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Chapter 20 Chapter Twenty

I came to the motel where Han Jialuo was waiting for me alone.Park the car, try the door, it's locked. I knock on the door.Han Jialuo asked from behind the door, "Who is it?" "Ray Tangnuo." "Oh," she said, opening the door, "come in, and you're welcome." "thanks." I kicked the door behind itself.She walked to the couch and sat down.I chose a chair for myself, sat down, and lit a cigarette. "Tired?" she asked. "yes." "Always working?" "uh-huh." She said shyly, "How are you now? What's your mood now? Professional? Animal?"

"Professional." She made a face.She said, "I like your animal side. Today I put on the best silk stockings, but I didn't see a good word from you." "Because there are important things to consider." "That excites me the most," she said. "what?" "There are more important things than me." "Is this what you call animal emotions?" She smiled and said, "Yes." I said, "Jialuo, it's your first time to come to our agency, and you didn't come with your own money." "What makes you think so?"

I smiled and said, "I don't think you are in love with Bao Qile. Even if you loved him, I don't think you would spend your own money to hire a detective to protect him from being poisoned. I think it was someone else's idea, someone else's idea." banknotes." "You really think so?" I said, "Those legs are so beautiful!" She stretched her legs out on the couch.Use your fingers to smooth out the wrinkles of the stockings from bottom to top, straight up, turn up the skirt a little, and straighten it to the opening of the socks. She said: "I like them too, do you think I'm qualified to advertise pantyhose?"

"I don't think there's any problem. I'm qualified. Jia Luo, who paid for it?" "God, you really want to break the casserole and ask the end." "yes." "It's none of your business, I won't tell you." I said, "Don't forget, I'm taking a risk for you. There's a lot of circumstantial evidence against you. I think you mixed the poison in a coffee cup." "What happens when I tell you all the facts?" "I may give you some useful advice." "What if I don't tell you?" I said, "It's a pity that a girl with beautiful legs like you has been in prison for so long. When you come out, no one will look at your legs anymore."

I saw her turn pale. "Did Cai Kaier tell you to do this?" "Why do you think so?" "Because I thought it was him." She hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded. "He met you after you got the job." "No, he arranged for me to get this position. I have... Kyle and I have known each other for a long time. He wanted me to get this job because he wanted to know what was brewing at Bao Qile's family." "Do you like Kyle?" "Yes, very much. For a while...but you know, Kyle isn't the type to get married." "He gave you the powder and taught you how to use it?"

"Yes, he called me and asked me to meet him in his office immediately. He gave me the powder and told me it was an antidote to arsenic. He told me that Mrs. Bao would take a little arsenic first to show her Innocent. She also said that she wanted to poison her husband, but she had to do it so that people would misunderstand that it was her who wanted to poison him." "What happened after that?" "Kyle asked me to mix the powder with some anchovy paste. Put it on a biscuit and carefully bring it into the room where Mr. and Mrs. Bao are drinking and eating snacks. Find a chance to distract Mrs. Bao. Put this biscuit with antidote on the most convenient place on the side Mrs. Bao chooses to eat. Oh, Tang Nuo, what should I do? At that time, I really thought it was the antidote. Symptoms would occur, and she would thwart her plan. But, now that I know it, it's...you see...no one will believe me again."

"I trust you." I said. "But will the police believe me?" "Won't." She said: "My situation is terrible. I have already made a replacement for the dead ghost. I... I don't know if Cai Kaier will come forward to protect me. I think he may not, because if he comes out, he will kill his own head." Go to the guillotine. I... I don't want to drag him in. So..." "No one will believe your story. People will believe that you poisoned her on purpose." She nodded sadly. I said, "I once set a trap for you. I don't know if you have fallen into it."

"what?" I point to the phone: "I think as soon as I turn around and walk away, you're going to call the supporters behind the scenes. You're like being exiled here without a car. I don't think you'll run out and hitchhike, because the police are looking everywhere. You. If you don't tell me who you called, I'll check the hotel anyway. Have you called him yet?" "Yes, I did. What do you think I got?" "what?" "I told Kyle where I was, and he said he would come to pick me up. Do you know why I told you all this? I think he ignored me and ran away. Tang Nuo, I hope you can help me. "

"I'm helping you!" "I wish there was a tape recorder," she said. "I don't believe that." I was about to speak when I heard quick steps on the gravel drive and a knock on the door. "Could it be the police?" Jia Luo asked. "If so, promise me one thing." "What's up?" "No matter what. Keep absolutely silent. Just say that everything will be answered by a lawyer. But I don't think it is the police. I think I have solved all the difficulties for you. If it is, you must not make any confession. The mouth is sewn up and the stitches are never removed."

I went to the door and opened it. Cai Kaier stood at the door. Seeing me inside, he took a step back. "The world is really small." I said, "You are a little late, please come in." He hesitated, shrugged, and walked in.He put his hat on the table and said, "Hello, Jialuo." "Hi dear." I said: "When the best opportunity for murder comes to you automatically, will you let it go? As soon as I heard the entire recording of the conversation between Dr. Gui and Mrs. Bao, I thought of a genius like you, would you let me go?" Take advantage of this opportunity..."

"Tut, tut," Kyle said, "sit down, Lai, let's talk. You're very smart, but you talk too much. Your friend Shanlou, he's done the whole case. He's very satisfied. Cases he cracked." I said: "You did spend a lot of time and energy in collecting evidence against Dafen. You almost gave up, and then this rare opportunity came. Not only did you know that she was going to take some poison, but you could also get proof You have a recording of the conversation between her and Gui. So you ordered Jia Luo to give her some more arsenic. Since Jia Luo knew it was not food poisoning, she called for help and saved Mr. Bao’s life.” "Interesting, interesting," Kyle said. "What's more interesting," I told him, "is that Jia Luo has told me..." Han Jialuo's voice cut in like a knife, "Tang Nuo, please don't..." I leaned back and waited. Cai Kaier looked at Han Jialuo questioningly, and then at me. "What I don't know," I asked, "is why you paid for Jialuo to come to Baisha and me." "I know the answer," Jia Luo said, "because he really wants to protect Mr. Bao from being poisoned... You see, he asked me to hire you first, and after hearing Mrs. Bao and Dr. Gui talking." Kyle was silent for a few seconds.Then he narrowed his eyes and said, "Have you talked to your partner, Mrs. Ke, about this?" "No." "Where's Officer He Mi?" "No, only the three of us present here know." Kyle smiled and said, "In this case, the problem is much simpler." "I think you must know how to solve it." "What to do?" Jia Luo asked. I said, "Don't look at me that way, Jialuo. I'm just a matchmaker." Kyle said, "Of course, Lai. As long as I have proof that Bao Dafen voluntarily took the arsenic capsules, no one can prove anything else. No jury will believe anything else. Even if someone proves that Jialuo gave She ate arsenic, but she can’t prove how much she gave. Jia Luo probably gave less than the lethal dose. The capsules that Dafen took herself may be the cause of death.” I said, "That's strong argument. The D.A.'s probably a lot better at it than you think." He said, "You are such a stubborn monster. Are you really going to insist?" "yes." "Besides, Dafen is a murderess. The law will sentence her to death anyway." I smile. Kyle said, "Well, since you insist. As I told you, anyone who chooses to die on a Friday is an idiot." "What charades are you two playing?" Jiafu said. Kyle said: "The law of this state, Article 1322, stipulates that in criminal proceedings, a husband or wife cannot testify against each other, which means that the prosecutor cannot ask the wife to testify against the husband, and vice versa. My dear, do I have such a blessing?" Jia Luo swallowed his saliva: "What! I was confused." "I'm proposing," Kyle said, "actually, smart people always choose a member of the opposite sex to conspire with. It's not like I'm talking empty words to Mr. Lai. A few words of grunt can seal her mouth forever. My dear Jia Luo, will you marry me?" "You think you can turn me into a submissive woman?" "exactly." Jia Luo said: "I don't like it. If I want to stay with me for the rest of my life, there must be someone who really loves me. I don't want to marry someone, just to put a silencer on my mouth." Kyle said: "Lai, you forced me to do this in the least romantic atmosphere. Here is an afternoon newspaper. Please go and read the newspaper for a while. Let me make a formal, romantic marriage proposal again. " He gave me the newspaper and went to sit next to Jialo on the couch. "Darling," he said, "you and I have known each other for a long time. You have done something for me and you have done it perfectly and very faithfully. I have been spending too much time lately sitting alone in my office at the White Base Building Here, I heard Dr. Gui tell people to open their mouths and then to rinse their mouths. I think a lot by myself. Jia Luo, you are a pure and good girl. I want to calm down and hope to be with you forever." I kept my eyes on the paper, but I said, "Kyle, talk about her thighs, she's so proud of them. They're actually fucking beautiful!" Jia Luo said: "Oh, two bastards. Is there any chance for a weak woman to run away under the watchful eyes of two perverts? Okay, Kyle, when do we go?" "Let's go now," Kyle said, "and fast. Take my car to the airport and then the plane." Jia Luo stood up from the couch.She asked me, "Are you going to kiss the bride? You've lost your chance twice. This is the last time." I kissed the bride.
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