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Chapter 3 third chapter

I started working on Jade.Miao Luyi is one hand ahead of me. Finding Jade's apartment was not difficult.An hour before I arrived, he had left.The person who watched the apartment said that Mr. Jia called and said that he had important business to leave for a few days, and he had to keep his letters in a safe place and not leave them in the mailbox arbitrarily.He has a sports car, and I asked for the make, color and number of the car. If Jia De is determined to hide and prevent me from finding him, I can't find him in the usual way.On this point, Luyi is right. I started working on the phone.I look for art dealers, painters clubs, and I call modeling agencies.I finally found a dealer who said he knew Joe Housey, and he was commissioned to sell several of Joe Housey's paintings.

I asked some questions and finally I said, this is not the Joe I was looking for and hung up.I went to the gallery and just wandered around. This gallery mainly sells modernist and cubist paintings, which in my opinion are unreasonable works.I found a messy "painting" that was written to be Jo Housey's. The title of the painting is "The Sun of the Sahara" and the price is fifty-seven yuan.It looked like a poached egg was drawn, but it accidentally dropped to the floor.The background color is also very special, like a patch on the hip of the pants. I take two steps back and look at it again.I looked sideways for a long time.It took a while to turn to the other side.I put my right index finger and thumb in a circle over my right eye and close my left eye.I move the circle of my fingers forward and backward.

If the art dealer didn't see my strange movements, he must be blind. "Do you like this painting?" He came over and asked. "There's something lingering about this painting," I said. "yes?" "It's dazzling." "That's right." "I don't think the frame fits right." "Not necessarily. We have matched various frames, and this frame makes it stand out the most." "Maybe it's different," I said. "I'd like to see how this picture would look if it were framed in a bright purple."

"Purple frame? I've never heard of it!" I said: "Natural nature has a hint of purple. When people's eyes are exposed to the sun for a long time and are a little tired, the things he sees are purple, which means that the optic nerve itself is resting. This is also the case in the sun. That’s why the shadows look so serene and restful when the sun is high. That’s why people feel so good when they step out of the California sun into an old Spanish mud brick house.” The guy didn't want to disagree with me.No experienced tradesman would ever raise objections to a would-be purchaser, and the sale was for fifty-seven dollars. . . . Some goddamn sun in Juhousie.I wanted to add one more sentence, saying that I have evidence to prove that the moon is made of Swiss cheese, and the craters of Swiss cheese are made of meteorites, I believe this guy will also nod.But this seems to be a bit too much.

"It seems that you really understand," he said vaguely. "That goes without saying." I said, "Try to be like me, make a circle with your fingers, and then look at this thing from the circle...I mean this painting." He tried to do so. "Yes, yes," he said.Said very enthusiastically, very carefully. "Is it different?" "Different," he agreed.He was afraid that I would ask him what was different. "Use a round purple frame," I said, "purple on the outside and gold on the inside." "A round picture frame!?"

"Of course," I said confidently, "I believe that the person who drew this picture would not agree to use a rectangular frame. The theme of the whole painting is a circle, a round sun, and a round orange circle. ...Is there something wrong? I've been telling you. That's why you have to look through the circles made by your fingers, I thought you understood." "Yeah, yeah" he said quickly, "I... I was just thinking, technically it's quite difficult to make a round frame. I get what you mean, make a round purple frame to rest the eyes, and the gold frame The inner circle of it can set off the dazzling brilliance."

"Exactly!" I said, "I want to say these things to the painter." "Well!" he said hesitantly: "If you want to buy this painting, I can arrange..." "Of course!" I interrupted him and said, "Of course I won't bother you for so long. I want to see the artist again, but I don't want to buy this painting. I want to buy this painting as an investment. Eventually One day the painter will be famous." I took out my wallet, opened the case identification funds, and took out three twenty-yuan bills. "Where can I see the painter?" I asked.

"I can arrange an appointment for him to meet." "Yes. How long?" "Of course, I have to contact him first,..." "Is there a phone?" "Have." "Why don't you give it a try?" I said, "Let's say that an employer bought his painting and wanted to talk to him. I even wanted to ask the artist to supervise the round picture frame himself. Of course, the four corners of the painting need to be sacrificed a little." , but I want the painter's permission." "But you bought this painting, and this painting is yours. What's your surname, sir?"

"Wan, the surname is Wan." I said, "Wan Tang Nuo." "The painting is yours. You can modify it however you want." "Not for works of art." I said: "One can pay to buy the ownership of the painting, you can own it, you can watch it, you can hang it in your home, but you must never graffiti on it or destroy it, and of course more It cannot be cut or folded. I want the artist's permission to do so." The dealer said: "I can assure you, if I tell Joe Housey who painted this painting that you bought the Sahara Sun for fifty-seven yuan, I can tell you that even if you put the painting in shredded paper Machine, he won't care."

Suddenly, he knew he had gone too far.He said quickly, "Ha! Ha! Of course it's a joke, you know it's not. I'm going to call Mr. Qiu right away." The art dealer didn't let me hear their dialogue on the phone at all.He walked into his private office and came out in less than three minutes with a wide smile on his face. "Mr. Joe Housey," he said, "lives at number 316 in Celia's flats. He appreciates your opinion of his painting, and he would like to meet you. He says he will be there about an hour and a half from now. , will be at home." "Very well," I said gravely, "wrap up this picture, please, and give me a receipt, and I'm going."

"We can send the painting to..." "No, thank you. I've got a lot to do. I want the artist to see the picture again right away. I'm probably going out of town." I put away the receipt and got the painting again.A taxi took me to Celia's apartment, and I hoped I never ran into Miao Luyi in the elevator or in the corridor.Bite the bullet and go into the apartment that must be entered. I went to the third floor and rang the bell for 316.Open the door of the apartment.The man who opened the door saw the picture frame I wrapped under my left armpit. "Mr. Wan?" he asked. I nodded solemnly. "You are Mr. Qiu." "Very happy to see you." He said, "Very happy." He shook my right hand violently. "I'm really happy to meet people who really understand art, especially people with original and correct concepts. Please come in, please come in. Mr. Wan, this is my wife Rowling. Rowling, Mr. Wan bought my picture The person who painted it. Please sit down, Mr. Wan, you can give me the hat. You can also put the painting here first. Let’s have some wine first, do you want gin and 7-up, or gin and soda?” "Just add soda," I told him. He poured three glasses of wine. Joe Housey is a hairy and warm-hearted person with the potential to be impulsive, quick to speak and quick to act.His wife, on the contrary, seemed not to change her mind.Her husband is like a squirrel that is being chased in a wild field and is running around in a hurry. He will dig a hole in one place, and if he can't dig twice, he will dig again in another place.But Rowling will not, she will stay on the spot to observe, wait for the opportunity to move, and move with a certain purpose. She was about thirty years old, in good shape, and her face was too harsh to be beautiful. She wore a tight sweater that showed off her curves. Joe Housey poured the wine, and we clinked glasses. He said, "I heard that you want to change the frame for my painting." I put down the glass, stood up and walked towards the painting.With almost reverent hands I removed the wrapper from the painting, and set the easel on the table.Stand up and look at the painting.I circle my fingers and admire them like I'm in a gallery. After a while, Qiu Haoxi started to learn the same way. "The theme of the painting is round." I said: "The round sun, the round orange atmosphere. The charm that spreads from the center to the four rooms." "Symbol of the sun," he said. "Of course." I said, "This kind of painting should use a round frame." "God," he said, "Mr. Wan, you're right." "I'm here to ask your permission." I said, "I'm going to try to damage the original as little as possible, but I'm going to use a round frame instead." "You're right. Exactly!" "This is a bold attempt." I told him: "It is creative, impactful, fashionable and revolutionary." "Thank you, thank you," he said. "It has been a lifelong privilege to talk to someone who understands what I want. I want to interpret nature, the way I express myself." "Of course." I said. "Otherwise," he continued, "it's much easier to take a few pictures with a camera? I don't like to take pictures that others can understand what it is. The most beautiful thing in life is you I don’t understand. Everything has to be interpreted in a different way. The artist is the one who interprets.” "Painters put their own personalities into the paintings." I said, "Only one can be unique, because human nature is different. Mr. Qiu, you have created a new style." "I?" "you." "I really want you to see what I'm painting right now," he said. "I also want to see." I finish the wine in the glass.He opened the door of a cupboard and pulled out a pair of easels and a picture, and he pulled the black cloth covering the picture. Circles of different colors on the canvas, red and orange twisted straight lines. I observed the painting carefully, and it looked like the five-color balloons scattered in the sports meeting, with lightning in the background.None of the lightning struck the balloon. I'm wondering what to name this painting.Since that painting can be called the Sun of the Sahara, this painting should be called the Thunderstorm at the Carnival. I stood far away to watch the effect, and stood close to watch his strokes. I turned my head to the left and then to the right. After a while I nodded. Joe Housey couldn't wait for my opinion.He said: "The title of the painting is 'Inspiration'. It shows that the white-hot moment of inspiration comes from thousands of thoughts. The balloon represents the distracting thoughts in the mind floating in the air." I don't speak for five seconds.I saw that he was earnestly waiting for my criticism. I said one word: "Good!" Joe Housey's face stretched into a smile.He shook my hand up and down. "Mr. Wan," he said, "you are a master of horses. You are a master of art yourself." I looked at the painting called 'Inspiration' for another five seconds.I turned to Qiu Haoxi and said, "I found the person I was looking for." "Who, what are you looking for?" He asked. "Drawing a picture and putting it in the gallery of modern paintings will attract the audience more than any other painting." He looked at me, hesitating. "What picture?" he asked. "Conflict," I said. He half closed his eyes. "The world is full of conflict. Nations against nations, races against races, individuals against individuals, opinions against opinions, ideas against ideas." "How can it be expressed on canvas?" He asked seriously. I said nonsense: "You have driven a car with a manual transmission. Find an old-fashioned pickup truck, and you don't know how to get into the gear. You start the car, the clutch is not pressed to the bottom, and you change gears violently. That sound is a kind of conflict." Joe Housey nodded. "Draw that voice." I said, "This is conflict." He stepped back and looked at me. "It can be done." I said, "You draw the gears before they are smashed, and the teeth of the gears are still matched. You use bright red and big green. You draw what you hear, Make other people's eyes see. You paint a picture and disturb other people's nervous system, you call it conflict." "My God, my God!" he said in awe, "it can be done, it can be done!" "You could tell," I said. I thought the guy was going to kiss me. Rowling stood aside, watching with cold eyes.She said, "Hosie, let's hear how much Mr. Wan wants to charge you for this concept?" I looked at her and lifted my chin. "It's free!" I said. "I'm not a painter. I have concepts. In my humble heart I want to contribute something to art." Housey gave me a hug and put Inspiration back in the cupboard. "I'll get to work, Mr. Wan. I'll draw it up tonight. My God! I've never been so educated before. I can do it! I can draw a 'conflict', and anyone who sees it will know Roll your eyes. What an amazing concept." "I want to say something up front." I said: "I can't guarantee that you draw it, I will definitely buy it. But I believe that if you can draw it, it will be a sensation. I know quite a lot about publicity. I can make you His paintings are valued by insiders." Qiu Haoxi walked over and poured two more glasses of wine, and we clinked glasses and drank each other. After a while, I said, "I want to see your other paintings, and I want to talk to the painters who have been influenced by you." "I didn't influence anyone." "Oh, there must be." I told him: "There must be. Anyone who sees your work will feel that there is something in it. A kind of power! A kind of impact! A kind of life! A kind of vitality." Rowling said: "Morality is one, don't you think, Housey?" "Who is moral?" I asked. "Jade," Rowling said, "my cousin. He also paints. I think he was influenced a lot by Housey." "I... think you may be right." Housey said hesitantly. "How am I going to meet this Jade?" I asked. "Well..." Housey said: "He is not very convenient at the moment." "Unfortunate." We drank the gin again.After a while the gin bottle was empty.I went down and bought another bottle at the corner hotel to drink. Housey was a little drunk.I don't know about Rowling.She sat there looking at me coldly, looking alert. Joe Housey walked towards the phone.He said with a big tongue, "I want to answer the long-distance call." After a while, he said to the operator: "I am Joe Housey, LV 6, 9857. I want to call someone to answer Jia Daode. He is in Van Lihe, Roadside Motel. I don't know what room he's in, but he must be staying there..." Rowling said: "He didn't use his real name, Housey." "Wait, wait, you're right," he said. "Wait, Rowling, what's his name? Wait, operator, let me see what his name is." "He didn't tell us what his name was, Housey," Rowling said. "Yes, he did tell me what name he used. He...Zheng! That's right, Zheng Daode! By the way, the operator, Mo Erzheng, answer it for me. I won't hang up here." We waited for two full minutes.Joe Housey added more wine to my glass twice while I waited.Suddenly he put down his glass and his face lit up. "Hey! Morality? Morality man. You know what happened? My 'Saharan Sun' sold. I've never been happier in my life either. "I finally found a bosom friend, he knows art, he knows art. You have to believe me, brother, he knows genius." "Don't worry, boy, I know, but wait a minute. . . . I know you don't want to be found if it's not an emergency. But it's an emergency, brother. It's an emergency. It's an emergency. Something that would change my whole life and my career. It's a big deal! Guess what, moral man, it's an art prize. I've got the whole thing in my head I've got a blueprint for a painting, and I'm just going to start drawing it... that's one hell of an idea you'll never hear in your life. So excited, man. It's almost swooning. I'm going to draw one Car gearbox...Hi! Hello...Hello!" Joe Housey slapped the hook of the phone up and down. "Hello! Operator! Operator! The line is dead!" The other party was silent for a while.Then he hesitated, didn't believe it, and put down the microphone helplessly. He turned to Rowling and me and said disgustedly, "Guess what, the bastard hung up the phone." We drank the wine.I resign.Staggering towards the door, the painting was tucked under his arm. Joe Housey escorted me to the elevator.I pressed my thumb three times before I reached the elevator button. Housey said: "You have to 'here' to... Wan... Mr. Wan." "what do you know?" "I'll start work right away. I'll put on the easel tonight. I already have an idea of ​​what kind of conflicting colors I should use... You have to...'Z'dao...Since you gave me a concept that breaks the traditional form of the picture frame, I want to use a hexagonal picture frame with unequal sides for this picture, no two sides are of the same length, and the color is like a crash car. Everything in a picture is not pleasing to the eye! But in the end there is a purpose...conflict. Mr. Wan , you are a great master, you are rare in the world... a master of inspiration. I have benefited a lot." The elevator doors closed. I found a taxi a street away.I feel sick all over.I went back to the hotel cafe and drank three cups of black coffee.I went back to my room and rested for ten minutes, walked into the washroom swaying, vomited a lot, and felt much better.I called room service and asked for coffee to be brought up. I called Fabalon long distance. "Mr. Lai, how is the case identification going?" He asked. "That's right," I said. "I'll go get in touch with Judd right now. I've found him." "Where?" "Fan Lihe, Fan Lihe's Road Boundary Motel. He registered with Zheng Daode's name. He doesn't want to be known, but I want to see him." "Where are you?" I told him. "What are you going to tell him?" he asked.I can almost hear him pressing his knuckles over the phone. "I would ask him to retain a little dignity." "What if it doesn't work?" "I would lose my dignity myself." "Lai," he asked anxiously, "is there anything wrong with you?" "I, no!" I said, "see if I found him? You have to believe me, it's really not easy. I'm just telling you the progress. You'll know how to find him from the bill. " I hung up the phone and looked at myself in the mirror.I splashed cold water on my face and had to fall on the bed.Coffee works gradually. I still couldn't get up, but when I closed my eyes, all kinds of things flashed in front of my eyes. I look at the clock, five o'clock in the afternoon, I grab the phone, with a sense of responsibility in my heart, and a sense of time rush.I called the charged number of the other party and called Ke Baisha in the office. She answered on the other side, fuming with anger at my call to the other party's pay line. I told her where I was, and I said, "Betha, I just want you to know one thing." "what?" "I spent fifty-seven yuan on case handling expenses." "Fifty-seven yuan, that much?" She asked unhappily. "yes." "What did you do? Look at you, you can get drunk if you buy a five yuan bottle of spirits? Why do you have to open champagne?" "It's for a painting," I said, "I bought it, it's called The Sahara Sun, and I'm going to make a purple frame..." "This is a long-distance call, you drunk, stupid." Bai Sha shouted, "Tell me quickly, why are you looking for me, why are you drunk? You don't understand me." "No one will understand me," I said. Bai Sha hung up the phone from her side at once. I made a phone call, and the operator at the hotel asked me what I wanted. "Call me at seven o'clock." I said, and went back to sleep on the bed. Dimly, I knew I had two hours to sleep, and after that much coffee was supposed to kick in, and then I was going to Van Leho, and I was going to visit Jardd.
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