Home Categories Internet fantasy Game Age 6 Galaxy Contest

Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Death Star Domain

Game Age 6 Galaxy Contest 方白羽 10112Words 2018-03-11
In the command cabin of the "Qingzhou" aircraft carrier, Ni Tianxing is commanding the entire fleet with confidence.These thousand warships are used as death squads, and each ship only retains a few pilots who voluntarily stay, and they are ready to escape. Once they collide with an enemy ship, the escape pod will eject the pilots, so that The arrangement will minimize the loss of personnel.But even so, there are still many brave pilots who were too late to escape, and eventually died for their warships. Because of the danger of this operation, Ni Tianxing only left a few orc warriors on the "Qingzhou" to help drive, and all the other personnel, except for the female adjutant Su Lingwei, were sent off the battleship in advance by him, and now it is empty. In the command cabin, only he and Su Lingwei were left.The two of them jointly took on various roles such as commander, communications officer, radar operator, and combat situation officer. Su Lingwei is very familiar with every position in the command cabin, which Ni Tianxing secretly admires.

What an amazing woman!Seeing the major and adjutant who was busy in an orderly manner, Ni Tianxing couldn't help admiring in his heart.He originally wanted to exclude Su Lingwei from this "suicide action", but her insistence forced him to change his mind. From her firm eyes and peaceful tone, Ni Tianxing clearly felt that this is a rare brave woman whose courage is as good as her wit.Fortunately, this capable adjutant was left behind, so that the order against the sky can be conveyed to every combat fleet without any mistakes, and more energy can be devoted to responding to changes in the battle situation.

The plan against the sky is to smash Yamaguchi Masao's Chinese fleet with a thousand warships. It is best to severely damage or even destroy the enemy's flagship and completely disrupt the enemy's command system. The Asahi fleet divided and encircled them, and then concentrated their superior forces to eliminate them one by one.Since the battle was taking place inside the Abyss star field, the Polar Bear Fleet that arrived in a hurry would not dare to rush to support the Allied Forces, especially the Asahi Fleet's preemptive move to monopolize the Abyss Fortress, which would make them happy to sit on the sidelines fight.As long as the Asahi fleet is severely damaged, Jiang Shangren can gain precious time for adjusting the defense of the fort and the passcode. Once the new defense of the fort is completed, the Polar Bear Fleet will never even think about attacking the fort.

The battle went smoothly as planned, until he saw the new "Ambition" ship, which reminded him of the Battle of Babylon, so he desperately ordered the orc driver in the cockpit to use the fastest Asian The speed of light pursued the "Ambition" until it reached an unfamiliar area far away from the Abyss star field, until the "Ambition" risked to escape at super-light speed and gave up command of his own fleet, so he finally gave the order to slow down . "Report the combat situation of the fleets!" Ni Tianxing watched the "Yangwang" break through the light barrier and disappear into the sky, then he looked away bitterly and turned to the beautiful adjutant who was busy in the communication post.

"I can't contact them," Su Lingwei kept trying the communicators of the various fleets, and finally shook her head helplessly to report, "We seem to be trapped in a strange gravitational field vortex, and all signals cannot be sent out." "Where is our position now?" Wei Tianxing asked. Su Lingwei checked the star chart, and inexplicable surprise and surprise flashed in his eyes: "How could this happen? The star chart is all out of order, and I can't find our specific location." The star chart is like a compass and map in sea voyages. Its failure means that the battleship has entered a special star field with abnormal gravity.Ni Tianxing frowned, and said to the orc driver in the cockpit through the communicator: "Papuas, close all power valves and slow down!"

"I have closed all the power valves!" Papuas's panicked voice came from the communicator, "But the speed of the spaceship is still increasing. This... this must be a joke with us by the gods!" Wei Tianxing knows that with the knowledge level of orcs, he still cannot understand the concept of gravitational field vortex.He had no choice but to order directly: "Open the deceleration valve and reduce the speed first." "Okay!" Papuas responded hastily. A moment later, Nitianxing felt the floor under his feet tremble. It was the reverse momentum of the deceleration valve fighting against the vortex of the gravitational field.Go against the sky and look outside the porthole, but the stars outside the window are sparse and motionless, which means that they are extremely far away and cannot be used as an intuitive reference for whether the battleship is slowing down.

Three minutes later, Papuas' terrified report came from the communicator: "Boss! I have fully opened the deceleration valves, but, but the battleship is still accelerating, and the speed is increasing!" Su Lingwei couldn't understand the orc language between Ni Tianxing and Papuas, but she felt the seriousness of the situation from Ni Tianxing's expression, and she couldn't help asking with concern: "What's going on? Are you in trouble?" Ni Tianxing nodded with a wry smile: "Qingzhou has fallen into a huge gravitational vortex, and it cannot be prevented from falling into the center of the vortex with the greatest energy. This shows that Qingzhou is attracted by a large-mass, high-density celestial body. It has It could be a black hole, it could be a white dwarf or a neutron star."

Su Lingwei hastily turned on the radar detector, but unfortunately in such a powerful gravitational vortex, even the radar wave was severely interfered, making it impossible to accurately judge the nature of the gravitational source.She turned off the radar in a slump, and sighed: "Outside the Abyss star field is a desolate and lonely death zone. Any spaceship will get lost in it, and once lost, it will no longer be able to escape to heaven. I have never taken such legends seriously before. I didn’t expect that we would now be lost in this death star field.” "Don't be pessimistic until the last second," Ni Tianxing smiled nonchalantly, "Even if it is the last second, there is no need to be pessimistic. Death is the most important event in life. When we are about to experience it, we must It is full of anticipation and joy of uncovering the greatest mystery in life. When the last second comes, I will cheer happily: I can finally know the greatest secret in life!"

Su Lingwei recalled Ni Tianxing's words thoughtfully, a touch of emotion suddenly arose in her heart.She found that the seemingly indifferent and worried man in front of her had a poet-like passion deep in her heart, and could tease life even in the face of death. "Although I don't care about life and death, there's no need to wait for the last second." Ni Tianxing said as he stepped on the elevator leading to the cockpit, "I'll go to the cockpit to see if there is a way to escape from the situation in front of me." Crisis." "I'll go with you!" Su Lingwei hurriedly followed. Now that earth-shattering battle seems to have happened in another time and space, there is no need to keep guards in the command cabin of Qingzhou.

The space of the elevator seemed a little narrow for the lonely men and widows. Although Su Lingwei wanted to ignore the existence of Defying the Heavens, the vaguely masculine aura of him still sneaked into her nose, which made her unable to help herself. Increased the depth of breathing.That's not the taste of any perfume, but the natural and simple man's true colors.She was surprised that on this battleship full of men, she would notice the body odor of one of the men. "What are you thinking about?" Ni Tianxing asked suddenly, startling Su Lingwei a little, she bravely met his deep gaze, and smiled faintly: "I was thinking, what is Ni Tianxing who is famous all over the world?" What kind of person?"

Ni Tianxing smiled slightly: "I also really want to know about Adjutant Su's background and past. Such an outstanding female soldier must have an extraordinary past." This kind of dialogue is a bit ambiguous, beyond the dialogue between a chief and his subordinates.Su Lingwei reminded herself in her heart.Because of her beautiful appearance, she will always encounter all kinds of harassment, so she has always been very careful about her words and deeds, but this time, she did not have a trace of disgust in her heart, but a vague expectation. The elevator stopped with a "ding" and the cockpit arrived.Against the sky, instead of letting the lady go first like a gentleman, he stepped out of the elevator first.But this didn't make Su Lingwei feel unhappy. She could see a man's confidence and conceit in Ni Tianxing's eyes, and she seemed to be telling others that this was his territory and territory. "What's the speed now?" Ni Tianxing didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the driver's seat.Papuas quickly stood up and reported anxiously: "Now it has reached 82% of the speed of light, and it is still increasing." Ni Tianxing sat in the cockpit, skillfully checked the instruments in front of and behind him, then closed the deceleration valve, let the "Qingzhou" fly freely in the gravitational vortex, and finally signaled to the three orc pilots and Su Lingwei: "I'm going to turn off the anti-inertia system and the imitation-gravity system, you guys find a seat and sit down." Several people hurriedly found their seats, and then fixed themselves on the seats.Ni Tianxing slowly turned off the anti-inertial system and the imitation gravity system. Everyone felt a shock all over their bodies, and blood rushed to their heads, making people dizzy and upset for a while. Ni Tianxing closed his eyes slightly, lay quietly in the seat, and carefully felt the flow of blood in his body.A few minutes later he turned on the accelerator and slowly pushed the joystick to the end.The spaceship accelerated suddenly, rushing towards the center of the vortex at an even faster speed. "The source of gravity comes from the three o'clock position in front." Ni Tianxing reopened the anti-inertial system and imitation gravity system, and explained, "It may be a neutron star with a small size but a very high density. Accelerate to the maximum sub-light speed along the direction of gravity, turn 15 degrees at the moment of approaching it, and immediately fly faster than the speed of light, maybe you can use the extremely fast speed to rush out of its gravitational field.” "Are you going to rush out?" Su Lingwei asked. Ni Tianxing shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Then we only have to rush to this neutron star and land on it. Our spaceship will be compressed to the size of a matchbox by its amazing gravity, and those of us will also be crushed. Squeezed down smaller than bacteria, but with the same mass. We'd be the smallest tiny people in the universe, if we were alive." Su Lingwei knew this result well, but it was the first time Papuas heard about it, and he couldn't help asking dumbfounded: "Is the chief joking? How could the spaceship become smaller than a matchbox? How could people become bacteria? " Knowing the education Papuas received, Wei Tianxing still couldn't understand the phenomenon that happened on the neutron star, so he had to say to him: "That is a god with infinite power, who likes to compress all objects to the smallest. If our spaceship is caught by it We can’t escape this fate. So we have to run away as fast as possible and don’t get caught by it. Although we have been captured by its power now, we can use its power to speed up and save energy. When we get close to it, we will fly faster than light with all our energy and escape from its clutches." Papuas understood half of what he heard, and wanted to ask again. Ni Tianxing stretched his waist, yawned and said: "We are still several hours away from it, let's rest first. In order to win this battle I haven't slept well for the past few days. I don't know what happened to Jiang Shangren and the others now, whether they have defended the Abyss Fortress? Alas, we can't protect ourselves now, so we have to resign ourselves to fate." Said he put the seat flat, and unexpectedly Start sleeping at this time. The three orcs looked at each other, although they didn't want to sleep, but they didn't dare to disturb the chief, so they had to tiptoe aside.Although Su Lingwei was a little tired, she didn't want to sleep.Remembering that everyone hadn't eaten yet, she went to the ship's galley alone.Now there are only a few of them left on this battleship, and everything can only be done by themselves. Three hours later, Ni Tianxing finally woke up from his deep sleep. When he woke up, he smelled a strange fragrance coming from outside the door.Curiously, he followed the scent all the way to the kitchen, and saw Su Lingwei in white clothes and a tall chef's hat, busy in the kitchen.Seeing him looking at the door, Su Lingwei blushed and said, "Commander, please wait in the dining room. You can have dinner in five minutes." "Do you need help?" Wei Tianxing asked. "No, no, no!" Su Lingwei waved her hands hastily, "If someone is on the sidelines, it will affect my impromptu performance." Ni Tianxing had no choice but to come to the restaurant. The huge restaurant was empty and seemed a bit empty.He found a corner to sit down, and after a while, Su Lingwei came over with a tray. On the tray were two steaming steaks and a bottle of wine.Ni Tianxing took one of them, both unexpectedly and somewhat pleasantly surprised: "Miss Su can also cook steak?" "The commander is so rare and strange." Su Lingwei smiled lightly, and sat down opposite him, "A woman can cook, even if a woman wears a military uniform, she is still a woman." Ni Tianxing hurriedly opened the red wine, poured a glass for Su Lingwei, and said with a smile: "Don't call me Commander, now I am a commander in command, and my name is no longer worthy of the name. Besides, it's just the two of us, there is no need to call me so formally, It’s better for everyone to just call them by name.” He looked around as he spoke, “Where are the three of them?” Su Lingwei smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't treat your orc brothers badly. The three of them have already eaten and drank enough, and they are sleeping in the cabin right now." "Thank you!" Ni Tianxing raised his glass, "Cheers to the most outstanding female officer and female chef on the Qingzhou ship!" Su Lingwei raised his glass and touched Ni Tianxing: "Thank you for the commendation, sir, I will continue to work hard." Ni Tianxing pretended to be angry and put on a serious face: "I just said don't call me sir, is it possible that I am not qualified to be your friend?" Su Lingwei smiled apologetically: "Yes! Master Nitianxing!" Ni Tianxing knew that she was teasing on purpose, so he had to pretend not to hear.Impatiently tasting a piece of steak, he couldn't help nodding: "It's been a long time since I've eaten such a delicious pepper steak. It actually reminded me of the mountains, rivers and scenery on Earth. Ms. Su is really capable and virtuous. I don't know who it will be in the future." Blessed to marry you home. It's a pity that I have already married a wife, otherwise I will be the first to line up in front of you." "You're already married?" Su Lingwei was both surprised and disappointed.Qianqian took a sip of her wine, and she pretended to be calm and smiled and asked, "I don't know what kind of woman is it, who can capture the free-spirited Lord Against Heaven?" Ni Tianxing's face was filled with gloom all of a sudden, holding the wine glass in a daze for a moment, he drank the wine in one gulp, and said with a forced smile: "Don't keep talking about me, let's talk about you? Why do you know how to join the army?" From Ni Tianxing's eyes, Su Lingwei saw the secret hidden in his heart, maybe it was the secret he didn't want to mention the most, so Su Lingwei wisely didn't ask any more.She tilted her head and thought for a while, then said with a bit of helplessness: "My parents died early, and I was brought up by my grandma. In order to become independent as soon as possible and reduce the burden on my grandma, I chose the federal military academy with no tuition fees. professional soldiers." "You graduated from the Federal Military Academy?" Ni Tianxing was a little surprised, "Then why did you join the Azure Dragon Fleet?" Su Lingwei sighed: "The year I graduated was catching up with the federal government's disarmament. The government could no longer provide enough military positions for military school graduates, so everyone had to find another way out. Some changed careers and became police officers, while others joined large groups. I am a mercenary. Because I have Chinese ancestry and learned to be a fleet commander, I chose to join the Qinglong Fleet of Nuvoton Group and became a female mercenary." After a short pause, she looked curiously at Nitianxing , "What about you? Why did you join the Azure Dragon Fleet and became the fleet commander right away?" Ni Tianxing hesitated for a moment: "I am not a member of the Azure Dragon Fleet, strictly speaking, I am not even a soldier. Although I have also entered a military academy, but only after a short military training, I have not studied any military affairs systematically. Technology is especially command technology, so I have never regarded myself as a military commander. I joined the Azure Dragon Fleet because of Lord Tang's invitation and trust, and I only served as fleet commander temporarily." Su Lingwei was very surprised: "You have never experienced systematic military training, and you can command the fleet to fight well, and you can even defeat opponents several times your own with the weak, you are simply a military genius!" "What a genius!" Ni Tianxing laughed dumbly, "I just didn't play cards according to common sense. This may make those commanders with professional backgrounds confused, so I can be a little lucky. Without the help of you, a capable lieutenant , I may not even know how to command a fleet." The two chatted while eating, and an hour passed before they knew it, when they heard the buzzing of the alarm in the cockpit.Ni Tianxing hastily dropped the knife and fork, and hurriedly said: "We are about to pass that neutron star, I hope we can break out of its gravitational field smoothly." Three minutes later, Ni Tianxing sat back in his driving position, and at this time the three orc drivers headed by Papuas also rushed over.Going against the sky made them prepare for the work, while watching the data changes on the dashboard, waiting for the arrival of the critical moment. The hull vibrates slightly, which is a normal reaction to encountering a strong gravitational field.Knowing that the Qingzhou had sailed near the source of gravity based on his feeling, he stared at the dark universe outside the porthole, and without turning his head, he asked lightly, "How much energy do we have?" Papuas immediately replied: "There are still thirty percent." Ni Tianxing nodded in satisfaction, and ordered concisely: "Fly faster than the speed of light, and accelerate at full speed!" The hull trembled violently, and began to deviate from the original course and accelerate under the control of the sky-defying line.A few minutes later, Qingzhou turned into a ball of bright light, which is a normal reaction when breaking through the light barrier.The Qingzhou turned into a ball of lightning, rushed to the center of the gravitational vortex at a speed beyond Einstein's comprehension, and penetrated from the other side, flying to an unfamiliar airspace. "Full pressure on the energy, full engine power!" Ni Tianxing carefully felt the change in the speed of the "Qingzhou", and decisively issued a desperate order to Papuas.In order to escape from the strong gravitational field safely, he has already ignored the future. The surroundings gradually became pitch black, and there was no light to be seen.In the tug-of-war with the gravitational vortex, the hull of the Qingzhou made a sound that seemed to be shattering.Several people grabbed the armrests of the seat tightly, waiting for the final judgment of fate.I don't know how long it took, the darkness gradually disappeared, and colorful lights began to appear outside the porthole. The trembling and moaning of the hull gradually calmed down. "We broke out of the gravitational vortex!" Ni Tianxing looked at the dashboard that had returned to normal, and calmly reported the latest news to his companions.Papuas and the two orc brothers couldn't help cheering excitedly, and Su Lingwei couldn't help but smile and rejoice that she had escaped from death. As soon as a few people breathed a sigh of relief, they listened to Ni Tianxing and said calmly: "Our energy is almost exhausted, and the last bit is not even enough for the Qingzhou to land. Now we have to find a planet that can replenish energy as soon as possible, otherwise we will They will wander aimlessly in this universe forever, worse than the sailors who are said to have been wrecked in the ancient sea.” "Fortunately, there is enough food on the battleship. We won't draw lots like sailors to decide who will make sacrifices for everyone." Su Lingwei joked.Although she pretended to be relaxed, there was worry in her eyes that could not be concealed. She knew what it meant to everyone to run out of energy in a strange star field. "I'll check the situation of this star field, and I hope there are detailed records on the star chart." Ni Tianxing said and opened the star chart. Since the Qingzhou has broken away from the gravitational vortex, the star chart has also returned to normal.Seeing the sign on the star chart, he suddenly became a little depressed, "This is an aging star field composed of red giants, white dwarfs and neutron stars, it is simply a lifeless death star field, and there are strange and abnormal gravitational fields everywhere. If you don’t pay attention, the Qingzhou will be swallowed up. And now we seem to have been affected by the abnormal gravitational field, and we are deviating from the original course.” "Maybe we should go there and have a look." Su Lingwei said, pointing out the porthole, and saw a bright star flickering slightly in the very far void, which was very dazzling due to the dark background around it.Ni Tianxing quickly pointed the optical telescope at it, and was immediately surprised: "Green star! It's a green planet covered with vegetation! It's unbelievable, it's as magical as an oasis in the desert!" Nitianxing adjusted its direction slightly, allowing the "Qingzhou" to sail towards its direction with inertia.He looked at the instrument and said happily: "At the current speed, if there are no accidents, we can enter its low-earth orbit in more than three hundred hours, and then decide whether to land or not according to the situation." Life on the spaceship is long and monotonous, but it is naturally different to have a beautiful woman with you.Wei Tianxing feels that the past ten days have passed quite quickly, and the "Qingzhou" has entered the low-earth orbit of the green planet in a blink of an eye.Facing the huge green sphere in the sky, Nitianxing did not land rashly, but sent a small detection robot to it. After a few hours, the detection robot sent the basic information of the planet back to the mother ship. "This is a planet covered with dense vegetation. Its volume is five times that of the earth, and its gravity is about twice that of the earth. That is to say, on its surface, people will bear about two Gs, which is twice the size of the earth. weight." Qingzhou's central computer was rambling on about the basic situation of the planet.Wei Tianxing estimated that the software designer of this computer must be a taciturn guy, because he left all the nonsense to the computer he designed. "Have you found intelligent life?" Wei Tianxing interrupted the computer's nagging. "For the time being, no regular photoelectric signals or traces of intelligent life activity have been found." The computer replied, "However, this does not confirm whether there is intelligent life on this planet. Because the current detection area of ​​the Pioneer-1 robot is only 98 square meters kilometers, which is less than one millionth of the planet's surface area." "What is its atmosphere made of?" Wei Tianxing asked. "It's mainly oxygen, with a content of 39%, and the rest is inert gas and a small amount of hallucinogenic gas. The composition is very complicated." The computer was explaining in a rambling manner, "It is preliminarily judged that people don't need to wear protective equipment and oxygen. Survive on its surface, but it is best not to stay for more than three hours, otherwise there may be some unforeseen dangers." "What danger will it be?" Ni Tianxing asked. "There may be hallucinations similar to those produced after taking drugs, or it may be poisoned and fainted until death." The highly realistic computer hesitated like a human before continuing to explain, "There is about one percent of the gas composition. It's beyond the scope of my knowledge, I can only make an approximate estimate and speculation, but the accuracy rate of my estimate has been kept above 90%, so you can completely regard it as an accurate judgment..." "Is there any energy available?" Wei Tianxing interrupted the nagging computer. "Energy? The detection robot has not discovered it yet." The computer immediately turned to a new topic, "However, the surface of this planet is covered with dense vegetation. It is certain that there must be abundant oil stored under its surface. Although oil is a primitive Inefficient energy, but refined and concentrated, it can still be used by the spacecraft..." Wei Tianxing got the most critical information, and didn't want to listen to it anymore, so he raised his hand and turned off the nagging computer, turned to Su Lingwei and the three orc companions: "This planet has a gravitational acceleration of about two Gs. , has nearly double the normal oxygen requirement, and we can move freely on its ground without wearing any protective equipment. The most important thing is that it may have the energy we urgently need. This is the basic situation of the planet in front of us. I decided to log in, what do you think?" Su Lingwei exchanged glances with the three orcs, and said in unison: "Agreed!" "Okay, you guys sit still!" Guards started the engine, opened the deceleration valve, injected the last energy, and said in a deep voice, "The energy is limited, and there may be some bumps when landing. Let's overcome it." As soon as the words fell, the "Qingzhou" began to tremble and bump. While decelerating, it gradually approached the green planet and gradually entered its atmosphere.Ni Tianxing held the joystick tightly, and carefully controlled the attitude of the spacecraft, making it rush towards the surface of the planet at a relatively small angle. The huge hull rushed to the ground like a mountain, sending out an earth-shattering roar.The hull creaked under the violent friction of the air, as if it was about to fall apart.Just when everyone thought it would be smashed to pieces in the end, it was suddenly shocked, rushed into a piece of green, and began to slide against the ground, and its speed gradually decreased. "Welcome to the Green Giant Star!" When the Qingzhou ship finally came to a stop, Ni Tianxing was overjoyed, and couldn't help laughing and teasing a few companions who were still in shock, "This is a strange world, full of unknown mysteries , I hope everyone will unite and help each other to start our adventure." "Boss, let me go out and have a look first!" Papuas excitedly asked Ni Tianxing for instructions. "Bring weapons and synchronized cameras, and go with Nuva. Your mission is mainly to detect the environment of this planet and find available energy sources. Keep in touch with me at any time, and the battleship must be withdrawn within three hours." Inverse Tian Xing exhorted.Although he also wanted to be the first to set foot on this strange planet, he still couldn't bear to spoil Papuas' interest.Besides, Papuas's ability in the wild must surpass his own, and it would definitely be more beneficial for him to go first, and Nuwa is Papuas' brother of the same family, so the two of them can take care of each other along the way. "Obey! Chief!" Papuas, like everyone else, was naturally curious about a new environment.Excitedly put on the synchronous camera and Gauss rifle, he and Nova came to the personnel passage behind the battleship, after the airtight cabin was decompressed and sterilized, the two opened the seal to the outside world, when they finally saw the outside world , couldn't help but express sincere admiration: "It's really a green giant star!" The two wear synchronous cameras on their heads, so that the three of them in the cockpit can also see the world in their eyes through the big screen.I saw a green world outside the battleship, with lush plants towering into the sky, almost completely covering the huge Qingzhou space carrier.Perhaps it is precisely because there is such a thick and dense vegetation, like a huge cushion, which relieved the momentum of the Qingzhou's forced landing, so that it did not fall apart in the end. "I've never seen such a huge plant!" Ni Tianxing stared at the picture on the screen, and couldn't help murmuring, "It's like coming to the world of giants. It seems that I really have the foresight. What a veritable green giant star!" "I feel so heavy!" Papuas exclaimed through the intercom, "Even the gun is more than twice as heavy as usual. It is very difficult for me to walk now, as if I am carrying a heavy burden!" "This planet has a gravitational acceleration of two G," Wei Tianxing explained with a smile, "everything, including your own body, will be twice as heavy as normal. Fortunately, the oxygen composition in its atmosphere has reached our Doubling the habit can make up for the loss of physical strength to a certain extent." Papuas took a deep breath, nodded and said, "It seems so. I feel that the air here is fresher and more pleasant than the air anywhere. Although the action is strenuous, I don't feel tired." Slowly walking down the gangway of the battleship, every step was like carrying a heavy weight, without the original agility and ease.The two stopped for three steps, rested for five steps, and walked carefully into the depths of the dense forest that was as green as the sea... "Aiwa, look up the species of these plants!" Ni Tianxing turned on the computer again.Aiwa is the name of the main computer of the Qingzhou account. Although she is a bit chatty, her magical powers are not comparable to any human beings. "Okay!" Eva happily agreed, and a few seconds later she listed photos of dozens of plants on the screen, and explained, "This is the photo of the vegetation taken by Pioneer 1 and the synchronous camera." , I compared all the plants in the database and found that they are relatively close to the original ferns, herbaceous and woody plants, but they are larger than all similar plants in the database. Unfortunately I do not have samples of them, Otherwise, by analyzing their DNA information, they can be accurately classified. At present, I can only roughly classify some plants as ferns, others as herbs, and the tallest trees as woody plants." "It's basically nonsense!" Ni Tianxing changed the subject, "Where is the Pioneer No. 1 robot now? Have you found any available energy?" "I'll check it out!" Eva happily agreed, and a few seconds later she suddenly exclaimed, "Strange, Pioneer 1 has disappeared, and I can't receive its signal!" "Is the signal blocked by the terrain?" Ni Tianxing asked disapprovingly. "No! Pioneer No. 1 is a detection robot. Once it leaves the signal coverage of the mothership, it will automatically return along the original route." Su Lingwei replied for Aiwa. She came to the communication station and checked the communication signal skillfully. , and then turned back to defiantly said, "It disappeared, and no alarm was issued!" Ni Tianxing frowned: "Is there a malfunction?" Su Lingwei pondered: "Although there is such a possibility, the probability will not exceed one in a thousand." "Did you encounter a beast?" Ni Tianxing laughed dumbly. Although Pioneer 1 is only a detection robot, it is also equipped with basic self-defense weapons. It is a piece of cake to deal with any known beasts.To say that it will be destroyed by a beast, and it is too late to sound the alarm signal, this possibility is less than the probability of it malfunctioning. Su Lingwei shook her head, with a trace of confusion and worry in her eyes: "I don't know, but I always have an ominous premonition, as if there is some kind of great danger lurking around us." She paused, hesitated, "Or Call Papuas back first, just to be cautious, it is better to continue to send detection robots to understand the surrounding situation." Although Ni Tianxing didn't trust the woman's intuition, he turned to the communicator and called: "Bub, how do you feel?" "It's very hard to move!" On the screen, Babu was waving a machete to open the way, and Nuwa was walking side by side with him. He replied as he walked, "I feel like I'm carrying a person through the forest. I'm almost exhausted!" The orc's physical strength far exceeds that of ordinary people, and even Babu is crying tired, which shows that the acceleration of gravity of two Gs has a huge impact on people.Ni Tianxing asked again: "Did you find anything abnormal? Or dangerous?" "If you say that the anomaly is full of anomalies, I have never seen such thick weeds and such huge flowers." Babu panted, "But there is no danger yet." As soon as the words fell, Nuwa on the side let out an exclamation.Babu followed the reputation, and the camera on his head also turned in that direction.I saw a huge insect swooping towards Nuwa like an eagle, its vibrating wings making a deafening "buzzing" sound. Maybe he had never seen such a huge insect before, Nuwa was stunned and lost any reaction in a daze. Seeing this, Babu raised his hand, and the machete in his hand flew out.After fighting training, his wrist strength was astonishing, and the machete was like a ball of white light, and it accurately shot into the insect's head.It fell from the sky, struggled desperately, and finally remained still after a while.Babu stepped forward cautiously, picked up the huge insect with a stick, and called to Ni Tianxing: "Big boss! We found a huge dragonfly!" Through the synchronous camera, Ni Tianxing also saw the huge dragonfly, which was longer than Babu's height and whose wingspan exceeded the largest eagle.Although it is so huge, judging from its appearance, it does look like a dragonfly. "Aiwa, quickly find out what kind of insect this is?" Ni Tianxing hurriedly asked the computer. Ava blinked quickly, and after a while it found similar information, and transmitted the information to the screen in front of Ni Tianxing: "I found a similar creature in the database, it is the Cretaceous life on earth, dragonfly ancestors. However, the fossil evidence recorded in the database shows that the largest dragonfly of that era was only more than 50 centimeters long, far less than the big guy discovered now." "It's the result of the high concentration of oxygen!" Su Lingwei seems to have realized, "I was very interested in paleontology. Cretaceous insects and plants were much larger than their descendants. That's because the earth's oxygen in that era The concentration is much higher than later, and the high concentration of oxygen can promote the growth of individual organisms, just like this green giant star." As soon as the voice fell, Babu's exclamation came from the communicator.The two hurriedly looked at the screen, and saw that the screen was shaking violently, rising from the ground to the sky at an extremely fast speed, and then the screen turned blood red, and there was no image to be seen, and the communicator suddenly fell silent. Only the rustling noise remains...
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