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Chapter 11 Chapter One

swan shining 恒殊 2482Words 2018-03-11
I sat up mechanically, took the towel and bathrobe from Sebastian, and opened the bathroom door. I turned on the faucet and entered the shower room, waiting in a daze for the water to splash down from above my head.The cold water was as sharp as a steel needle, piercing into my body fiercely, piercing in.I was dizzy, and every pore of my body felt like pins and needles. I did have a dream.But did this dream start in that luxurious and strange hotel, or did it start when I woke up alone in the middle of the night?I'm not sure.I don't even know if this is just another unrealistic dream.Am I really the devil Odell?Do I really have a vampire count as a lover?And I still live with him?I wiped the water off my face, opened my eyes wide, and pinched my hand hard.The sharp nails immediately left a bloody mark on the skin, but it healed immediately.I didn't even feel excessive pain.

I stepped out of the shower, dripping wet.In the mirror, my skin was snow-white, maybe a little too white, and looked a little blue under the light, and I could clearly see the dense blood vessels under the transparent skin.I was drenched, dripping from my long hair, from my chin, elbows, and fingertips.I stood there naked, looking like a female ghost drowned in a nightmare pond. I looked around for something, something that would make me feel pain and let me know it wasn't a dream. It's not difficult.There is a decorative glass on the table.The transparent glass is burnt with intricate and beautiful patterns, which must be an expensive souvenir of the earl's trip.I picked up the glass and smashed it cleanly into the sink.Then I picked a sharp shard from its wreckage and slashed at my wrist.

"What are u doing?" I don't know if it was because I slammed the glass too loudly just now. Anyway, the door of the bathroom was suddenly pushed open, and the count was standing there. It was supposed to be his time to rest, but apparently he hadn't slept yet.He glanced at the colorful debris in the pool, then immediately turned his eyes, staring at my bloody wrist, "What the hell are you doing, Odell?" I thought he would rush to rescue his expensive collection (although it was impossible to save), but the next second, before I could react, he rushed up and hugged me.The opponent's cold body made me tremble violently, and the piece in my hand fell on the marble mosaic floor with a crisp sound.

He gripped my wet arm tightly, and I felt the pain, my blood mixed with water dripping down the sleeve of his light shirt, it was so red that it looked like a poppy flower in full bloom. I looked up and met his eyes blankly.His eyes were a little red, but that was definitely not a sign of crying or weakness.I have seen that burning red color once before, no, I should have seen it countless times.Whenever he saw the blood of his prey flowing in his arms, he always had that expression. I look at his face.In those red pupils, I reflected my own ridiculous and helpless face, like a wounded bird that lost its way in the storm and was paralyzed in the arms of the hunter.

"Does it hurt?" Such a gentle voice couldn't match his red eyes at all.Is he really talking? I shook my head unconsciously.The wound was deep at first, but the bleeding stopped after a while.There was just a little pink rip on my wrist, and when he leaned down and kissed it, even that was gone. "What the hell are you doing?" He raised his head and looked into my eyes again. I lay on top of him, the expensive shirt of an unknown brand was soaked by me, and it was tightly pressed against his chest, the feeling of leaning on it was colder than ice.I put my arms around his waist and could feel the flawless muscle lines on his waist.I took a deep breath, crossed my hands behind him, pressed my hot face to his cold chest, and said softly: "I miss you very much."

I can feel his long, strong fingers running through my wet hair, trying to straighten it.When he realized that his efforts were wasted, he sighed, held my head lightly, and kissed the top of my head, "Haven't I always been here?" I don't know how to answer him.I just seem to feel that he has left me for a long, long time.Everything here has been away from me for a long, long time.I'm terrified of this happening again.But I don't know how to tell him how I feel, all I can do is hug him tighter and mumble a vague "I love you" in the smallest voice. I don't know if he heard it, maybe he didn't hear it at all, because his next reaction was to suck his own bloody finger, and then sighed deeply again, "Don't do such a dangerous thing next time." Things, Odell. Remember, you live with vampires."

"So?" I looked up. He didn't expect my reaction.He just looked at me quietly with those blood-stained eyes. "Are you going to lose control?" "Maybe." "I'm not afraid." "But I'm afraid." The conversation ended. I didn't realize I was naked until he unfolded the bathrobe and put it on for me.My face was burning red, and I couldn't look him in the eye.Especially when he took off his wet shirt and put it on the table, I saw the pale and perfect outline of his body, and my face became even hotter. "I'm going to take a bath and sleep." He walked away a few steps, turned on the faucet of the huge double bathtub on the other side of the bathroom, and smiled back, "Do you want to take a bath with me?"

I shook my head hastily, and exited the bathroom in a panic before he undid the first button on his trousers. "Let Sebastian sweep the floor and get my shirts dry cleaned," he yelled. Sebastian.When I closed the bathroom door, he was already standing there.He is everywhere. "Breakfast is ready, Miss Audrey." He bowed slightly to me, and then walked into the bathroom.I heard the sound of broken glass colliding in the sink, the rushing water in the bathtub, and occasionally a few faint conversations. I hear D laughing.That laughter made me dizzy again. He never smiled at me like that.He also smiled at me when I was with him, but it was like a flawless mask that attracted me, bewitched me, and let me fall easily into his arms.When he talks, I never know which ones are serious and which ones are just jokes.Whenever he looked at me with those gray eyes, I forgot everything, I couldn't even remember my own name, I couldn't react at all.

I remember we used to be friends.Three hundred years ago?Or was it six hundred years ago?In short, before I confessed my love to him, we were good friends who talked about everything.I vaguely remember that at that time we would even fabricate some false love stories with ourselves as the protagonists, trying to arouse each other's jealousy and curiosity.But now, whenever I see him, I can't help but get nervous.My tongue was tied up and I couldn't say anything.I feel stupid and boring, and if this goes on, he will get tired of it sooner or later. Maybe he's already tired of me.Otherwise he wouldn't spend that long hunting every night.His smiling and moving “dinners” drive me crazy with envy, like the blonde in the purple silk dress in the Louvre.

Louvre?etc?Could that be true?Did we really go to Paris?If that wasn't just another dream...if this was real...Jesus!Sebastian! ! "Miss Audrey?" I turned around in shock, and saw the person I least wanted to see at the moment, standing at the door of the bathroom with a wet shirt on his arm. "Why are you still standing here? Isn't today the first day of school?" He asked with a little surprise, the light flickered in his eyes, and the sapphire-like color made my heart almost stop beating.
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