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Chapter 8 chapter eight

Ke Baisha is still in the office.I opened the door with the key, and when I entered the reception room, Betha had left the door of her private office open so that she could see me as soon as I entered.Apparently afraid of me sneaking into my office and not telling her the latest developments. "Hello, Tang Nuo." She greeted her with a pleasant and pleasing voice.She only uses this voice on two occasions: when she is afraid of others or wants to get something from others. "Hi, Betha." "Found something, good man?" I said, "We found Bao Dafen in one of the bathrooms. She apparently went in and vomited, both doors were locked, and she was in shock and lay unconscious on the floor."

"Poisoned?" "absolute." "Like her husband?" "Looks the same." "Sit down, Tang Nuo. Have a cigarette. Tell me how Mi Shan Lou is. Are you angry with us?" "It's better for him to be less nervous. His people have searched the whole house several times, and he is still the patient I found." "how could be?" "The room design is weird. The wardrobe is too big. Unless you pay special attention, it is not easy to find that there is a bathroom in the middle of the two rooms. It is easy to miss. They are too busy looking for poison, thinking they will find a sugar bowl to put it in." with a can of arsenic."

"If Mrs. Bao is also poisoned, of course she is a victim just like her husband." "This is what Police Officer Mi is worrying about." "What will he do?" "He didn't want me to know, so he drove me back." "what should we do?" "I wonder if we can be one step ahead of the police." "Preempt what?" "It would be nice to know," I said. "Anyway, we've got nothing to worry about in this case, have we?" "The poison was in the anchovy sauce I sent Mrs. Bao." "You're not going to let them accuse you of poisoning?"

"I don't know what they're going to sue? It all depends on how much poison there is and the results of their investigation. If there's poison in every tube of anchovy sauce, we're in for a mess." "how come?" "Oh. They will think that I deliberately..." "Deliberately poisoning your own clients?" Bai Sha asked. "Give them something on purpose to make them uncomfortable. Maybe the dosage is a bit too much. Anyway, it's hard to say at the moment, and we need to know more to be at ease." "Yes, but you can't spend any more money." Bai Sha instructed coldly.

"We still make money from this case!" "We won't make any money if you spend like you. A dollar is just a penny for a ship king in your eyes. I don't know why you don't grow up. I..." Someone was knocking on the office door, first politely, then heavily and rhythmically. "God, it's rare to have a chance to have a good chat with you. Is there another flat-footed policeman?" Baisha said angrily. "What do you want to talk to me about?" "Oh, talk about things. Go, see who it is?" I walked across the reception room and opened the door.

Cai Kaier, who has just shaved, just had a massage, and his clothes are ironed, smiled happily and said: "Hello, hello, Mr. Lai is here to open the door. I'm here to talk to you about the land purchase. Mr Lai." "Please come in." "Who?" Baisha asked. "A guy who wants to sell me a piece of land." Bai She's seat creaked nervously: "Tell him to get out, damn it. I want to talk to you formally, but you always find some reason..." "Come in," I said to Mr. Cai, "I want you to meet my partner." "The voice must be an amiable lady." Cai Kaier said, and walked into Baisha's office with me, smiling politely at Baisha.

Baisha's face was flushed red.Her cold, glowing small eyes looked at Kyle from head to toe. I said: "My respected partner, Mrs. Ke. Baisha, this is Cai Kaier." Baisha said: "I don't care what you..." "Bao Qile's brother-in-law." I continued. Bai Sha stopped without finishing her sentence.Suddenly a hand was extended to Kyle from above the desk. She said flatteringly: "The real estate business, isn't it? Mr. Cai. I heard that it is very popular recently. Real estate may be the least afraid of inflation. These days, if you have money, buying land is the most reliable."

Kyle shakes her hand.He said, "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Ke. In my own opinion, it's only stupid people who want to buy real estate at this time. But no matter how stupid people are, their money is not stupid. Mrs. Ke, what kind of land are you interested in?" ?” Bai Sha froze there, unable to turn her tongue for a while.Suddenly she said, "Who do you think you're talking to?" "Of course," Kyle continued, "if you're someone who likes to listen to hypocrisy and try to please you with hypocritical methods, I would too, Mrs. Ke. However, you yourself are saying that real estate values ​​are relatively fixed. Some people like Gold, but gold does not generate profit. Gold is only wealth, and it is only the monetary standard between countries. In some places, individuals are not allowed to own gold.

"Land is different, Mrs. Ko. Quite different. Land itself can produce, and it's worth more than gold. It can be completely owned by an individual. If you..." "Get out of here!" Baisha yelled at him. I grabbed Mr. Cai's hand and said, "I just want you to meet my partner. Let's go to my office and talk." "Oh, so." Cai said.He bowed deeply to Baisha: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Ke. It's rare to see a straightforward lady like you these days." "If I had been as frank as you say," said Betha, "I would have made you deaf."

"Of course," Mr. Cai said, "the reason why land prices are rising now is because some people are speculating on land. Therefore, the increase in land prices has nothing to do with inflation, and it is not proportional. To be honest, it is just a market price. It is not a price that can be sold. If one day inflation causes land prices to rise, Mrs. Ke, you will see a price that is much beyond your expectations. I will talk to you any day you are free. Mrs. Ke , nice to meet you. Good night." Bai Sha said, "Fuck you. Tang Nuo, I want to see you, not..." "I think Mr. Cai is here mainly to hire us to do things for him. I know real estate is just a sideline for him."

Bai Sha gulped a few mouthfuls of saliva, glanced at me fiercely, forced a little smile at Cai Qiang and said, "Go and talk about yours, I've been in a bad mood for the past two days." "Really?" Cai asked.The tone was cultivated and full of compassion. Baisha said: "It's not bad. But we pay attention to teaching efficiency. Tang Nuo has brains. I'm a tough guy, and nothing can stop me. If you want us to investigate..." "Let me talk to Mr. Cai. Baisha." I said, holding his elbow. Bai Sha made a face, Cai and I walked out of her office and came to mine. I closed the office door, let Cai sit down, and sat down on the corner of the desk myself. Mr. Cai asked, "What happened?" "What do you think?" I asked. "I don't know, but I want to know." I said, "There's a lot of detective agencies in town. We're not the best." "Accept my offer, do you have any scruples?" I smiled and said, "I guess you're going to hire him in the name of your brother-in-law." Cai Kaier put his newly manicured hand into the inner pocket of his jacket, took out a wallet that was about to be burst by cash, and said: "In my own name, in the name of cash, you want to work for me , or not." I said, "Let's talk about it first." "You tell." "I won't say a word until you make it clear." Cai asked, "You need to know my position first?" "What's your position?" "It's a mess, and I'm in the middle of it." "Can you tell me a little more?" "I think you know that, don't you?" I shake my head. "I had a period where the work was so hard," Cai said. I didn't speak. "I think during that period of time I was chilled, and I was afraid of working." "Allergy?" Cai said: "It can be said that way. But I have no trouble getting banknotes. Sometimes I have a weakness for gambling. That's because I drink and start messing around with my mind." I said, "It's going to be fun...it's just that it's a little harder to find money when it comes to income tax." He smiled at me and I smiled at him too. "Smoking?" I asked him. "thanks." "Let me see, there should be some wine here." I said. "Oh no. I don't even touch it. Next time." "You seem to have made up for your morning luck," I said. "yes." "I reckon we'll keep it warm around us overnight at least." "Leave me alone," Cai said, "I'm just figuring out what steps to take." "In my opinion, putting all the cards on the table is probably the best course of action." He said: "Yeah, I think so too. But there's no character, no skill." Cai Kaier waved his hand to include everything in the office within the scope of his gesture. "This place costs money to keep up," he said. "It's well furnished, functionally furnished, just right for an office, and free of unnecessary rubbish." "So what?" I asked. "So when you want a piece of real estate, someone will pay you." "That would be too bright," I said. "That's what it is, isn't it?" he asked. "How to say?" "Did Qile invite you?" I just smiled at him. Kyle said: "I'm afraid that in the end I must use my brain to guess things and play reasoning games. I don't like it." "Why don't you like it?" "Oh, focus and brains. I'd rather work to pick a winning horse. Now let's see, it takes money to hire you, doesn't it?" "You don't need to concentrate on this question, and you can know it." "Okay, I'll start with the basics. You have to be rich to hire you. You've been asked to do something secretly... No, I don't like the word 'secretly' because you don't like it. Let Let's be tactful. Someone paid you to investigate Bao Qile's home life. The person who asked you couldn't be Dafen, because you hired someone to follow her this afternoon. Qile really needs a detective. But he didn't see Gotta have the brains to get one. Of course, you were messing around in his office this morning . . . wait a minute, I get it." "Know what?" He smiled and said: "I understand everything. You didn't mess around there in the morning. Qi Le knew that I was going to his office in the morning, and he asked you to go there to meet me. Lai, did you send someone?" Follow me to see what I did to get the money from Qi Le?" I just smile. "That's it, isn't it?" Cai Kaier said thoughtfully. "Is there anything shameful about you?" I asked. He said: "Don't be stupid. Who doesn't have it? You have it, your partner has it, everyone has it. Besides, I don't like people meddling in my private life. What does Qile mean, find a way to blackmail me? I never Didn't blackmail him!" I said: "If you want to get some clues by fishing, you'd better change to some fresh bait." The phone rang.I answered the phone, Betha was on the phone, and I said, "I'm coming, Betha. I think it's my call." Fang Jiming's voice said: "Hello, yes, Mr. Lai. I'm Jiming." "Yes, Jimin. Any results?" Fang Jiming said: "Mr. Lai, maybe I just ran headfirst into what you wanted. The man I picked up on the day shift told me that Mrs. Bao only went out once during the day. It was to see George Gui Doctor, and then went to do some shopping." "yes." "I'm in the payphone box at Top Pharmacy now," Jimin said, "I just saw their poison register..." "Is this the first place you've been to?" I asked. "No, I've been through four or five houses. This is... the sixth house." "Okay, what did you find?" Fang Jiming said: "Yesterday at two o'clock in the afternoon, the registration book said: arsenic trioxide. The buyer was a nurse named Olusi, who was the dentist's nurse. This is the only pure arsenic registration I found in the past week. This One of the last open pharmacies around here. If you..." I said, "Come to our office. Can you come to us right now?" "Yes, of course." I said, "I'm very interested in this matter. Don't tell anyone about it. Come here at once." He said, "Okay, I'll be right there." I heard him hang up. Ke Baisha, who was also listening to the call in her office, said, "Who is Olusi?" I said, "Don't mention names." "Is Olus related to you?" Baisha asked. I said, "Now is not the time to discuss this." "Why not? Oh, I see. All right." I heard Baisha hang up the phone. Cai Kaier said to me: "It's very mysterious, and it's a very good window show." "what?" "That mysterious phone call. It means that you are busy with work and very fruitful... It was a pretty good show... I think your partner called you from her office. When she has a client, you call Let's put on a show, won't you?" "Why do you guess like that?" I asked. He looked at me suspiciously and said, "God, don't tell me this isn't a joke." "why?" "That sounds too dramatic." "Life is like acting. Why can't real life be dramatized?" "It can only be gradual, not too dramatic. Life should be monotonous and boring. Nature changes slowly. People's personalities can't change quickly. Take you as an example, others think you are a detective. Colorful, I'm sure you're bored as hell." "Fishing again?" "No, just chatting." "Let's chat then." Cai Kaier smiled thoughtfully. "The butler," he said, "Daffin likes that he can be by her side all the time. He treats him like a slave. He doesn't like serving people. He doesn't care about being a driver. Do you know why, Lai?" "I don't know," I said. "It was Daphne who forced him to do it, to make him do what he didn't want to do. She was a cat, a big wild cat, and he was just a little mouse. He was so infatuated with her that he had no choice but to let her At the mercy of." I said, "I thought you never went to their house." He looked at me for a long time, and said mysteriously: "Will I kill the goose that lays eggs?" "Are you saying that golden eggs can be born over there?" "Do you still need me to explain each item carefully?" "Speak carefully and help." "Help what?" "help me." He said: "I believe you will push this matter on me in order to protect your real employer. I believe it is impossible to pay you to tell me everything. Mr. Lai, I will let you have no scruples." I will do anything for your employer with all my might. I just want you to tell me all the facts you have found, and I will discuss the evidence with you, and I will pay you. Can you?" "Can't." He said, "My God, you're so decent." I said, "I cannot serve two masters." "How do you know there are two?" "I have no idea." he smiles. I heard a knock on the reception room door.As soon as I stretched my legs and stood on the ground, before I opened the office door, Baisha had already opened the door.I heard Fang Jiming greet her and ask about my voice, and then Bai Sha called me: "The person you want to meet." Cai said, "I'm leaving, I'm just passing by and dropping by." "Hello," Fang Jiming saw me open the office door from behind Baisha's shoulder, "I can wait, it's okay." I said: "Don't wait, Mr. Fang. Come here and meet Mr. Cai." I said to Mr. Cai again: "This is Mr. Fang, the detective who called a few minutes ago. You think the window show." "Really!" Cai replied. Fang Jiming said, "Really." I said: "I think you have found the information I want, Mr. Fang. I don't need your help at the moment. I'll write you a check right away." "It's okay," Fang Jiming said, "I will prepare the expense list and send it tomorrow..." "No, I'll write you a check now." I said and opened the drawer. Bai Sha said: "That's the way to do business, Tang Nuo. Why don't you wait for him to send the statement tomorrow and review it..." "Because I might not be here tomorrow," I said curtly. I hold the checkbook at an angle.written on a blank check. "I want you to follow this person. Go down and arrange it first." I signed a ostentatiously and blotted the ink with blotting paper.Give the check to Fang Jiming. Fang Jiming glanced at the check, and I saw that Cai was paying attention to his expression, but Fang Jiming read the words on it, and there was no expression on his face.He folded the check in half and put it in his pocket: "Thank you, Mr. Lai, you can find me any time you have a job. I will try my best to cooperate and satisfy you." "Thank you, Mr. Fang." I told him. Fang Jiming turned to Cai Kaier, muttered a few words as if purely polite, and walked out the door. Cai Kaier said: "I think you are doing business seriously. It seems that the man really called in. Mr. Lai, is he working on this case?" I said seriously, "No, it's something else entirely. One of our guests wanted to know if there was Chang'e in the moon, and we sent this guy out to stick moonlight on flypaper and send it to the inspection room to see if there was any." The nylon thread that Chang Mo wears is inside." Cai pretended to discuss enthusiastically with me and said: "Ah, you are so thoughtful. I sometimes have this question myself. Let me tell you a secret, if you catch the moonlight with flypaper, you must put the flypaper on the In an aluminum box, otherwise it would be impossible to detect anything." I said, "We've thought of that too. The box is ready, too." Baisha said: "Two boring lunatics." Cai said, "Just kidding. Mr. Lai and I know each other very well. Don't you, Mr. Lai?" "I hope," I said, "that you understand me." "I understand, understand, totally understand. I think it's time to say goodbye," he said. Cai bowed deeply to Baisha and shook hands with me. "Goodbye," he said, "I think I like you two very much." The two of us watched him pass through the reception room and close the door as he went up the passage. "What does this guy want?" Baisha asked. "He said he was here to discuss real estate business." "Hey, what the hell does he want?" "I think he came to see if we were still investigating the case. Or because Bao Qile was poisoned, we stopped." "Why should he know?" she asked. I picked up my hat and said, "I haven't had time to study that yet. Betha, I have work to do." "Tang Nuo, where are you going?" "go out." She stood there, her face was flushed, and her eyes were angry.I went out and closed the door behind me.
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