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Chapter 17 Chapter Seventeen

Bu Aiqian deliberately opened the door of the office, so she could keep seeing the movement of the door of the reception room.As soon as I walked into the reception room, she began to use her hands and eyes, blinking desperately towards Baisha's office.He gestured violently with his hands to tell me to run away. I hurriedly stopped, and when I was about to leave, the door of Baisha's office opened suddenly, and I heard Mi Shanlou's voice saying: "Okay, as soon as he comes back..." The automatic door closer moved slowly, and he saw me before I was out of his sight.He called out, "Isn't he back?"

I pushed the door open again, walked in, and said, "Hello, officer." Ke Baisha said with a cold face, "Tang Nuo, come here." I walked towards Baisha's office indifferently, and said to the police officer, "Have you found that body?" "That's right," Shanlou said, "the body was found." All three sat down.Mi Shanlou's hat was pushed back, his forehead was wrinkled, and he was biting a wet cigar nervously.Also moved the cigar from one corner of the mouth to the other from time to time. "How?" he asked. I looked at him strangely: "How about something?"

He said, "What do you mean? You called the police and found a dead body. You hung up the phone in the middle of the conversation. You didn't tell me where you were, or where I could find you. You didn't say how you could happen to come across this dead body." .You report it so easily, it's like you found a lost dog. You go back to your office and you don't know you've contacted the police, and even your partner doesn't know you've found a dead body. Tell me, What are you doing?" I said tiredly: "You have so many questions!" "Then answer quickly."

I said, "Answer one at a time." "Stop doing this to me." I let my face express surprise: "Giving you this? I thought your time was precious, so please ask me one question at a time, and I can answer you the gist. Where is this going!" "You didn't tell me where to find you or where you are waiting for me. When a person finds a dead body and calls the police, he should tell the police who he is, etc." I said, "I called the police within ten seconds of finding the body. I'll tell you who I am. And you hang up, and I..." "The phone was cut off."

"How would I know?" "You can call again." "I happened to be short of coins. And you already knew." "Why didn't you tell Baisha about this?" I said, "I don't have a chance. I don't want to discuss it in front of our clients. I think you'd like it to be a police-style release. And if the suspect escapes, or learns that a murder has been found, I don't want to say that it was leaked from us." "You are really thoughtful, Tang Nuo." Shanlou said. "thanks." "How did you happen to be there?"

"I'm going to see the girl who lives there." "Olus?" "yes." "why?" I said, "She's the nurse of Dr. George George." "What does that have to do with the case?" "Doctor Gui is Mrs. Bao's dentist." "Go on." Shanlou said. "She bought some poison at the best drugstore." "Oh, you know that." "yes." "What else do you know?" "Isn't that enough?" "What did you do there?" "I drove to her apartment." "Ring the bell?"

"No." "How did you get in?" "The door to the apartment was not closed properly." "Where is the door to the room?" I fixed my eyes on the ceiling and said, "I give it a little push and it opens." "Nonsense, you'd better tell the truth." I said, "Okay, you must force me to tell. I used the master key." "It's okay, what are you looking for?" "evidence." Bai Sha said angrily: "You didn't tell me any of this, Tang Nuo." "I don't have time!" Shanlou said, "You have time now."

I looked at my watch and said, "Speaking of time, I have a very solid insider tip at the second race. I'm going to call and collect the money as soon as the race is over." Baisha said: "Shanlou is on our side. Our client has proved his innocence. We are working in one direction. Which horse did you bet on, Tang Nuo?" "The one that will win." "How do you know you're going to win?" "Because I found a method for accurate top measurement. No one has thought of this method so far." "How much did you pay for this horse, good man?"

"One hundred dollars." Baisha shouted: "One hundred yuan! God! It must be absolutely reliable! Shanlou, I have never seen this kid go beyond ten yuan." Shanlou said: "This is farther and farther away from my purpose of coming here. Tell me, what is the purpose of you going to Olusi Apartment? Of course, you can first tell me what special news is there for the second scene?" I said, "It's not something I found out either. I met a guy who had a whole new scientific method for picking a winning horse that was completely mathematical." Betha leaned forward, the seat creaking.

"Which horse?" Shanlou asked. "'The Lady'." "I don't like this horse," Shanlou said, shaking his head, "it can't run." I said, "You really should see how this guy calculates. He takes every horse's past races into account. It's all turned into a strip of plastic and processed in a special optical machine. Very scientific." "So simple?" Shanlou asked. "It's that simple, but nobody's tried it before. This guy makes a living doing it, and he's doing pretty well." Baisha: "Wow! You toss a hundred yuan in cash to buy 'Lady' and win."

"certainly." Betha grabbed the phone and said to the outside operator, "Give me an outside line." Then she dialed quickly and said, "Hello, Randy, this is Betha...Mrs. There is an inside story in the second game...no...I don't care...Hurry up, I know it's too late, it's the 'lady', twenty yuan wins alone." Shanlou said, "Give me twenty yuan too. Do me a favor, Baisha." "Forty is all right." Bai Sha said to the phone. After a while, Baisha said again: "My money is thirty, my friend wants twenty, let's add up to fifty...Of course, the fifty yuan will be in my name, you don't have to worry about my friend's business." .You only deal with me. Yes, fifty dollars. About five to one, okay. Goodbye." Baisha hung up the phone. "Who are you talking about?" Shanlou asked me. I said: "He has an office in the downtown area. He just sits there all afternoon and only looks at the records, and does nothing else. A little bit, some deliberately slow..." "Why are some fast and some slow?" "Because some horses, if they like to run on a softer track, they can add a little chance of winning compared to other horses. His previous records are very complete, and the information is all up-to-date. Once the calculation is completed, just press the button and the Out." "It sounds real to you." I said: "It's true. Everyone who eats horses wants to predict Marseilles. But they use manpower, paper and pen, and suffer from too many factors, and sometimes they can't take care of so many." Bai Sha said: "I don't know about all these ghosts. But you are so smart, and you are willing to put a hundred yuan on it. Of course I will follow suit. If you lose, you may have to pay." I said, "I don't care if I lose, and I didn't ask you to bet. I don't even want to tell you about the horse. Shanlou forced me to tell." "But you bought one hundred yuan?" Bai Sha said. "yes." "That's enough. We have another fifty dollars," said Betha. "Yes," said Officer Mi, "I have my twenty-five yuan." Baisha's eyes glowed and she said, "You only have twenty yuan, Shanlou." Shanlou said, "I thought I would share it with you, twenty-five yuan for me." Bai Sha told him: "You said twenty. It was Randy who said it was about five to one, so I changed it to thirty yuan and made up fifty." "I know, you also said twenty. So I followed you, and later you made up fifty, and of course I still followed, twenty-five each." "Now figure it out," Bai Sha said, "I will pay for my thirty yuan. You only want twenty yuan because of yourself. Twenty yuan is enough for you." "But the five dollars is my right, and I want the five dollars." Bai Sha sighed, "Okay, okay, twenty-five yuan each." "Five to one?" Shanlou asked. "Five to one," Baisha said. "One day, I'm going to check out the plastic strips too," Shanlou said. "I'm free to accompany you anytime." Shanlou said, "Sounds like a good idea. The more you think about it, the better." I said, "Anyway, I have a hundred yuan." "What does 'The Dame' say when it comes to machine predictions?" "It will be very close, and it will definitely not be the first one. One length, so it is only five to one!" Shanlou said: "It doesn't matter how early you arrive, you win even if you arrive a horse hair early. Let's talk about the Bao family's case now. Let me tell you, this case is solved." Baisha said: "Shanlou, your problem is that you always use environmental evidence. You have to know that there are many times..." "It's different this time. It's absolutely wrong to cover her tightly this time." "What puzzles me," said Baisha, "is that you mentioned the murder of Mr. Bao's secretary." "Maybe Hua Susu knows too much. At least we think so now." "You think it's also connected to the Bao family poisoning case." Shanlou smiled and said, "Together? Of course, of course." "Who did it?" I asked. "Olusi." Shanlou said. "The poisoning of two members of the Bao family and the murder in the apartment were all done by her." "yes." Baisha glanced at me intentionally: "I thought you were going to blame Han Jialuo for everything." She said this to Shanlou. Shan Lou said: "It's not to blame anyone. We only collect evidence. Now I really want to see Han Jialuo. If she contacts you, tell her that I am eager to see her." Betha looked at me. I don't say anything. I turned my head and asked Officer Mi: "Are you sure it was Oulusi who poisoned you?" Shanlou said: "Of course. As soon as we entered her apartment, everything became clear. We even found the paper package in which she bought the poison. Now we even know how much poison she used." "How much." I asked. Shanlou said: "It's quite a lot. Experts believe that more than 20 milligrams is a lethal dose. Less than 20 milligrams will not cause death. The symptoms can be deep or shallow." "How much of the poison she bought has been used?" "She bought two thousand milligrams. Three hundred milligrams disappeared." "Did you find the rest in her room?" Shanlou said, "I found the remaining poison. I found a tube of anchovy sauce, and there was only half of it left. In fact, she hated Mrs. Bao very much." "Why? Jealousy?" "No. But because of Mrs. Bao, she lost her job. Mrs. Bao is a patient of Dr. Gui. Because she is famous and has status, she is somewhat privileged. Oulusi doesn't like this. Ruth is going to be the queen of the office. Mrs. Bao has no manners. She thought Dr. Gui would support her, that little fool." "How does Doctor Gui deal with it?" "Of course I support Mrs. Bao and fire the nurse." "So the nurse decided to poison Mrs. Bao." "uh-huh." "Does she think poisoning can get her job back?" Shanlou changed the position of the cigar several times in his mouth, and he looked at me suspiciously: "What do you want to do? Find fault?" "I'm just asking." "I don't like the way you speak." Baisha said: "But what happened to the other piece of evidence...the other piece of evidence you found." "What other evidence?" "The cup with Han Jialuo's fingerprint on it." "Oh, it turns out that Han Jialuo is your client." "I didn't say anything." Officer Mi smiled and said, "You don't have to tell. Where is she now? I want to talk to her." Baisha said cautiously, "What happened to that cup?" Police Officer Mi said: "Miss Han was framed. I was almost deceived. To be honest, if Hua Susu's murder case hadn't happened later, I would have gotten Han Jialuo in. I'm ready to apply for a warrant for arrest." What a lesson, just looking at the evidence is not reliable." "What did you find out about Hua Susu's murder?" Shanlou said: "We are still investigating. In fact, the fingerprint team was still working when I left. I left first to find you. You bastard, why didn't you wait in that apartment for us to arrive?" "That's because you didn't tell me to wait!" "You should know I want you to wait. Of course I will." "Didn't you see me?" Shanlou blushed and said: "Don't argue. This matter alone can make you go around endlessly. I haven't stopped you from using the master key to enter other people's houses without permission!" I said politely but seriously: "Welcome, whenever you want. If you want to find me, you can come to the office during working hours, or you can call..." "Shut up." Shanlou said angrily. I shut up. Bai Sha said, "You are telling us about the relationship between Hua Susu and Oulusi." "Really?" Shanlou said.He took out a long match, rubbed it on the sole of his shoe, and pretended to light the butt of a cigar that was already soaked.He said: "Bao Qile is completely healed. There is nothing wrong with it. If he hadn't been too stimulated, the doctor would have sent him out of the hospital. If Mrs. Bao had been discovered earlier, she might have recovered by now. Interesting What's more, the housekeeper and driver cried like a baby when he found out that Mrs. Bao was dead, more sad than her husband." Shanlou crossed his legs and continued: "I can tell you that this guy was in our hands for a time. He insisted that his name was Ma Weimeng. Of course, he took out the poisonous biscuits. If it was just Bao Qi's happy death, he couldn't get away with it. But, the husband is fine, the wife is dead, this guy has no motive. You should look at how he looked when he knew Mrs. Bao was dead, and said everything." "Isn't it fake?" I asked. "What a ghost! His tears were like broken pearls." "Her husband is not very sad?" "He was more in control," Shanlou said. "He called the office, told them what happened, and told them to temporarily suspend operations." "Who did he look after in the office?" I said. "Hua Susu, his secretary." "What about after that?" Baisha asked. "There are two women working over there, Hua Susu and Yin Mali. I don't think they get along well... This is also a common phenomenon in working together." "As soon as Hua Susu heard the news of Mrs. Bao's death, she immediately told Yin Mali. She said that if it was murder, she knew some things should not be kept secret, and she was ready to do something." "Did she say what it was?" Shanlou said: "I was just going to talk about this. Hua Susu's car had a problem and couldn't start. Yin Mali's was right there. Hua Susu asked Yin Mali to take her into the city." "Mary agrees?" "Yes, Mary is going to take Hua Susu home. But Hua Susu is going to the address on Lux Creek Road." "Then?" "So Mary took her to the address on Lux Creek Road. Hua Susu told her to wait outside. Mary sat there and waited for half an hour. Mary was a little bit on fire, thinking that Hua Susu was also outrageous She didn't even give a reply, and asked her to wait forever, so she just walked away." "I never thought that Hua Susu would be in danger." "Yes. She thinks Hua Susu is going to talk to a witness. That's what Hua Susu told her to do." "Did Mary notice the door to the apartment?" "No, it's our misfortune. She's a studious student. She's learning Spanish. She has a Spanish book with her. She's learning Spanish in the car and doesn't pay much attention to the apartment door. At least for the first twenty minutes, Didn't look at the gate at all. Then she got so angry she couldn't keep still and started looking around, getting more and more angry. She closed the book, waited another five minutes, then started the engine and left." "What do you think happened?" I asked. Shanlou looked at me embarrassedly and said, "How would I know? I'm not as smart as you. According to my reasoning, when a woman hates another woman, and that other woman is poisoned to death. You know Hater once bought poison. Somebody found out about it, went to her apartment and got strangled. Not even a dumb cop could put two and two wrong, would he?" I said, "Hua Susu is not a weak little man. She has curves and a lot of flesh. If the opponent is not too strong and too big, she will resist." Shanlou said: "That's because someone hit the melon on the head first. That hit was from behind. Of course, it was hit when she was not paying attention. It was probably a short stick. It hit her right ear. There's a bruise on the top." Bai Sha said: "The main point is what you said, Miss Han Jialuo has now cleared up the suspicion, hasn't she?" Shanlou said, "Yes, she has clarified. But I want to talk to her." Baisha looked at me, and I shook my head. Baisha said to me angrily, "Why not?" "What the hell are you two doing?" Shanlou asked. "No." I said. Shanlou said: "I have long thought that Han Jialuo is your client. I don't know why she asked a private detective to help. But she knew in advance that there would be a poisoning incident in the Bao family, and she hoped to prevent it. Then I figured it out. She may sympathize with Mr. Bao, but she is a good child. She wants to keep the peace inside Bao's house, and she doesn't want a funeral wreath to be hung on the door. What I still can't figure out is why she is willing to pay for Mr. Bao's safety Here you go. I also thought that the money she paid might not have been taken out by herself. This means that there is a person behind the whole incident who knows a lot of things I want to know. So I want to find Han Jialuo, and I am in a hurry to find her." Everyone is silent. Shanlou asked, "Is she your client?" I said, "I told you once, Shanlou. We cannot provide this kind of data." "Oh, come on," he said, "you can tell me now, especially after I tell you that she's no longer a suspect. I'll just ask her a few questions, nothing else." Bai Sha blurted out, "She's in Lai Tangnuo's apartment." "Really!" Shanlou sat up straight in the chair. "No, she's not in my apartment," I said. Shanlou tilted her head back and said with a smile, "Okay! Tang Nuo. What a great idea! It's very beneficial to you, let's go, we'll go to your apartment and talk to her right away." I said, "I told you she wasn't there." Baisha said: "You don't have to be so cautious, Tang Nuo. Mi Shanlou will never betray us. He said Han Jialuo is innocent, so he is innocent. You like to fight against the police. I won't. I want to cooperate with the police. The police It can make us difficult, but it can also make us make money. You must learn from me in this regard.” I said, "Okay, I'll take you to see Han Jialuo. She's really not in my apartment." "I see, take us here and there, until you have a chance to call her, or have some agreed code to tell her to slip away. Why must you not let us see her?" "I do not have to die." Baisha said, "Don't be silly. If you don't want to be innocent, I want to be innocent." Shanlou looked at Baisha curiously. Baisha said: "Jia Luo was here forty minutes ago. She told her story, and Tang Nuo decided to ask her to avoid showing up for the time being. We researched the most appropriate place for comparison, and finally thought that Tang Nuo's apartment was the most ideal, so Tang Nuo brought her there." I said, "No, I didn't take her to my apartment. I put her in a motel." Shanlou laughed out loud. "Come with me, I'll prove it to you." I said. Shanlou said, "Of course, of course. But we're going to your apartment first." "Is there a search warrant?" I asked. Shanlou's face was flushed, and he said, "I can detain you first in this case, Tang Nuo. I don't need a search warrant for you. You have to figure it out. If you keep screaming, I'll teach you a little bit of manners. " Mi Shanlou took out the wet cigar from his mouth, looked at it in disgust, and threw it heavily into Baisha's wastebasket with a bang. Baisha shouted: "No! I told you dozens of times, your damn inferior cigars will stink for several days?" Shanlou smiled: "Let's go, Baisha. Let's go quickly." Baisha stood up from her screaming chair and walked around the huge desk.Shanlou slapped her fat buttocks lightly and lightly: "You go first, big girl." Baisha turned around and glared at him: "Don't you touch me." Shanlou said: "Don't be coy, I know you're into it." He added: "Let's go and see Tang Nuo's love life."
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