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Chapter 13 third chapter

swan shining 恒殊 2432Words 2018-03-11
I was running all the way down the corridor and stumbled on the sole of my foot as I was going downstairs.I must have looked extremely embarrassed, because a few junior students in the distance were laughing and laughing in my direction.Are they laughing at me?I feel like everyone at school is looking at me, a blind Asian girl in black who thinks she's cool, stupidly emptied the stairs. Fortunately, thanks to my supernatural reflexes, I grabbed the railing in time to avoid continuing to perform tragic free acrobatics for the entire school. I want to go home, but I can't go back.Maybe there's no one in the house, it's vampire rest time after all, but I don't want to take any chances.I don't know if I don't want to see more of D, or more of his perfect butler.The only thing I know for sure is that I don't want to meet any of them.

But if I don't go home, where can I go?My own castle had already been destroyed in that fire and I was left without a home at all.If it is the home I had when I was a human girl, then it is in Beijing, 8,400 kilometers away, and I don’t have a home in London.What's more, on the day when I regained my memory and regained my devil body, I was already dead as a human being in Brown Castle, and the Chinese girl who traveled thousands of miles to study in England was already dead.Now I am alone, completely alone. I used to think that finding D was my destination, after all, I have been fighting for it for six hundred years.But now I know I was wrong.I am too naive.For six hundred years, the only question I have ever thought about is how to make D fall in love with me.When he finally looked into my eyes and said the spell, I was relieved, I thought my long-awaited goal had been achieved, I easily believed him, and I took the other party's simple statement as a promise.I never thought about how long this love will last, what should I do when it is coming to an end.I never even thought about what would happen if I stopped loving D and if I was the first person to betray.The latter was never an option for me, but it happened, just dropped from the sky naked, hit my foot with a loud thud, and forced me to open my eyes wide.

But I don't want to face it.I wish this was all a dream and that this never happened from beginning to end.If I hadn't met D, who would I be with now?Nick?Or some unrelated stranger?I bit my lip and shook my head violently. I've been dreaming a lot lately.I don’t know if it’s because I hated the status quo of life subconsciously. I escaped in the dream and let it all start again.I am still the human girl who came to London to study, all my roommates and classmates are there, even Professor Orlok is there, everything is the same as now, except that there is no D in my dream. If that were the case, maybe everything would be a lot better.

There are more and more students around me.It wasn't until the smell of sausage and grilled chicken burst into my nose that I realized that I had walked to the restaurant without knowing it.I'm not actually hungry, and I don't seem to need to eat after being a devil, but I thought it would be weird to sit in a restaurant by myself and order nothing, so I went to the salad bar to get a salad, and found A corner table took a seat. For a long time, I stared at that innocent box of salad.My mind is blank, I don't want to attract anyone's attention, I just hope that no one will come to talk to me, and just let me sit here as an empty space, killing all the rest of the day.

Unfortunately, things backfired. "Odelle!" Debbie's high-pitched voice could be heard across the first floor of the teaching building. Debbie wasn't in my class, and I hadn't seen her much at school since she and her boyfriend, William, moved off-campus.I heard that she found a trainer to start exercising, but now I haven't seen her for a holiday, and it's obviously quite effective. Debbie in front of her has lost a lot of weight, and she looks like a blonde beauty. "Long time no see, did you have a good holiday?" Debbie put down the tray in his hand, and on it was a yellow roasted chicken leg, paired with roasted potatoes with browned skin, it was mouth-watering.I took a deep breath, listlessly pawing at the shriveled salad in front of me, but Debbie's voice jumped into my nervous system one step ahead of hunger, and my whole body froze. "I heard you went to Paris?" she said.

The small salad bowl in my hand suddenly weighed over a thousand catties, I raised my head in shock, "How do you know?" "Nick told me that you went to the Louvre." Debbie bit open the small package of salt and pepper with her teeth, sprinkled it evenly on her chicken legs, and said nonchalantly. "Nick? How would he know?" It was as if the crime I had committed was finally discovered, and a thousand voices were buzzing deafeningly in my head. I desperately suppressed the fear deep in my heart and asked eagerly. "Didn't a transfer student come to your class today?" Debbie sucked her finger, then wiped it with a napkin, "Nick said, she is a friend you met in Paris."

"We're not..." I suddenly stopped.The smell of poppies wafted into his nose, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.In this sudden silence, I was dumbfounded as I watched my "friend I met in Paris" Yingying walk towards the table where we were, with the corners of her mouth raised, showing a heart-pounding smile, "May I sit here, please? " Nick followed her like a little follower.Before Debbie and I spoke, he had already pulled the chair away for his mistress, pushed away Debbie and my tray politely, and then gently put a bottle of water belonging to his master on the table. In the center of the empty table.

Bottle of water!Is it necessary to use such a large formation?Normally, I would have laughed at Nick's flattering face, but now I couldn't at all. "Audrey, you left your pen behind." Murphy took out something from his bag and handed it to me.As in class, her piercing blue eyes locked on mine, but there was a kind of unguarded, friendly smile on her face.I want to turn my eyes away, but I can't.I could only mechanically take the pen from the other party's fingers painted with deep red nail polish, and then forcefully squeeze out an indistinct "thank you" from my dry throat.

"Wow, you must be Murphy. Nick has been talking about you just now!" Debbie put down the knife and fork in his hand, desperately swallowed the half-chewed baked potato in his mouth, and yelled in a fuss, "You are so beautiful! ! Where did you buy this skirt? I have never seen this style before!" "It's a retro style from the 1930s in Paris," Murphy replied in a soft and gentle voice, "I also like my grandmother's clothes back then." "What else do you need, ladies? I'll go buy it." Nick coughed, obviously afraid that Debbie would say something he shouldn't say.He spoke in a hurry, although the subject was the three of us, but his eyes were only on one person.

I didn't say anything knowingly, but Debbie forked another piece of baked potato into his mouth, and hurriedly shouted: "I want juice!" Nick rolled his eyes, but didn't move.Until his goddess turned her head, smiled and said to him, "I don't need anything, thank you", a look of disappointment climbed up the blond boy's face in an instant. "Aren't you hungry?" He hesitated, and finally asked in a hopeful tone, like a pug wagging its tail under the skirt of the hostess. Murphy smiled slightly, "Hurry up and go to dinner, so that we girls can have some time alone." She was talking to Nick, but her eyes were still looking at me.A seductive smile appeared on her face again, but the emotionless chill in the pair of ice-blue pupils made my unquiet heart waltz again.

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