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Chapter 3 third chapter

I called the Los Angeles Tribune and asked to be picked up from their library.Haimarin, who is in charge of the data files, came to answer the call.I said, "Big beauty, I'm Lai Tangnuo." She called out, "Tang Nuo! Where have you been hiding all this time?" "I'm busy." "I never see you!" "I chased the murderers into their cave." "You should come here often to find some data, as before. It will do you a lot of good." I said, "That's a great idea! Please help me sort out some data first. I'm in a hurry. I'll go to see you right away, and I'll leave after I take it."

"Yes." She said, "The data you want can be sorted out for you first, but you don't have to take it and leave. Why do you have to be in such a hurry every time?" "You raise my blood pressure," I said, "and boost my metabolism. I'm always hungry when I'm with you, and I want to eat." She said, "Oh! You should have said so sooner. I'll bake a pie myself and bring it to the office for you." I said, "That's it. Now you find some data for me. A guy called Guy Hebbe died years ago. He left an inheritance to his nephew Guyamo. But the will is for spending too much. Unfilial children and grandchildren. This will is about to expire. Now I think there is a story to dig."

"What's your last name? Guy?" "That's right, Gai is God's Gai." "Don't worry, I will organize the information for you. When will you arrive?" "Fifteen minutes." "I'll wait for you at the door." "really?" "Really," she said.I hurriedly added, "At least I am." She hung up the phone before I had time to speak. I drove the company car to the newspaper office. Marlene has all the ins and outs of a redhead.She also has a mischievous slightly upturned nose.The figure was top-notch three or four years ago, so a few Miss Beauty Pageants were selected.It was also praised by people.In the end, I don't know how bad luck failed to become more famous.Once, because of a case, I went to the reference room of the Tribune by myself and went to Miss Hai in her presence.Before she asked me who I was and what I wanted, she gave me a stack of materials clipped with paper clips, including clippings of Yu Shihaimarin's "Miss Peacock", "Princess of Home Appliances" and "Queen of Fruits".

"You're not bad, but you know the way here." Marlene said. "Has it been so long since you came?" "It's been so long." She put her hands in my arms and led me to a table. "What are you up to? Your unbearable partner, okay?" "Fortunately, people are good people, but sometimes the speech is unbearable." I said. "I think she's quite disgusting. Tang Nuo, you don't know her." "Don't know what she is?" "She's terribly afraid you'll get married. It would add a female dimension to your partnership. I think . . . oh, it's hard to explain. Betha loves you sometimes."

"And sometimes I hate it to death." I said. Marlene nodded, "You two are a perfect match. I have a feeling that Baisha doesn't like men." "A long time ago, she had a marriage that hit her hard," I said. "That's her word," Marlene said. "I dare say she hits marriages hard." "In any case, the marriage didn't work out." "That's for sure." "Why are we talking about marriage?" I asked. She said: "I started it. I thought I did it naturally!" "You're doing a great job, I'm just wondering if that's not what I came for."

She said: "Men are like this. They got hooked by accident. What are you up to today? Why do you need the data with the surname Gai?" "I'm busy with the surname Gai today, so I want the data of the surname Gai." She took out the materials she had prepared for me, and I read them carefully. Gai Haibo, who made the will, has a photo, and Yamo also has a photo in the file.They are all photos from ten years ago, Yamo looks young and promising. There are many clauses in the will, to the effect that the testator is very fond of his younger brother's son, but he has no children himself, so this nephew is his only heir.But he was worried that his nephew was young, and he would not be able to be independent if he acquired so much property at once, so he handed over the property to a trust fund to be managed by a trustee.This part of the will is as follows:

I walked back to Marlene's office and found her answering the phone.Apparently a reporter was asking her to provide data from the library, but was constantly doing public work for personal gain.She was laughing and drawing meaningless patterns on the table with her fingers. I sneaked up to cover it from behind, stretched out a finger and cut off the phone. She turned around angrily, and found that I did something good, and said indifferently: "I know you won't be jealous. You must be asking for some other data, and I'm afraid that the phone conversation will not stop, and your precious time will be wasted."

"I want Pu Qiumei." I said. She said critically, "If you're a gentleman, you should at least deny it. So what if you admit that you're jealous?" "Okay, let's do it again." Pretending to beat me up, she stood up and walked into the reference room, and when she came out, she brought Pu Qiumei's file data. There is really no useful data stored in the file.Just because Pu Qiumei can be regarded as a successful capitalist, the newspaper had to have a file belonging to him. Pu Qiumei has delivered speeches at bank conferences, consumer culture and education fund conferences, and served as a referee in college students' debate competitions.

Shit data!I took a copy of his speech and returned the folder to Marlene. A reporter came in looking for data in a hurry, and Marlene had to accompany him.I could see that Marlene wanted to get rid of him before I left and talk to me again, but the guy wanted so much data that she couldn't get away. I came to Pu Qiumei's office.I told his secretary that I wanted to see him in order to build the family property. The secretary went in and kept in touch for a long time, and let me go in to see Pu Qiumei. Pu Qiumei was a big man with calm and frank eyes.He is very good at acting, watching others speak with his eyes wide open, which quickly shortens the distance between others and him.When he talks, he likes to turn his hands up, palms up, to show that he has no scheming at all.

He has a large frame and has begun to put on weight. He looked at me as if he thought highly of me and was kind to me when he received me.I didn't care, that's what a lot of big guys think about a little guy like me who's only five-foot-six and weighs 135 pounds. "Mr. Lai?" The tone was like a monkey calling his monkey. I said, "What's going on with the Gai family property trust fund?" "Why are you interested?" "I want to know the inside story." "Are you a journalist?" I said, "I'm just interested. I just came from the Tribune office. I just read the details of this matter from the materials."

"Then you won't get any more details from me." "Not necessarily. According to my information, Gaiamo will be thirty-five years old on the 25th of this month. How will the fund be handled by then?" "The trust fund has no plans to make changes at present." Pu Qiumei said coldly. "So, you're not going to hand over the money to him?" "Why so urgent? The conditions are not ready yet." "What conditions?" "The terms of trust listed in the will. Gaiamo is probably in prison somewhere, as far as I can tell." "If he is in prison, you are not going to return all the funds to him?" "Didn't you read the terms of the trust in the will?" he asked. I nod. Puqiumei said, "If he is in prison, the entire fund will go to charity. If you like to write, I suggest you start with how bad alcohol is to a person. I can tell you frankly that Gaiamo is an alcoholic. Terrific. His uncle Gabriel knew it, and was absolutely against it." I said, "How much do you pay Yamo every month?" "The amount of money to give him every month is up to me. According to the will, at least three hundred yuan. As long as I think it is necessary, there is no limit." "After he is over thirty-five years old, will he still have the three hundred?" "Of course not. Unless he can take all of it, he won't get a penny. If the fund is to be donated to the Bodhisattva Organization, I will still be the trustee, and within three years, all real estate stocks will be turned into cash I also think the will is a bit weird, but the will is legal. Gai Haibo talked about the will at the last minute, and he passed away within a month of notarization. He was still worried about his only nephew when he died .Now you know how bad alcohol is for people." "Most of the inheritance is the stock of the business, so if Yamo wants to take over, just hand it over to him, right?" "Yes, but as you said...if it goes to Yamo. On the contrary, if it goes to charity, I have to stay in this office for three years, slowly dispose of these stocks, as much as possible Change some cash." "Do you have a monthly salary for your service?" "I reimburse expenses." "How much per month?" "none of your business." "How do you pay Guyamo, send him a check every month?" I asked. "Of course not. I was entrusted by his uncle to take good care of him. Every time I pay money, I ask him to come to this office by himself. I pay cash in person and ask him to issue a receipt." "How many times have you paid a little more than three hundred dollars?" "I never gave him more than 300 yuan." Pu Qiumei said, "He never asked me to give him an extra penny." "As soon as he turns thirty-five." I asked, "Will you take the initiative to find him and see him..." "Of course I won't," Puqiumei said. "I'm the trustee. Of course it's up to Gaiamo to come to me on my thirty-fifth birthday and prove to me that everything has been fulfilled in terms of the estate." .However, he has not received the last month's monthly payment after the expiration date. Because of this, even if he comes in and says that he is ready to claim the inheritance, I will still have doubts, and I have to check it out!" "What are you looking for?" "I think it's because he couldn't help himself. Maybe he went to jail, so he violated his will." "What if it's as you said?" "If he is in prison, all the money should go to charity." "I think you have studied every step of the way with your lawyer, haven't you?" His face turned red. "What do you mean? Why should I study with a lawyer. I call an accountant for notarization every year. I am the trustee of the deceased. Last year, the court also praised my accountant for preparing the documents very well." "If you don't have a lawyer and want to be your own lawyer, I think you'd better hire a better lawyer and take a closer look at the terms of the will." "I do not understand what you mean." "By the terms of the will," I said, "on his thirty-fifth birthday, provided he's alive and never convicted of any serious crime, you'll have to pay." "Yes, nothing wrong." "What does the word 'significant' mean?" I asked. He said slickly: "Any crime in the world is a major crime. Any behavior that will be punished by imprisonment is a major crime. I know what the testator wants, and I feel the same way." "There are two other words, maybe you haven't studied them." I said. "Which two words?" "'determination'." Pu Qiumei was about to say something, but suddenly changed her mind.He stopped talking, took a deep breath and said, "You mean..." He stopped again and began to study my words. "Exactly," I said, "I mean even if Guyamo is in jail for murder, even if he's indicted, as long as the jury doesn't declare 'convict' him guilty, by his thirty-fifth birthday , you have to return the property to him.” He said, "That's ridiculous... Mr. Lai!" "It's the conditions in the will, written in black and white!" "That was not the real intention of the deceased." I pretended to be ignorant and asked: "What is the basis for the execution of the will? Is it executed in black and white, or is everyone guessing the real intention of the deceased?" "I... Mr. Lai, did you come here on purpose to set up a trap?" "No," I told him, "you don't need anyone to cast the bait, you've already taken the bait yourself." I walked out of his office and let him be angry and angry alone!
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