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Chapter 29 Chapter 28 That Night

Mosaic Day of the Dead 陈舜臣 1611Words 2018-03-16
After dinner, Tao Zhanwen sat at the table in the bedroom and opened "Lingshu Suwen Jizhu".However, his eyeballs were motionless, as if he was not looking. "Lingshu·Suwen" is an ancient Chinese medical book. The famous beginning with "the beginning of human beings", this medical three-character classic will follow suit, starting with the following sentence—— The "Yellow Emperor" in the age of mythology is considered to be the ancestor of Chinese medicine, and the nine volumes of "Lingshu" and "Suwen" written in the early Han Dynasty are the earliest medical books in existence.With the increasing prosperity of medicine, Zhang Zhongjing appeared in Nanyang at the end of Han Dynasty, who wrote "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" and "Jin Kui Yu Han Jing".

There is another saying in the Three Character Classic of Medicine——the author of later generations gradually invaded adultery... In other words, the medical books of later generations are not worth reading. "Lingshu·Suwen" is to the medical school what the Five Classics are to the Confucian school, and it is called a must-read book for doctors by the world.However, there are many theories of Yin and Yang in the five elements in ancient medical books, as well as theories that people inherit "virtue" from heaven and "qi" from the earth, but Tao Zhanwen can't get used to these anyway.Instead, what he read the most were those medical books of later generations that were rated as "gradually invading".A long time ago, he was thinking that although being a doctor is not his job, since he wants to treat people, even if it is an obligation, he must read classical medical books.

Now, in front of him is a book that was written before the Western Era. There is a saying in Lingshu Tianwen: "The beginning of all diseases..." Although Tao Zhanwen wanted to read it very much, he couldn't read it no matter what. At eight o'clock in the evening, Kojima arrived. "I've been to the store, but you're not here, so I'm here." "Well, I came back early today." Tao Zhanwen said. Kojima only sat there for about twenty minutes, during which time he kept looking at Tao Zhanwen's face with inquiring eyes. "Mr. Tao, you seem to know something about this case. No, don't deny it. I think you have indeed discovered something. Can you reveal a little bit? Just pick something that is convenient to reveal."

In twenty minutes, Kojima repeated "what should you know" countless times, and kept asking. However, Tao Zhanwen always had an unpredictable smile on his face, turning a deaf ear to Kojima. In the end, Kojima left disappointed.Judging from his attitude when he left, he couldn't bear it anymore. At 8:30 in the evening, Tao Zhanwen called the Oriental Hotel.The person who answered the phone was Mark Gu.He told Tao Zhanwen that they had not received any calls. Tao Zhanwen opened "Lingshu·Suwen Jizhu" again. Su Wenmai should be refined and said: A man who is shrewd about the five colors has the brilliance of qi.

Tao Zhanwen wanted to understand this book no matter what, and couldn't help secretly anxious.Moreover, he knew that his current state was the most suitable to grasp the essence of ancient medicine.He always felt that only in a state of extreme annoyance and depression could he comprehend the philosophical medicine of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, not to mention that he dug out this book from a corner of the bookshelf, and it was full of dust at first.However, as before, he could not read more than three lines fluently.In less than a minute, his eyeballs became motionless. At 9:30 in the evening, Tao Zhanwen called Dongfang Hotel again.The person who answered the phone this time was Qiao Yu, who said she hadn't received any calls yet.

"You must sleep well!" Tao Zhanwen said in a doctor's tone. —I feel better, thanks to you.I think it must be that the package of medicine has taken effect. "Don't take it lightly. With your current physical condition, don't move around for a short time. Go to bed immediately." ——However, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep. As he said, the voice on the phone line did look quite excited. "Even if you can't sleep, you have to lie down, you know?" Tao Zhanwen said commandingly, and then hung up the phone. He flicked through the pages of the book.

"Suwen Xuanming Five Qi Chapter - Yin disease occurs in the bone, Yang disease occurs in the blood..." After reading only a few sentences, his eyes closed involuntarily, and they did not open for a long time.It may be tiring to close the eyes for too long, and occasionally he will open them slightly, but they will be closed again soon. His daughter Yu Rongduancha came over and stood motionless in front of him for five minutes, Tao Zhanwen didn't seem to notice. Yu Rong burst out laughing, and said: "Father, you are like a Buddha statue, sitting here motionless, what are you doing?"

Hearing Yu Rong's voice, Tao Zhanwen only slightly moved his body. "I'm waiting for a call." He replied with his eyes closed. Just before eleven o'clock in the evening, the phone rang.It was Mark's voice. — Mr. Li called Qiao Yu.Yes, I hung up just now, as if I just came to tell Qiao Yu to take care of her health... Although it was just an ordinary call to visit the sick, you said that you will be notified when you receive a call... But why do you care about the phone so much? "Just get a call. By the way, where is Qiao Yu now?" —She is not asleep yet.She said that you would be scolded for calling, so I called.

After hanging up the phone, Tao Zhanwen let out a long sigh.It can be clearly seen that his face has returned to life, and he looked at "Lingshu·Suwen Jizhu" again. "... Yin disease occurs in the flesh, Yang disease occurs in winter, and Yin disease occurs in summer, which is called five." After reading this passage, Tao Zhanwen closed the page with a "snap" and said, "I thought I could finally understand "Lingshu·Suwen", but I didn't expect to return to the original state."
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