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Chapter 18 Chapter Eighteen

I said, "I'll stick with my own car because I have other places to go. Guess you like your own car." "yes." I said to Baisha, "Are you going with Shanlou, or with me?" "It's better for me to take Shanlou's car." Shanlou said: "Wait a minute, wait a moment. Don't try to slip away and do something on the phone." I said, "Jesus, I told you she wasn't at my apartment. I don't mind if you go. If you don't believe me, call now and no one will answer." "Good idea," Shanlou said, "Baisha, what's the phone number for his apartment?"

Betha gave him my phone number.Shanlou dialed the number and did not hang up after listening for more than ten seconds.He hung up the phone after making sure no one answered, and looked at me strangely.Finally he said, "Okay, Tang Nuo. Let's go. Even if I'm curious, I'm going to take a look." I told him: "It's up to you. I can only buy you some drinks when I come to my place. From now on, you will laugh me to death and ask you to pay for your life. This is my key. You can take it. If you use the siren, I will not be able to keep up." You will be a few minutes late."

Shanlou said: "You stay here, don't bother. I don't use the siren. If you want to use your car, I will follow you. Don't run around, go straight to your apartment. Baisha and I will follow you closely. Clearly Yet?" I nodded, deliberately yawning. Walking out of Baisha's office and coming to the reception room, I suddenly remembered that the paper skewer used by Ai Qian was still on the table at the entrance.It was an iron skewer with a heavy base.All kinds of paper waiting to be buried or that may be useful in the future can be inserted on it. Shanlou was the first to walk up the aisle.I stepped aside to let Baisha go ahead of me, and with a quick touch, I grabbed the paper skewer in my hand, grabbed all the paper off it, and threw it to the ground.

I glanced back and Bu Aixi looked at me curiously.But she didn't say a word.Didn't get up and clean up the messy pile of papers on the floor before I left. I stuffed the whole paper skewer into my pocket, and followed Shanlou and Baisha into the same elevator.Shanlou's car was parked in front of the fire hydrant at the entrance of the building. After Shanlou got into the driver's seat, I helped Baisha go around the car to the other side of the car.He opened the door for her, held the door and waited for her to enter, and closed the door. Such politeness almost killed Baisha.I saw the smile on her heart.

I came around from the back of the car again, took out the iron skewer from my pocket, lowered my front body slightly, and inserted it into the right rear tire of the police car with force.He pulled out the skewer, put it back in his pocket, walked forward and said, "Officer, I'm driving a company car, and I'll go straight to the apartment." "Okay," said Shanlou, "you lead the way." I said, "You have to follow me carefully. It's not easy for me to see if you're following me." Shanlou pointed to the siren and said, "Don't worry. I have an ace here. You want to drive away in a fast car, and there are no doors. Don't worry, just try to fly. I can even make a bet with you."

"Okay." I said and walked towards the place where our company car was parked. When I drove out, Mi Shanlou was lighting a new cigar in the car, and he didn't seem to want to start the engine quickly. I quickly took the lead through a street and a half, and then kept a distance of one traffic light, but I couldn't go through four or five traffic lights.In the rearview mirror, Officer Mi could be seen sitting behind the steering wheel like a baboon, with the just-lit cigar tilted at a forty-five-degree angle. We walked more than ten streets in tandem.I have a chance to turn left.When turning left, I saw Shanlou's car was quite bumpy.Suddenly Shanlou pulled over to the side of the road, and one of his tires was flat.

I stepped on the gas pedal, in the end. Within half a street, I heard a series of warning horns coming from the Shanlou police car behind.At the intersection I heard sirens again. I ignored him and continued driving, very fast. In front of my apartment, I braked the car.Quickly get out of the car and walk onto the sidewalk with the keys to the apartment in hand.I expected the elevator to be on the ground floor when I opened the door. The elevator is right on the ground floor.I go upstairs. There was a square rug in the elevator that wasn't very clean.I pulled out one corner of it a little and clamped it between the two doors. The elevator door couldn't be closed, and the elevator didn't move naturally. I wanted them to go up the stairs, which would buy me a few seconds.

I walked quickly to the door of my apartment, opened the lock with the key and said, "Ruth, come on, we have to get out of here immediately." I heard bare feet walking and a soft cry. Ruth stood in the bathroom doorway, holding a towel over her front. I said: "When is it not good to take a bath!" "Tang Nuo, I can't help it. I must take a shower. Look, I've tidied up your place. It's a mess. What's wrong?" "Officer Mi will be here soon. They found the packet of poison in your apartment." "What are you saying!" I said, "Get dressed and get out of here."

"You stand here looking at me, how do I get dressed?" I went to the window and said, "I don't want to look at you. Put on your clothes quickly. You don't need to wear socks. Put on whatever you want and slip away. I parked the elevator on this floor, and they won't be able to come up for the time being. As soon as you get out, go upstairs. Run to the next level. If something happens, you are caught and don’t say anything. You get dressed, I’ll ask you. Do you know Hua Susu?” "Who is she?" "Bao Qile's secretary." "Yes, I saw her once."

I said, "She died in your apartment." "Tang Nuo..." "Murder. Someone beat her on the head and strangled her with one of your nylon stockings. Did you know, did she know Dr. Gui?" "know." "How familiar are you with Hua Susu?" "I don't know. She came to my apartment once. She came to see me specially." "What does she want?" "She came to inquire about the relationship between Dr. Gui and Mrs. Bao, and I couldn't satisfy her." I said, "Get dressed quickly." "I'm ready."

When I turned around, she had put on her skirt, top, and coat.Both feet are wearing shoes. "Is there a hat?" "Have." "Where?" "I didn't take it." "sock?" "In the purse." "Is there anything left?" "No." "Okay, let's go, remember, run to the upper floor." "Tang Nuo, what will happen if they catch me?" I told her, "If you don't go, you're really caught. Go up one floor and wait there, and I'll come for you. They'll never think of going upstairs to get you." I pushed her to the door, opened the door for her, and pushed her into the aisle: "Go, there are stairs in the exit door, go upstairs." I saw her go through the door and start climbing the stairs.I went back to the apartment and looked around to see if she had left anything behind.I didn't have much time to look, and there was already a heavy knock on the door. I went over and opened the door. Mi Shanlou pushed the door, and it hit the rubber door on the wall. I move out of the way so he can come in. "How long have you been back?" Shanlou asked. I made a surprised expression: "It's just arrived! Didn't you follow me in?" "Didn't hear my siren?" "Siren? Of course I heard it." "Why don't you stop." I said, "Isn't this the trump card you use to clear the way?" "I want you to stop, I got a nail in my tire." "I don't know at all!" Shanlou stretched out a hand to grab my shoulder, turned me to face him, pushed hard, and leaned my back against the wall.He said, "Fuck, I don't know if you're lucky or smart." Baisha shouted angrily: "Shanlou, don't be violent!" I said, "What do you mean, your tire is pinned, it's none of my business. The tire needs to be changed, how can it come so fast." Bai Sha said angrily: "We didn't change. Requisition the first car that passed by and take us to a place where there are taxis." Shanlou explained: "Even so, you must have arrived five minutes before us." I shook my head: "I don't think it's been that long at all. Wait a minute, maybe it's really been that long. I parked the car and saw that you were not behind me. I waited downstairs for two or three minutes. I was on the street like a fool. Wait, come up later." Shanlou said: "Boy, let me tell you, if you lie to me, I will make you unemployed. I will revoke your eating license." "Wait a minute," I said, "you told me to drive as much as possible, don't worry about you. You said you..." Shanlou said angrily: "Forget it, let's not talk about it! Where is the woman?" I said, "Baisha is here alone." "She's not here?" I said, "Han Jialuo isn't here. I made it clear before you came. You can find it yourself. You're welcome." Shanlou took a casual look at the apartment, then turned to Baisha: "What are you doing?" Bai Sha was panting and angry again: "Tang Nuo, don't think you can fool me." I shrugged. Shanlou said, "None of you two should think I'm an idiot. There are no women here. Baisha. What do you say?" Baisha said, "The elevator didn't work. We came up the stairs. Is it a coincidence?" "How to say?" Shanlou said. Baisha said: "Don't look at me like that, Tang Nuo. God knows, I won't suffer for you." She paused to catch her breath and continued: "Shanlou has said that she has no ill intentions towards her, why don't you let her come out to see her?" Meet?" I took out the cigarette case, motioned to Shanlou and asked if he wanted one. Shanlou said, "Forget it, you sissy thing." He reached out from his jacket pocket and took out another cigar. I said, "There's still some whiskey in the kitchenette." Shanlou said: "I'm on duty. Baisha, don't let this kid interrupt you. I'm quite interested in the direction you just said. Tang Nuo may want to change the subject." Baisha said, "The elevator is broken and we are walking up. But the elevator light says it stops on this floor." "It makes sense." Shanlou said. I said to Baisha: "Why don't you join the police and be a real detective." Bai Sha glared at me, I secretly blinked my eyes slowly. Baisha said, "Fuck you. I won't suffer for you." Shanlou said: "When you mention the elevator, I think it's a bit weird." "Come here while your tires are punctured, little bastard," said Betha. "Put the elevator on this floor, it won't go down, and we'll have to climb the stairs, which gives him a few minutes." Good arrangement. The only thing I don't understand is why he did this. You have already told him that Han Jialuo is innocent. We just want to guarantee that." "Is she your client?" Shanlou asked. "yes." "You only have one client?" "Yes, absolutely." Shanlou looked at me and said, "Tang Nuo, I don't understand." I said, "It doesn't fit what you think because Han Jialuo is not here. I told you that she never came." Baisha began to observe the place, and suddenly she said: "God knows, who says she hasn't been here. Look at how clean it is... The landlord only sends a maid to clean it once a week. Look, the ashtrays are all upside down. Everywhere It has been dusted, and there is no dust at all. Look at this kind of place." Baisha wiped the top of the bookshelf with her fingertips. Shanlou looked at her thinking. Baisha walked into the bathroom, took a look, and said to Shanlou, "You are a good detective." "Forget it." Baisha said: "God has eyes too. Look at the mirror in the bathroom. The steam hasn't dissipated yet. The towel is wet. Do you understand what it means?" Shanlou whistled and turned to me suddenly: "Lai, where did she go?" I shook my head and said, "Jia Luo has never been here." "You won't tell me," Shanlou said, "Look at this pile of rubbish, Baisha is right." "Doesn't the law prohibit bachelors from having female visitors?" I asked. Shanlou scratched his head.He told Bai Sha, "This may be the truth. That's why he refused to bring Han Jialuo here. There is already a woman here." Baisha said, "Let's look for it. I'm also curious to know what she looks like?" "This may make him unhappy, and she will also be unhappy." Shanlou said. "Then he can talk, but his mouth is not closed. It's because he doesn't want to talk, which makes him like this." Shanlou said: "Let's assume that Lai Tangnuo came here before us. He went upstairs and stuck the elevator. His mistress was taking a bath. He pulled her up from the bathtub..." "The closet." Baisha asked. "I've seen it." Shanlou said. Bai Sha said: "He is too smart. He won't hide where I want." "Wait a minute," Shanlou said, "Assume it's him, why do you want to tamper with the elevator?" "Of course we want us to run up the stairs and get here later." Shanlou said: "That's right, he has a little more time. One minute, maybe two minutes. But this also increases his danger, because there is only one way up and down. Isn't that more dangerous if we go up and she goes down? The person who will make the elevator unobstructed, we go up the elevator, can't use the stairs, she will go down the stairs." "I don't understand," Baisha said. "As soon as the girl is ready to leave, Tang Nuo should restore the elevator to normal. We go up the elevator and the girl goes down the stairs. That makes sense." "I see, yes." "But why doesn't he do it?" I said, "Officer Mi, you are very good at reasoning." He said, "Shut up! Let me think about it." Baisha said, "Maybe he's going out to put the elevator back on." Shanlou said: "If he wants, he has this time. Originally, he wanted to play this trick. We went up the elevator and she went down the stairs. Later, when he came in, she was taking a shower, and there was no time. He didn't have time to get her out of the house before we got there." "What about him?" Baisha asked. Shanlou bit the unlit cigar fiercely. While observing me, it could be seen from his eyes that he was thinking desperately. I looked at him with calm, innocent eyes. Suddenly, Shanlou said: "Oh my God, I'm so stupid! I should have remembered earlier." "What?" Baisha asked. Shanlou went to the door, opened it at once, walked up the aisle, turned to me and asked, "Where is the stairway door?" "Where you came up from," I said, "you should..." "I don't want to go down the stairs, I want to go up." I point to the door. Shanlou said, "Thank you, Tang Nuo." He opened the door and climbed the stairs. I turned to Baisha: "What kind of partnership work is this?" "Don't push everything on me. Why don't you tell me honestly that you have a hidden girl..." I said, "I've been telling you that I don't want to bring Han Jialuo here. We can't do this kind of trick anymore... hide whoever the police want." Baisha said angrily: "I don't know why you suddenly became serious? You are the cause of all troubles. You have no economic sense at all." "What does that have to do with it?" She said, "You don't work for money. Just flick her long hair in front of your eyes by some kind of shit, and you're out of your wits, dangling our partnership interests around the gates of San Quentin." Thinking of our company before because you took a fancy to the risk that the chick in the case took, even my spine is still sweating. And according to my experience, it seems that every case has such a woman. When I think about it, I dare not get up, I don’t know On a new day, what will my partner do to me. I..." The door opened, and Officer Mi helped Oulusi in with his hands. "Look what we found?" he said. "His grandma's!" Bai Sha suddenly shouted. Ruth said, "You have no right to drag me down here. Who are these people?" Shanlou said: "Don't be nervous, sister. You said you have never been to this apartment?" "of course not." "Why are your fingerprints all over the place?" I said, "Don't lie, you haven't..." "Shut up," Shanlou said, "From now on, I'm the one to host the speech here." "This is my apartment." Shanlou deliberately said politely: "That's right. You live here, Mr. Lai. But you only live here temporarily. Your future address is a nice big house with many small rooms. You only occupy one of them." , and there are bars on the windows." I said, "If a woman comes to do housework, since when does it count as a crime?" Ruth said, "Okay, I'll say it. I met Lydono a month ago, and I fell in love with him. My divorce is still pending, and we can't get married yet." "So you've been living here." "Not too long," said Ruth, "over a week." Shanlou walked to the closet door and opened it.He said, "Where's your stuff?" "Tang Nuo has a maid to serve, he doesn't want her to know that there are women here." "Where's the toothbrush?" She looked at me helplessly. Shanlou said, "That's the most... Hey, wait a minute. Red hair, five feet four, one hundred and twelve pounds, good figure. God! You're the woman I'm looking for. You're That female murderer. You are Olus!" I said, "Okay, Ruth, sit down. Let's face it. He's going to see your driver's license soon anyway." "Am I lucky, or am I dreaming?" "I'm just unlucky at home anyway," announced Betha. I said, "Okay, friends, let's all sit down and talk." "Okay, I'm going to tell the world, let's talk." I said, "My purpose is to clarify the whole case. I think everything can be resolved within two or three hours." Shanlou said: "That's great. Mr. Holmes will go out in person. Tang Nuo, you are going to fight the entire police alone, aren't you?" "yes." "Yes! You are so humble." Shanlou said. I said, "Sit down, don't be prejudiced. The only problem with you police is that once you make an arrest, you can't fool the reporters. You can't wait a few hours and the papers are full of cases and who the police have caught. Most of the police They don't accept bribes, but every policeman likes propaganda. There will be reporters who will crowd you into the corner of the office, chase you and ask you to tell them how you know this girl is the murderer, and they will put it in the newspaper The biggest and most obvious position is for you. You're going to fall for it right away. So you go on and on and tell them what we just talked about." "You start, you continue." Shanlou said. Me: "I'm going to tell you the truth now." "Good, good, good!" "Dr. George Gui ordered Oluth to buy a little arsenic trioxide. She bought it and put it on the shelf in the laboratory according to his instructions. Ruth told me this and asked me what to do. I told her to go back to Dr. Gui's office and put the Get the bag of arsenic before Dr. Gui can touch it, and put it in a safe place. "Ruth got that packet of poison last night. Put it in the Union Station automatic locker. She came and told me. I told her she should call the police. She said she wanted me to call the police. I told her to wait here and I Gotta get the poison first. She told me the key to the locker was in her other pocket. She gave me the key to her apartment. I went to her apartment to get the key to the locker. I used her I was given the key and was slammed on the head as soon as I entered the door. I woke up and found the body behind the bed. I went downstairs and called the police immediately. Before this I found what I wanted in the pocket she said The key. I went to Union Station to open the locker, and the poison wasn't there." Shanlou said sarcastically: "It seems that you found the dead body and reported it to the police immediately. And it was very detailed, and you reported everything. If you can be all right, I really congratulate you." I said, "I want to talk to Ruth before calling the police to clarify a lot of things, so as to prevent the police from being troubled by the propaganda of many reporters." Shanlou said to Baisha: "Baisha, I think you will have to do your homework alone from now on." "What's the meaning?" He said: "According to what Lai Tangnuo himself said, he was an accessory after the incident, and he was not wrong. He himself would go to another place to hide for fifteen to twenty years." "You are playing for real, Shanlou." "Of course I'm playing for real," Shanlou said, "I want to take him back to the headquarters first, I already have enough evidence for this great detective." I said, "Aren't you tired from standing? Let's talk about it." Shanlou said, "You're being unreasonable. You've already said a lot, but you don't have any reason." I said, "Think about it carefully. What evidence do you have against me? You don't hold anything against me. I just want to make things clear before calling the police. I can't call the police in a daze. That's not what happened. , let your police make a fool of themselves.” Shanlou didn't change his mocking tone: "No, no. After you tell us, we will investigate and we won't make a fool of ourselves." "Officer Mi, don't take this lady to the police station. She won't run away, let her stay here. Then the reporters won't know anything. Together, we can solve the case in two hours." Shanlou smiled and said, "Tang Nuo, don't play tricks. In my opinion, the case has been solved. You all follow me back to the headquarters?" "Shanlou, please be more conscientious, we get along well." "Talking nonsense," he said, "We policemen must use our brains, not our conscience." "Bring this young lady in, and once it is advertised in the newspaper, the real murderer will never be found again." "My murderer is already here, why do I need a murderer? Maybe I already have two murderers. Do you understand what I mean, Tang Nuo?" "don't know." "I think you went to this woman's apartment with the key, and Hua Susu went in and bumped into you. I think you hit her on the head to escape, but you hit her a little harder. You don't want her to bark, so Choke her, maybe you choked her a little too tight...maybe you strangled her on purpose. That's never going to be clear anyway. Honestly, Betha has nothing but troubles since you joined her get." "She got nothing but money." "She didn't get any money for this case," Shanlou said. "Give me two hours, just two hours." I begged. "Not even half a minute." I said, "Let me make a call." He laughed at me. "Just a phone call away." "Call someone." I looked at my watch and said, "Call my agent and see the Marseille results." Shanlou said, "It's already that late?" "It's that late." He said, "I'll ask. I'll ask... No, I won't ask either. Baisha, you will ask!" Baisha went to use my phone.Dial the number.Said, "Hello, hello, I'm looking for... oh, it's you, you know who I am. How's my 'lady'?" I saw Baisha's face was tense. I have never seen Baisha wait for the result of the Marseilles so seriously.I saw a smile on her face.I sat myself down, crossed one foot over the other, and reached for a cigarette. "This little bastard." Bai Sha hung up the phone and said in a tone of admiration and admiration. "How much?" Shanlou asked. Baisha said, "We won by a neck's length. Five to one. We won two hundred and fifty yuan. You have one hundred yuan, Shanlou." Shanlou said: "What one hundred. We agreed, and the ten yuan added later will also be divided in half." "Oh!" Baisha said casually, "I made a mistake. I thought you only wanted twenty yuan." "Nonsense." Shanlou said. "We won't quarrel over fifty yuan." Bai Sha told him. "You're right. No." I said, "That's right. You'll just be a dumb cop all your life." "What are you talking about?" "You bring this woman in, and everyone will know everything." Shanlou said: "Isn't this too bad? I've seen the headlines in the newspapers, 'Shanlou has arrested the female murderer. Two murders solved in one. The female killer is restored to Skynet'." Shanlou looked at me proudly, and said, "You can change the title if it's not good. You're smart enough to write the title." I said, "Very good. This way you will get a lot of fame, and everyone will regard you as a news personality. What happens after that?" "Maybe I'll be rewarded later... not... credited. Even the commissioner will give me a bonus, maybe a promotion, and of course a little bit more salary. Terrible, isn't it? Betha lends me a handkerchief, I want to cry gone." I said, "You have ruined the unique horse racing prediction system in the world. That man is so involved in this case that you can use the metaphor of water running out of his neck. He will see my name and Ruth's name in the newspaper, and he will slip away." .If I tell the truth, the police will have to go out to find him. They will rummage through the place. Maybe you will preside over the search, but those complicated and delicate things can still be used after you fiddle with them ? "Even if all precautions can still be applied, the team leader will say: 'Officer, bring the evidence you found to me, and I will look at it.' Then the chief said to the team leader: 'Team leader, bring the evidence they found Bring it to my office, I want to have a look.' You understand, Shanlou." Officer Mi scratched his hair. I said, "You've got Ruth. You've got me. You can arrest us anytime. But get the prediction machine first. You just put the plastic strip with the horse's name in it, press the button, The result came out." Ke Baisha said regretfully: "Five to one! Shanlou. If we have more confidence in this little bastard, we bet him 500 yuan, and now we have 2,500 yuan!" Shanlou walked over, sat down, took out a match from his pocket, rubbed it on the sole of his shoe, and put the fire on the half-bitten cigar. For two full minutes, he watched the blue smoke rise into the air.He said, "Where's that thing?" I smiled at him. Shanlou said, "It's useless to you anyway. You'll be out of luck for a long time, you know that." "It won't be of any use to you, it won't be of any use to anyone, maybe it will be useful to the chief, as you know." "I can take it to the chief," Shanlou said, "and..." I said, "Sure, sure. But you gotta get it first." "I'll get it, you don't have to worry about it." "You and the reporter?" I said. Shanlou moved his seat, grabbed his hands into his thick, curly hair, and looked at Baisha. Betha narcissistically said, "Just push a button, my God!" Shanlou turned to Ruth and said, "I haven't heard your story yet. Ruth, tell me the truth." I said, "Ruth, keep your mouth shut!" Shanlou's face was flushed, and he said angrily, "Who do you think you are?" I try to blow a smoke ring: "I'm the one who told you to invest in 'The Dame'." Shanlou and Baisha exchanged glances.Shanlou said, "How long did you say it would take?" I said, "You can leave Baisha here to watch Olus. You know Baisha will obey you. I will accompany you to see that thing." "Then?" "We'll search that place afterward." "We search?" I said, "It's not wrong, you are looking for evidence, and I will be a witness." Shanlou said: "The witness is tall! You are my prisoner." "Whatever you say, I just hope you investigate according to my method." "Why should I listen to you?" I said, "Why did you buy 'Lady'? Because you are also a normal person who eats and drinks, and sometimes people have to take a little risk." Ruth said, "Actually I..." "Shut up." She quiets down. Baisha smoothed things over and said: "Shanlou, you can trust me. If this little girl dares to play tricks on me, I will flatten all her curves. I will do what I say." Shanlou looked confidently at Baisha's muscles and broad shoulders, and said with a confession, "Who says you can't do it?"
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