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Chapter 4 Chapter Four

I climbed into the company car and drove slowly down Arden Street.At the first intersection, I pulled the car over to the side of the road, stopped, and looked back through the rearview mirror. I saw a car coming fast from Arden Street.I moved the car slowly along the right lane. The car behind me was about to pass, and I heard the tires and pavement squeak from sudden braking.Another impatient honking. I looked out the window, pretending to be very surprised. Han Jialuo was in the driver's seat of a Chevrolet.She is still angry.She parked the car in front of my car.Get out of the car and walk back, high heels rattling on the cement road.

"Hello," I said, "go for a ride!" She said: "You're disgusting, such a stupid idea, what's the use of such an absurd approach?" "You asked us to protect Bao Qile from being poisoned, didn't you?" I asked. "Of course. That's my intention, and that's my only expectation. Your anchovy sauce, and your photographs! What the hell, what if she agrees to be photographed?" "I'll take a picture of her." "You've already meddled in your own business. You've found out who I am. You made a mistake."

"What's wrong? Know who you are?" "Because I want to stay out of it." I took out a pack of cigarettes, put it in front of her and said, "One?" "No, it's too late for me to be angry." I said, "Don't stand on the road, people think we're negotiating prices. Get in the car. We can figure out a way out." I opened the car door, she hesitated, got in and sat next to me. "Beautiful legs." I said. She glared at me. I said, "About who you are, Gary. I knew you weren't Beth Bao when I saw your cigarette case in the morning."

"Call me Miss Han." She said. "As for preventing Bao Qile from being poisoned, I've already done a smart thing." "I'm glad you think so." I said, "Jialuo, your difficulty is..." "Call Miss Han!" she said. "...you want to play a stunt in front of us. You think you're pretending to be Beth, you want this, you want that, we'll never doubt who you really are. You think we're stupid." She cried, "Think? Don't think! I know you're stupid." I said, "Let's look at this from another angle. Let's say that Mrs. Bao Dafen decides to put some glass shards in her husband's lettuce salad. You come to our company and hope to stop her. How do we stop the law? Stand by the table with a sieve, or hide in the kitchen counting the broken windows?"

"Don't be picky." "I'm just telling you about the difficulty of handling the case." She said: "I don't care what you do with the case. If I know how to do it, why should I give my hard-earned money to you to handle the case!" "How much is your salary?" "none of your business." "It's really your hard earned money, paid out of your own pocket, not someone else's money?" "What's the meaning?" "I'm just asking." "Ask less questions and do more of your own thing."

"I think it's hard work," I said. "You must not be very happy working for Mrs. Pack. She seems to be serious about her time." "It's true, she..." "Go on!" I said. "nothing." I said, "That's a lot of money for a working girl to pay us that much. How much do you get paid, Jalo?" "I'm going to slap you." "Don't try to do it. It's not good for you. How much will others pay you?" "none of your business." I said, "It's not easy for a working girl to pay 250 yuan. It's even more strange to pay such a large amount of money for the food safety of the boss's husband."

"What are you implying?" "I'm not implying anything, Jia Luo, I'm stating the facts." "You can just state it to yourself." "Anytime you want to face reality, I'll tell you." "I'm listening now." "You haven't faced reality yet." "If you think like this, I'll never be able to face reality." I puffed out the cigarette quickly. "Tell me," she said. "Okay, Jialuo. You want us to do an impossible thing. You want us not to let Bao Dafen put poison in her husband Bao Qile's food. This is an impossible task. It has already been said It is impossible for you to watch Bao Qile and taste everything he eats first, and it is impossible for you to follow his wife to the kitchen to see if she has added arsenic to the orange juice. We must come up with another brilliant idea."

"Why don't you come up with a clever move?" "Thought it out." "Why don't you use it if you have a brilliant move?" "It's already been done. Jia Luo, think about it. A woman like Dafen who is arrogant and beautiful must pay special attention to her image, status and fame. She..." She interrupted me and said, "It's up to you to say, who doesn't know!" I said, "I just popped into her life and told her about an opportunity to have her picture in every major magazine in the country. I haven't even told her how big the picture is, or how big a page we're going to buy from the magazine." Advertised. She immediately thought she was going to be all over the page in Life Magazine smiling and squeezing a tube of Squeeze on top of the biscuits. You know, what really hit her heart was when I said under the photo it would say it was for today's younger generation Leaders."

"You're so smart." She mocked coldly and uninterestedly. "She fell into my trap," I went on, ignoring her sarcasm. "Because of her belief in the trap, she faced some new situations. I don't know if you noticed that she was talking to me. Speech, while constantly studying these impending situations." "what's the situation?" "First of all, she really hopes that I can realize everything I said as soon as possible. She hopes that the photos will appear as soon as possible, and the whole country will regard her as the representative of the younger generation."

"Anyone who uses your method to tell her, she will believe it." "It's not a matter of trying to sell her the concept, it's who figured out how to do it." "What's the trick?" "A wife about to become a national celebrity will never allow anything to happen to her husband. Right?" "why?" "Because, if her husband dies during this period, she is in mourning period, and she is in mourning, she can't hold a party and invite her friends to eat squeeze sauce and biscuits, and she can't take pictures, so there is nothing left."

She said nothing, bit her lower lip, thinking. I've been talking to her half sideways, so I'm constantly looking in the rearview mirror as well.A car is approaching.I see it is fast. I said to Jia Luo: "Understood, Jia Luo. This is called a brilliant move." "Shut up and let me think about it." I shut up and let her think. As the car passed us, she suddenly looked back at me.I heard her take a sharp breath. Mrs. Bao Dafen sat in the back seat of a big "Baoke".The car passed us quickly and smoothly.Driver Ma Weimeng was driving. Jia Luo said, "My God! Do you think they saw us?" "She saw us," I said, "but didn't necessarily recognize us." She said, "Not necessarily. She's too smart. I'm too careless. Stopped not far from home to talk to you." The detective I had hired to follow Mrs. Pack passed us inconspicuously in an old Ford.If he saw me, he didn't give a hint. I sat there and watched the two cars disappear from sight.There were so few vehicles on the road that it was difficult for my men to follow without being detected.I think he's done a pretty good job. Han Jialuo also saw the car behind, she understood, she asked: "You sent someone to follow her." "Of course, why not?" "Why? What can I get?" "I want to know who her boyfriend is?" "She doesn't have a boyfriend." I said, "Don't be stupid, if you don't have a boyfriend, you won't murder your husband." "I tell you, she doesn't have a boyfriend." "I tell you, she has." "I know better than you." "Then what's the matter with poisoning? Coveting insurance money?" "I... I don't know." "Is there any friction between them?" "It can't be considered a friction, it's just a common thing. It's not happy about some small things, maybe a quarrel, and we can still control ourselves. But the family is often a little nervous. Qi Le seems a little unable to stay at home." "Who's his girlfriend?" "He doesn't have a girlfriend." I said, "Your story is really weird. Dafen wanted to poison her husband. It wasn't a husband with resentment and friction. She was willing to risk first-degree murder to get rid of him? Why? Look at Bao Qile again, Nice guy, nice curly hair, short Hollywood beard. There's a secretary in a jumper and skirt..." "God," she exclaimed, "do you think she has anything to do with it? Let me tell you this, it's possible. You think Hua Susu is..." I just sat and watched her. "How?" she asked. I said, "I think you overacted a little bit, surprised, then suddenly understood. Well acted, just a little bit over the top." She glared at me angrily, then suddenly her eyes softened and she laughed out loud. "What's the matter." "You win. Tang Nuo." She said, "I didn't want you to know. It's Hua Susu. I don't know if Mrs. Bao knows." "That's a good idea," I said, "If I want to do something, I must know the inside story." "I want a cigarette now," she said. I handed her a cigarette and lit it for her.She took a deep breath and moved her body in quick, natural movements, moving her left thigh up the car seat. "Legs are beautiful." I said again. She said, "Don't keep thinking about this." She pulled her skirt meaningfully. "Go ahead," I said, "you're talking about Hua Susu." She said: "I don't like to talk behind people's backs. I don't know anything. It's just speculation." "Okay, what did you guess?" She said: "Mr. Bao was bewitched by Hua Susu's charm...I believe it was just a bewilderment. He was very good at playing. Dafen pretended not to know anything. She never mentioned Hua Susu before him." I said, "It seems like a very sensible way of handling things." "why?" "Sit behind the scenes and wait for strong evidence to emerge. Squeeze every dime out of him with legal methods. This method is used by women every day. The method of using poison is unreasonable. Dafen is a smart man." "I also say she's smart, clever and cruel." "How much property is there?" "I don't know how much it will be. I only know that Mr. Bao was involved in a business dispute two or three years ago. He might face a huge debt or pay a large sum of money. He transferred all his property to him. Mrs. Bao Dafen's name. At that time, it was known that there was a document proving that these properties were transferred to her name purely for convenience reasons, so he could take them back at any time. But..." "Does he want to come back now?" "I think so." "She won't?" "She thinks she needs some security." "I still don't see a reason for the poisoning." "I've told you all I know," she said. "I don't think so. What's the matter with Wei Meng?" "driver?" "It's also a housekeeper." "He's just a boy, a good boy." "Your friend?" "Why do you think so?" "Yes or no?" "no." "Why delay to say no?" "It's not intentional." "Is it Dafen's boyfriend?" "Do not be silly." "Yes or no?" "no." "Do you think she would like it if he did?" "meeting." "That's what makes sense." "It's just a guess, based on a little information..." "According to the data Wei Meng told you." "yes." I said: "Well, according to my prediction, before these photos are published, she will make a good wife. Although it is only a guess, at least I did my best. I will still hold that I will Photographic talk. Collect some data at the same time to study how to proceed." "How long can the photo shoot be delayed?" "It depends on the situation, her reaction, and the data we get. One or two weeks is no problem, or even three or four weeks." "I see . . . I was wrong about you. You've got brains." "Don't be stupid. It's just routine. I can't go into the house to spy on her. I have to use psychological handcuffs to keep her from trying to poison. Now, I want to know about his brother-in-law, Cai Keer." "Cai Kyle!" "Yes, tell me all about him." "He is Bao Litai's younger brother. Litai was Mr. Bao's first wife. She died three years ago." "I think Mr. Bao stayed in mourning for a year and got married again." "Six months." "How about Cai Keer?" "I don't know much about him. From what I know he did well for a while. Then he got an addiction to horse racing... Plus he's a intermittent drinker. He'll work one day, and one time he'll be off. When he's off he'll be Find Mr. Bao, but he never comes to the big house. Dafen doesn't like him." "Does he have anything to do with Qi Le?" "I don't know, and I suspected it too." "Qile satisfies him every time?" "I think so." "Hua Susu doesn't like him?" "I think so. I don't know." "You don't know a lot." "You ask a lot." "How does Cai Kaier treat Dafen?" "Hate her." "why?" She wanted to say something, but changed her mind.I said, "You want to say that before Litai died, Dafen was involved in it." "yes." "How did Bao Litai die?" "She's just dead." "There's always a reason." "I don't know, seems to have died of complications, from serious . . . I don't know." "A sudden illness?" "yes." "Didn't you work for Mrs. Bao at that time?" "No, I have only worked for the Bao family for six months." "Did Bao Litai die from poisoning?" "Why do you think so?!" "I'm just asking." "She died of natural causes. There was a . . . she had a doctor. There was a death certificate, too." "That's why Cai Kaier hates Dafen." "I think he hates her, he...I think his sister knew about Daphne...I think Litai will tell Kyle." "If you explain this from the beginning, you can save a lot of complications." "I'm afraid that you guys will betray me... You see, if someone finds out that I'm going to you, it's for..." "There really is a Beth Bao, niece?" "yes." "What does it look like?" "Very well, an artist." "She knows you came to see us?" "Yes, I told her I'm going to use her name. She's very nice." "What if I went to see her?" "You won't see her. She won't see you. We've got it all sorted." I thought about the ins and outs, and then said, "Jia Luo, we can't just sit on the stovetop all the time. Once the craze for this commercial photo is over, we'll have nothing to sing about." "I know. I just... I think these days are the most dangerous time." "When you talked to us, you said a week." She nodded. I said, "My mental handcuffs worked for ten days to two weeks at most, but never more than that." She nodded again. "Do you understand?" "Understand." "And you yourself seem to be waiting for something to happen...within a week?" "I think ... I think in a week everything will be fine." I said, "Okay, go back to your car, I have something to do." "I apologize to you," she said. "why?" "For my own attitude towards you. I thought you had made a mess of it. I didn't expect you to be so thoughtful and well-arranged. It's a plan that won't fail." "Everything is to your liking?" "Everything is satisfactory, Tang Nuo. Thank you." She pressed my hand hard, left my car, gave me a smile, hurried forward, got into her car, and drove away.
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