just had. "Abe, don't love to fight, let's go!" Ni Tianxing patted Yabei's head, he had already heard the faint whistling of fighter planes, and he knew that the combat power of fighter planes was not comparable to these flying cars. Yabei soared into the sky and flew towards the sky.Ni Tianxing pointed to the "Fierce Dragon II" hovering high in the sky, and signaled to Yabei: "Go there!" "Fierce Dragon No. 2" was so fast that it swept across the air, Yabei struggled to catch up with its speed, and kept pace with it.Seeing the hatch of "Fierce Dragon No. 2" slowly open, Yabei reluctantly got in through the hatch under Ni Tianxing's repeated urging. "Fierce Dragon No. 2" accelerated immediately, leaving all the flying machines that were chasing it far behind. In the cabin of the "Fierce Dragon II" spaceship, Chi Aofeng rushed up first, hugged Yabei with forgetfulness, patted its scales and praised: "Abe, you are so amazing, you are simply my most admired idol, I declare that starting today, I will be your fan!" Normally, except for Ni Tianxing, Su Lingwei and Christine, no one would want to touch Yabei, but this time it was graciously allowed to be embraced by Chi Aofeng, and the golden eyes were full of pride and complacency. After hugging Yabei, Chi Aofeng thought of going against the sky, hugged him tightly, and said in a shy voice, "Brother Tian, ​​welcome back!" Ni Tianxing hugged Chi Aofeng, Red Bull and others in silence, then asked, "Is Titanium safe?" Chi Aofeng nodded: "The Flying Fortress Project and the Rescue Project were carried out at the same time, and both achieved complete success. Professor Snow and the others were one step ahead of us, and have already escaped the threat of the Azure Dragon Fleet." Seeing that Ni Tianxing was puzzled, Chi Aofeng explained the two plans in detail.After hearing this, Wei Tianxing was surprised and delighted, and praised again and again: "It seems that the collective wisdom surpasses any wise leader. In my opinion, the dead end that is completely unsolvable and completely unsolvable was finally solved by you in an unprecedented way." "Thanks to Yabei this time!" Chi Aofeng gripped Yabei's dragon claw gratefully, "If it weren't for him, our entire army would be wiped out, and we would be defeated." Chi Aofeng's words reminded Ni Tianxing, he couldn't help but turned to Su Lingwei who was staying in the corner, and asked meaningfully: "It's actually thanks to Ms. Su that Yabei can escape from the cage. But what I don't understand is that Ms. Su's body How could the shadow of the Qinglong Huiyin Hall help my enemy?" Su Lingwei didn't answer directly, but handed her phone to Ni Tianxing, and said with a faint smile: "An old friend wants to talk to you, and he will tell you the reason." Ni Tianxing answered the phone in doubt, and saw Ajiasuo's sunny smiling face appear on the screen, and he laughed and said, "Brother Ni, are you surprised? Do you wonder why I appeared on Pangu Planet?" Ni Tianxing was indeed very surprised, and what was even more surprising was that Ajiasuo and Su Lingwei knew each other, and they seemed to have a close relationship.He couldn't help frowning and asked, "Do you know Miss Su Lingwei?" Agathon smiled and nodded: "She is my senior sister, and we are all agents of the Federal Military Intelligence Bureau. This rescue operation is under the command of her, and I just lead people to create some confusion outside and beat the side drums. " Chi Aofeng suddenly realized: "It turned out that you were the one who attacked those ambush people outside Xuanyuan Villa? Did you draw their attention away? Gave us a chance to break through?" Agathon smiled embarrassedly: "I'm not alone, almost all our brothers in Pangu participated in the operation." Ni Tianxing was both surprised and surprised by Ajiasuo's words, looked at Su Lingwei with strange eyes, and said hesitantly: "Are you... an agent of the Federal Military Intelligence Bureau? Are you also the Phantom of the Azure Dragon Society? Double agent?" Su Lingwei nodded: "When I was studying at the Federal Military Academy, I was secretly recruited by the Military Intelligence Bureau. At that time, the people with insight in the Military Intelligence Bureau had already anticipated the rise of consortium power and the threat to the government, so after graduating from the military academy, I was recruited by the Military Intelligence Bureau." I was appointed by the Bureau to lurk as a nail to break into the Azure Dragon Fleet. My talent was appreciated by the Azure Dragon Guild Yintang, and later became the shadow of the Yintang, and was finally appointed to serve as an adjutant by your side." Ni Tianxing thought for a while, and became more and more confused: "But why did you betray me to Master Tang? I almost got everyone involved." Su Lingwei said seriously: "Because the Military Intelligence Bureau has always wanted to recruit you and let you work for the federal government. But you worship Tang Long and have unrealistic fantasies about him, and Tang Long is your savior, there is no special reason The reason is that you will never betray Tang Long. So we will only let you see the true face of Tang Long with your own eyes before you will completely abandon this greatest dictator." Ni Tianxing smiled bitterly and said: "So you send me to Tang Long's prison first, and then try to rescue me, so that I owe you a huge favor and have to be used by you, right?" Su Lingwei confronted each other: "If before this incident, we told you that Tang Long was using you and the Titanium Base to serve his ambition and hegemony, would you believe it? If I advised you not to participate in Miss Long's I told you that Tang Long asked his daughter to hold an early wedding just to deal with you, will you agree?" Against the sky can not help but dumbfounded.He looked at Chi Aofeng: "Are we on the way to the Allen Starfield?" Chi Aofeng nodded: "This is the choice of most people on Titanium. Professor Snow and the others are also on their way to the Allen Starfield. According to the plan, we will also meet them there." Ni Tianxing was silent for a while, then suddenly sighed: "It's a pity that the Galactic Federation is too weak. I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive for a long time among the three huge forces." "So it requires the blood and even lives of countless citizens to defend and support." Su Lingwei said solemnly, "The Galactic Federation is our own government, we can't always question what the government has done for us, we should also ask what we have done for the government What? Especially when it's at its worst." Ni Tianxing felt a slight shock in his heart, he looked at the woman in front of him who was weak in appearance but strong in heart and was silent for a while, and finally said slowly: "I agree to let the Titanium base serve the government, but I don't want to join any military intelligence bureau. I'm tired of these intrigues, please let me be an ordinary person, an ordinary citizen of the Commonwealth." Su Lingwei nodded: "I will report your thoughts to the higher authorities. We respect everyone's choice." "Fierce Dragon II" was flying at high speed, far away from the Fuxi star field, and also far away from the threat of the Azure Dragon Fleet.这时一直不曾说话的龙晓岚突然道:“请给我一艘救生艇,我要回去。” 众人没有阻拦,默默地将她送上救生艇。逆天行心知任何感激的话也无法表达对这个女孩的敬意,便只是淡淡一笑:“我希望将来有一天,能成为你孩子的教父。” “一言为定!”龙晓岚轻轻与逆天行一拥,毅然登上了救生艇。在众人的祝福声中,救生艇弹射而出,飞向浩渺星宇。 “枭龙二号”则继续加速,直飞银河联邦所在的艾伦星域。 银河系的历史,从此翻开了崭新的一页……
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