Home Categories detective reasoning Mosaic Day of the Dead

Chapter 20 Chapter Nineteen A Busy Day

Mosaic Day of the Dead 陈舜臣 2221Words 2018-03-16
Wednesday.Early in the morning, Kojima began to run around energetically.He first went to the company where Tsujimura worked to investigate the situation, and the other party also asked his hometown because he was worried about Tsujimura, but his hometown said that Tsujimura had not come back.Tsujimura's hometown is in Banzhou. It is said that after receiving the telegram from the company, Tsujimura's sister was shocked and immediately borrowed the phone number from the village office to ask the company for details. Kojima went to the company's personnel department to copy Tsujimura's resume.It was an unremarkable resume - graduated from high school, worked for three years in the agricultural cooperative in my hometown, and then came to Kobe and joined T Chemical Co., Ltd.There are no rewards and punishments, and the company's evaluation is neither good nor bad, in short, it is extremely ordinary.

Later, Kojima approached Tsujimura's colleagues to inquire.A man named Kono, who has a good relationship with Tsujimura, whispers to Kojima that Tsujimura has been frequenting a bar lately and seems to be infatuated with the waitress there.However, he didn't know the woman's name, not even the name of the bar. Kojima reported the above situation to Tao Zhanwen of "Taoyuan Pavilion" by phone. "Once other matters are found out, I will report them immediately." "I'm going to attend the funeral in the afternoon, let's talk about it in the evening!" Tao Zhanwen replied.

But the island is not very convenient at night.A friend was going to be transferred to Tokyo for work, and there was a farewell party that he had to attend in the evening.However, that friend is scheduled to depart on the "Yinhe" that day, so the farewell party will end at eight o'clock at the latest. "Then I'll go to your place around 8:30, were you still there then?" "I usually stay until about nine o'clock." After hanging up the phone, Kojima went to the "port apartment" again.Although Tao Zhanwen asked him to find out the whereabouts of Tsujimura, he is a newspaper reporter in his own right, regardless of his boxing skills. As far as this case is concerned, he has his own clues, so he does not intend to blindly follow Tao Zhanwen's instructions.He planned to meet with Tian Cun, using the land on Daqiao Street as an entry point, to inquire about news in a tactful way.Unfortunately, Tamura's room is locked.He knocked on the door, but there was no answer.

Kojima decided to come back another day, so he returned to the newspaper office first.Before lunch, he finished writing the report for the evening paper and found that there were still too few manuscript sources, so he had to fill in the blanks.Therefore, he decided to expose the deep vortex of malfeasance centered on Yoshida Sozo.Of course, as far as the current stage is concerned, it cannot be written very straightforwardly, and can only stay at the level of vague hints.Perhaps the commentator Hashikawa will put on a meaningful expression and say-"You will be troublesome like this, please respect yourself!"-But, never mind!

After finishing the report, Kojima ran out of the newspaper again. This time, his destination was the second floor of the shoe store, where Xu Mingyi used it as his office.There were two tables side by side, and Kusakabe, who was equivalent to Xu Mingyi's staff officer, was resting his elbow on one of the tables at this moment, digging his nostrils carelessly. "Mr. Xu is really pitiful!" Kojima said. Kusakabe seemed to suddenly remember something, looked at his watch and said, "By the way, the funeral starts at two o'clock, and I have to go too." "That's right, at work, you have the closest relationship with him."

"Not really. Mr. Xu is a mystic, and there are still many things I don't know." "Oh……" "Although I sit here with Mr. Xu working here, I don't know where his money came from and where it went." "So he has other business partners besides you?" "Then it's not sure. I'm just in charge of introducing real estate related matters, or giving advice." "What about debt?" "Ah, that's all done by Mr. Xu alone, it has nothing to do with me." Kojima thought, no matter what, he should try his best to find out the financial relationship between this man and Xu Mingyi, and asked, "Is there no account book for Mr. Xu here?"

"Mr. Xu always brings all the account books and papers back to the apartment, and nothing is left here. That old man is very cautious." "The police have checked the room and found that the ledger is missing." "It seems so, but don't you mean that the IOUs and promissory notes are still there?" "But I can't figure out whether all of them are there. After all, the account books are lost, so there is no way to check whether the numbers match..." "That's true, even if one or two cards are lost, no one will know." It seems that it is impossible to investigate Kusakabe's interest relationship with Xu Mingyi through Kusakabe himself.From Kusakabe's mouth, only information that has nothing to do with himself can be obtained. If you want to investigate this person, you have to start from other aspects.

"Do you know anyone who wants to kill Mr. Xu?" Kojima asked straightforwardly. "How could that be!" Hearing such an unexpected question, Kusakabe hurriedly waved his hands. "If someone wants to kill Mr. Xu, it's probably because of business, right? For example, because of money issues." "Maybe!" Kusakabe said.Suddenly, the corner of his mouth moved slightly, as if he remembered something. If Kojima ignored this scene, Kusakabe would definitely keep silent.Although Kojima didn't say anything, he stared at the other party with questioning eyes, as if asking—"What did you think?" Kusakabe had no choice but to tell the truth.

"It's about Shimizu." Kusakabe seemed extremely reluctant and said vaguely. "Oh? Shimizu? The administrator of that apartment?" Kojima encouraged the other party to continue talking. Kusakabe seemed to be pushed from behind. Although he had no intention of moving forward, he still had to take steps.He continued: "I once heard Mr. Xu complain that there was something wrong with the apartment's accounts... Well, the amount is very small, only three to five thousand yen..." "Is Qing Shui playing tricks?" "Yes, but he seems to be able to fill the shortfall very quickly, as if he has never even had a shortfall of 10,000 yen."

"Mr. Xu knows about this?" "He seems to turn a blind eye to this. Shimizu is addicted to gambling and often plays flower cards. He is a very powerful gambler. Although he bets with the apartment's money, he rarely loses. Even if he loses Even if there is a small deficit, he can quickly fill it in." "As far as I know, Mr. Xu is a very strict person—no, not so strict as he is meticulous. If the hired worker does such a thing, I don't think he will turn a blind eye to it eyes." "Yeah, I also find it strange... there must be something between them."

"Have you any idea about this?" "I have no clue." As he said, Kusakabe looked at his watch again, "If you don't go to the funeral, you will be late." "Do you know the origin of Qingshui?" Kojima also asked impatiently. "I don't know...but he should be from Amagasaki. By the way, before coming to the apartment, he seems to be working at Eco Candy Factory in Amagasaki." Leaving the second floor of the shoe store, Kojima walked towards Sannomiya Station.He intends to go to Amagasaki by train.He knows that his current actions have obviously deviated from the original duties of a newspaper reporter, but now, if he does not follow the clues to "investigate" clearly, he will not be able to calm down—in short, go to Amagasaki to investigate Shimizu first, and then return immediately. To track down Tamura, we must focus on investigating his alibi on Sunday night.Also, investigate the people around Yoshida.Also, remember to find real estate agents and investigate Kusakabe.Then there is the farewell party for colleagues - it seems that today will be the busiest day in recent memory.
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