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Chapter 27 Chapter Four

swan shining 恒殊 2193Words 2018-03-11
Debbie had been on the phone while I was paying and I knew it was William from the way she said it.She vented her displeasure with me and the dress from head to toe.When we walked out of the bridal shop with shopping bags, William was already waiting for her at the door. "Audrey, where is your fiancé?" Debbie hung up the phone, replaced the airwaves with actual actions, threw herself into her boyfriend's arms and gave him a kiss, then turned her head and looked around on the street. "I didn't call him over." "You didn't call him over! Are you kidding me? What time is it!" Debbie took out her BlackBerry covered in pink rhinestone stickers to check the time, and then yelled, "He's obligated to take you home!"

I wanted to say "because he didn't know you were leaving me alone", but I swallowed and held back.I watched William take Debbie's shopping bag (yes, she bought other things today) as a matter of course, put his arm around Debbie's waist, and thought maybe I should call Roy to pick it up I.This is the fourth district of London, and the location is remote. Although it was sunny and sunny when I went out at noon, it is completely dark now. Maybe it's natural to let your boyfriend pick you up, just like Debbie and William.Besides, Roy is already my fiancé, and we are getting married in a week.But the more this happened, the more I wanted to keep a distance from him.It was my idea for Roy to move out of the student apartment early.After we found a new house, I asked him to live there first to accumulate "popularity", that's what I said, he agreed, and no one around thought it was wrong.But really, I just want to be alone for a while.

Not long after enrolling, Roy moved into a spare room in the student apartment.We have been neighbors for two and a half years.Go to school together, leave get out of class together, do everything together.It's not that I'm tired, on the contrary, two and a half years on, I feel like it's only been a few days.There is a deep bond between us, not any different from when we first met. Some people say that there are only two modes of love, love at first sight and love at first sight.Although it seems to be the former from our experience, I clearly know that I fell in love with Roy at first sight.I won't fall in love with a man who doesn't have a good impression on the first face, and what time has cultivated is just a habit.

When Roy showed up, when I first saw him in the library, it was like a fate.The hand of God patted on my forehead, reminding me: Pay attention, it's him!This is the one who is destined to be with you, and all destiny has been written in advance.With him, this is the most natural and relaxed state. You don't need to deliberately change anything to cater to the other person's preferences, and you don't need to work hard to adapt to the pace of the other person's life.Because he is the other half that God carefully crafted for you, came to this world for you, and waited silently somewhere for the day when he met you.When you find him, when that day finally comes, when you meet him, you and him instantly transform from two incomplete individuals into a full-fledged whole, he fills all the blanks around you and enriches your memories , realize your wish and make the incredible future wonderful.

But maybe, I mean maybe, it's a little too good.It seems like the good weather has been going on lately.London has a warm maritime climate, and every winter is an annoying rainy season.It wasn't very cold, but the drizzle could last a whole week in one fell swoop.Of course, I'd be crazy to blame Roy for this.Even if he is really inexplicable, he can't control everything like a god.And who doesn't love a sunny day? Anyway, lately I want to be alone.Whether at home or traveling, I don't want to bother him, and I don't want to bother myself.I need space to be alone, I need to think.So I didn't call Roy.Even though he texted me just now, telling me he misses me.

"Then we'll send you back first." William took Debbie's hand and suggested gently. But when I saw the repressed displeasure on Debbie's face, I knew the couple had other plans for tonight.I didn't want to be a light bulb, so I quickly said, "No really. I'm fine by myself." "But you are going to be a bride..." Debbie frowned.She still has a conscience, and I can see that she is really worried. I laughed, "The bride is not synonymous with frailty." I tried to lift the heavy shopping bag, trying to show the muscles of my upper arms, even though there was really nothing there.

"Then, let's send you to the subway." Debbie said hesitantly. "no thanks." "I insist." Without a word, William stretched out his hand to grab the bag in my hand. "No, your own schoolbag is so heavy." I wanted to shirk, but William snatched the bag over quickly. "It's just a few books borrowed from the library. It's not heavy." He smiled slightly, and changed my bag to his left hand, and carried it with Debbie's. "Library? Where's the library?" I seemed to be hit by something suddenly, and I was stunned.

"Of course it's the school library, what's wrong?" "The... library of the school? Does it catch fire from time to time?" I asked in surprise, but I didn't know where this crazy idea came from. "No." This time William was puzzled, he looked at me inexplicably, "Audrey, what are you talking about?" "The school library isn't on fire?" I stared at him dumbfounded. "Of course not!" Debbie stared. "For no reason, how could it catch fire?" "But I obviously..." I stopped talking.I suddenly found myself not sure.Is the library really on fire?or am i dreamingI bit my lip and stared at Debbie, not knowing how to finish my sentence.

"Audrey, are you having a nightmare?" William looked at me with concern. "The library is not on fire, and there is no fire anywhere. I just went to school, and everything is safe, and you are also safe." I looked at him blankly, not sure what he was talking about.Bridal shops, student apartments, libraries, everything is confused and blurred in memory.I feel like I just got out of school, but maybe, I haven't been to school for a long time.After all, winter vacation is coming soon, there are no classes in school, and many students have gone home. "Let's take you back first." I felt a pair of warm palms hold my hand tightly, and heard a voice say in my ear, "I'll call Roy." I wanted to stop him, I I wanted to tell him not to bother, because I suddenly realized that the last person I wanted to see at the moment was Roy.But I think this is counterintuitive, he is my fiancé after all.my closest people.my favorite person.The first person I should reach out to when I have a problem - but also the one I've been trying to avoid in my subconscious self-preservation.

Although I really don't know where this terrible idea came from.
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