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Chapter 34 Chapter One

swan shining 恒殊 2831Words 2018-03-11
I struggled to turn over and sat up on the bed, put on my clothes and walked into the kitchen.The kitchen was enveloped in a hazy skylight, and everything became a transparent halftone, so misty that it couldn't be seen clearly.I thought I was dreaming again, but a severe headache brought me back to reality.I casually opened the medicine drawer, took out two more painkillers and swallowed them.These medicines contain narcotics and I just hope I don't fall asleep at the wedding. I walked back to my room with a glass of water and stopped walking down the corridor.There are five other doors here besides the kitchen.One door leads to the outside, and there are four student dormitories.Mine, Debbie's, Alex's, and Roy's.Debbie ran to William's house as usual, and Alex was not there.I stared at the last door at the end of the corridor - Roy's room.

Pushing open this door will end it all!Somewhere deep in my memory, a voice told me so.Ending my current perfect school life, canceling my wedding, and saying goodbye to all my family and friends.My hand involuntarily pressed against the brass handle, then drew back immediately.No, I can't go back. The door to another world has been closed, and there is no way out for me.As Debbie and Alex say, "take it all with open arms".This is my destiny that I cannot change.In any case, at this moment, I have only one way forward. Back in the room, I put the water glass on the table, then pulled out the chair and sat down, looking at my face in the mirror.

A tired and pale girl with puffy cheeks and heavy dark circles under her eyes.Excellent!I told myself.The bride is supposed to be the most beautiful and the wedding is supposed to be unforgettable, but I'm sure today will be the ugliest and worst day of my life. The room was too quiet, unseemly quiet.There were no human voices, nor could any bird chirp outside the window.In the tomb-like silence around me, my phone suddenly screamed, pounding the desk with uneasy vibrations.I subconsciously glanced at the wall clock on the wall, it was not yet seven o'clock in the morning.Who would call me so early on my wedding day?

"Hi." A familiar gentle voice, it only belongs to my fiancé. "Hi." I responded stiffly, because after hearing Roy's voice, my mind was in a mess and I didn't know what to say. "That... I'm sorry for waking you up." His voice was like a gentle current, slowly flowing over my limbs.It felt like being injected with morphine in the comfort of a bathtub, and suddenly my head didn't hurt so much. "It's okay, I'm awake." I muttered. "Can't sleep?" I shrugged, and then it occurred to me that he might not see, so I told him, "I had a nightmare."

"What... did you dream about?" I don't know if it was my illusion, but his voice seemed to be tense in the receiver. "I forgot." I said simply.I am not lying.In fact, when I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to drink water, the shadow of the dream was still faintly flashing in my mind. I remember that I seemed to dream of Debbie and Alex, and my family, but when I returned When I went to the room to answer the phone, I suddenly couldn't remember anything.My mind was blank, as if someone had erased everything with an eraser. "Odelle..." The warm water flowed over my shoulders, then my neck.I can't breathe.

"I love you, Roy," I said involuntarily, as if something in my chest forced me to say it. "I love you too, Audrey, I just..." "Worried I'll be a runaway bride?" I laughed. "...Yes." He actually admitted it, so cute.I smiled from the bottom of my heart. "I won't, Roy. You know I love you." "I know." "So I can start putting on my makeup?" I smile. "Of course. Then... see you at the wedding." A kiss came over the phone, and then hung up. I stared at my slightly hot phone in a daze.The time displayed above is seven o'clock in the morning.The sky outside the window is gradually getting brighter, and I will enter the church in five hours.

The photo on the phone screen made me a little dazed.It was taken on our first date at the aquarium when Roy and I had just met.In the photo, the two of us are holding hands and smiling brightly, behind the large "mermaid" poster of the aquarium, because there happened to be an exhibition about manatees at that time. manatee?aquarium?My head was hurting again because I suddenly remembered that on the day we decided to go to the aquarium to see the manatees, I happened to catch a cold from Alex and I had a fever.But if we weren't there, where did the picture come from?It should have been taken two years ago, but neither Roy nor I have changed in the photo.I mean, not only our looks haven't changed at all, we even have the same hairstyles in the photos!This photo looks as if it was taken yesterday.

Is there anyone who hasn't changed in more than two years?I don't know about others, but I feel sure I don't.Roy is even less likely, he is such a fashionable person.Those asymmetrical locks of hair on his forehead definitely need constant trimming. What went wrong?It is often said that time flies like an arrow.I just feel that the past two and a half years seem a bit unnaturally fast. With a loud bang, my door was suddenly pushed open.I almost jumped out of my chair in horror. "Good morning, bride!" Alex stood there in a straight and slim white suit, holding the door open with one hand.That pink tie around his neck was so bright it gave me allergies.

"My God! Why don't you knock! What if I'm changing?" Alex scanned me up and down with disdainful eyes, and then asked me: "Is there anything for you to see?" I smashed a cushion hard, but he dodged it. "Grandma, you haven't started putting on makeup yet? Don't you think you have plenty of time?" The other party's expression was very serious, and I didn't take it seriously, "Isn't there still five hours? What's the rush?" "Five hours?" Alex's eyes widened. "Are you sleepy? Look at what time it is!"

Inexplicably, I turned my head to look at the clock hanging on the wall.The hour and minute hands form a pleasant angle upwards. "Ten ten?" I exclaimed, remembering that when I watched it just now, it was obviously only seven o'clock in the morning.What the hell am I doing these three hours?Did I really fall asleep as Alex said?Because of taking too much headache medicine? "Shouldn't you be with Roy now?" I hurriedly unscrewed the cap of the liquid foundation, and started to apply it on my face in front of the mirror.My hands were shaking, and I was really in a hurry.

"Our groom was worried that you would be late, so he asked me to come over and take a look." Alex sighed, "It turns out that it was necessary." Why is everyone worried that I will be late?I was late when I went to the airport to pick up my parents. Am I going to be late for my wedding?I don't remember being such a timeless person.But lately, time seems to be passing far faster than I can grasp.So what's next?Continue to be late to your own funeral?The idea popped into my head and I wanted to laugh, but it wasn't funny at all. "Where's Debbie?" As soon as I thought of her, the client had appeared in front of me.In a ridiculous cream tutu and a bright pink headband (the same color as Alex's tie), she looks like a walking wedding cake. "Odelle! Why are you so slow!" Her high octave voice made my ears tingle, and I rolled my eyes.I really want to say, aren't you my bridesmaid?Why did you take so long to come?But when I saw her face, I froze. At that moment, I seemed to see another girl.Curly blond hair, icy blue eyes, and a stunningly beautiful face.I felt as if I had seen this girl somewhere before, but in a flash she disappeared.I looked at Debbie in front of me in confusion, not understanding what happened just now. "Why are you still here in a daze!" Debbie yelled at me, "Do you still want to get married?" I curled my lips, and sat down again in front of the dressing table that was temporarily converted from the writing desk, obediently letting a large group of friends brought by Debbie quickly help me make up and do my hair.After everything was done, I put on the long black dress that had been prepared. The dress fits just as it did the day it was tried on in the store, and when I put on my black satin pumps, the lace at the hem drags to the floor.It made my face even paler, so before I left, Debbie's friend brushed two extra blush on my cheeks.I hardly recognize myself in the mirror, because now I actually start to look like a shy bride.I was extremely unaccustomed to such a dress, so I reached out and put down the veil, surrounded by a large group of Debbie and the others, and left my room.
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