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Chapter 13 Chapter Thirteen

The place where the Police Headquarters interrogates is really a disgusting place. The brown oiled canvas carpet seemed to be covered with black caterpillars.In fact, this is all caused by the random throwing of cigarette butts.It is always the old custom for the police to ask questions, and they will be given a cigarette first.Of course they also wore hats and smoked.I found out that there was no ashtray in the room at all. There are also black caterpillars on the tabletop of the original color wooden table, which vary in length.The windows had iron bars, the doors had snap locks, and the chairs were stiff, stiff, and uncomfortable.It really doesn't look like a relic from that era.

There is nothing else in the room except a table and chairs. I sat in a chair at one end of the table, Mi Shanlou's deputy Deng Jichang and Mi Shanlou himself sat at the other end of the table. Shanlou said: "You know when I left the restaurant. You told me about the call that Aji called you. I left immediately, didn't you?" "When did you leave immediately?" I asked. "After you give me the message on Aggie's phone." "Did I message you?" I asked. Shanlou said: "Lai, listen to me clearly. You are at the crossroads, you either listen to me, or you don't listen. Now tell me, what did you tell me when you came back from listening to the phone?"

"I won't speak until I'm on the witness stand," I said. Shanlou pushed back his chair and stood up by himself.stood in front of me threateningly. "You bastard, son of a bitch! I'm getting impatient with you." "Take the witness stand," I said, "and I'll tell you everything." Deng Jilu said: "Shanlou, wait a minute, don't be self-righteous. Maybe this guy doesn't mean it." "Are you eating with me?" Shanlou said. "Yes." "you've been drinking." "yes." "And I didn't drink a drop, did I?"

"I'll say it on the witness stand." Shanlou said: "You have to tell me now, at this time. And you have to sign a testimony." I shake my head.Shanlou rang the bell on the wall.Almost immediately the door opened from the outside. "All ready," said a uniformed policeman. Shanlou said: "Come on, little one. Let's show you something first. Let you think about it carefully." They took me into another room, opened a door, took me through the room, Shanlou opened another door, and said, "OK, everyone." Five men crowded in.Two of them were in prison uniforms, the other two were obviously police officers, and one was twitching, probably a drug addict.

"Follow." Shanlou said and opened another door. The six of us walked down an aisle to a showcase like a window. This is a long display stand for witnesses to identify.With a wall on one side and glass on the other, the light is bright.Because the light inside is too strong, the people inside cannot see the referee standing outside the glass. A voice gave an order to a total of six people inside from the outside: "Okay, everyone, take two steps to the right." We take two steps to the right. There was a silence. I heard Shanlou's voice saying, "Can you recognize anyone?"

A female voice said, "Of course, the third person from the right." "You said it was the one among them?" "That's right, the man in the middle, there are three people on his left and two people on his right." The woman said in a voice. "Is this person right?" "Absolutely, I swear." "What do you say?" Shanlou asked. Another female voice said, "No problem, it's him. It's this man." A door opens. "All right," said one of the officers, "get out. Here." We leave the display stand.An officer opened a door and five people walked out, leaving me alone in the room.

Mi Shanlou came in, and after a while, Deng Jichang came in. Shanlou said: "Okay, you heard it. Someone pointed you out. Not long before the murder was discovered, you came out of booth 13... that's enough, little one." I don't say anything. Shanlou continued: "I'll tell you one more thing now. You still have time to turn around now. Do you understand what I mean? "Barney has cleared his suspicions. He was blackmailed by Wu Xingmen. He agreed to pay 10,000 yuan. The purpose is to get back the evidence that he was 'resting' with a woman in the Leisure Motel one night.

"Barney can come to you. You pay the 10,000 yuan and get the photo and registration card, but you have a bad intention, maybe you want to use it to blackmail your employer, and you refuse to return the evidence to Barney But I don't know what the hell you're up to, but Barney says he knows you all too well. "Anyway, you got a confession from Wu Xingmen, saying that he was a blackmailer; he said that he sent back the evidence and got 10,000 yuan. The evidence was obtained by you at the time, and it is still in your hands. "Now, we want this evidence, and we want this confession.

"Wu Xingmen is a blackmailer. If Barney didn't have an absolute alibi, we would naturally suspect him, but right now, you are our number one suspect." "What alibi does Barney have?" I asked. "He and Duan Mudun were discussing something. Half an hour before the waitress found the body, the two had been talking... At least ten minutes after their conversation started, Wu Xingmen came to the restaurant and entered booth 13. They Keep talking about the foreman coming to tell them something happened in the hall." "I see." I said. "You know," Shanlou continued, "Duanmudun himself has a big problem that he can't solve. Some people who are hostile to him are saying from east to west that he participated in a party in San Francisco on the night of the 5th, and the participants gathered together Got a sum of money to get a bill passed in Congress."

"So Duanmu stopped here and asked Barnicker if he would deny that he was there. Right?" I asked. He corrected me and said: "Duanmu came down here to find evidence that Barney was not in San Francisco that night, but in Los Angeles. "Barney wouldn't be very keen to tell him where he was and what he was doing that night. But in case things get serious, he can prove he wasn't in San Francisco." "So you came to me," I said. "So I came to you." Shanlou said. I don't say anything. "Now," Shanlou said, "tell me, where is the photo?"

I told him: "The photo is in a very safe place." "Barney can take these pictures." "Barney's not my employer. I'm keeping these pictures for someone else." Shanlou said, "Okay! We are the ones who want these photos. This is evidence." "Evidence in what case?" "Prove that Wu Xingmen is a blackmailer." "You don't need evidence for this, you already know it," I said. "Little one, it's useless to talk about it here. If you want to pass the test, this is your chance." "I don't want to?" Shanlou grinned and said, "We don't want to arrest you yet. But we want everyone to know that two people have testified that they saw you coming out of booth 13 shortly before the murder was discovered." I said, "What a very observant witness. Did you ask them if they saw you drinking that day? Did they see you leave before or after the body was found?" Shanlou turned to me with a dark face. "You bastard, bastard, rascal, I..." "Don't be nervous, Shanlou," Deng Jichang said, "this guy has already been identified in the line of people anyway." I said, "That's not recognizable. There is only one person in the group who looks like me." Shanlou grinned and said, "We think this is a very fair identification. These are all about the same age as you, the same height and similar appearance." I said, "Yeah! Two of them are still in prison uniforms, and two are big cops." "Which two? Can you name them?" Shanlou asked. "How could I know their names!" "I see you can't prove what you say, little one. You can only talk. . . . I think that's fair evidence, Aggie." Aggie said: "Of course, of course, yes. I think we did a surprisingly fair job this time. Of course, we had to work fast, but we put him in the middle of six very fairly and it was the girl who picked him. out, and both women singled him out of the six." "One of them decided to choose me after reading the other's identification." I said. "I don't think she heard the other one," Shanlou said. "I spoke very softly. But there wasn't much difference." "What are you going to do to me?" I asked. "You've been working on a case?" "yes." "Your partner, Baisha has been looking for you?" "I have also been trying to find time to contact her." "Let's talk about it later," he said. "You don't want to keep me here?" Shanlou said: "God! No. We just want to investigate. You have absolute freedom. But if we have any more evidence that is bad for you, we will come to you again. If there is more evidence, we will come to you again." Send you into the gas chamber." "You think you can really find proof." Shanlou said: "Oh, I'm sure of this. We really need to find evidence, and we can find a lot. We already have a lot of evidence, but we must never wrong good people. We always give the suspect the greatest chance to defend himself. " "So, I'm free now?" I asked. "Of course, of course." Shanlou said. Aggie said: "But I have always heard that you are a smart person, you should think about it." "What are you thinking?" I asked. "Think about everything." Aggie stood up, walked to the door, and opened it. I go out.
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