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Chapter 21 Chapter 21

Time slipped idly on the wall clock in Kebaisha's office.Police Officer Mi sent Ke Baisha a taciturn tall man who read newspapers, manicured his nails with a paper cutter, smoked silently, and refused to socialize and talk.He has no interest in what happened in this office. Throughout the afternoon, Baisha used many excuses to try to get him to speak, but each time she was interrupted by polite, simple phrases. At first, Baisha used the method to claim that she had the right to notify her lawyer. "I think you are an obstacle to freedom." Baisha said, "I have the right to talk to my lawyer on the phone."

"Isn't the phone here?" "You don't object?" "The police officer said you have to do business, and we will do business." "What's the meaning?" "We'll take you back to the General Administration and detain you as an accomplice afterwards. At that time, you can hire as many lawyers as you want." "But you can't keep me in the office forever." "Of course not." "I have the right to go as long as I want. You can't keep me." "yes." "Then why am I not allowed to leave?"

"No!" "Okay, then I'll show you." "Yes," he said, "but Officer Mi has clearly instructed that as long as you step out of the office, I will arrest you and send you to the headquarters." Baisha said angrily, "Why?" "Officer Mi just wants to protect you," the officer said, "it has no other meaning. He is afraid that if you are arrested now, your name will be reported, and your career as a private detective will be over. The officer is helping you." "How long are you going to keep me here?" "See what Officer Mi says."

"When will Officer Mi 'speak'?" "After finishing what he's doing now." Twice, Betha said to go to the bathroom.The police officer silently agreed, followed her to the door of the women's bathroom in the corridor, and waited at the door. When she came out, he followed her to the office. Betha found some office work.Wrote two personal letters, trying to pretend not to be frightened. At six o'clock, the police officer called her nearest diner and asked them to bring up coffee and sandwiches. Baisha finished the sandwich and drank the lukewarm coffee. "Is this filling too?" she said.

The two did not argue over the incident, as the officer said, "I feel like I haven't eaten, either." At 7 o'clock, the phone rang. "I'll pick it up," said the officer. "Hello...yes...that's the officer...OK...OK...I get it...ummm...how long?...well, bye." He put the phone on. Betha tried to hide her fear from her eyes.She pretended to hope it was all over and looked at the officer. "It's not resolved," said the guard. "That guy won't admit it. The officer wants me to stay here for another hour. If the matter is not resolved, we can only take you to the headquarters to detain you. Sorry. We gave you everything Here's the chance."

"Give me a chance!" Baisha shouted teasingly. "That's what I said." "I also heard clearly." "You heard me clearly, but you didn't understand me." The stalemate lasted for half an hour.Then the officer gradually relaxed.He said: "Saturday afternoon, half a day should be rested. You insist that we are messing with you, and I am being messed with by others. Speaking of which, you are messing with me." "I didn't tell you to stay here. You can go your way." Baisha said. He smiled and said, "That guy surnamed Bei seems to have two brushes."

Baisha said nothing. "That last anonymous letter was indeed a slap in the face to Police Officer Mi. I believe you were also relieved." Ke Baisha picked up a pencil and began to scribble meaningless figures on the legal pad, lest the other party see the longing in her heart from her eyes.She said casually, "You mean the third letter?" "Hmm. That letter that led Peng Junmeng across this muddy pond." Bai Sha said: "This little—respectable young thing." She turned into a nonchalant voice and said: "I just glanced at that letter before Officer Mi snatched it away."

"It's okay to drag Peng Junmeng into the water and make her dizzy," the police officer said. "She's suing me for $100,000. This little—respectable young lady." The officer threw his head back. "What kind of bastard does she have that deserves your respect?" "I see." Bai Sha said: "As far as I can see, the last letter is vague. There is nothing in it that you can call concrete evidence." "Check in at a hotel together," said the officer. "I can't see anything more specific than this - Hui, it's getting cold in here, and I'm shaking a little."

"Saturday afternoon, the heat in the building wasn't on." "Hey! Wish there was something to drink." Baisha draws a triangle on the legal pad. "I have a bottle of scotch in my wardrobe." "Drinking is not allowed when on duty." He said: "I have this shortcoming. I can not touch that kind of stuff for a month or two, or I can drink one or two sips and then I don't want to drink anymore. But, there are When I started drinking, I just drank and drank without a bottom. In the end, I couldn’t control myself and overdid it. Because of this, I failed to upgrade several times. If it wasn’t because of drinking, I would have talked about 1, 2 official duties, otherwise I would have been promoted early."

Baisha's eyes never left the tip of her pencil. "I only come to that stuff for a day when I'm really tired. Sometimes it's too cold, and I use it to warm up. I finally think it's better to have a drink than to be cold. It's not worth it in case of a cold. .” "I think so too. Ma'am, if you happen to have a bottle here, you should take it out. You don't look like a mean person. I'm sure you won't talk too much after drinking your wine." Bai Sha took out the wine and took 2 more wine glasses.The officer drank his portion in one gulp and looked back at the bottle.Bai Sha hurriedly poured him another glass, this one was just like the previous one, and he drank it immediately.

"You are very interesting." He praised Baisha.Look at the bottle again. "Good wine." "Yes, the best whiskey." Baisha agreed. "Sister, you saved my life. I almost caught a cold." "Perhaps you have a real cold. You're welcome, do it yourself. I didn't buy this bottle of wine either. A client brought it to celebrate a case." The officer looked at the bottle and said, "No, I never drink alone. I don't have such a big addiction yet." "Aren't I drinking too?" "You're still sipping that first glass of wine." Bai Sha dried up the wine and poured out two more glasses of wine. The guard who had been drinking became talkative and humane.His name was Jake, and he was convinced that Officer Mi treated Baisha well and was giving her every chance not to get hurt.He said that Bai Sha was in a bad situation, and Officer Mi was protecting her, hoping not to drag her in.She once helped Officer Mi a lot in the case of the blind man.Police officers are very nostalgic.However, Baisha obviously got involved too deeply in this case.It all depends on whether Bei Fude is willing to plead guilty.If Bei Fude hadn't brought Baisha in, Officer Mi wouldn't have made any troubles. Bai Sha wanted to know whether Bei Fude had confessed. "I think he will," Jake said. "The officer couldn't tell me much on the phone. But he said he used all kinds of pressure. He said he hoped to set you free by midnight." "Midnight, it's still very early." Bai Sha said. "In case he has to hold you. I don't know how many midnights you'll have to pass before you're free," Jacques said to her.Then he said quickly, "Okay, Baisha, I didn't mean that either. Don't worry. Officer Mi will rescue you. You know it." Betha poured out another glass of wine.In less than 20 minutes, the whiskey bottle became something that Jake always held in his hand.He also forgot what he said earlier, that Baisha must drink with him.He would help Baisha pour the wine, but he kept busy pouring himself.Baisha pretended to be drinking too.Even so, he drank 1/3 of his amount of wine. "I wish I could taste this fine wine slowly like you." He said, "But I like to toast. One glass at a time is my temper. It's not easy to change. Baisha, you are a good egg. No wonder Officer Mi likes you. Looks like they turned the heat on again, didn't they? I thought it was cold in here, but now it's hot. It's just a little stuffy. Do you feel it?" "It's okay." Baisha said.Now she is not afraid of the other party looking into her eyes.She looked at the police officer sitting opposite from the table, her eyes were watery and her face was red.Jack put his hands into his trousers pockets, straightened his legs, crossed his ankles, and shrank a little towards the edge of the chair. "You also work night shift?" Bai Sha asked. "often." "Can I sleep on the night shift?" "I'm used to being able to sleep anywhere," Jake narrowed his eyes, his eyelids could no longer be lifted. "The light is too bright. It can cause cancer in the eyes. The doctor said that modern people are unwilling to give their eyes a proper rest." Baisha looked at him like a cat watching a bird in the sun in the shade. Jake nodded his head once or twice, his jaw would drop, and his eyes would suddenly open in alarm. Baisha lowered her eyes and continued to draw her pattern with the pencil.She found that it was not easy to draw circumscribed circles of several triangles without compass.Hearing the whirring sound in her ears, she raised her head and felt that she was also drunk, but her mind was still very clear. "Did Shanlou arrest Peng Yinmeng?" she asked. "No, what's the matter?" "To pull off a murder like this, Beifude must have a female accomplice. He must have a woman who called his wife and tricked her into going to the garage. If he had anything to do with Peng Junmeng, I believe Peng Yinmeng is the female accomplice we want." "Oh!" Under the influence of alcohol, Jake responded enthusiastically: "Your idea is really on the road." "And I think all these anonymous letters are written by this filthy little slut...respectable, all of them are written by this venerable—little slut." Jack said incomprehensibly, "Why did she write a letter against herself?" Baisha suddenly had a new concept. "Of course it was to put aside other people's doubts about herself. Before she sent the letter, she already knew that Mrs. Bei was dead. She also knew that there were some accidents and it didn't go as smoothly as she imagined. She knew that such a letter The letter can divert others' suspicion of her. You see, in the eyes of you police, she is just Bei Fude's lover, not Bei Fude's accomplice." "Oh--you might--you're right." Jake struggled to get to the phone. "Should I tell Officer Mi? I'll come and see—what's his phone number—I have to think about it." Jack put his head on his hands.Put your head on the table and concentrate your thoughts. A few seconds later, Baisha saw that his broad shoulders loosened, his arms collapsed to the left and right, his upper body lay flat on the table, and the phone was knocked almost to the ground.Baisha tried to help him, but he was already snoring loudly, and all he breathed out was the smell of whiskey. Baisha carefully backed her clucking swivel chair.She stood up, feeling a little swayed too.She gently supported the table with her hands, stood firm, and walked towards the office door with her toes. Behind her, Jake moved uneasily, muttering something incomprehensible, his tongue was too big to roll in his mouth due to the effect of alcohol. Bai Sha carefully opened the door of her private office a crack, and slowly squeezed out.She closed the door carefully, taking hold of the handle so that the lock would not rattle. It was dark already.But there was still enough light for her to pass through the reception room without bumping into the furniture and making a noise.She fumbled for the doorknob of the office door, and before walking out of the corridor, she made sure and locked the door.
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