Home Categories Internet fantasy Game Age 6 Galaxy Contest

Chapter 3 Chapter Three

Game Age 6 Galaxy Contest 方白羽 9639Words 2018-03-11
At dusk three days later, a small fast fleet departed from the base camp of the Qinglong Fleet of the New Tang Group, and sailed to the Abyss star field tens of thousands of light-years away.Later historians marked this moment as the beginning of the first Star War after mankind left the cradle, and the battle for the Abyss Fortress also became the fuse of the first Star War. Since then, human society has ended its 800-year-long peace, and has entered into an era of wars and wars full of gunpowder and heroes fighting for hegemony. It was an era of heroes, and it was also an era that cannot be looked back.Human history has since turned a new page.

Ni Tianxing hid in the captain's lounge of the "Qingzhou" aircraft carrier, holding a copy of "Three Kingdoms" and reading it fascinated. The "Qingzhou" aircraft carrier is the flagship of this fast fleet. As the temporary commander of the fleet, Ni Tianxing has naturally become the temporary owner of the captain's lounge.From the name of this aircraft carrier and the names of the other two aircraft carriers "Xuzhou" and "Jingzhou" in this fleet, it can be seen that Lord Tang is quite partial to the history of the Three Kingdoms, so Ni Tianxing also specially brought this Kill time on the go.Although as the commander of the fleet, Long Xiaokang and Jiang Shangren take care of all the specific affairs, which makes Ni Tianxing, the commander, a little redundant, so he is happy to be leisurely, staying in the captain's lounge all day to review the breakfast. Have seen it countless times.

The direct phone next to the bed rang suddenly, and the piercing ringing startled Ni Tianxing.He answered the phone with some reluctance, and heard the anxious voice of a staff officer from the receiver: "Your Excellency Commander, please hurry to the command cabin to discuss matters." "Understood!" Ni Tianxing hung up the phone, got up and went out in a depressed mood.He didn't know what position a "commander" was in the Azure Dragon Fleet, but since he agreed to Master Tang, he must fulfill the duties of a commander. Several important figures of the fleet gathered in the command cabin. Everyone had serious expressions and were discussing something in a low voice.They were obviously not quite used to this new commander.

"What's the matter?" Ni Tianxing asked casually. "We just received a distress signal from Yan Yongyi's fleet. They were ambushed by the Yamato Fleet and the Polar Bear Fleet in the Great Bear Star Field, 90 light-years away from the Abyss Star Field." Jiang Shangren said and opened the holographic starship Figure, found the coordinates of the Big Bear Starfield, and explained to Ni Tianxing, "The Yamato fleet that ambushed him has about 10,000 warships of various types, the Polar Bear fleet has about 25,000 ships, and Yongyi's fleet has less than two With ten thousand warships, the strength comparison is about one to two."

"What are your plans?" Ni Tianxing looked at everyone and asked. "Of course we have to rush to the rescue immediately!" Long Xiaokang said in a hurry, "Uncle Yan is a proud person, and he never speaks to others easily. Now he actually sends out a distress signal in clear codes, which shows that the situation is very critical. We can no longer There is a slight delay!" "However, we only have a thousand warships," the captain of the Qingzhou said hesitantly, "Even if we rushed to the rescue, it would not help." "We have the best battleships in the Azure Dragon Fleet, and one thousand ships can be used as five thousand ships." Long Xiaokang pointed to the star chart, "As long as we concentrate our forces to attack the rear of the Polar Bear Fleet, we will surely disrupt the Polar Bear Fleet's position. You can break the siege of Uncle Yan."

Several battleship commanders came together in front of the star chart and began to discuss in a low voice the route and timing of the attack, completely ignoring the existence of the fleet commander, Ni Tianxing.It didn't take long for them to find the best route to dispatch troops, and then they turned their attention to Ni Tianxing. As their leader, Long Xiaokang pointed to a route on the star chart and said anxiously to Ni Tianxing: "We can't If there is a slight delay, please order the commander quickly! Sending troops through this route can save nearly an hour." Ni Tianxing stared at the star chart, but did not speak for a long time.Although none of these captains took him seriously, he couldn't forget Master Tang's trust just because of this.Since Lord Tang entrusted this fleet to him, he certainly didn't want him to act according to the conventional thinking of Long Xiaokang and others.He pondered for a long time, then suddenly asked, "Any news about the Fortress of Abyss?"

"No news." Jiang Shangren transferred the star chart to the Abyss star field, hesitatingly said, "The communications officer is trying to contact the defenders of the Abyss Fortress, but due to the delay of the signal, no reply has been received yet." Wei Tianxing knows that with the current step-by-step communication technology, although super-light speed communication can be achieved, there is always a certain delay in the communication process.If quantum communication technology can be used in practice, it can completely solve the delay problem in communication and realize instant communication within a known range. This will surely bring about an earth-shattering revolution in the history of communication, and even change the pattern of modern warfare.

But right now, he can only think about the prospects of quantum communication, and the most important task at present is to ensure the safety of Abyss Fortress.He pondered for a long time at the star chart, and finally said slowly: "I do not agree to rescue Yan Yongyi's fleet, we should sail to the Abyss star field at full speed." "Why?" Several captains asked in unison. "I don't have time to explain." Ni Tianxing said resolutely, "I am ordering now as the commander of the fleet, to sail to the Abys star field at full speed without any delay."

Several captains looked at each other, obviously quite puzzled by this order.Long Xiaokang blushed even more, and said angrily: "You are a cold-blooded animal, completely disregarding Uncle Yan's safety, just like when you left my companion in Pingkang Starfield." "Facts have proved that I was right." Ni Tianxing said proudly, "Your companion did not die because of my actions, but was successfully rescued." "But this time is different!" Long Xiaokang argued, "Uncle Yan is surrounded by the Yamato Fleet and the Polar Bear Fleet. If we don't rescue them, they will die!"

Ni Tianxing said indifferently: "Even if we rescue them, so what? The chance of them surviving is still very small, and they have to catch up with our fleet. If the two fleets that reinforce the Abyss Fortress are destroyed, the Abyss Fortress will be destroyed sooner or later. It will fall into the hands of the enemy, and the resource base behind it will be exposed to the artillery fire of the enemy fleet, and the foundation of the entire Nuvoton Group will be shaken. Whichever is more important, I think as long as personal emotional factors are put aside, everyone able to draw sensible conclusions.”

Several captains all showed deep thoughts. It's not that they don't understand what Ni Tianxing said, but seeing their companions being besieged by the enemy fleet without saving them, they really can't accept it emotionally.At this moment, Jiang Shangren suddenly heard Jiang Shangren say: "I agree with the commander. Since Lord Tang gave the full power of this fleet to the command of Ni Tianxing, he must have his reasons. We must carry out the command without compromise. Any dispute is a disrespect to the commander himself and Lord Tang. Any act of disobedience will be dealt with by military law!" With Jiang Shangren's support, although several captains still had opinions on Ni Tianxing's order, they stopped arguing and began to carry out it separately.Even Long Xiaokang could only suffocate until his face flushed, but he couldn't attack.Ni Tianxing nodded gratefully to Jiang Shangren, and finally issued his first order to the fleet since he was a commander: "I order that the fleet will advance to the Abyss star field at full speed!" Forty-eight hours later, Ni Tianxing and his fleet appeared near the Abyss star field.The Abyss star field is a group of galaxies closely entangled with dozens of stars, hundreds of planets and countless satellites. Its volume is not much larger than the solar system, but its mass is hundreds of times that of the solar system.Dense galaxies gather into an elliptical sphere, maintained by gravity in a delicate dynamic balance.Surrounding it is a vast dead zone composed of white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes, which makes it a natural fortress to guard the vast resource galaxies of Nuvoton Group.Nuvoton Group has set up a criss-crossing firepower network on its inner planets and satellites. Any fleet that breaks into this star field will be exposed to the huge firepower of land-based guns. There are so many planets gathered in the space that any fleet's high-speed navigation is like suicide, which also makes it a famous natural fortress all over the world. In the command cabin of the Qingzhou, the communication officer was busy contacting the commander of the fortress. It took more than ten minutes for the docking signal to be sent out. Finally, an Asian man in his thirties appeared on the big screen directly in front of the command platform. In the image, although he looks a little young, he is wearing the military uniform of a senior general of the Xintang Group, and there is an inexplicable majesty in his eyes.The communication officer quickly saluted: "General Liu, we have come to reinforce the Abis Fortress under the order of Lord Tang. Please allow the fleet to enter the fortress." The man in the uniform of the general had doubts in his eyes, and asked, "Why did Lord Tang send you troops to reinforce the Abyss Fortress? Who is your fleet commander?" The commander of the known fortress of Ni Tian Xing is named Liu Mingyang, and he must be the one.He walked up to the podium and said to the suspicious general: "I am the commander of this fleet against the sky! Lord Tang originally sent a fleet led by General Yan Yongyi before me, but they The Big Bear Starfield was ambushed by the Yamato Fleet and the Polar Bear Fleet, so it is temporarily impossible to get here. However, Lord Tang has anticipated the possible blockage of the Yan Yongyi Fleet, so he sent our fleet again." "Go against the sky?" Liu Mingyang's complexion changed slightly, "How could Master Tang use an outsider to command my Azure Dragon Fleet? Do you have Master Tang's letter of appointment and order?" Ni Tianxing was startled, and just as he didn't know how to answer, Jiang Shangren had come to him and said to Liu Mingyang: "Master Tang's appointment is very urgent, there is no time to prepare the appointment letter and order talisman for Ni Tianxing, but Xiaokang and I can Prove the identity of Ni Tianxing, please let us in immediately, General." Seeing Jiang Shangren and Long Xiaokang behind him, Liu Mingyang seemed a little surprised, but he had nothing to say, so he nodded to Ni Tianxing: "I allow you to enter the fortress, please go to the planet Pilar to replenish energy and supplies." Under the command of the navigator, the fleet carefully sailed into the Abyss star field.As the fleet deepened, a strange astronomical spectacle gradually appeared in the sky, but the sky was full of celestial bodies of different colors and sizes, just like the sun and moon of different sizes appearing in the deep sky at the same time , There is a kind of indescribable magnificence and magnificence. It is the first time I have seen such an astronomical spectacle. I can't help being fascinated, and secretly admire the magic of nature in my heart.Jiang Shangren beside him smiled and said, "The beauty of the Abyss star field is as famous as its danger. So many stars gather in such a narrow space, and their orbits are complex and changeable, making the gravity of the entire star field The field becomes weird and unpredictable. A warship will be pulled towards a dangerous star by the gravitational field if you are not careful. In addition, the land-based cannons deployed on the surrounding stars can easily block all passages. If any fleet Anyone who wants to storm the Abyss Fortress will pay an extremely heavy price." Ni Tianxing said to himself thoughtfully: "Since this fortress is impenetrable, why did Lord Tang send a fleet to reinforce it?" Jiang Shangren sighed: "This fortress is really important to Xintang Group, that's why Lord Tang attaches great importance to it. This is also the main reason why I support you to come to the fortress immediately regardless of the safety of Yan Yongyi's fleet." While talking, I felt a slight tremor on the hull of the Qingzhou, which was the response to the opening of the deceleration valve, and the fleet had arrived at the planet Bilal.It was a modified asteroid, the surface was covered with docks and airports, countless transport planes took off and landed in its low earth orbit, it was as busy as an international space port.And its interior is where the headquarters of the Yabis Fortress is located. Ten minutes later, Ni Tianxing and Jiang Shangren finally set foot on the planet Bilal.Those who greeted them were General Liu Mingyang's adjutant Gou Cheng, a young major who looked a bit reserved.Under his welcome and arrangement, everyone boarded the flying car. On the way to the headquarters, Ni Tianxing couldn't help asking Jiang Shangren in a low voice: "You are the leader of the five tiger generals of the Qinglong Society, and your status must be that of Commander Liu. On top of that, why didn't he come out to meet you?" Jiang Shangren hesitated and said: "I used to mainly handle economic affairs for the group, and I was not very familiar with the military generals of the group, and the group did not stipulate that subordinates must greet their superiors, especially in such a special period." "But there is still the prince with us!" Ni Tianxing glanced at Long Xiaokang behind him, and said thoughtfully, "It is understandable for the officials in the frontier to neglect the court officials occasionally, but it is unreasonable to neglect the prince. what." Jiang Shangren was startled: "What do you want to say?" Ni Tianxing murmured: "I have a bad premonition." Jiang Shangren laughed dumbly and said: "You are overthinking. General Liu was an orphan taken in by Master Tang when he was young. He was sent to the military academy by Master Tang to cultivate him carefully since he was a child. Master Tang regarded him as a nephew, and his loyalty cannot be doubted. Otherwise, Master Tang would not I will hand over the Abyss Fortress, the lifeblood of the relationship group, to him to guard." Ni Tianxing didn't say anything, but just called the black horse.On this trip to Abis, he brought all the attendants from Tau, including Christine, but in order not to cause misunderstandings, he left them all on the flagship Qingzhou.Hearing that the black horse got on the phone, he simply said: "Keep in communication!" The flying car entered a long tunnel, leading directly to the interior of the planet Bilar.After about fifteen minutes, the flying car finally stopped.Under the signal of the major's adjutant Gou Cheng, Ni Tianxing followed Jiang Shangren and his party to get off the flying car, and saw a middle-aged general with a stocky figure coming up to him.Although the other party was not tall, it did not detract from his dignity at all.Because he had already seen it on the big screen of Qingzhou's command cabin, Ni Tianxing recognized at a glance that the opponent was Liu Mingyang, the supreme commander of the Bilal Fortress, and his military rank within the Qinglong Club was Lieutenant General Commander. "Xiaozhi met Mr. Jiang and Mr. Long." Liu Mingyang took two steps forward and saluted Jiang and Long with a standard military salute. "Because I have an urgent military situation that needs to be dealt with, I have not greeted you. I hope you will forgive me." "A military emergency? What kind of emergency military situation?" Jiang Shangren asked hurriedly. "Beizhi received a distress signal in plain code from the direction of the Big Bear Starfield half an hour ago," Liu Mingyang said in a deep voice, "It is General Yan Yongyi's fleet that was ambushed by the enemy and is in a bitter battle. The Beizhi is about to send out the fleet of the fortress Rush to the Great Bear Starfield for support." Jiang Shangren glanced at Ni Tianxing next to him intentionally or unintentionally, obviously making fun of his suspiciousness just now.At this moment, Long Xiaokang asked, "How many available troops do you have?" Liu Mingyang pondered and said: "Not counting land-based troops, the fortress fleet has about 10,000 warships of various types, but there are only more than 3,000 warships that can be used for long-distance combat, and more than 6,000 small warships can only be used in Asia. Fighting near the Bis star field." "Great!" Long Xiaokang clapped his hands excitedly, "The 3,000 long-distance warships you have here and the more than 1,000 elite warships we brought will definitely solve Uncle Yan's siege!" Just as Long Xiaokang finished speaking, he suddenly heard a lukewarm voice from the side: "Mr. Long seems to have forgotten his identity, thinking that he is the commander in charge of the overall situation." Long Xiaokang was stunned, and turned to Ni Tianxing who had just spoken: "What do you mean? Could it be that you still want to die?" Ni Tianxing said indifferently: "It took 48 hours for our fast fleet to arrive here from the Great Bear Starfield. If we lead the fleet to the Great Bear Starfield again, it will definitely take more than 48 hours. According to common sense, the battle within two forty-eight hours must be over. It's over, otherwise it's a trap that attracts us to rescue. Now our only fleet is the capital to hold on to the fortress, and we must not put all our eggs in one basket." Long Xiaokang still wanted to argue, but Jiang Shangren hurriedly said: "I think we should send a scout ship to understand the battle situation first, and then consider waiting for an opportunity to attack according to the situation, so as to ensure that nothing goes wrong." Liu Mingyang also said at the right time: "As for whether to send troops to rescue General Yan Yongyi, you can go to our headquarters to learn about the latest military situation, and then discuss carefully, please!" Several people followed Liu Mingyang to the fortress headquarters, which was a fortress inside the planet Pilar, heavily guarded like an underground military fortress.When Ni Tianxing and the others stepped into the gate of the headquarters, the electronically controlled steel gate suddenly closed, but Liu Mingyang did not follow in. "What's going on?" Jiang Shangren rushed to the door, and saw Liu Mingyang's honest and honest smile on the video intercom on the door.He said to Jiang Shangren a little ashamedly: "I'm really sorry for you, I want you to stay in my headquarters for a few days temporarily due to my humble position." "Why?" Jiang Shangren asked. "Because this fortress is about to be taken over by the Yamato people, I don't want to make trouble before that, so I have to wrong you for the time being." Liu Mingyang smiled honestly. "Yamato people?" Jiang Shangren was very surprised. "I remember that it was Yamato people who killed your parents back then. You were taken in by Master Tang and sent to the military academy to be cultivated carefully. Master Tang treats you like a nephew. How could you betray Tang?" Father?" A trace of guilt flashed across Liu Mingyang's face, and he sighed: "Master Tang has been so kind to me, and I really have no reason to betray him. It's a pity that I am a Yamato person, and my real name is Akino Mingyang. The rescue by my master was all arranged by my real father, Akino Fox. This is called Yongma in Sun Tzu's art of war. I am a pawn that my father buried beside Lord Tang thirty years ago. Now the Yamato fleet is about to arrive in Abi Fortress, it's time for my pawn to play a key role." Jiang Shangren was shocked when he heard the words: "You, you are the son of Qiu Yehu?" "That's right!" A trace of resentment flashed in Liu Mingyang's eyes, "My mother died at the hands of the Azure Dragon Society back then. I think you can understand what I did today, right? I didn't expect Master Tang to send you to reinforce the fortress. This is a bit of a surprise to me. Mr. Long and Mr. Jiang are both important figures of the Qinglong Society. It is a great blessing to be able to hold you hostage. Please stay in my headquarters for a few days. After our fleet wins the match, we will naturally let you out. Now, please hand over your weapons and all communicators first." "What if I don't pay?" Long Xiaokang pulled out his laser pistol and shot at the electronic lock on the door. Unfortunately, the door is made of special materials, and the laser gun only left an inconspicuous mark on the door. mark. "Mr. Long, I advise you not to be brave." Liu Mingyang smiled confidently, "Look at the top of your head." Looking up, Long Xiaokang saw countless blue muzzles of Gauss machine guns protruding from the ceiling above his head, pointing at everyone below.I heard Liu Mingyang explain leisurely: "This is an automatic weapon controlled by a computer. I only need a password, and they can guarantee that no one will be left alive in any corner. Moreover, this headquarters also has a laser scanning device. All the weapons and communication equipment on the body cannot escape the scanning of the laser light." "He's right. We have nothing to fight back. It's best to do what he said." Ni Tianxing said as he took off his weapons and communication equipment, including the mobile phone that was always on. Throw it on the table.Seeing this, everyone untied their weapons and communicators, and threw them all on the table. "Very good, as long as you cooperate, I will guarantee your safety." Liu Mingyang nodded with satisfaction, and gave a brief order to the adjutant beside him.The Gauss machine gun above his head shot out a series of faint blue death pulses, turning all the weapons and communication equipment on the table into scrap iron. "There is food and water in the refrigerator, you can stay here with peace of mind. As long as you don't plan to escape, I will treat you strictly according to the "Persons of War Convention." Liu Mingyang waved his hands at the camera, triumphantly addressing everyone Made a goodbye gesture. The image on the walkie-talkie gradually faded and finally disappeared completely.Long Xiaokang rushed to the door in a hurry, only to find that the door had already been locked.Several followers also hurriedly split up to find the exit, but found that all the exits were closed, the entire headquarters was as empty as a large prison room, and all communication equipment was also turned off.It seems that Liu Mingyang was well prepared to bring them here on purpose. Compared with the anxiety of Long Xiaokang and others, Nitianxing seemed very calm, and even asked Jiang Shangren thoughtfully: "Who is Qiuyehu? I seem to have never heard of this name." Jiang Shangren said with a wry smile: "Akino Fox is the think tank of the Yamaguchi Group, and he rarely shows up in public, so not many people know about it. However, he is the chief adviser that Masao Yamaguchi relies on the most, and he has made great contributions to the rise of the Yamaguchi Group More than 30 years ago, in the conflict between the Qinglong Society and the Yamaguchi-gumi, his wife was accidentally killed by the Qinglong Society. Since then, he has regarded the Qinglong Society as a sworn enemy. Unexpectedly, he let his young son lurk in Tang Ye By our side, it finally contributed to our fiasco today." "Aren't we still alive and well now, why is it a disastrous defeat?" Ni Tianxing smiled slightly, seeing that Jiang Shangren was a little puzzled, he explained, "Although Liu Mingyang is the supreme commander of the fortress, he may not really control the entire army. Who is Mr. Tang? How can you trust someone to guard such an important place? I'm sure Mr. Tang has an eyeliner by his side. Once he finds out that he has a different heart, he will have a set of emergency response plans. I think Liu Mingyang must also understand this, that's why he didn't dare to order his subordinates to openly attack our fleet, and he didn't dare to openly arrest us, but quietly led us into prison under the headquarters controlled by his confidants." Jiang Shangren nodded slightly and said: "That's right! As long as we can escape from here and contact the other generals in the fortress, we will surely turn defeat into victory!" "The question is how can we get out of here now?" Long Xiaokang asked dejectedly. He and several of his men had searched every corner of the headquarters, and had lost confidence in escaping from this prison. "Wait!" Ni Tianxing smiled leisurely, sat down comfortably on a recliner, and even closed his eyes to rest.His cell phone was on until it was destroyed, it was the best tracker and bug, and the dark horse must have known what happened to him.He believed that the special warfare masters who had been instructed and trained by himself, together with those orc warriors whose mobility was far superior to ordinary people, would surely have a way to rescue him from this temporary prison.Believe in your comrades-in-arms, this is a good habit that Ni Tianxing has developed on the battlefield. Amid Long Xiaokang's anxious waiting and Jiang Shangren's doubts, time passed by.About twenty minutes later, the iron gate suddenly exploded, and a large hole with a radius of one meter appeared on the gate.When the smoke cleared, I saw the black horse waving to everyone outside the door. Under the leadership of Ni Tianxing, everyone filed out of the headquarters, and outside the door were the black horse and several orc warriors.On both sides of the gate, more than a dozen soldiers from the fortress fell to death, all of them were shot in the eyebrows and died on the spot. "Boss, what's going on?" Although the dark horse knew what to do, he still didn't quite understand what happened. "It's too late to explain now." Ni Tianxing hurriedly said, "Let's split up. Mr. Long and Mr. Jiang will take your people to seize the communication department immediately and contact other generals as soon as possible; I will take the black horse and the orc warrior to find Liu Mingyang. We want Take over the fort as soon as possible, otherwise the fort is dangerous." Knowing the seriousness of the situation, Jiang Shangren hurriedly waved to his followers: "Follow me!" Jiang Shangren left an entourage who was familiar with the terrain of the fortress as a guide for the journey against the sky, while he left in a hurry with other entourages.While he was leaving, Ni Tianxing also went straight to Liu Mingyang's private house under the leadership of the guide. Shocking alarms began to sound all around, and countless soldiers began to search in various passages.Ni Tianxing took Heima and others carefully to avoid the patrol brigade, and went to Liu Mingyang's private house as soon as possible.It didn't take long to hear Jiang Shangren's voice from the loudspeaker. He took over the fortress in the name of Lord Tang and ordered the arrest of the traitor Liu Mingyang. When Ni Tianxing rushed to Liu Mingyang's private residence, he saw Liu Mingyang's adjutant Gou Cheng came out to welcome him.Ni Tianxing was about to take him down when he raised his hand and said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm from Shadow Hall." Ni Tianxing was a bit inexplicable, but the guide Jiang Shangren left him was awe-inspiring, and quickly explained to Ni Tianxing: "There is the most mysterious shadow hall in the Azure Dragon Club, which is directly commanded by Lord Tang, and its members are controlled by They are called shadows. They specialize in intelligence work, and they are also responsible for supervising the generals of the various armies." Ni Tianxing suddenly realized: "Are you the hidden stake that Lord Tang kept by Liu Mingyang's side?" Gou Cheng nodded: "If it wasn't for my secret help, your people might not be able to rescue you so quickly. It's a pity that Liu Mingyang was one step ahead and escaped from the planet Bilal by fast boat, and I came one step too late." Ni Tianxing's heart suddenly trembled, and he gradually understood the real intention of Master Tang sending him to the Abyss Fortress.Maybe Mr. Tang has received a secret report from Gou Cheng, and he already has doubts about Liu Mingyang, but it is inconvenient to replace the key guard without any real evidence.So he dispatched himself to lead a small fleet to the Abyss star field. If Liu Mingyang had no ghosts in his heart, he would definitely take this strange fleet calmly.Otherwise, it would cause him to take risks and eventually be exposed.And Gou Cheng, as Master Tang's shadow arranged by Liu Mingyang's side, must already have the means to deal with the crisis.Moreover, Jiang Shangren must have obtained a secret authorization from Lord Tang before he left, so that he could take over the fortress in an emergency, and he, the fleet commander, was kept in the dark.After thinking this through, Ni Tianxing suddenly felt a little dull. The surrounding sirens finally came into contact, and Jiang Shangren’s voice came from the loudspeaker: “Attention all the defenders of Abyss Fortress, I am Jiang Shangren, and I am here to take over the fortress under the order of Master Tang. All fleets, bases and all Commander of the aviation brigade, hurry to the conference room of my flagship Qingzhou to discuss matters." Half an hour later, Ni Tianxing and Gou Cheng came to the conference room of the Qingzhou space carrier.A dozen or so high-ranking generals had already gathered there, with a trace of uneasiness and vigilance on their faces, and they were whispering to each other. Ni Tianxing found an inconspicuous corner and sat down, watching the development of the situation like a bystander.A few minutes later, seeing Jiang Shangren and Long Xiaokang rushing in, the generals hurriedly stood up to greet them.Jiang Shangren kindly motioned for everyone to sit down, and then smiled nonchalantly: "I think everyone has heard about the riot that happened just now, and I was worried that no one might come to the Qingzhou to attend the meeting. But I am relieved to see everyone coming. Now, it seems that Liu Mingyang is the only one who has a second heart, and it has nothing to do with the generals." The tense mood of the generals suddenly eased a lot, and they expressed their loyalty to Jiang Shangren one after another.Ni Tianxing, who was on the sidelines, secretly admired him. No wonder Jiang Shangren, who looks honest and honest, can become the head of the five generals of the new Tang Dynasty. After Jiang Shangren briefly explained the history of Liu Mingyang's rebellion, he continued: "The responsibility for Liu Mingyang's rebellion lies with the headquarters, and has nothing to do with the generals. No matter how close the personal relationship between the generals and Liu Mingyang was in the past, they will not be held accountable. The generals are still responsible. The original duty, and explain the incident and handling process to the subordinates, so as to reassure everyone. From now on, Long Xiaokang and I will personally guard the Yabis Fortress, and all the fleets will be under the command of Ni Tianxing. Please bear with me I would like to introduce the new fleet commander, Mr. Ni Tianxing, who was once famous all over the world." Under the strange eyes of everyone, Ni Tianxing stood up slowly, and said dullly: "Master Tang has already arranged a strategy to suppress the rebellion. I am a bit redundant as a commander, and I am really not qualified as a fleet commander. I also ask Mr. Jiang to take it back." Jiang Shangren looked at Ni Tianxing sincerely, and said: "You are our guest, and you are Tang Ye's friend, I have no right to order you. But this appointment is from Tang Ye, please believe in the wisdom of Tang Ye, if it is not because of As a last resort, Lord Tang will not appoint an outsider to be our fleet commander. We urgently need your help, otherwise Abyss Fortress is still in danger." Ni Tianxing frowned and said: "The Abis Fortress is impenetrable, I don't see any danger." Jiang Shangren shook his head and sighed: "Liu Mingyang escaped. He knows the guarding situation of the fortress very well, and he is even familiar with all the passing instructions. We didn't have time to cancel all the instructions in a hurry, and the Yabis Fortress became riddled with holes because of Liu Mingyang's betrayal. , full of loopholes. Once attacked by the enemy, we will definitely not be able to hold on. Therefore, in this extraordinary period, we can only place our hopes on the fortress fleet, and only by relying on the maneuvering of the fleet to contain the enemy can we win time to mend the situation. Can we hold the fortress? , the greatest hope lies in the ability and employment of the fleet commander." Ni Tianxing hesitated and said: "However, the Abyss Fortress is full of talents, and the fleet commander must have a better candidate. Why let me, an outsider who has never received professional training, take command? I am not afraid of taking risks, but let me take countless To risk the lives of soldiers, I really have the timidity and fear of walking on thin ice." Jiang Shangren sighed: "Liu Mingyang is very familiar with every general in the Yabis Fortress. I am afraid that they have an instinctive fear of the former commander in their subconscious, and I am afraid that they will have a parting relationship with Liu Mingyang. As an outsider who doesn't know you, you must have no fear of him, and he knows nothing about your character and military characteristics, so you are the best candidate for the fleet commander." Ni Tianxing was still hesitating, when he suddenly saw a staff officer rushing in, and whispered something in Jiang Shangren's ear.Although Jiang Shangren's expression remained unchanged, his eyes were extremely solemn.He said to the staff officer indifferently: "There are no outsiders here, you let the radar hand transmit the signal." The staff officer quickly used the walkie-talkie to give orders to the radar man.A few seconds later, a holographic radar image appeared in the center of the meeting room, and I saw a large group of dazzling stars moving fast in the vast starry sky. It was obviously a huge star fleet. Jiang Shangren pointed to the image in the center of the conference room and explained: "The fleet of the Yamato people has approached less than an hour away from the Abyss Fortress, and the Polar Bear Fleet is not far behind. Together, they have a size of more than 30,000 warships." , and in about two hours the fortress will be attacked by them." Everyone's complexion suddenly changed, and there was a look of fear on their faces.If only 30,000 warships attack, it may not pose a fatal threat to the fortress, but if the commander of the fortress has defected to the attacking side, the once impregnable fortress may be vulnerable, not to mention such a change in the top generals, the morale of the army is sure will be affected.Under the current situation, the Yabis Fortress can be said to be in jeopardy. From the expressions of the generals against the sky, he could see the crisis of the Yabis Fortress.Recalling Lord Tang’s help to the Titanium base, he raised his head and said to Jiang Shangren without any hesitation: "I am willing to be the commander of the fleet, and I am willing to lead all the fleets to take the initiative to meet the enemy fleet, so as to gain precious time for the re-defense of the fortress." .” "Great!" Jiang Shangren, who has always been happy and angry, couldn't help clapping his hands happily, "On behalf of Lord Tang, I appoint you as the commander of the Abyss Fortress Fleet, and you have the unquestionable supreme command over all warships. .Adjutant, inform all warships of this appointment immediately!"
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