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Chapter 40 Chapter VII

swan shining 恒殊 3218Words 2018-03-11
"Good job." My companion stretched his arms and dusted off his tattered tuxedo.Not only was the tail of the coat completely burnt, it was also covered with viper slime and sand.His vest was also torn, and the buttons of his shirt were missing. "This dress...is it expensive?" I said hesitantly, "Why are you wearing this?" "I never thought your dream would be "Raiders of the Lost Ark." He sighed deeply. "What do you think it will be? Could it be "Four Hundred Years of Vampire Horror"?" I pouted. He smiled, "Then I dare not come."

I look into his gray eyes, familiar and warm—but those two words never go together.In my memory, there is always cold rain in his eyes, and I will never understand his unpredictable psychology.But he is standing here now, standing here in a state of embarrassment, chatting with me, joking with me-he even joked with me!As a vampire, his body was as white and cold as a marble statue, and I always thought his personality was equally cold and haughty.Maybe in reality he is, but am I not dreaming right now? "If your will is strong enough, you can control the dream." He interrupted my thoughts, but skipped the part about himself.He must be doing it on purpose because he knows what I'm thinking every time.

"You did a good job just now," he went on, "you saved us both." "But why are we still here?" I turned my head and looked at the endless desert around me.After the snakes disappeared, the previous dead silence returned here, like a curse that could never be escaped. "Because you haven't woken up yet." I was about to ask him how to wake up, but I suddenly realized that I didn't really want to wake up.Because in reality, I'll never get an A in school; in reality, I'm a monster, a horrible murderer; in reality, he doesn't like me anymore.And here, there are only me and him in the whole world.He'll stand by my side and protect me, he'll hold my hand the whole time, he'll joke with me...

He is looking at me.It was those familiar and warm gray eyes again, as clear as a mirror, reflecting my bewildered face.Under his gaze, I felt my cheeks burning hot, so I turned my head quickly. "You just mentioned a name," he said to me. "I heard your question, but I don't know her." My face turned even redder.my question?Is it the "transfer student" part?Or the "new love" part? "Both," he answered me succinctly.And I was so embarrassed that I just wanted to get into the sand under my feet and disappear quickly. "Sounds like Murphy's trick." He smiled slightly. "Believe me, Odell, she doesn't exist."

"So I didn't kill her?" I looked up. "Of course not. She's just part of the dream; another phantom, just like Roy." Oh Roy.My sweet and handsome fiance Roy.If he doesn't mention it, I'll almost forget about Roy.Thinking of him made my face burn even hotter, and I worried that the man in front of me knew everything that happened in the dream. "I don't know anything." He gave a suspicious smile. I had to wake up, because this wasn't a vacuum where just me and him existed.Here is Roy, and his sister Fitbit, or rather, Murphy.Even though I've just fought her off, she's still here, around the corner of Nightmare, waiting for another raid.Next time, I may not have such good luck.

I have to get out of here.I must wake up. Just as I was thinking this way, I saw that the dark sky just now showed a white belly, and it seemed that the sky was about to dawn.But this is so unusual.I remember when we first got here, it was just a vast desert.There is no time, no season.The earth is flat, but the sky is like a transparent cover with no sun, moon or stars on it.But now, I saw a dark blue night sky above my head, and then, a pink-purple glow flashed from a certain direction, and then slowly covered the entire heaven.This heralds an unprecedented fine weather, like the London I see every day in this dream.The wind is warm and the sun is shining brightly.

I turned my head and saw my companion's face change.He had been calm and laughing before, no matter how bad our situation was, he had been encouraging me and comforting me.But now, looking up at the beautiful blush in the sky, he was even more frightened than seeing Medusa's face. I looked at him puzzled, looking at his snow-white face like a marble sculpture, and slowly, cold sweat broke out on my forehead. My companion is a vampire.He is not afraid of snakes, flames, swords and sandstorms, and has unparalleled immortal vitality and combat effectiveness, but he has a fatal weakness.All it takes is a little sunlight to burn him to ashes.This is true in reality, and it is still true in dreams.It's ingrained and irreversible.

I looked around frantically, hoping to find some kind of shelter, a shed, a hut or something, some kind of shade, to keep out the hotter elements in the air, and at least to block the light a little. But there is nothing here.As far as the eye can see, the whole world is dead, without any trace of life.There is only rolling yellow sand under the feet, and a whole piece of desert without seeing the edge, flattening the body under the sky, so that every grain of sand can fully enjoy the coming baptism of sunshine. Every grain of sand on the earth.Including him, including me. "What's going to happen next?" I stare at the sky above my head, which is gradually brightening, and my breath loses its rhythm.

"Next? Do you mean before or after I was sunburned to death?" I didn't answer him because his teasing terrified me.There was only one thing on my mind while he was talking, if he died then I didn't want to live either. "Remember, Odell, you are dreaming." He held my hand tightly, "What will happen here is not real." "Do you mean sunlight, or your death?" He shrugged, but didn't answer me. "What will happen after you die?" The sky became brighter, and I asked him anxiously, seeing that his complexion became more and more transparent under the morning light.I held his cold hands tightly, worried that he would just disappear into thin air like this.

"You'll be the only one left here." He looked into my eyes quietly. "You know I'm not asking you about addition and subtraction!" I was anxious.I saw a golden glow in the sky, and a crimson arc could almost be seen on the horizon.The heat in the air rose sharply, and my palms were wet and sweaty. "If I die in a dream, will I wake up in reality?" I think I already know the result, but there is still a glimmer of hope. "You won't. So you can't die." "What about you?" I grabbed his arm tightly, and I was going crazy.But no matter how many times I asked, he just wouldn't give me the answer.

The sun is shining brightly.The golden horizon seemed to be pushed forward by an invisible big hand, where a blood-red sun was dormant, slowly opening like the mouth of a poisonous snake, and the dazzling light was like a sharp arrow piercing the hemispherical sky. Like a golden hedgehog.I stepped on the sand with bare feet, and the hot sand burned my soles.As the height of the sun continues to increase, the surrounding temperature is getting higher and higher, and we are like two wax figures in candlesticks ready to melt. My black knight is melting.First there was his frock coat, where it had been ripped and widened, and then the expensive fabrics had magically evaporated directly into the scalding air, as if they were made of chocolate.But unfortunately his person also seems to be a piece of crystal candy.Gradually, the skin on his face became more and more transparent. I could almost see the sand dunes behind him through his skull, and the fine golden light shone on it, and the ground under my feet seemed to be a whole piece of molten gold. "I'm going to disappear." He spoke softly, his voice was far away, it sounded weak and ethereal, as if it was an echo from a distant horizon. "Tell me, what should I do?" I was about to cry, and I thought I had.I reached out, and my hand passed through his body, and there was a transparent air in front of me. "Odell, this is your dream." I seemed to hear his voice in the haze, but only a vague outline remained of him.I quickly withdrew my hand, because I was afraid that he would burst like a soap bubble.Then I really have nothing.I opened my eyes wide in fear, staring at the extremely fragile and precious shadow in front of me in the increasingly intense light. my dream?So what should I do now? —He told me that if I was strong enough, I could control the dream.is this real?I wiped away the tears on my face fiercely, raised my head, and fixedly stared at the bursting red sun in the sky.Visions appeared in front of my eyes, black and green light spots almost blinded my eyes, my tears fell out again, my eyes hurt, I couldn't see anything.But I kept staring in that direction, and with all the strength I had left, I called out to Selene, the moon god, to the power of the currents and tides, to everything I could think of, to try to reverse the orbits of the planets. Then I close my eyes and describe the image I want over and over again in my head.I saw that the sunlight above my head was gradually weakening, and a faint shadow appeared in the air, and turned into a black round silhouette under the backlight. The black shadow quickly swallowed the entire sun and all the light in the sky.The sky turned dark in an instant. I opened my eyes again, facing the direction of the sunrise just now.As I wished, there was now only a brilliant silver ring, and Venus and other bright stars appeared in succession in the black sky, shining brightly.The hot air around me gradually cooled down, and the cold sand soothed the soles of my feet.very itchy. But there was no one in front of me.The soap-bubble-like shadow just now has completely disappeared, evaporated in the air, leaving nothing at all.My heart is empty, summoning the eclipse has exhausted all my strength, and my whole body has lost its support.My legs went limp, and I collapsed to my knees on the open ground, burying my hands in the soft sand.
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