Home Categories detective reasoning Mosaic Day of the Dead

Chapter 15 Chapter 14 Report

Mosaic Day of the Dead 陈舜臣 4031Words 2018-03-16
When Tao Zhanwen returned to "Taoyuan Pavilion", the island had already been waiting for a long time.As soon as he saw Tao Zhanwen, he couldn't wait to start reporting. "I found a new money launderer." "Good luck, where did you find it?" Therefore, Kojima recounted in detail his actions after parting with Tao Zhanwen this morning. ——Through the investigation and registration procedures, Kojima discovered that the land on the third lane of Daqiao Street that Xu Mingyi had recently sold was currently nominally owned by a person named Ryosaku Tamura.He turned to investigate Tamura's address and found out that this person lived in a "port apartment".After asking the woman who cleaned the hallway, he learned that Tamura lived in room five.As he knocked on the door of Room No. 5, he thought—the room where Xu Mingyi lived was also No. 5.Unexpectedly, a woman's voice sounded in the room—"Who is it?"

"Is Mr. Tamura here?" Kojima asked. Someone started to move around in the room, and soon the door was opened, and a petite woman who was over 30 years old but well-dressed came out, staring at Kojima's face in surprise. "Mr. Tamura is out," said the woman. Since the title "Sir" is used, it can be seen that this woman is not Tamura's wife. "Going out? What a pity, I wanted to ask him something." "What is it? Although Mr. Tamura is not here, I may not understand..." "It's nothing, actually..." Kojima said hesitantly, "it's about the land on Bridge Street..."

"Land?" The woman had an unbelievable expression on her face, but soon changed into a smiling face and said, "Then I don't know, but Mr. Tamura should be back soon..." Room No. 5 is for singles. There is only one room in it, and there are women, so it is not convenient for Kojima to enter the room and wait.He hoped to get as much information as possible by standing and talking.After confirming this policy, Kojima immediately pretended to be a smooth and talkative businessman. "It's been cold recently!" He wanted to say some compliments, but in the current situation, it seemed too abrupt to do so.Not only did the woman not agree, but she frowned, "Please leave your name, and I will tell him when he comes back."

"No need." Kojima said hastily, "Mr. Tamura and I have never met before. I just want to ask if the land on Bridge Street is for sale." Kojima rubbed his hands back and forth like a businessman, but the other party still had an expression on his face that wanted him to leave as soon as possible. With the last hope, Kojima said: "Then I will ask later, but before I leave..." In order to try his best to play the role of a flawless businessman, Kojima concentrated, "I want to know what Mr. Tamura is Such a person...well, if you don't match the personality of the other party, you can't do business smoothly. So, um...about Mr. Tamura's personality and interests...how should I say it, can you please reveal a little bit secretly? Although this request is really shameless..."

Finally, the woman's face showed a sudden realization, and she seemed to let go of her guard.Then, she laughed mischievously: "His hobbies are playing mahjong and drinking." "Really? I'm not good at mahjong." "You can't play mahjong?" "Yes, absolutely not." Out of helplessness, the mahjong master Kojima had no choice but to withdraw his lie.He must delay the conversation as long as possible. "Where's the drink?" the woman asked. "Drinking is not allowed at all." "What a model man, so you still want to keep doing business like this?"

"That's right, I'm not good at anything!" Kojima said while scratching his head, "Since I'm in business... By the way, what is Mr. Tamura's job?" "He doesn't have a job." "But there must be..." "Well, he'll quit his job shortly, and look for a job after quitting. He's worked in a variety of establishments, such as commercial firms, factories, government offices, and newspaper offices. That's about it." "Can you tell me the name of the store he worked for? Maybe someone I know has worked with him. That way, we can find something to talk about..."

"This is impossible, because Mr. Tamura has been in Tokyo before, and his work place is also in Tokyo. He also came here recently." "I often go to Tokyo and have been in and out of various companies, maybe..." "That's right!" The woman nodded, thought for a moment, and then listed the names of the companies Tamura worked for one by one, "The company he just resigned from here before coming here is Ohashi Foods, and before that there were Asahi Industries, and Business and Economics News , Tajima Building Materials... He also worked in a district government agency, which seems to be Chuo District, or Chiyoda District. Maybe there are more, but that's all I know. Do you know anything?"

Kojima firmly remembered the names of the companies listed by the other party.Hearing the woman's last question, Kojima quickly pretended to be disappointed and shook his head and said, "What a coincidence, I don't know any of them." "Then there's no way." "It's a disappointment. Anyway, I'm interested in the Bridge Street land . . . It doesn't matter if it costs more, I'm going to get it." The woman suddenly laughed, seeming to find the matter extremely funny. "You are really persistent!" the woman finally stopped laughing and said, "but I think that you should not talk to Mr. Tamura to buy that piece of land, because Mr. Tamura does not own that piece of land."

Kojima said solemnly: "That is Mr. Tamura's land. I have carefully investigated the registration procedures, and that's right." "Maybe that's true in the registration form, but it can't be Mr. Tamura's land, because he is actually a poor man. Right now he seems to be doing something for his uncle, so the land must belong to his uncle. It's just that for some reason The reason belongs to him in name." "Oh? That's it!" Kojima said. "So, if you really want to get that piece of land, you should check Mr. Tamura's uncle, not him."

"I see," Kojima said. "Do you know his uncle?" "I don't know him," the woman said, "but the name Yoshida Sozo seems to be quite famous in this area. You should know?" "Ah, it's City Councilor Yoshida!" Kojima cried out from the bottom of his heart. His previous words were all disguised, so he didn't think it was his own voice.Until now, he finally heard his own voice. In short, it will be clear in this way.Ryosaku Tamura is Yoshida Sozo's nephew, and Xu Mingyi's land has been sold to him.Before and after the situation is completely consistent.

Although Tamura was not there, it might be better this way.If it were Tamura himself, I am afraid he would not say Yoshida's name.The biggest reason why Yoshida trusted Xu Mingyi before was that Xu Mingyi could keep his mouth shut.That being the case, Tamura who replaced him would not be a big mouth.This woman may have a particularly close relationship with Tamura, so she knows more about the inside story.And if it was Tamura, when faced with an uninvited visitor who had never met before, he would definitely keep silent, and just say "that piece of land is not for sale!" flatly refused--how lucky. "Thank you, miss," Kojima said. "You're welcome, I didn't help much." The woman smiled. "Then I'll come back later." Kojima bowed and saluted. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly turned around and asked thoughtfully, "May I ask Miss's name?" "Me? My name is Bai Chen." The woman smiled kindly, "I am a friend of Mr. Tamura." Kojima was almost dancing when he walked out of the "port apartment".It was almost noon, and he temporarily returned to the newspaper headquarters. At headquarters, he asked the waiter for a fried shrimp bowl and smoked.At this moment, a man named Hashikawa who was a commentator walked up to him. "Kojima-kun, regarding the previous reports..." Hashikawa said in a roundabout way, "I don't have any complaints about what you are going to do, but you have to consider the impact - just like a stone thrown into the water will cause ripples .No, what I'm saying is that you have a limit. I'm not accusing you. Fortunately, no names were named in the report, so the impact is not that big. Anyway, that's the limit, don't go any further. You understand me mean?" "Please wait, Mr. Hashikawa." Kojima put the cigarette he had just smoked on the edge of the ashtray, and then said, "I don't understand what you mean at all." Hashikawa helplessly pretended to cough.At this moment, the waiter brought over rice with fried shrimp on a tray. "Forget it, we'll talk about it later." With that said, Qiao Chuan walked towards the corridor. At this moment, Kojima really wanted to go to "Taoyuan Pavilion" immediately, but he still had a task to do.The newspaper has drawn up a plan to consult with all walks of life on the issue of preventing youth delinquency, and Kojima has also undertaken part of the work.He was instructed to choose a suitable alderman at will to conduct the interview.So, he set his target on Yoshida's subordinate, Mr. Tatsui. Facing interviews with newspaper reporters, Tatsui seemed extremely happy and elated.Immersed in the feeling of being a "big man", he behaved arrogantly, and seemed to know nothing about the relationship between his boss Yoshida and the reporter. "You know, what I'm trying to say is that the first thing is education, the second is education, and the third is education. Do you understand?" After delivering such a cliché, Tatsui turned to local political anecdotes.The implication is that we are not the aunts of the mother, so why should we spare no effort for the problem of children's delinquency?He said that he was also regarded as a bad child when he was a child, but people will naturally change when they grow up. This is his experience.In this way, this contradicts the education supremacy theory he just put forward.But to be honest, the problem of children is a big problem for Councilor Tatsui, and he will naturally not insist on pursuing it.He is better at dealing with the problems of adults—that is, the problems of those adults who are keen on power disputes. "You have to know that Ohara-kun is an out-and-out careerist. Do you understand? As a reporter, the most important thing is to have a keen intuition." This change of subject played into Kojima's hands.Unsurprisingly, Tatsui was quick to criticize various figures in local politics, adding a "Do you understand?" at the end of each paragraph as frequently as a full stop. "In any case, it's up to Mr. Yoshida, and this time too. If Mr. Yoshida doesn't get out, there's nothing you can do." Kojima saw the timing and threw out the bait.Of course, he was praising Yoshida while swallowing his anger in his heart. Hearing his boss being praised, Tatsui smiled all over his face: "Of course, if there is no Mr. Yoshida, countless problems that are difficult to solve have already erupted. Do you understand? It is because of Mr. Yoshida's character that the problems can be calmed down. But Mr. Yoshida didn't say a word about it. Note that Mr. Yoshida is Mr. Yoshida because of this. The realm is different, the realm! How? Do you understand?" "Yes!" Kojima nodded against his will, "You can feel it when you see him." "He is very different from those country uncles." Tazui became more and more enthusiastic, and continued, "He traveled around the world when he was young. He studied in the United States and spent more than ten years in Beijing and Shanghai. , showed his talents in the south during the war, etc. His level is very high. Do you understand?" "Did he live like a Chinese when he was in China?" "That's right. If you want to understand the people of a country, you have to become a person of that country. Although this principle is easy to understand, it is very difficult to actually do it. Mr. Yoshida is truly What a place! Do you understand?" "He's also good at playing mahjong, right?" As the topic became lighter, Tatsui's body in the armchair relaxed: "When it comes to playing mahjong, he can be regarded as the number one expert in the city council. Besides, no matter what aspect it is, as long as it is a matter of victory or defeat, Yoshida Mister is very good. Whether it is shogi, go, mahjong, flower cards... In short, he is a person who refuses to admit defeat. Do you understand?" "Can he play Chinese chess?" "Well, I once heard Mr. Yoshida bragging that when he was in Beijing, he had a match with a Chinese master and the result was a draw. His chess skills seem to be very strong. Do you understand? However, it may also be because we don't understand Chinese Chess, so no matter how much he brags, he doesn't have to worry about being challenged. Although Mr. Yoshida is usually stable, he also has a childish side..." "Since he has been in China, there must be some very close friends among the big shots there, right?" "Yes, I heard him mention a lot of people. Moreover, he stayed in Nanyang and had a deep friendship with the overseas Chinese bigwigs there. Right now, a rich overseas Chinese came to Kobe. I heard that he offered to meet See Mr. Yoshida. This person came from Nanyang on purpose, so naturally he can’t go back without seeing him. It is said that they will meet soon, and the big shots are very busy. Do you understand?” After Kojima escaped from Tatsui's house, he immediately took a taxi and rushed to "Taoyuan Pavilion". ——The above is Kojima's report.After half a day of action, these gains can be described as not small.
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