Home Categories detective reasoning The Way of the Peacock

Chapter 3 A flash of light

The Way of the Peacock 陈舜臣 9675Words 2018-03-16
Clara Russen was fatally stabbed in the heart with a sharp knife. Rose arrived at Mrs. Lusen's room at about 2:30 in the afternoon. According to the forensic analysis, the time of death should have been two hours before the discovery.In other words, Mrs. Russen was killed about an hour after Rose left the Eucalyptus House at half past eleven in order to meet Nakagaki at the Far East Hotel. Although he died on the spot, he might still scream.The radio in the living room was probably turned on by the murderer to cover up the screams of the deceased. It can be seen from this that this murder was not a temporary intention, but planned.

At the same time, because Mrs. Lusen lived alone, the police did not rule out the possibility of murder.However, there is no sign of damage in the house at all, and the jewelry box can be seen when the cabinet is opened.Even such obvious jewels were not lost, so it can be seen that the purpose of the murderer's invasion was not to steal things. If the murderer deliberately turned on the radio to cover up his crime, at least one thing is proved, that is, he can drive straight into the living room. He and Mrs. Russen should know each other, otherwise Mrs. Russen could not have let the murderer into the living room without protest.

Moreover, according to the results of the police's inquiries with other residents of the building, it was known that Mrs. Lusen was quite nervous, and the door was usually locked tightly. But the lock of the door was not broken. The only reason is that Mrs. Lusen knew that the murderer was coming, so she opened the door and let the murderer in. For all her courage, Rose was terrified by the murder next door.She became nauseous several times while being questioned by the police about how the body was found. (At this time, it would be nice to have someone by my side.) she thinks. The first thing that came to mind was Elliot. She tapped the back of her head with her hand to drive the image of that person out of her mind.It was replaced by Nakagaki's face, but unfortunately the image was not very clear.

When the police interrogated Rose, they also asked her when she was out and whether she had witnesses.She answered truthfully, saying that she and Nakagaki were together.So the police asked him where he lived again. Rose didn't know the detailed address, but only left the name and phone number of the temple. "Can I invite this Mr. Nakagaki?" she asked. "That would be great and save us a lot of time." The criminal police in charge of the investigation replied like this. Nakagaki Terumichi returned to Shousunji Temple in Suma after wandering around Sannomiya and Motomachi.

"Miss Gilmore called and asked you to prove that you have an appointment at noon." Right after entering the door, Shimada Yoshinori shouted loudly in front of the yard. After hearing this, Nakagaki immediately dialed the phone to Eucalyptus House. Rose's voice on the phone was quite calm.After a period of time, she has recovered from the initial shock.It's just that, in order to deliberately suppress the too sharp tone, every word is spoken very slowly. — Mrs. Russen, who lived next door to me, was murdered.Can you come over to Zhao immediately?The police also... also want to check my alibi with you.In fact, I want to ask you to accompany me...

"Mrs. Russen?" —I told you that at noon in the restaurant of the hotel, the French lady. Indeed, Rose would have mentioned this Mrs. Rosen to Nakagaki at lunchtime at the Skyscraper Restaurant—she seemed to know Rose's parents, but for some reason refused to mention them, she was a strange middle-aged French woman. "I'll go." Nakagaki finished smoking a cigarette and hurried out of the temple. "I just made tea." Hearing what Shimada's mother said, Nakagaki had no choice but to put his hands together and apologize. It was nearly dusk when Nakagaki arrived at the Eucalyptus House.

There were also several police officers at the scene of the incident, as well as some reporters.However, if the reporter wanted to talk to Rose who found the body, she had to go through the police - because they lied that Rose could not speak Japanese. Rose stayed in the living room. Nakagaki was stopped in Rose's living room and was interrogated by Inspector Fujimura of Dongtan Police Station. The focus of the interrogation is "alibi".Nakagaki honestly said that he had an appointment with Rose at noon and met at the Far East Hotel, and Rose arrived five minutes earlier than the scheduled time.They had lunch together, and went to the place where Rose was born...

Nakagaki answered Fujimura Inspector's question in a straightforward manner.Only when he asked how much he knew about Mrs. Lusen, he considered Rose's statement and evaded vaguely: "I just returned to Japan yesterday, so I don't know the victim. Besides, it's my first time in the Eucalyptus House, so I won't meet Mrs. Lusen." "Just now you said to ask the police station for the address, so the police officers at the police station should have seen Miss Rose?" Regarding this question, Nakagaki pondered for a while. "I was the only one who walked into the police station. Rose was waiting outside... Well, Mr. Ohara might have seen her... I don't know."

Hearing Nakagaki's answer, there seemed to be a gleam in Fujimura's eyes. "yes?……" However, Tsubasa Fujimura did not ask any further questions. The interrogation took only ten minutes to end. Inspector Fujimura walked out of the corridor. And Nakagaki knocked on the door of the living room, and Rose appeared at the door in response, her face pale. "You're shocked." Nakagaki said. Rose nodded and sat down on the sofa. "Can you accompany me?" "of course can." "Scary things happened just after I arrived in Japan... Although I used to read detective novels and often mentioned discovering dead bodies, I didn't expect it to be this scary. I asked Ms. Yamashita from the university to come and accompany me for a while, and I was alone. People will be afraid..."

She stared blankly at her palm as she spoke. "It can only be said that it was unlucky to encounter it, like a car accident." Nakagaki said. Rose, who just arrived in Japan yesterday, should have nothing to do with this murder case, and she also met the victim for the first time yesterday.If there is a relationship between the two, I'm afraid it's only because she might know Rose's parents. Rose took deep breaths from time to time, and slowly told the process of discovering the body. "I heard from Ms. Yamashita that Clara? Lu Sen's reputation is not good. Maybe she was joking, but she will say that there are a lot of suspects."

"Oh? Isn't Mrs. Lusen a bit old?" "Mrs. Lusen is very close to my former teacher Smith on the surface. But according to Ms. Yamashita, Mrs. Smith probably has experienced Mrs. Lusen's suffering, so she keeps her at arm's length. Every time she talks about Mrs. Lusen, she complains. .” "Ever suffered?" "Well, it's like defrauding the official girl that the jewelry is very cheap and asking her to buy it... But after buying it, I found out that not only did I not get a cheap one, but I lost money instead." "Isn't that a suspicion of fraud?" "However, Mr. Smith understands that Mrs. Russen has become a widow at a young age and is self-reliant, so even if she is deceived, she will turn a blind eye." "Mrs. Russen has no children?" "No. I heard that there is only one nephew living in Tokyo, and I visit him occasionally." Nakagaki remembered that old Mr. Portman and Mrs. Lusen were both French, and had lived in Kobe for many years.Maybe Bowman would know Mrs. Russen. "Should I call Mr. Poman?" Nakagaki said. "Is that the old gentleman you called at noon?" As soon as Rose said it, Nakagaki remembered that he hadn't mentioned to her the result of visiting Mr. Bowman at noon. After listening to a brief description of what happened, Rose asked doubtfully: "Why is everyone reluctant to talk about my mother?" Nakagaki kept the rumor that Rose's mother Hong Xing had an affair, because it was only his own speculation based on Portman's hint, and there was no definite evidence. "In two days, I plan to find a Mrs. Fushimi. She is a good friend of Lingtang, and I have the address." "Really...the mystery to be solved seems endless. Just like Mrs. Lusen, who has only been my neighbor for a day and has nothing to do with us, but now it arouses our curiosity and wants to know more about her. " From Rose's words, Nakagaki got permission to call Mr. Portman. He took out the business card given by Mr. Portman and started making calls.The bell rang, followed by Mrs. Bowman's lazy voice. "I'm Nakagaki who was disturbed by the mansion at noon. I have something to ask Mr. Boman." —Okay, wait a minute...do you want to ask about the experience of marrying a Japanese wife again?Hahaha…… Mrs. Bowman's soft laughter reminded Nakagaki of the red and white checked tablecloth.This reclusive old couple has gradually lost touch with reality, living in an imaginary fairy tale world, and now it is always embarrassing to mention such a living murder. ——Hey, it's you.What do you want to ask this time? Compared with his wife, Mr. Portman's tone is much more down-to-earth.Probably no matter how old a man is, he will never lose interest in reality.Nakagaki breathed a sigh of relief. "I want to ask you about Mrs. Rusen who lives in Eucalyptus. She is French like you. Do you know her?" The other party was silent for a moment. --really weird. When he spoke again, Mr. Portman's voice became very reserved and serious. "How to say?" ——Just now the police also said that they would come to ask me about her.what happened? ... "She was killed." It seemed necessary to tell the truth.After Nakagaki finished speaking, he pressed the microphone tightly to his ear. --what? The old man whispered in surprise from Nakagaki's ears. "He was killed at home at noon today." --Ok.No wonder the police... I see.You want to write about her? "No, actually it was my friend who just moved next door to her, and I'm not familiar with her yet, but this kind of thing happened..." —Then it’s okay to tell you.This Mrs. Russen was a great beauty and a widow, so she had no shortage of suitors.Her dead husband didn't leave much money, but she can live quite comfortably... really comfortably.What an amazing woman!Can you imagine what the word 'powerful' means?She hangs out with all kinds of people... that's all I can say. "thanks." Nakagaki ended the conversation reflexively.From the tone of the other party, he knew that no matter how much he asked, he would not be able to find anything. "Finished?" Rose asked with a look of surprise, as if feeling that the call ended too quickly. "The old man doesn't want to talk about it...just say that Mrs. Lusen is very beautiful, so she has many boyfriends. After all, it's a compatriot, so it's hard to comment..." "Really?... Ms. Yamashita said that there are a lot of murder suspects, and she probably refers to this matter." Rose stood up and paced slowly in the living room, first walked to the gate, then turned and turned back.She folded her hands on her chest, as if thinking of something. I had only met Mrs. Russen once, so it couldn't possibly be a matter of distress. (She must be thinking about her mother. Perhaps it should be said that she feels more deeply.) As Nakagaki thought about it, he suddenly felt that Rose was very pitiful—I must be by her side during this difficult time... "Are you hungry?" Suddenly stopped, Rose asked. "Well, it's almost time for dinner." "I suddenly felt very hungry. It's too late to make dinner. Fortunately, Ms. Yamashita told me that there is a restaurant nearby. The food is good... Let's call to eat." She called the restaurant and ordered fried noodles, and Nakagaki also ordered the same thing. (Missing my mother made her forget about hunger.) Nakagaki imagined such a scene. After supper, Rose's spirits had largely recovered, and she only occasionally put her hand on her chest, as if to soothe a frightened soul. There seemed to be a smile on his face. (It probably doesn't matter.) Nakagaki thought.It's not good to stay too late in the bachelorette room, and just as I was about to leave, there was a knock on the door. The visitor is Inspector Fujimura. "Miss Gilmore, I'm here to ask you something." He said, his tone a little stiff. "What's your business?" I don't know if she feels that she is being doubted, but Rose's attitude has also become cold. "You said you met Mrs. Lusen for the first time yesterday, didn't you?" "That's right." "real?" Rose suppressed the anger in Jia's heart. "I just arrived in Japan yesterday, how could I have seen her before? "But you grew up in Japan as a child. Did you meet back then?" "Impossible. That was already thirteen years ago, and I have been living in Tokyo since I left the farming family at the age of five. As for what happened before the age of five, who will remember!?" "Does your lord know Mrs. Rosen?" "Maybe. My father lived in Kobe for a long time, and they are both foreigners. Maybe they have met each other." "Did you not talk about your father when you met Mrs. Lusen yesterday?" Earlier Rose answered the police questioning and only said that she met Mrs. Russen and had a chat.It's not intentional concealment, it's just that I don't think it's necessary to tell all these details all at once. Since Fujimura came to ask, he had no choice but to recruit. "I mentioned it," she replied. "However, Mrs. Lusen said that she didn't know my father well. Originally, I wanted to inquire about some things about my late father..." "That's strange." Inspector Fujimura tilted his head to express his puzzlement. "how?" "Is your father's name Simon? Gilmore?" "Yes. I have reported to you." It turned out that when she was interrogated as a witness, Rose had already told the police her life experience and the names of her parents. "That's right." Fujimura cleared his throat. "We found about ten letters from Simon Kilmore in Mrs. Russen's room." "Huh?" Rose gasped. "When was it written?" "The last one was about four years ago, and the others are quite old. Some seem to be notes, dating back to the year you were born!" Fujimura stared at Rose while answering.That sight made her feel stinging, as if she was being observed naked—was the surprise she showed real? She knew that under Fujimura's gaze, her expression gradually became stiff, and she might be mistaken for acting.Rose suddenly had the urge to spoil her expression, and said: "Can I read the letter?" "Of course. I just want to ask you to verify whether it is your father's handwriting." As he spoke, Fujimura took out a paper bag from his briefcase and handed it to Rose. "Look." Rose's hands trembled slightly when she took the paper bag.She sat back on the sofa and squeezed her knees together, because if she didn't do this, her knees would shake unbearably.Gently flipping the paper bag upside down, a stack of letters bound with rubber bands fell on her lap. "There is no envelope, and the letter paper is arranged in chronological order. The things written inside are simple and to the point. You can look at the handwriting, and if you find anything suspicious, please let me know." Inspector Fujimura said. Rose turned the stack of letter papers over, and her father's handwriting appeared vividly on the yellowed paper.It was indeed the late father's handwriting.Although the handwriting is meticulous, the way m and n are connected to the next word is the characteristic of his writing. The letter begins with the date: Rose was born that year.She was only born in February, and she was exactly half a year old at that time.Father wrote in the letter—— Reading it through, Rose had no idea what her father was referring to.Who is she referring to in the text?Mother or someone else? In addition, I have never heard of Beishan. "How?" Fujimura asked urgently. "It is indeed my father's handwriting," replied Rose. "Have you carried anything written by your father?" In order to keep it as a souvenir, she will keep the letters her father wrote to her when she lived in the dormitory at the university.However, those people were consigned with the books and had not arrived yet. "I don't have it at hand, but these words were indeed written by my father." She replied, continuing to read the second letter. This piece of paper isn't strictly a letter, since it's written on regular note paper.Although the date is not stated, the degree of discoloration of the paper shows that it is quite old.The tone of these letters is very plain, but because the wording is too simple, it makes people feel that there is an intimate relationship between Rose's father and Mrs. Lusen that does not require extra words. Rose's father also wrote two letters after returning to China, only a few words, and they were all informing about sending money. This is the content of the last letter Rosen's father sent to Mrs. Lusen. From these, Rose can only learn that the late father would help Mrs. Lusen many times, that the two often meet, and that they have some secrets in common. But she didn't know why her father sent money to Mrs. Lusen after returning home.Could it be Clara?Lu Sen complained that he was old and helpless, so he gave the money based on the old friendship? Just how close is their relationship?Nakagaki heard from Portman that Mrs. Lusen seems to have many boyfriends. Is her father one of them? There are many questions in her mind. "Did you notice anything strange?" The voice of Inspector Fujimura brought Rose back to reality. At this moment, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in her mind, and the name Gu Ze written in the letter seemed to emerge from the depths of her memory. "Gu Ze was mentioned in the second letter. He seems to be the manager of my father's store before." "Kobe or Tokyo?" "Kobe. My father has been working alone since he moved to Tokyo." "You didn't leave Kobe when you were five years old, how can you remember it so clearly?" "I remember this Mr. Guzawa because he often goes to Tokyo." "I see……" Inspector Fujimura nodded slightly. After Rose's father moved to Tokyo, he was entrusted by the local garrison to put up a signboard of "Kilmore Trading Company" outside a certain building.In fact, he was just a broker, so there were neither managers nor clerks in the company.I don't know if it's because he has nothing to do, sometimes he doesn't go to work for several days, and stays at home to read. As for Gu Ze, a former work partner, since Rose's father moved to Tokyo, he also started his own antique business. There was a shortage of supplies after the war, and many people rushed to sell antiques, but the buying momentum was not strong, and most of the buyers were foreigners.Therefore, Gu Ze often visits Rose's father in Tokyo to introduce some buyers. After Rose finished explaining, Inspector Fujimura asked: "Do you know where this Mr. Guze lives now?" "I don't know. But he has been in the antique business for so long, there should be quite a few people who know him." "We'll investigate." Inspector Fujimura took out his notebook, not knowing what to write down. It seemed that no matter how much the inspector asked, Rose could only remember these things. (We are both foreigners, so taking care of each other is a matter of course. It must have something to do with dodging the air raid siren. Maybe Dad asked Gu Ze to find a family so that friends could evacuate to the countryside...) Rose tried to convince herself in her mind that her father and Mrs. Russen were just friends. The only thing that bothers me is the reference to "her" in the first letter.Father wrote: ——Even if her love is serious, I will turn a blind eye. Open eyes and close eyes to express acquiescence.It seems that it only makes sense for the husband to acquiesce to the wife, otherwise irrelevant people would not have the turn to express their opinions. (Could it be that mother and this man named Beishan...) Rose didn't dare to think about it any further. After the inspector left, she said to Nakagaki: "I really want to know about my mother. Didn't you say you found out the address of my mother's friend today? Could you please visit her tomorrow? Please!" She had a pleading look in her eyes.Nakagaki began to actually feel the burden of being trusted. Clara?Lu Sen's murder was soon published in the evening paper of that day and the morning paper of the next day. ——The French woman who lived alone was brutally murdered! A similar title appeared on the headline of the third edition. The next day, Nakagaki was scheduled to visit Mrs. Fushimi, a former friend of Rose's mother, so he paid attention to the news reports.Some papers said that the person who found the body was Rose?kilmore. If you ask Rose's mother, I don't know if it will lead to the idea that she is investigating a murder case.In addition, the newspaper did not mention the letter written by Rose's father. Only Nakagaki knew this secret, and he always seemed to have a lump in his heart.However, thinking of Rose's serious expression, I can't help but visit Fushimi's house. First of all, to find a reason to visit, Nakagaki looked in the phone book and found the number of Fushimi's house. I have a little relationship with Mrs. Gilmore who passed away in Kobe before—Nakagaki introduced herself like this... Although I don’t know her directly, I’m very interested in hearing about her.I would like to find out a little about her story when I come to Kobe by chance.According to my research, you may be the person who knows her best... Although this excuse was reluctant, the woman who answered the phone didn't doubt it at all.Probably she didn't see the news in the newspaper. --yes? ... Mrs. Gilmore and my mother were good friends, but I knew her well too.I often feel like she knows me better than my own mother...forgive me...my mother is sick and in the hospital so I can speak freely. The woman's voice on the phone had a playful phoniness.However, it wasn't until Nakagaki went to Fushimi's house to meet her that he realized that the middle-aged woman's excessive acting skills were more powerful than imagined. The lady's name is Fushimi Hiroko. Not too old, and quite handsome.If Mrs. Gilmore had been seventeen when she died, she would be thirty-nine now.She called Mrs. Gilmore Aunt Hisako. "I'm so happy to be able to chat with you, Aunt Jiuzi. Come, please come in." Fushimi Hiroko showed a happy look at Nakagaki's visit, and couldn't wait to lead him into the living room. Although Fushimi's house is in a church, there is an atrium garden in front of it, and the house itself is a typical middle-class citizen's residence.On the wall is the work of Mr. U, a master painter, and there is a sign with Mr. U's name under the painting. "The intersection of youth and magnificent soul has a great influence on my life." Fushimi Hiroko said while staring at a corner of the ceiling. "Aunt Hisako is like a burning flame to me." Nakagaki felt that the other party was reading a lyric poem aloud. In the same tone, Fushimi Hiroko continued to praise Aunt Hisako. "No one in the world can understand Aunt Jiuzi. Even friends who are as close as my mother occasionally complain that Aunt Jiuzi is nice but has a violent temper. I think my mother has never really explored Aunt Jiuzi's inner world. On the contrary Although there is a little difference in age, I can feel her heart strongly, and I feel that my soul is connected with her." Fushimi Hiroko desperately eulogized Mrs. Gilmore Hisako's great soul.But in these sentimental words, Nakagaki could not find anything of value. "Unexpectedly, Aunt Jiuzi would... die so badly... At that time, I really wanted to go with her... As long as I think of Auntie dying under the flames, my heart hurts... But no matter how hot the flame is, it can't burn Her living soul. She will always live in my heart." "In other words, Mrs. Gilmore directed your life?" Nakagaki interrupted and asked. If I don't interrupt, I don't know where it will go.However, his words were like adding fuel to the fire. "Yeah." Fushimi Hiroko leaned forward, "She taught me a lot. For example, to love a man with my life - unfortunately, I was not as lucky as Aunt Hisako to find someone who can thoroughly practice... falling in love and getting married It's different, my aunt not only taught me this way, she also practiced it..." "what?" "I'm married, I have a daughter, and my husband is married. We got married at the order of our parents. At that time, I agreed very simply, because marriage and falling in love are two different things... Aunt Jiuzi said so." "You mean Mrs. Gilmore and her husband..." "Well, the man my aunt loves with her life is certainly not Mr. Gilmore." Fushimi Hiroko said this, and suddenly stared at Nakagaki's face. "You said you have something to do with Aunt Hisako, are you relatives from Imamura?" "Imamura? No, no." Nakagaki hurriedly spoke out the belly draft that had been prepared.It's only because Fushimi Hiroko praised Hisako so enthusiastically from the very beginning that he had no chance to introduce himself. . . . My aunt knew Mrs. Gilmore well during the war, and used to tell tales of her.So, I became interested in her life, and just when I wanted to know more about it, my aunt unfortunately passed away a few years ago... I am getting married recently, for reference, maybe studying a special woman like Mrs. Gilmore can help a lot Learn about the opposite sex... This statement is not very clever. Coupled with the flickering attitude, the other party might notice and become suspicious——Nakagaki was a little worried. Fortunately, Fushimi Hiroko not only did not suspect, but accepted it with pleasure. "I see. Anyone who has been in contact with Aunt Jiuzi will be impressed." She nodded and said. "Then, the Imamura-san you mentioned just now is..." Nakagaki asked as if nothing had happened. "His name is Imamura Keisuke. Do you know him? It was published in the newspaper two or three years ago, and it is Mr. Imamura who translated the "Manyoshu" into French." "No, no..." Nakagaki said a little sorry. Fushimi Hiroko seemed quite surprised that the other party had never heard of Imamura Keisuke's name. "Mr. Reimura is the man Auntie Hisako loves with her life. Mr. Imamura cannot get married due to illness, but Auntie Hisako has been taking care of him. Marrying Mr. Gilmore is also for Mr. Imamura...all the hospitalizations of Mr. Reimura The expenses were raised by Aunt Jiuzi." "This Mr. Imamura, is he willing to accept the medical expenses raised by his lover marrying someone else?" Nakagaki felt that if Imamura was willing to accept it, then his character might be very poor, so he couldn't help interrupting Fushimi Hiroko's eloquent words. "Your ideas are outdated. Everyone thinks that love must eventually get married. In fact, this is just a corrupt and outdated concept, and it is also an extremely boring social norm. Aunt Jiuzi often criticizes it like this, and even openly challenges it. She often says that life is Grow through challenges!" Hiroko Fushimi said excitedly, hitting his knee with his fist. Nakagaki stared blankly at Fushimi Hiroko, feeling a little abrupt. It is not uncommon for the influence of adolescence to remain effective until nearly forty. (The qualifications are special.) Nakagaki was a little moved. "If only I had the chance to meet someone like Imamura-san..." Fushimi Hiroko added. Although his whole body was under Nakagaki's sight, Fushimi Hiroko turned a blind eye.No, it should be said that her gaze surpassed Nakagaki's gaze to the far away side. Those are the blind eyes of a girl who is still dreaming. If the other party is still young, it may be filled with a sweet atmosphere.It's a pity that a middle-aged woman who is close to forty years old is too far away from the age of dreaming, which will only make people feel strange. Nakagaki felt uncomfortable. "Oh... a man like Imamura-san?" He was worried about where his eyes should fall, so he turned his eyes to the painting of painter U, and at the same time muttered in his mouth as if he wanted to explain something. Fushimi Hiroko stood up and went inside, and soon took out a scrapbook. "I have collected newspaper clippings of Mr. Lingcun." She opened the notebook and handed it to Nakagaki.I saw a newspaper clipping on that page with a horizontal title: ——Translated into the French version of "Manyoji", the result of twenty-five years of painstaking efforts by amateur researchers. Next to it was a photo of a man with all white hair and as thin as a fairy. The article is: Keisuke Imamura (58 years old), graduated from the Economics Department of Peking University, has been recuperating in a nursing home for many years due to poor health.However, during his hospitalization, he was familiar with "Manyoji" and wanted to translate it into French.After spending twenty-five years, Imamura's wish has finally come true, and the French version will be published in the near future... "It's great, isn't it? Twenty-five years of hard work every day...I'm afraid most people can't do it. The reason why he can complete it may be thanks to the support of Aunt Hisako." Hiroko Fushimi said. In her mouth, it seems that everything is related to "Aunt Jiuzi". ——It took so long, and finally finished.In short, during the period of hospitalization, there was nothing else to do except write a book. The report quoted Keisuke Imamura's humble remarks, and there was not a word or phrase referring to Aunt Hisako, Fushimi's alleged sponsor. "It's been twenty-two years since Mrs. Gilmore died?" said Nakagaki. Even if Keisuke Imamura did receive assistance from Mrs. Gilmore, judging from the fact that this report was written two years ago, after deducting 22 years, Mrs. Gilmore may only have taken care of him for five years. "It's moral support." She said the word "spirit" forcefully, as if she was resisting something. "yes?" Nakagaki quickly showed an understanding expression, wanting to end this topic as soon as possible. "What do you do now? What company do you work for?" she asked. "The family's ancestral business is the abbot of the temple...but I am still studying, and I just came back from India not long ago..." "Doing research in India?" The woman raised her eyebrows exaggeratedly and shrunk her mouth into an O shape. These expressions are like acting, but maybe she doesn't realize it.Just like dreamers, they often cannot distinguish between reality and dreams, nor can they distinguish between their true colors and acting skills. Nakagaki scratched his head, "It's not considered research, it can only be said to be wandering around India." "But you deliberately went to India, you must have a certain degree of awareness." "Enlightenment?...Well, when I first went..." "I hope you can keep it going, and don't change your mind halfway. Like Mr. Imamura, you must be dedicated to completing a career all your life. If you persist, you will surely succeed!" Hiroko Fushimi, who admired Mrs. Gilmore, also Aiwu and Udi idealized Imamura Keisuke and forced this idea into Nakagaki. The gleam in Fushimi Hiroko's eyes struck Yuan Chi with horror. "Where do you live now?" There was an eerie gloom in the voice. "Xiangshun Temple in Suma... for the time being, I will live with my friend, and I will go back to my hometown in Xinzhou after a while." Nakagaki answered truthfully. "Shinshu...is a good place. I went there three years ago, and the Shinano Road in autumn...is so beautiful. I still remember writing a short poem at that time." The woman closed her eyes, as if recalling the Shinano Road in autumn three years ago.Before long, she was singing short poems in cadenced tones. "do you understand?" Although her eyes were open, the pupils seemed to be still in a dream. "I don't quite understand..." Nakagaki shrugged and replied. "Although it is autumn, the trees on both sides of the street are still fresh and green." Hiroko Fushimi began to explain. "It seems to be shining with a green light. As for the name of the tree, I don't know, but because the area is rich in apples, apricots and walnuts, it looks like an orchard, so I assume the trees on both sides are apricot trees. It feels very smooth..." She didn't know the name of the tree, and it was her usual style to identify it as an apricot tree based on her feeling. Mrs. Gilmore was also designed by her as a castle-like decoration because she felt good. Nakagaki thought that maybe he shouldn't ask this woman about Rose's mother anymore.Because no matter how he asked, he always answered some vague answers, but missed the part he really wanted to understand. At least he should be satisfied with being able to find out Rose's mother's former lover.Nakagaki browsed the news clippings again. According to the report, Keisuke Imamura lives alone in an apartment in Azuzaka, Nara City.However, he deliberately lived in Nara for the convenience of translation. According to reports, after Imamura finished translating the manuscript, he would move to nearby Hiroshima Prefecture to spend the rest of his life. Fushimi Hiroko continued to explain the short poem he wrote—— "Looking back, looking back, it's not really attachment, but the feeling of repetition. I want to express the green light blindly...well, that kind of emotion that is thinking twice and yearning. Do you understand? ?” Moist eyes stared at Nakagaki unceremoniously. "Yes...I understand. In short, it's not depression...and other bad emotions." Nakagaki replied hastily.He didn't intend to disobey any opinions of the other party, he just wanted to leave quickly with an excuse. "Oh? Can you understand? You don't look like young people at all... No, it should be said that you are the only one among young people who understands. You have truly recognized the principles of Buddhism... Concentrating on love, concentrating on "Manyeshu", are both A kind of Buddha's spirit... I like a single-minded man." She didn't have Nakagaki in her eyes. Fushimi Hiroko declares that she likes a single-minded man, but that man may be in politics or business, totally at odds with her romantic nature.So she had no choice but to fulfill her dream in an imaginary way, using the phrase "single-mindedly". "Then, I will take my leave..." Nakagaki stood up and said.
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