Home Categories detective reasoning The Way of the Peacock

Chapter 8 smoke rising

The Way of the Peacock 陈舜臣 8810Words 2018-03-16
Yoshiko Aoyama visited Eucalyptus House early the next morning. "Wow, you've grown so big!" When Rose opened the door, Yoshiko who was standing in the corridor let out an exclamation of admiration. Yoshiko is a strong middle-aged woman.With a tanned round face and thick legs under the blue one-piece dress, she gave the impression of a healthy peasant woman. "I'm Yoshiko Aoyama." She said, her eyes slowly moved from Rose's face to her toes. "When I was a servant in your house, I used my maiden name Araki. You may not remember me." "I was too young then, and my memory was not good... Come, please come in."

Rose beckoned her into the living room. When Yoshiko walked into the gate, she turned around and asked, "Does Clara live next door to you?" "um, yes." "It really surprised me." Fangzi sat on the sofa, "It's probably a coincidence somewhere. I never thought that the woman who was an enemy of his wife would live next door to you!" "An enemy of my mother?" "The two of them are simply incompatible. The master is really, how could he be led by such a woman? It's all because the master is too weak to get rid of her. I often see the master showing troubled looks."

"Clara? Russen often comes to my house?" "Occasionally... as long as the wife is not at home, the master will call her. Then that shameless woman will come swaggeringly. She didn't slip out through the back door until the wife came home." "You mean my mother and Mrs. Lusen have never met?" "Well, at least not at home. But madame knows everything, because I tip off." It seems that this loyal maid, as long as she sees Simon?When Gilmore was with Mrs. Rusen, he would report to the mistress. "Miss Clara was beautiful when she was young."

"It's okay." Fangzi shook her head slightly, "Although she can be called a beauty, in my eyes, my wife is much more beautiful than Clara. Master why... What a pity. Every time that woman comes , I had to bring tea out, and I heard she was speaking English or French, chattering endlessly. I probably thought I didn’t understand, so feel free to scold your wife.” "Is there such a thing?... Don't you understand English?" "I reckon that's the case. Mistress also said that woman was like a gutter rat, secretly doing bad things." "Gutter rat?"

"She sneaks in as soon as the wife is away, and then runs away when the wife comes home. Isn't she like a shady gutter mouse?" "It's too much to say that people are gutter rats::" "Not at all excessive, and true to its name." "yes?" Yoshiko almost turned to Rose's mother.However, Rose had another kind of sympathy for her father. She thought thoughtfully: (Mom has Keisuke Imamura, and Dad always knew about it.) Although I don't know how my father learned that my mother had another lover, but in his letter to Mrs. Lusen, he made it clear that he "turned a blind eye" to his wife's affair.

"You've grown so big!..." Yoshiko exclaimed again. "I should thank you for letting me escape. If I were at home that day, I would have been burned to death. I heard that my mother took sleeping pills and slept too deeply. How could a five-year-old child escape alone? Going out? I should thank you very well." "It's nothing..." Yoshiko raised her hand as if she wanted to touch her cheek, probably a little embarrassed. "It was so miserable at that time. Miss and I went back to my mother's house the day before, and the master also went to Tokyo on a business trip. Before the incident, my wife said that everyone was away, so she could have a good rest... I didn't expect that when I returned home the next day, something happened. The master hurried back after hearing the news. He held his head and looked so pitiful. The young lady kept calling for her mother...I also..."

Fangzi choked up and couldn't speak. Rose vaguely remembered the scene of that day.When I went home in the morning, I found that there were only charred shells and wisps of white smoke left in the house.The smoke rises in curls, shakes at a certain height, and spreads out.Looking at the rising smoke, I can't help feeling sad. No, not so much sorrow as fear. She still remembers that she often dreamed about the smoke curling up and spreading out. "That woman set the fire! It must be!" Fangzi said. "This... is too..." "Gasoline cans were found in the house, it can be seen that someone set fire to it."

"yes?" Rose didn't know anything about it. Probably the family thought that Rose was too young at the time, and they were afraid that they would be sad if they found out, so they kept it from her.When the daughter grows up, the father also feels that there is no need to repeat the unpleasant past. In addition, he is naturally silent, which makes it even more difficult to talk about it. "Only that woman is the most suspicious. After the war, the police force was still very weak, so we had to let it go... There is no evidence, but there are no other suspects who set the fire. In my opinion, this is strong evidence."

Yoshiko seemed to get more and more excited as she talked. Rose had to change the subject quickly. "I heard that you live in Miki, what business do you do?" The fact that Yoshiko lived in Miki was revealed by Inspector Fujimura yesterday. "I own a gold jewelery shop. It's a very small shop and I have to work. I have four kids, the eldest is a boy and he's at university." Yoshiko began to talk about herself.She came to Gilmore's house as a maid at the age of eighteen, and before that, she worked at the Arima Onsen Hotel.Not long after she arrived at the Gilmores' house, Rose was born.

Therefore, Yoshiko has taken care of Rose since she was a baby.In June of the 19th year of the Showa era, due to government fine-tuning, Yoshiko was transferred to a factory in Miki City as a female worker. After the war, she returned to the Gilmore family, with a gap of one year.After the fire, Simon?Gilmore moved to Tokyo, and Yoshiko returned to her hometown, and soon got married. Her family life seems to be very happy, and every time she talks about her family, she has a happy smile on her face. "I'm really too busy. It's hard to invite people now, and I have to do everything by myself. I'm so busy that I don't even have time to read the newspaper."

Fangzi repeatedly stated that although Mrs. Lu Sen's murder was published in the newspaper, she did not know about it.If she had read the newspaper, she would have contacted Rose in advance. "I went on a trip a few days ago, and I'm not here anyway." Rose said comfortingly. "The current police are really amazing. They investigated Clara's murder and even found out the former maid of the Kilmore family. I don't know how they got the address of my Arima's family. I went there to ask and found out I married Miki. If the police could handle the case so seriously at the end of the war, wouldn’t the arson murder case have been solved long ago? This is called Skynet Recovery, and the murderer cannot escape the fate of being killed after all!” Yoshiko Aoyama insisted on Clara?Lusen is the arsonist of the Gilmore family. But by whom was Mrs. Russen killed? It is said that there are still many suspects. The victim seems to have been defrauding for a long time, defrauding many people of money, and also engaged in usury.The police found a list of borrowers in her room and are checking and filtering them one by one. At the same time, although Mrs. Russen will send a letter to Simon in London?Gilmore cried poor. In fact, according to the investigation of Inspector Fujimura, her savings were at least 30 to 40 million yen. ——As of now, we are still doing our best to investigate, and I believe the truth will be revealed soon. The inspector said confidently. However, Yoshiko Aoyama was not very interested in who killed Mrs. Lusen.She simply decided that Mrs. Russen must be damned. "Maybe I prayed for the dead wife wholeheartedly, and that bad woman got her retribution." She ended the topic with the theory of soul revenge, probably thinking that the recent killing of Mrs. Lusen was actually the end of the arson incident twenty-two years ago, and there was nothing to investigate. "Let's talk about something else," Rose said. "Ms. Qingshan, do you still remember a doctor named Beishan? He seems to be from the same hometown as my mother." "Beishan? Well, I remember. My wife often talks to him on the phone, and often goes to the hospital to see him. My wife said that she is not in good health, and she wants to see Dr. Beishan for an examination, but the result of the examination is that she is not sick." "What about Mr. Imamura? There is Keisuke Imamura who is also from my mother's hometown. Do you know him?" "Mr. Imamura? I don't remember." "Did a lady named Fushimi live near our house at that time?" "Miss Fushimi? ... Oh! You mean that female student! Well, she often comes to learn English with my wife." Yoshiko Aoyama was about twenty-three years old when the fire broke out, and Hiroko Fushimi was seventeen. Rose's mother regards falling in love with Keisuke Imamura as a symbol of breaking through the barriers of reality.But she only told the young Fushimi Hiroko, not Aoyama Yoshiko. It should be watching people talk. Maybe Rose's mother thought that if she told the simple Yoshiko Aoyama about this, she would be stunned, so she only talked about it in front of Hiroko. Yoshiko went on talking about Rose's mother, but that only revealed one side of her personality. Others, such as scolding the proprietress of Wenhuatang as "not human", or ridiculing Clara, and Lu Sen being a "gutter rat", represent another look—— Rose's multiple images of her mother were at war with each other. After Yoshiko went back, Nakagaki called and said that she knew Dr. Kitsugi's address in Himeji, and asked her if she wanted to visit. "Let me think about it," Rose replied. ——It is best to call and let us know before you go to visit.Since the other party is a doctor, he must be very busy. "Really?...I'll tell you later. Are you staying in the temple today?" —Well, I won't go out. After hanging up the phone, Rose went to the room covered with tayang rice and lay on her back.The new tatami is blue, which makes her feel like the sun and plants are behind her. The snow-white ceiling with no decoration at all, shining with mineral smelting light, seems to be incompatible with the tayang rice beneath him.It’s also Fazui Temple in the outskirts of Komoro and Peacock Hall in Kanazawa. It feels more appropriate to add wooden strips to the ceiling of the room with poplar rice. Rose folded her hands behind her head and bent her knees. ——The miniskirt is too short, it's almost showing your butt! - Miniskirts should be no more than two inches above the knee. I still remember a senior who once warned her so. A university that specializes in taking in other people's children is very particular about rules. Rose thinks of her mother trying to fight the world's norms.The real face of the mother cannot be grasped only by the part that appears on the outside. — must dig into her heart. And none of these mother-worshippers really got into her inner world.Maybe Beishan often talks with his mother, so he will understand her better. Rose sat up and said she had made up her mind.She called Nakagaki and said: "I want to see Mr. Beishan alone." --yes? ... The voice from the microphone was slightly dissatisfied. "Please tell me the address and phone number of Dr. Beishan. I want to call him myself." ——Wait a minute. Nakagaki put down the phone to look for the address and phone number.Soon, he returned to the microphone and carefully stated the address and telephone number of Kitasugi Hospital in Himeji City. I don't know whether Nakagaki found out these data by himself, or asked Fujimura Inspector. Rose immediately called Himeji. Rose likes to do things quickly.While dialing the phone, she thought: Is this part inherited from my mother?Dad is a cautious person, and he does everything slowly. Every time she encounters something, Rose always likes to analyze her own performance or personality to see if it is Japanese or Western, whether it is inherited from her father or mother.It's just that if the "action" itself is of European origin, the other classifications are of little interest. It was a woman who answered the phone.Rose asks to speak to Dr. Beishan. --Who are you? the woman asked. "Please tell him I'm Rose from Kobe? Gilmore. Well, maybe it's easier to understand if I'm the daughter of Hisako Tachibana." Soon, a deep male voice came out from the microphone. ——I'm Kitasugi... I heard from the police that you came to Japan.Is there a problem? "I want to meet with you and talk about my mother." —Is it about your mother?Didn't I tell Inspector Fujimura everything? "Yes, Inspector Fujimura told me the outline of the matter. However, what I really want to know is my mother's... sorry, it's my mother's heart." The other party didn't make a sound for a long time. "Hey... hello..." After waiting for a while, she couldn't help calling softly. Finally, a voice came out of the microphone, and the voice was deeper than before. ——I'm going on a trip tomorrow.If it's convenient for you, come to the hospital between two o'clock and six o'clock this afternoon. "Okay, see you at two o'clock in the afternoon..." Rose looked at her watch and said excitedly. She could feel from Dr. Beishan's voice that he knew his mother's heart very well. ——In short, you come first, and we can talk about what we can talk about. Dr. Beishan said. On the way to Himeji by the National Railway express train, Rose felt that she was in an abnormal state, as if she was going back in time and the future was dark, as if she was in the mother's womb. It wasn't until she arrived at Himeji Station and saw the gleaming white walls of Himeji Castle that she realized that she was daydreaming. After a little inquiry, I found out the address of Beishan Hospital. After the scorched earth after the air raid, it is rare to see old houses more than 20 years old.However, Beishan Hospital stands out from the crowd as if it were a Meiji era building. It ignores real life and deliberately shows its own presumptuous and extravagant characteristics. ——The clinic will be closed in the afternoon. There is a sign at the gate of the hospital. After Rose rang the doorbell, a woman in white came out to answer the door and guided her inside.The consultation room and waiting room are fairly bright, but when you go further down, the corridor turns left at a right angle, and the light immediately dims.Rose felt that the atmosphere around her seemed to match her mood. There is only one small window in the reception room, and because a warehouse-like building is blocked outside the window, the lighting is very poor.The room that had to be lit even during the day was very dark because it was not lit. "I kept you waiting." Shortly after the woman in white left, a gentleman in a black suit came in. "I'm Beishan." As he spoke, the gentleman sat down opposite Rose.His hair was almost white, and his actual age might not have been more than sixty, but he looked very old.Rose had never seen such a gloomy man before.To say he is gloomy doesn't just mean that he has splayed eyebrows and the corners of his mouth are drawn down, but that there seems to be a layer of gloom around him that is so thick that it cannot be resolved. (This man is so scary...) This was Rose's first impression of him.She regrets a little about her decision to visit here. "I'm Rose? Gilmore, hello. Sorry to disturb you during your busy schedule..." She suppressed her hairy mood and nodded in greeting. The other party ignored her, and just stared blankly at Rose's face. An unaccountable fear came over her—and then another resistance. (I will never admit defeat!) She is not afraid of the other party's gaze, and at the same time, her eyes stay on the other party's face.Gradually, she felt that this person himself was not gloomy, but that the gloom came from another powerful source behind him. "I've seen you since you were a baby," said Dr. Beishan. The voice was even lower than on the phone. "I heard you know my mother very well." Rose asked. Dr. Beishan stared at Rose and nodded slowly. "Why do you want to know Lingtang's past?" It was a very common question, but the questioner secretly revealed in his stern voice that he did not accept general answers. (Because I want to know more about myself.) Rose wanted to say this, but swallowed the words back in her throat. ——It’s too much of an act.No, it was more deceitful than pretentious. "Because I don't know Mother," Rose replied. "You said on the phone that you wanted to know another side of Lingtang?" There is still no ups and downs in the tone, but it seems to have penetrated Rose's heart. "Yes." Rose imitated the other party and replied in a low voice. "I only heard some fragments of comments about my mother. Even if I can connect these paragraphs together, I can't get a glimpse into her heart." Dr. Beishan suddenly showed his white teeth. He is laughing. Rose was taken aback.This was a greater shock to her than seeing Dr. Beishan's gloomy face. "No one is more innocent than your mother," said Dr. Beishan. "yes?" Rose asked back, feeling a little uneasy. "You want to know what I didn't tell the police, don't you? You think those things have something to do with Lingtang's inner world?" "yes." "I just didn't tell the police who your mother's lover was." "I know the name." Rose didn't want to confront Dr. Beishan.She was so eager, but she was just urging herself. "Really? The police seem to suspect my relationship with Ling Tang." "It's not you, but Keisuke Imamura. Right?" "You already know that." "It's just a name." "In the Kanazawa era, there were three high school boys who liked Reidou. One of them was the Imamura you mentioned, and the other was Izawa..." "Izawa?...I met him in Kanazawa. But..." "Is it Eze? He can't say anything... The other person is me. Among them, I wrote a love letter to your mother the first time." "Oh?" Rose couldn't help but stared at Dr. Beishan in a daze. Even if he said something as romantic as a love letter, the expression on his face was still cold.White hair and white teeth——In the dim room, the hair shone with a strange light. "In the end Lingtang chose Imamura. Of course, she had many reasons, but love has no reason at all. Maybe it was because of reluctance to admit defeat. I always felt that the three people at that time had their own strengths and weaknesses. I couldn't tell the difference, so she had to choose one of them. " "..." Rose stared at each other wordlessly.Although I urged you just now, eyes are more effective than words at this moment. "During the second game, all three of us believed that we had a third chance... After high school, I had the best conditions. Because the two of them were going to Kyoto to go to university, and I was staying in Kanazawa. So When Lingtang suddenly chose Imamura, everyone was shocked." Having said this, Beishan stopped. Rose was still gazing intently into the other's eyes. "The Imamura family has gone bankrupt, his parents have passed away one after another, he has dropped out of school, and he himself is sick in bed... Now, Lingtang's love for the three men is out of balance. Lingtang ran away from home and eloped with Imamura...you know what it is What reason?" "It's sympathy." Rose took a deep breath and answered. Bei Shan raised his head, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "It would be too simple to say sympathy... Lingtang is like a time bomb in the boring Kanazawa and the quiet Peacock Hall... It will explode by itself, ignite the soul, and burn to its heart's content. She needs someone who can take over Fireball, lonely people around you. Loneliness, can you understand these two words?" "Lonely?... This is classical Chinese. It means loneliness, right?" "Loneliness, indifference... are people who are treated indifferently. For these people, they need fireballs especially. So at that time, no matter where your mother went, she could set a torch and burn it up. The most powerful thing is that she can rely on Instinctively, find a suitable place to set the fire. The fire was too hot for Izawa and I, who were concentrating on studying, to accept it. So the fireball rolled to Imamura...she just fits in the right place." "The fireball rolls..." Rose squirmed her lips and quietly repeated Dr. Beishan's words. "Like water flowing downhill, the fireball is also looking for its own trajectory... In the end, the fireball warmed Imamura's cold heart and burned with him all the time. I don't know how you feel about Lingtang, but to be honest, your lord Maybe it's because she thinks she's pitiful... In short, Lingtang didn't marry your father because of love." "I know, because of Imamura's relationship." "Oh, then I can say it directly... No matter how violently the fireball finds itself burning, it is impossible to bring warmth to Imamura. Because the body of the village is too weak, it will just keep cooling down. The fireball is like a scream, not only There was a puff of smoke, and the flames turned blue and white. Imamura needed red flames, but Reidou couldn't provide them. She found that she had to rely on foreign aid...do you understand?" "You mean monetary support?" "Indeed, from a moral point of view, this may be a problem. But to Lingtang, it is just a simple arithmetic problem. She did not lie to her father, but confessed from the beginning that she had a serious illness. boyfriend. So, your father knows the whole story." "Does father love mother that much?" "Of course. Otherwise they wouldn't have gotten married at all. The woman who turned into a fireball is actually very beautiful. I've seen Reidou in the Kyoto period, and she became even more beautiful than when she was in Kanazawa. No, it's not actually beautiful or ugly. The problem is charm, an indescribable charm. His father probably fell under the pomegranate skirt of this charm. It must be true. I heard that Mr. Gilmore was all right when Torodo was working in an antique shop in Kyoto. They all went to Kyoto to see her." Dr. Beishan was panting while speaking, and had to stop and rest for a while after speaking a few words, as if he was working hard. Rose felt that she couldn't bear to let him talk. "My father's love may be real," she said. "However, morality aside, this marriage is indeed abnormal. It was destined to be entangled from the beginning." "You mean Mrs. Russen?" As Beishan said, she touched her forehead with her hand. "Is it really Mrs. Aluson?" asked Rose. "I don't know. I only heard Lingtang mention... Lingtang thinks that your father doesn't love Mrs. Lusen at all...she asserted so." "I'm really confident. Or is it just a hopeful guess." "Lingtang doesn't love Mr. Gilmore. But she can't calmly accept the fact that her husband may fall in love with other women. This is really a subtle psychological effect." "Despite the contradiction, I can understand it." "This matter once caused Lingtang some troubles. At that time, she often came to me to complain, and I only had to listen. While Lingtang told me, she gradually figured out the matter. That is what I told you just now. In other words, she considers Mrs. Russen and Mr. Gilmore to be no more than business mates." "Mrs. Russen also deals in antiques?" "No. I heard that your father's other job is a spy, and Mrs. Lusen also..." "Huh? It really is..." "You know that too?" "Well, I know my father had something to do with the Marshall affair." "In that case, the father was later released because of insufficient evidence. However, I heard that there is something inside." "Insider?" Dr. Beishan heard Rose's question, stroked his knee with his right hand, sat up straight, and seemed a little nervous. "Miss Rose." "what?" Hearing her name being called, Rose also sat up straight reflexively.This was the first time Beishan called her name. "Miss Rose." Dr. Beishan called her name again, "I've already told you everything I know. There's nothing more to say...Of course there are some things, it's better that you don't know." "Whatever it is, I won't be surprised." "yes?……" There was a wonderful light in the eyes of Beishan staring at Rose. (is it pity?) thought Rose. She knew that what Bei Shan would say next would definitely surprise her—but, Rose had just declared that she was confident that she would not be intimidated casually. Dr. Beishan turned his head sideways, staring at the small decorative vase on the cabinet. Rose looked at his side and thought: (Why does this man look so dark?) Listening to Beishan's words, she gradually stopped muttering so much in her heart. "You know that your father is a British spy. He came to Japan to open an antique shop just as a cover, and his real purpose was to engage in espionage work. He is a sensitive person. After marriage, she seemed to gradually become alert." Beishan deliberately did not look at Rose's face, and continued to say—— After learning that her husband was a spy, Rose's mother was of course very troubled. So, she started to discuss with Beishan who is a doctor at Akashi Hospital.At that time, Beishan would propose: —Why not quietly lobby Mr. Gilmore to work for Japan? Simon?Gilmore loves his wife very much, as long as Rose's mother is willing to work hard, I believe he will be a spy. Neither Beishan nor Rose knew anything about what the international intelligence organization was doing.However, I heard that later Simon and Gilmore were bought by the Japanese, and Clara?Russen has a great relationship. Clara the widow?Russen is likely to work downstream as a spy for a living.As Rose's mother had said in a very positive tone, there should be nothing wrong. As for the Marshall incident, Rose's mother never described it in detail, and perhaps she didn't know it very well.However, since the Marshall incident, Mr. Gilmore and Mrs. Russen have been very close friends. Although she believed that her husband loved her, Rose's mother still couldn't calm down.She resents her husband, and at the same time has a strong hatred for Clara and Lusen. "It's really scary. At that time, as long as I thought of Lingtang expressing his hatred for Mrs. Lusen...and for your father, I would get chills down my spine." When talking about the entangled trigonometry exercises in the distant age, Dr. Beishan has been staring at the vase on the shelf without moving. Rose couldn't imagine that her mother's violent personality was beyond her imagination.Although the mother has Imamura as a boyfriend, she does not allow her husband to find another lover. "it turns out……" Rose murmured.She felt that her mother was standing in an unreachable place, and she was moving her body to get closer, acting like a baby to her mother. The reason why she is so diligent in investigating her mother's past, hoping to portray her mother's image, is also a manifestation of flattery. However, her mother was a strange woman who would be paralyzed by electricity just by touching it. "It's a reflexive emotion," Kitsugi said. "I think Mrs. Lusen hates Lingtang very much. Lingtang will say that she will be killed by Mrs. Lusen." "Killed?" "Lingtang did say so." "If my mother was killed by Mrs. Russen, was it Mrs. Russin who set it on fire?" "Maybe." Rose expected Beishan to continue to explain, but he kept silent and did not ask who said Mrs. Lusen set the fire. Rose felt relieved, despite talking about such a horrible thing.Silence instead becomes a form of torture. She became more and more impatient. "Is my mother a sensible person?" she asked again. "I should say so," Kitsugi replied. "If she loves someone, she will continue to love her blindly: if she hates someone, she will never show mercy. She will not change her mind midway, and her relationship will never change. In short, I have never seen anyone who loves and hates as clearly as her .” Beishan has maintained a gloomy expression, which has not changed at all.Could it be that when he talked about his mother, he could only put on such an expression?Rose thought, maybe Beishan has not forgotten his mother, and this secret love has always been hidden deep in his heart.Even if my mother has passed for more than 20 years... "You never revealed your feelings to my mother?" Rose summoned up her courage to ask. Dr. Kitasugi frowned slightly, it seemed that he really had a heart for the deceased Hisako Tachibana.At least Rose's intuition was so.Therefore, even though it was only a slight change in expression, Rose could still feel the distress in his heart. "Well... Excuse me, I can't say any more... I feel like I'm suffocating." "But if I don't get to the bottom of it, I feel like I'm going to suffocate." "Forget it." Beishan said decisively. "Didn't I say that Lingtang is a person with a clear distinction between likes and dislikes? That's enough, there's no need to make wild guesses...Miss Rose, sometimes people worry too much and it will bring misfortune. If certain things are from the perspective of a bystander Look, it's nothing but mediocrity. That's what I mean when I say you're about to suffocate. It pains me to see you chasing after me." Rose vaguely felt that there was something in Beishan's words. However, she was embarrassed to continue to force. former lover—— Rose's mother must have hurt Beishan deeply. (Not only him, even his father left wounds that would never heal for life.) Rose quietly changed the image of her mother in her heart.That's a side that's not easy to show. (Is it just to be patient?) Bei Shan replied as if anticipating Rose's question: "Please don't ask about Lingtang everywhere. No matter how you ask, the answer will be the same. Lingtang is like a straight line. Isn't it enough to cut a section? Maybe you want to see the subtlety when it bends The shadow, but no matter how hard you look for it, it’s still futile!” The voice is exceptionally gentle. Rose could sense the pity in it. (am I really that poor?) She always finds it incomprehensible. Beishan sent Rose to the door, and said comfortingly, "Goodbye." He didn't say welcome back.Rose intuitively thought that it wasn't that he forgot, but that he deliberately didn't say it. Leaving the hospital and walking to the main road, you can see Himeji Castle in the distance. The white city wall on the stone wall came into view. "It's so strange..." she muttered to herself.
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