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Seeking wealth and insurance

Seeking wealth and insurance


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 90291

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Chapter 1 Chapter One

The little girl was only about fifteen years old, but she pretended to be brave and sophisticated.Ke Baisha was trying to refuse her and coax her to leave. I stood at the door with my hand on the handle and said, "I'm sorry, Betha, I didn't know you were busy." "It doesn't matter," Baisha said, "she's leaving." The little girl blinked to keep the tears from falling.It looked like she didn't want to leave, but she also refused to ask.She stood up proudly and said, "Thank you for meeting me, Mrs. Ke." She walked to the office door.

I stood at the door without moving. Ke Baisha explained: "This is my partner Lai Tangnuo; this lady is Deng Shandi. Tang Nuo, I have something important to discuss with you." The little girl's big blue eyes were filled with tears, but she forced a smile. "Mr. Lai, hello." She said politely. She was walking towards the door, but she had to stop because I was still standing in the doorway. "Sandy, you're having a little trouble, aren't you?" I asked. She nodded and suddenly wanted to push me away and run out. Baisha said, "It's none of our business. No money...not a dime."

I put my arms around her shoulders. "Wait a minute, Sandy," I said, "what's your problem?" Baisha glared at me: "She's already told me, and I told you, we can't help her." "Sandy, what do you want us to do?" I asked. The warmth from my arms around her shoulders, and the human compassion expressed in my questioning, was too heavy for a girl of her age, and she leaned against my upper body and began to cry.Shrugged and cried softly. Betha said, "Damn it! I hate putting on airs. Get her out!" "Let's go." I said.

"I need you!" Baisha called. "Let's talk now, then. I'm going to talk to Sandy later. Sandy, sit down," I said.Send Sandy back to the chair.The little girl looked at Baisha hesitantly, then timidly sat on the edge of the chair. "What's the matter?" I asked. Baisha said angrily: "It's nothing at all. We can't help her. She wants to find her Uncle Yamo. If Uncle Yamo is alive, it seems that he will get some money. If he is happy, he will give Sandy Mom can pay a little money. Mom can pay for the medical bills, and the family can be reunited. It seems that her mother is seriously ill and can no longer work. Even if you find her uncle, he may not be willing to give money to her mother, let alone pay private money. Detective's money. Jesus, you leave the business to me and let the kid go."

I held Sandy's hand and walked out of Betha's office, past the reception room, and took her to my private office. Bu Aiqian, my personal secretary, looked into her eyes with sympathy. I said, "Come in, Elsie, and jot down the key points for me." She placed Sandy on the couch, sat next to her, put her arms around her shoulders, and asked, "What's going on?" Sandy wiped away her tears, put a smile on her face like a lady, sat herself upright, and looked at Elsie and me.Elsie withdrew her hands from behind her shoulders, like a good secretary, sitting there quietly listening to the master and the client discuss business.

I asked, "How did you break into our place?" She said, "I watch TV shows. I know that a good private eye can do anything. There was a librarian who was a good friend of mine. She told me about the Curry's private eye agency. So I often say to myself , If I have anything, the first thing I do is to come to you. I came here to see you. Others said that you are very smart. But you are not here, and Mrs. Ke said that she will meet me. " "What's the matter?" I asked. She said, "Uncle Yamo." "what is his name?" "The surname is Gai, Uncle Gaiamo."

"Uncle Yamo, how are you doing?" "Uncle Yamo, you're a weirdo." I nod. "Uncle Yamo would run away from home regularly... Mom and I couldn't control his habit because we didn't know much about alcohol addiction. Mom said he was very sick. When the alcohol bug came out, he couldn't resist it, like I'm going to get the measles." "He's gone now again?" I asked. "He went out to drink again, but this time he didn't come back. He wrote to his mother that he was coming back, broke and hitchhiking all the way home. But he hasn't come home yet."

"Where is home?" I asked. "He has his own place, but it's not far from our house...Uncle Yamo likes me, and likes my mother." "What does Yamo have to do with you?" I asked. "My mother married his brother. His brother... that is, after my father died, my mother married Deng Jiman again. But my mother and Deng Jiman have divorced." "Do you still see Uncle Yamo?" "Oh, yes, he's a nice guy, and he likes us. Uncle Armor has a trust fund for his expenses. He gives Mom thirty dollars a month. I don't think he gets any money himself this month, and we Didn't see him either."

"No news from him either?" She shook her head: "It's just a postcard. It said he was on his way home and would come to see us as soon as he came back. But he just didn't come back." "What about his trust fund?" I asked. "It was an inheritance from his uncle." "Do you know his uncle's name?" "Gabel." "Do you know how much money is left?" I asked. She shook her head and said, "I know it's a lot of money, but Uncle Yamo only gets the monthly expenses. He will get a lot later." "Does your mother know too?"

"Of course, he gives mom thirty dollars a month. He tells mom he'll give mom a little more once he gets it all. He won't get all the money in the trust fund until he's thirty-five. He told Mom, he made a will that in case of his death everything from him goes to my mom. I think my mom and I are the only people he has a relationship with. We both like him." I looked at my watch and said, "I must go and see Kebetha. We have something important to discuss. She is still waiting for me. You are here, talk to this Miss Betsy. Tell her your mother's name." , your home address, and if you have a phone number, please leave your phone number. You can go back later... Will you go back by bus?"

She almost gave me a glare and said, "Of course, I'm almost fifteen." "Okay." I told her, "You go back first, and we will tell you what we find." "But Mrs. Ke said that you don't take this kind of case. She said that if you take this kind of business, you will go bankrupt...she said..." She blinked quickly. I said, "Bai Sha is made of steel and concrete. But don't be fooled by her. Her eyes are like shining diamonds." I nodded to Elsie.Said: "Ask for important data carefully. I will go to the lion cage now."
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