Home Categories detective reasoning give her some poison
give her some poison

give her some poison


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 107460

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Chapter 1 Chapter One

I gave the new receptionist a nod, walked straight to my private office, pushed the door open, and tossed my hat onto the cloakroom shelf.She smiled and said to my private secretary Bu Aiqian, "What's the matter?" She raised her head from the typewriter: "Tang Nuo, is there a new suit?" "uh-huh." "It looks like..." "Good?" I asked. "Very good," she said. "Thanks," I told her, "Is there anything urgent?" "Baisha wants to see you." "Have customers?" She nodded. "Okay," I said, "I'll go to her office."

I walked to the reception room, knocked twice on a door marked "Koshi's private office", and opened the door automatically. The girl sitting across from Baisha's desk was opening her purse.Baisha's greedy little eyes shone brightly.She looked disapprovingly from the girl's purse to me, then turned to the girl and said, "This is Lay Donneau, my partner." She said to me again: "Miss Bao Beisi, our client." I bow, smile, and say something polite.Miss Bao seemed to be a little more relaxed and a little more confident.She said, "Mr. Lai, hello." Added: "I often hear your name."

Baisha's one hundred and sixty-five-pound body twisted impatiently on her seat, and her eyes returned to the leather bag on the girl's lap. "I hope we can help you too," I said. Bai Sha said impatiently: "We don't need to waste time repeating the case. I have written down the key points." She pointed to the notepad on the table.The diamond ring on her finger sparkled with the movement of her hand. I looked sideways from Betha at the big yellow lined book on her desk.There were six names on the first page, and there were six or seven places with five hundred dollars scattered all over the paper.

Baisha just likes to scribble numbers. The girl clutched at the half-open purse, but hadn't decided to take out the checkbook yet. Baisha's swivel chair creaked."Honey, I think we're done," she said, and added, "I'll give you a receipt. I see two hundred and fifty dollars now, and another two hundred and fifty dollars tomorrow." The girl reached into her purse and took out a stack of neatly folded bills. Baisha went forward to get the banknotes, and the chair creaked and moaned again.Baisha began to sign her receipts. The girl took this opportunity to look up at me and smiled.Taking out a cigarette case from the purse, he raised his eyebrows and made a silent invitation to me.

I shook my head: "Not yet, thank you." She took out a cigarette herself and tapped it on the edge of the case.The cigarette case is made of silver, with three gold curlicue English letters flatly inlaid on the surface, very delicate.The three letters are "HCL". Seeing me looking at the cigarette case, she naturally covered the gold inlaid part. Kebetha gave her the receipt.She casually put it in the purse, took out a lighter, and lit the cigarette. Her hands trembled a little. She put the lighter back in her purse, took out the receipt and folded it again, and said, "Thanks a lot. Can you guys get to work right away?"

"Of course, start immediately." Bai Sha said.Open a cash drawer and put the money in it. The girl said, "It has to start quickly. Because I think... I think there is a little danger now. You must frighten her first." "Don't worry, honey." Baisha smiled. "You will keep it a secret from me?" "certainly." "I am your client?" "nature." "You will put my interests first?" "absolute." "Even... even if someone bribes you, you won't betray me?" "We are...will not betray customers."

I asked, "How long do you want us to work?" "One week, I think that's the most dangerous period." "When does it begin?" "Start now." Baisha said: "We also set the fee for one week." "I understand that, Mrs. Cole." The girl stood up, took one last long drag on her cigarette, put the cigarette out in the ashtray, and threw it in the ashtray. "Thank you," she said to Baisha.Then she turned her eyes to me and looked at me for a full two seconds. She walked forward and I opened the door for her. She is a beautiful woman with brown hair and skin, slim and curvy, and I especially like the design and fit on the back of her skirt.I kept watching her pass the reception room.

Baisha said: "Be careful that the eyeballs fall out! I..." "Wait a minute." Without looking at her, I stretched out a hand and waved in her direction. I quickly slipped into my office, grabbed the back of Bu Aiqian's typing wheelchair with both hands, and dragged her and the chair away from the typewriter.Turn around and face me. "Hey, what's the big deal..." she protested. I said, "A lady, gray coat skirt, light blue blouse with fluffy collar. A brown handbag. Dark tan stockings and shoes. Around twenty-four. About a hundred and twenty pounds. Now in front of the elevator .She hasn't seen you. If she takes a taxi, write down the taxi number. If she walks, try to follow her, but don't let her know."

I pushed her out the door. "Let's go." She walked through the reception area, opened the office door, and walked up the aisle.I went back to Baisha's office on my own. "My God!" said Betha.Look at me from head to toe. "What's the matter?" "Another new suit." "What's wrong?" She said, "What's wrong! Are you really going to spend all your money on clothes?" "Not all of them," I said. "And I don't want you to spend it all. There's income tax to pay, you know." "Income tax! God! I totally forgot about that stuff."

Bai Sha's face turned from red to purple. "One day, I will strangle you to death." I sat down in the client chair and lit a cigarette.The chair is still warm because Miss Bao sat on it just now. "Tell me, what's going on." I asked. "Her name is Beth Bao." "You told me just now." "Her uncle's name is Bao Qile, and he is in the real estate business. Mr. Bao's wife Dafen wants to poison him. He doesn't know at all. We want to delay time and scare his wife." I slowly exhaled the smoke from my nostrils: "She lives with her uncle?"

"No, she has an apartment of her own. She does some research. But she once told me that we should never go to her apartment under any circumstances. Her roommate is very curious and nosy." "Then where can I contact her?" "We don't get in touch with her. She'll call us. But if there's an emergency and we have to get in touch with her, she says we can call Mrs. Bowser's house and ask Mrs. Bowser's secretary to come and try her immediately." Clothes. She said she'd get the news and know what it meant." "How can we start so that this Bao man won't take the wrong medicine and get cramps?" "How do I know, this belongs to your department, Tang Nuo." "Okay, let me think about it." I said.Back in my own office, I opened the sports section of the newspaper.
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