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Chapter 20 chapter Ten

swan shining 恒殊 2306Words 2018-03-11
It turned out that the white mug that had been bothering me was Roy's.Because no one I know uses a pure white cup except Roy.After all, this is an art college, and everyone is used to adding unnecessary decorations to their daily objects.So, since Alex moved into the halls of residence earlier than I did, it's likely that Roy dropped the cup when he came to drink tea earlier - that's the only explanation I can think of. In fact, it's not just the cups, all of Roy's tableware is white.White tea set, white dinner plate, white dessert plate, and white soup bowl.A whole set of pure white porcelain, without the slightest pattern or pattern on it.In addition, most of Roy's clothes are also white (and white bath towels).The clothes of ordinary boys are always greyish-brown and black, and they are easily confused in the crowd, but Roy always stands out from the crowd impartially.Of course white is also very suitable for him.Wearing the same style of white shirt, the distance between him and other boys is the difference between a prince and a waiter.Of course, the big handsome Alex is probably not bad in white, but this guy has been eliminated by me a long time ago.

After Roy moved into the student apartment, we were together almost every day.I feel like time flies by so fast.I just saw him in the visual theory class, and the next second we were sitting on the highest point of the "London Eye" Ferris wheel overlooking the scenery; and when I closed my eyes and prepared to enjoy the fresh morning breeze by the Thames, I opened my eyes again At that time, we had already had a candlelight dinner in a high-end western restaurant in SOHO district. Just like today, after the get out of class bell rang, I found myself lying on the comfortable sofa in the "Riverside" bar with my eyes half closed, listening to the melodious blues played by the saxophone, and looking at the girl on the stage holding a white electric guitar. The boy winked at me behind the asymmetrical hair curtain.The light in the bar was dim, and I was sitting far away. I couldn't see his expression from here, but at that moment, I did see Roy's familiar smile, just like the ripples of water waves, rippling around in the room. Go, with the music, over my heart, then occupy.

Maybe I should have listened to Debbie and I should have "spread my arms" for life now.But it's all too perfect.It was so perfect that I was a little scared and a little overwhelmed.But every time I see Roy, all the confusion melts away.I have to admit, I love being with him.Only he can relax my tense nerves, revive my bad memory, and recall everything that happened before.He made me feel like I was real, that every breath I took had meaning.He is like a wonderful magician, filling all the gaps and gaps in my previous life, so that my life and heartbeat can continue. And just like that, I'm in love.

I don't know when this change started.I can't say a specific date.I can't define.It was as if as soon as Roy came into my life we ​​fell in love.Before I knew what I wanted, I was obsessed with his touch, his breath, and his kiss.So warm, so lingering, like a breeze on the banks of the Seine in summer, with the fragrance of water lilies, gently brushing my heart. Debbie hands me a glass of wine.I don't even know how many cups this is.The mint leaves are dazzling green in the transparent glass, just like seaweed in the depths of the ocean, stretching out a strange and amazing light under the lamp.

The cold glass touched my lips and the same cold liquid slid into my mouth.But I can't taste any alcohol.I just feel happy and lazy, I look at the boy playing the electric guitar on the stage in the distance, I can't help smiling, I want to lie here and never get up. The colored lights above the head began to rotate, and they were still colored at first, and then slowly became black and white.I saw the boy in white again.This time, like a medieval knight, he stood on the square with a sword on his horse and by the fountain. The golden sun shone on his face. It was a brilliant and dazzling light, which made his hair seem to be burning. stand up.

But the light was so bright that I couldn't see his face.I narrowed my eyes, stretched out my hand to block the light, and gradually recognized the towering white bell tower in the distance. The black and white checkered marble floor stretched from my feet to the door of the church, where stood the archbishop also wearing a white cassock. All this seemed strange yet familiar, like a recurring nightmare in another world.Everything is dormant, waiting, and welcoming that moment.No one knows when that is, and no one knows what will happen.Confusion, fear, anxiety, but still greedily occupy everything that belongs to the unknown world.

I rubbed my eyes, and saw that on the sofa beside him, Debbie, who was already unconscious, was curled up in William's arms and sleeping soundly.It was past midnight, and there were fewer and fewer young people reveling here just now, and the sound of trombones and electric guitars could hardly be heard.I scanned the stage with wide-eyed eyes, trying to make out the white-clothed figure among the performers, but I couldn't see anything.There is only a silent black figure, lonely in the corner, continuing to play his saxophone, the tone is slow and low, like the night wind, weeping and complaining.

Feeling panicked for no reason, I struggled to stand up and sat up, looking for my shadow in the crowd. I saw him, with fluttering white clothes, separated from the crowd and walked to me, reaching out to stroke my hair. The intoxicating warmth quickly spread from the top of the head.I breathed a sigh of relief, closed my eyes relaxedly, reached out to grab the tape of the other party's electric guitar, and pulled him in front of me. "Thank you for coming to the show..." "Hush..." The soft background sound of the saxophone continued, and I blocked the other's lips.

The whole world was reduced to ruins.Everything is false and unrealistic, only the person in my arms is real, only he is important.I felt the warmth of his skin, the flow of blood, the beating of his heart, and his slender and powerful arms held me tightly in his arms.I feel happy and fulfilled, I hope that time will stop running, let the whole world stop at this second; I hope the universe will end here, and let our mutual embrace become eternal. "...Audrey, you are drunk." "I don't." I reached out and hooked his face, staring at the perfect face in front of me that could make all the girls in the school suffocate.

Roy looked at me quietly, I don't know what he was thinking at the moment. "I hope we'll never be apart," I said. There was a strange gleam in his calm blue eyes the instant I said those words.I was really drunk, otherwise I would have thought that meant some sort of surprise. "Audrey, we are always together." He answered me in a calm voice. I shook my head slightly.Maybe I'm so drunk that I don't even know why I'm saying this, but I know I have to.I heard myself reply, "I hope so too." The same astonishment appeared in the boy's beautiful eyes again, and he was almost at a loss, "Don't you want to be with me, Odell?"

"Of course I do, Roy. Of course I do." I said this with my eyes closed, and when I opened them, Roy was no longer there. Of course, the entire bar disappeared as well.
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