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Chapter 6 Chapter Six

I walked into the hotel where I thought there must be a public phone booth, walked into the phone booth, closed the door, made a paid call to the office, and looked for Ke Baisha. I heard Betha yelling on the line. "Ask me to pay the phone bill? He has paid the bill himself. What do you mean he wants to pay the phone bill here? Okay, I'll answer...Of course, if I say answer, I'll pay. That's right, I'm Ke Baisha, haha Hello, hello, hello..." I said, "Hello, Baisha, I'm Tang Nuo." "Of course I know that you are the only one who would do this kind of thing. Why do you ask me to pay to answer the phone? You have a case handling fee, and you have to settle the bill on the hotel account. You can show it to the client as proof. If you do this now, how much will you pay for the phone call?" I don't know until the end of the month, I'll have to spend my time!"

"Stop it," I said, "We're in big trouble again." Baisha suddenly stopped making noise.There was a tense silence from the line. "Baisha, are you listening?" I asked. "Of course I'm listening. What's the matter?" "Listen, Betha. We can't make another mistake." "Okay, you say." I said, "I hit my head against the wall. Jade has written a letter to Mrs. Fei, Nava, telling her about her husband, about the meeting, about Miao Luyi. The letter is now in the mail." "His grandma's!" Bai Sha said, "You should have cut off this guy's head long ago."

"Don't talk nonsense, Betha," I said. "It's just one of the smaller troubles. Judd was murdered last night." "It's a mess," the vernacular criticized. "Also," I told her, "our client Fei Baron shouldn't have come down on the night flight last night and made it up for himself, thinking that he could meet Judd and pay him to solve all the difficulties. How can I persuade him? He didn't agree either, and in the end I forced him back. What's wrong is that he's here in person, and he's been seen by quite a few people. He's registered with my hotel. I want the coroner to autopsy Jardd and decide After the time of death, Fabalon will have a solid alibi for that time."

"Of course, of course." Bai Sha said, "But if he happened to be on the plane, wouldn't everything be over?" "But," I said, "I'm not on the plane!" "What's the meaning?" I said, "I got involved myself." "Whoa whoa!" "Bai Sha." I said, "You find Fabalun right away. The letter to Nava was written two days ago. I have no way of knowing whether it will be mailed immediately. Tell him to pay attention to the mailbox at the door, and to See. For the happiness of his marriage, if he sees a typed envelope address, postmarked in San Francisco, grab it and dispose of it immediately."

"I will do it." Baisha said. "Maybe the letter has arrived, otherwise it will definitely arrive today." I told her: "Today is Wednesday, and the letter was written on Monday." "Okay, I'll find him like my ass is on fire. Tang Nuo, how deep did you get yourself in?" "I don't know yet," I said. "It's no big deal, I suppose, but I've made a trick." "What a coincidence?" "It was a great coincidence." "Old problem!" "At the moment I don't believe anyone has anything to prove."

"Then hide the tail well." Baisha told me. "I'm tightly clamped now. It's possible that I won't be found for a long time," I said. "You must always be within reach of the phone. I may need your help at any time." "Okay, service anytime," she said. I hung up the phone, went back to my hotel, and got the key. "Do you have a customer named Fabalon here?" I asked the counter. "He left the store two hours ago." "Did he check in here?" "Have." "Do you know what time he came in?" "I can look it up for you—if you really want to know."

I handed him one of my business cards. "It won't have anything to do with this hotel, will it?" "Not at all," I told him. "Just to know, there's absolutely no marital trouble or scandal." He said, "Wait a minute, please." He looked at the record and said, "Last night at ten fifty." "Ten fifty?" yes. "Impossible," I said, "his plane cannot..." "Mr. Lai, I'm sorry, our record requirements are absolutely correct. We use electric time stamps, and the time cannot be wrong by a minute. Look, ten fifty-one is correct."

"Thanks." I said, "Maybe I was wrong." "Brother, won't it do any harm to our hotel?" The teller asked anxiously: "Is there any problem, I mean there will be nothing...? He is alone, and he didn't bring anyone with him." "I know." I said, "Which room does he live in?" "Four twenty eight." I said, "I've lost my time myself, thank you anyway." I go up to the fifth floor where my room is.Go down a flight of stairs and find the maid who is tidying up Room 412 on the fourth floor. "Busy?" I asked.

She looked at me, knowing a tip would be on her way, and gave me a big smile. "It's nothing, the matter in this room can be over soon." "Want to earn five yuan for a small account?" I asked. "That depends on what to do." She said carefully. "Come with me to Room 428," I said. "I'm expecting a friend to come and I want to see if everything is in order." "That's easy, just wait a moment." She said, "It will be over soon." I stood at the door, and she checked the room carefully, then pushed her cleaning cart, and came with me to the door of Room 428.She unlocked the door with the master key and I went in and looked around, and in the wastebasket there was a luggage tag, it was United Airlines Flight 461.

I took out the flight schedule from my pocket and looked up Flight 461. It was an Airbus. It left Los Angeles at 7:00 pm and arrived in San Francisco at 9:00 pm. The maid went to the bathroom to tidy up, I checked every drawer, the luggage hanger was the only thing he left. I checked the address of Kang Jingsheng's company and found a phone booth to make a call. A woman with a very beautiful voice answered the phone: "Jingsheng Motor Company." She said.The sound is so sexy that I want to buy a dozen of its motors just to think of her voice. I told her that I wanted to talk to Kang Jingsheng on the phone, and she said she could get through to Mr. Kang's secretary.

Mr. Kang's female secretary also has a sexy and beautiful bass.I wonder if these girls are also hostesses when they have meetings. "I'm Lai Tangnuo." I said, "I want to see Mr. Kang Jingsheng because of a very important event for him." "Have you made an appointment with Mr. Kang?" "You should know there's no appointment," I said, "otherwise you wouldn't ask, would you, girl?" She laughed like a silver bell.She said: "Okay, you must be very smart, you naturally understand, my next question is who are you? What can I ask Mr. Kang for? So I have to ask the question directly instead of beating around the bush." "Just beat around the bush." "Forget it, tell me." I said, "I'm a private eye from Los Angeles." "A private eye?" "That's right." The other party's voice became cold and cautious. "Then what do you want to do if you want to see Mr. Kang?" "Tell me about what happened when your company held a conference last time in San Francisco." "Sorry, Mr. Kang only went out for a minute or two to eat. He won't be back before work in the afternoon. If you can tell me what's going on..." "I wanted to ask him specifically about a letter that one of Jadd's men had given him. I wondered what he was going to do when the police found that letter?" "What did you say was the name of the person who wrote that letter?" "Jia, Sibeja. Jade." She said, "Wait a minute, let me see if I can get in touch with Mr. Kang." The other party was silent for a while, and I heard the end of the last few words.After a while, a man's voice answered, "I'm Kang Jingsheng." "Oh! Hello, Mr. Kang. I thought you were out for lunch." "They dragged me back downstairs. What do you mean a letter might have been written to me?" "There is such a letter, accusing you of how to use your beauty to kill human souls in a criminal way, for the purpose of promoting products." "Hi! What are you talking about?" "Jade." "I don't know any false morality, real morality, I have no idea what you're talking about." "If you can see me before lunch, I can give you some information so that you won't be at a loss in case the police should show up unexpectedly." "Where are you now?" I told him the name of the hotel. He hesitated, "What did you say your name was?" "Ray Tangnuo." "Come to me immediately in a taxi. I don't know what you're talking about. But when a guy makes that kind of joke on another guy, I want to see him face to face and see what he's up to Come." "Come on!" I said. I took a taxi, and fifteen minutes later, I walked into Mr. Kang's office. A beautiful girl with blond hair and deep purple eyes sitting in the secretary's seat.As soon as I walked in, she knew who I was. "I'm good at rounding the bush, aren't I?" she said. "expert." "Mr. Kang is waiting for you, please go in by yourself." I pushed open the office door that was written as Kang Jingsheng. He is about forty years old, athletic build, brown curly hair, cold blue steel eyes, one can tell that his reflexes are extremely fast. When I pushed the door, he jumped up from the chair, came to me, stretched out his hand and touched it briefly."You don't look like a private eye," he said. "thanks." "Thank you for what?" "I try not to look like that." "like what?" "Like a detective!" "why?" "A detective doesn't look like a detective in order to be a detective." "I imagine you must be tall, strong, with big feet, and you think you have a good figure." "You watch too much TV." I told him. "Maybe, maybe," he laughed, "please sit down, what do you need from me?" "You know that from Judd," I said, sitting down. "Lai, let's figure out our position first. I don't know Jia Daode at all. You mentioned on the phone that you want to talk to me about our meeting." "Miao Luyi." "How is Miao Luyi?" "do you know her?" "Why do you ask questions now?" "A client pays me for a consultation." "What do you want to know about Miao Luyi?" I said, "I know everything about Miao Luyi. I know that she got Fei Balun drunk. I know that Judd sent you a letter threatening to deal with you. I think you should tell me the inside story." "Why?" "Jardy offended too many people." "A lot of people offended a lot of people," he said. "Besides, I never met Jade." "Jard himself believes that it is his personal duty to save human souls. He wants to drive porn out of human society. He doesn't like to use pornography for promotion." "This is a big project. It's a bit tiring to do it alone." Mr. Kang expressed his opinion, keeping his eyes on me. "So," I continued, "he sent you a letter, saying that you have to bear the consequences yourself. He said that you lured his wife to commit a crime..." "His wife!?" Jingsheng shouted, and stood up from his chair. "Of course," I said, "they're divorced. But he's still in love with her..." "My God! I had no idea he was her ex-husband." "That's a good idea." I said, "Now, if you're willing to get straight to the point, I still have a lot of good news for you to tell you." "what?" "Somebody followed that Mr. Jadd to a motel in Van Leah, went into Mr. Jad's room, and got him called back by the Lord." "Goodbye forever?" "Effective, reliable, permanent, once and for all." "He... he... was..." "Say it!" I said, "Why stop?" "Murdered?" "Exactly, murdered." For a moment he didn't know what to do, then he sat there and thought about it.His steel-blue eyes rest on the writing pad on the desk.I could see his mind running full steam. "You think the news will be good for me?" he asked. "meeting." "Why?" "You can restructure your own story first. When the police come to you, you won't be at a loss." "Suppose Judd hadn't written me anything?" I said, "This guy writes letters on a typewriter. I think you'd be embarrassed if you insisted he didn't write you a letter and the police found a Xerox copy of a letter he sent you in his file." "Why did you come to remind me?" "I need to know something." "What things?" "Know what steps you took against him after you received his letter." "step?" "Get a private eye? Report? Ask a lawyer? Anything else you're going to take to protect yourself. I don't think you're the type to sit back and fight back." Suddenly, Kang Jingsheng looked at me and said coldly: "You are talking, please explain in more detail, what do you know about the murder?" "First," I said, "I want you to tell me all about Louie." He didn't hesitate at all.He said: "I've known Louie for three or four years. Her marriage hit the rocks then. Of course I didn't know what Jadd her husband was. Jadd was crazy and I never met him. He wrote two Give me your next letter. I classify him as Neurotic Type I. I tore up his letter and threw it in the wastebasket." "In the past two years, Miao Luyi has worked for me. As long as there are meetings, she will serve. I have many promotional materials for beach movies. She appears in swimsuits, on motor boats, and on water skis." "At the post-conference promotional party, she entertained clients and made them feel welcome. She kept pouring drinks while I showed the movie. The meetings were all held in private venues. These venues were in separate rooms in the same hotel as the convention. .Nothing special. Now, please tell me everything about Jadd's death." I said: "He was found dead in Room 24 of the Van Lee Hole Road Motel. He registered as Zheng Daode. He arrived that afternoon. He went there for no purpose other than not being found. , could concentrate on sleeping and writing. I don’t know how many other letters he wrote there.” "That's a very interesting question." Jing Sheng said thoughtfully. I didn't say anything, he was still thinking, and then he said: "Brother Lai, what is your position in this matter?" I said, "I represent a client. I can't tell you his name. I can tell you that he also got a letter. It was threatening." "Every letter from Jia Daode is threatening." Kang Jingsheng said: "Lai, you are very honest, tell me the truth. I should also tell you about my side. I am a salesman, I am not an inventor. Or. I chose this new invention and gave it the name of Jingsheng No. 1, because I think this new motorcycle has its future. I don’t know what you say about the body... or you can call it the body... Engine, what do you know. But our external engine has a variable-pitch propulsion vane that we've got done, and it's priced absolutely competitive with any company." "You should understand what this means. This kind of engine rotates fast, and the tilt of the blades determines the speed and torque of forward and backward. If this is the case for ordinary boats, it is necessary to use a row file, or even change the engine or motor." "The tugboat during water skiing has to change from zero speed to high speed all at once. Otherwise, you can't immediately drag a water skier out of the water as soon as he enters the water. When the speed of the boat slows down, the person will sink. So , tugboats need to use this kind of engine.” "I see." I said. "Of course, in this way, all my competitors don't like me, and use all means to resist me. Some sue me for wrong patents, some want to buy me, and some want to pay the original inventor to make my patent Drive out, anyway, exhausted all means." "I was thinking that the so-called Jardd case was just another ploy." "Why do you think so?" "The wording of that letter. Lai, you have seen the world. You know this kind of promotion meeting. The meeting is fake, and it is true to take the opportunity to entertain customers. Treating beautiful women has been the most popular with customers since ancient times. I pay for it Beautiful women, what’s wrong with hoping they entertain potential buyers? As soon as the customer’s glass is empty, someone will serve the wine immediately, building up their megalomania, and they are also given a limited amount of bean curd, in order to get them to buy the engine.” "What about after the meeting?" "It's not our business after the meeting! They're all adults, we don't care. We only care about the previous period, right?" "Jadd was murdered," I said. "It's a complicated story." "It's complicated." He said, "Can you be sure that Miao Luyi was married to Jia Daode?" "That must be good. Were you there last night?" "when?" "I don't know the correct time yet." "I need to figure it out first." "Even I need to find out first. Do you have an alibi?" "What are you talking about? Who would suspect me?" "No?" I asked a little teasingly. "God, Lai, don't mess around, he's worth nothing to me. I just know a man whose letters are already in the wastebasket." "Ever talked to him?" "God, no!" "What stage has the friendship between Fei Balun and Miao Luyi reached?" "I never ask about such things." "The last moment they were together publicly, what stage do you see going?" "He slammed the champagne down. Said he was thirsty loudly." "Where's Lu Yi?" "Keep pouring him wine." "why?" "That's a common trick." He said, "I don't like it very much, but on this occasion, I don't stop it." "What's the meaning?" "Get him drunk, so the lady appointed to entertain him can get away while he's throwing up." "Did Baron throw up?" "Dude, I can't go to the toilet with them!" I said, "The surname Fei seems to be very suitable for this kind of occasion." "He is the kind who has been complaining for a long time..." Suddenly he stopped talking. "Customer," I said. "Possible buyer." He corrected me, and continued: "I admit that I have received two letters with moral fantasies. I can't remember what he said now, anyway, how to save my own soul. I read it anyway, crumpled up the letter, threw it in the wastebasket, and threw the envelope in too." I said, "I noticed that your secretary has an appointment book. When I came in, she opened that little book. I wonder if there is a record of every visitor?" "Is something wrong?" he asked. I said, "In case Judd was here to visit you yesterday afternoon before you left for Van Leah, you'd better expunge that record." "How did you think he came to see me?" "It's just an idea." "But he didn't come." "I didn't say he had it either. I said if he had it, you'd better erase the record." "His name won't be in the notebook." Kang Jingsheng said. "You're lucky," I said. I stood up, "I did what I had to do anyway. I did you a favor too, and told you about the murder." I reach out. It took him a moment to reach out and shake my hand. "Lai, why did you even think of coming here?" "I'm looking for clues," I said. "You haven't got any clues!" he said. I smirked at him. "Not yet." We shook hands. I go out. "Goodbye." Said the sexy secretary. "Bye." I said. I walked out of the aisle, stood there for about seven seconds, turned and opened the door. The secretary is not in the seat.I walked through the reception room and suddenly opened the door of Kang Jingsheng's private office. The secretary was bending over the desk.Kang Jingsheng was violently erasing a line in the small dating book that was spread out on his desk with an eraser.They were so engrossed they didn't notice me at all. "That's fine." Jing Sheng said. She pursed her mouth and turned her head to one side. "That's right, I'll write someone else's name on it." She said, "The place that was erased is a little hairy." I said, "Thanks, now I have the clue I was looking for." The two of them jumped up, like a child who was caught stealing candy. Kang Jingsheng reacted quickly and immediately returned to normal. "Okay, Litai." He said, "Just write Lai Tangnuo's name on this line." The secretary bent down to write on the line.She bent one calf at ninety degrees.That secretary is in really good shape. "Do you think this is enough, Mr. Kang?" I asked. "It's in the notebook, so there won't be any problems." He said, "Besides, the next time your husband visits me, he will never underestimate you." "Thanks." I said, "Now please tell me what happened here when Jadd was visiting." "I kicked him out." "Physical conflict?" "The action said, yes, push him out by hand." "After that?" "I hired a private eye to find out about him." "What did you touch?" "Not yet. They haven't tracked him down, so they're still in the groping stage. Lai, I don't think the candidate I'm looking for is as good as you." Li Tai turned to look at me.There was appreciation in her eyes."I think they're too far behind," she said. I look into her eyes. "Looks like even I want to buy a boat." "Mr. Lai, together with the engine, we can sell it cheaply." "It counts," I said, "tell your boss, if something special happens, please notify me." I turned around and walked out of their office.This time I really left.
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